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jmsremax 03-11-2010 08:54 AM

New to the coffee world
Hey guys....I am getting more into coffee since working full time. I enjoyed DD throughout college and never wanted to try Starbucks but a coworker (in fact another BOTL here Jim: KenyanSandBoa) had me try it and I have never gone back to DD. With that said, what brands of coffee are equally strong/flavorful as Starbucks? Sure, I could buy some of their bags, but I wouldn't mind trying some other styles and brands.

D_A 03-11-2010 09:29 AM

Re: New to the coffee world
My suggestion would be to find a local roaster or an online retailer of freshly roasted coffee such as UncleBeanz.

LasciviousXXX 03-11-2010 10:18 AM

Re: New to the coffee world
I use One of our BOTL's from California owns the place. I would also recommend as well as

That should start you off on the right foot and get you away from that Starbucks stuff :tu

kenstogie 03-11-2010 10:18 AM

Re: New to the coffee world
First Get a french Press (video on how to use) and a grinder. Then buy some whole bean grind it, brew it, try it w/o any sugar or cream. After that if you really want to go all out roast some green beans ;)

ChicagoWhiteSox 03-11-2010 10:19 AM

Re: New to the coffee world
I would also highly recommend UncleBeanz:2

Resipsa 03-11-2010 10:53 AM

Re: New to the coffee world
I concur with those who say to find a local roaster, or a well respcted online vendor who knows their stuff. Unclebeanz on the east coast, maybe Intelligentsia in the Midwest and stumptown or sweetmarias on the left coast.

Stay away from charbucks or any other roaster that burns the beans. I understand some people like starbucks, and to those people I
say drink what you like, like what you drink. But their coffee is neither "strong" nor "flavorful", unless you consider "burnt" to be a flavor, :D

kenstogie 03-11-2010 12:26 PM

Re: New to the coffee world
I have heard many a good thing about Unclebeanz but have never ordered from there I have ordered from and they have some great stuff and service is great too.

jmsremax 03-11-2010 02:36 PM

Re: New to the coffee world
thanks for the tips everyone. I will check out these sites. :tu

jaydub13 03-11-2010 02:42 PM

Re: New to the coffee world
Having worked at Starbuxx, lemme tell you, it only gets better from there. Ken is dead on about the french press, as well as grinding your own beans. The less time between grind and brew, the more flavor your coffee will have. I recommend getting a burr grinder, rather than a blade grinder(you will get more even grounds that way, thus better and more consistant coffee). We have a very good local roaster here in CA, called Kean, and I love their coffee. Intelligentsia is another great roaster, located in Chicago and LA. And if you can get your hands on anything from Peets, I highly recommend that as well.

kenstogie 03-11-2010 05:58 PM

Re: New to the coffee world
Although Starbucks definitely has better coffee than most like DD and convenience stores, i find they are inconsistent and over heated, hence the nickname "Charbucks"

jaydub13 03-11-2010 06:39 PM

Re: New to the coffee world

Originally Posted by kenstogie (Post 791011)
Although Starbucks definitely has better coffee than most like DD and convenience stores, i find they are inconsistent and over heated, hence the nickname "Charbucks"

Agreed, hence the "it only gets better from there." The only ones that I like from starbucks are the limited batch ones, and even then, I would much rather have something that got a medium roast, rather than coffee-charcoal.

jmsremax 03-11-2010 08:20 PM

Re: New to the coffee world
Sweet! You guys know of any local brewers in Boston? Until I can get my hands on the good stuff I was wondering if there was a local spot that is better. You guys rock!


jaydub13 03-12-2010 01:01 AM

Re: New to the coffee world
In Boston? According to Yelp!, Red Barn Coffee Co is supposed to be fantastic, and crema cafe in harvard square is supposed to be pretty amazing as well. Just PM me.

baldanders 03-12-2010 02:55 AM

Re: New to the coffee world
Red barn is great another great one is Flat Black

jmsremax 03-12-2010 07:18 AM

Re: New to the coffee world

Originally Posted by baldanders (Post 791470)
Red barn is great another great one is Flat Black

This isn't too far from me I might give this a try today. :tu

Once it gets warmer I will try Red Barn too.

novasurf 03-12-2010 09:02 PM

Re: New to the coffee world
Thank you for the recs, fellas. A good suggestion is to get to know your local roaster. Build from there. Good luck! UB

Mpython24 03-12-2010 09:31 PM

Re: New to the coffee world
I have not been dissapointed these roasts:


KenyanSandBoa 03-18-2010 10:49 AM

Re: New to the coffee world

Originally Posted by Resipsa (Post 790494)
Stay away from charbucks or any other roaster that burns the beans. I understand some people like starbucks, and to those people I
say drink what you like, like what you drink. But their coffee is neither "strong" nor "flavorful", unless you consider "burnt" to be a flavor, :D

I've definitely noticed that about some of the Starbucks coffees. I think it was the Gold Coast that I tried and all I could taste was "burnt"...didn't like it at all. I've had luck with their Asia/Pacific blends like Komodo Dragon the Anniversary Blend, but I do avoid some of their extra bold coffees because they taste more extra burnt to me.


Originally Posted by jaydub13 (Post 790783)
Having worked at Starbuxx, lemme tell you, it only gets better from there. Ken is dead on about the french press, as well as grinding your own beans. The less time between grind and brew, the more flavor your coffee will have. I recommend getting a burr grinder, rather than a blade grinder(you will get more even grounds that way, thus better and more consistant coffee). We have a very good local roaster here in CA, called Kean, and I love their coffee. Intelligentsia is another great roaster, located in Chicago and LA. And if you can get your hands on anything from Peets, I highly recommend that as well.

+1 for the french press and burr grinder.

One more recommendation, don't waste your time with a built in burr grinder/brewer like Cuisinart makes becuase let me tell is a pain in the ass to clean and fill if it's under a cabinet.

jmsremax 03-18-2010 11:05 AM

Re: New to the coffee world

Originally Posted by KenyanSandBoa (Post 798243)
I've definitely noticed that about some of the Starbucks coffees. I think it was the Gold Coast that I tried and all I could taste was "burnt"...didn't like it at all. I've had luck with their Asia/Pacific blends like Komodo Dragon the Anniversary Blend, but I do avoid some of their extra bold coffees because they taste more extra burnt to me.

+1 for the french press and burr grinder.

One more recommendation, don't waste your time with a built in burr grinder/brewer like Cuisinart makes becuase let me tell is a pain in the ass to clean and fill if it's under a cabinet.

uhh...thanks for the tip. You could have just walked to my desk and told me. ;)


KenyanSandBoa 03-18-2010 12:39 PM

Re: New to the coffee world

Originally Posted by jmsremax (Post 798255)
uhh...thanks for the tip. You could have just walked to my desk and told me. ;)


That would involve me getting out of my chair...:td

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