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Rob. 02-26-2010 07:49 AM

After a quick scan this doesn't seem to be a repost-,224338

Whats wrong with that! :D

[quote]The International Olympic Committee will investigate the actions of Canadian women's hockey players who celebrated their gold medal victory Thursday night by swigging beer and smoking cigars on the ice in Vancouver.

McSmokey 02-26-2010 07:51 AM

Re: After a quick scan this doesn't seem to be a repost-
I think there more concerned with the minor drinking beer in public than anything else that and sportsmanship

Rob. 02-26-2010 07:52 AM

Re: After a quick scan this doesn't seem to be a repost-

ade06 02-26-2010 07:56 AM

Re: After a quick scan this doesn't seem to be a repost-

Originally Posted by McSmokey (Post 773785)
I think there more concerned with the minor drinking beer in public than anything else that and sportsmanship

I have no problem with the girls smoking cigars after the big win (since they all are of legal age), but it was a lapse in judgement for the underage girls to drink in public. They should have just waited to drink in the locker or back in their rooms.

Rob. 02-26-2010 07:56 AM

Re: After a quick scan this doesn't seem to be a repost-
They won the gold, after all that prep time, and everything else, I don't see whats wrong with a few beer and a nice puff. It was after the game, only the media and stadium workers were left in the building. I work in a stadium in Nova Scotia, and I tell you, we get teams doing a lot worse then that after Rec. League games. Let the girls have their fun, they deserve it. The 18 year old should be the only problem, and I'm not sure what part of Canada she is from, but it some parts 18 is legal drinking age as well.

Edit- Legal age in Quebec, where she is from, is 18. I understand that she was in BC and as a team they should have had more respect, but if the IOC does something drastic because of a beer and a smoke, I would call it an overreaction.

ade06 02-26-2010 08:03 AM

Re: After a quick scan this doesn't seem to be a repost-
Rec. League vs. Olympics... yea I've gotta to believe the standards are higher at the Olympics. I'm not faulting the girls for celebrating, they definitely deserved it. The under aged girl(s) should have been more discrete about the drinking.

Rob. 02-26-2010 08:08 AM

Re: After a quick scan this doesn't seem to be a repost-

Originally Posted by ade06 (Post 773803)
Rec. League vs. Olympics... yea I've gotta to believe the standards are higher at the Olympics. I'm not faulting the girls for celebrating, they definitely deserved it. The under aged girl(s) should have been more discrete about the drinking.

I was using rec league as an example, ie trival bs games vs. the most important game these girls will ever play.

shilala 02-26-2010 08:15 AM

Re: After a quick scan this doesn't seem to be a repost-
I think they certainly should have enjoyed the celebration.
Turns out they were called back to the ice for photos. It's a bit surprising to me that the coach and those in charge weren't more careful. It was as simple as sitting the drinks and smokes down in the locker room for a half hour.
I agree that it's a bit overbearing, but that's the way they roll at the Olympics. It's tightassed and stodgy, as it should be. They refer to it as "a higher standard". It's a good tradition.
Everyone that's there is drilled unmercifully on etiquette. The girls screwed up.
I give the girls two thumbs up. :D
That's one hell of a win. :tu

kydsid 02-26-2010 08:16 AM

Re: After a quick scan this doesn't seem to be a repost-
Better. :D

McSmokey 02-26-2010 08:19 AM

Re: After a quick scan this doesn't seem to be a repost-
I certainly have no problem with them celebrating and agree that anything above a slap on the wrist would be ridiculous... I mean seriously they did just win the Gold Medal

yourchoice 02-26-2010 08:21 AM

Re: After a quick scan this doesn't seem to be a repost-

Originally Posted by kydsid (Post 773821)

Herfer...I LOVE IT! :tu

CigarNut 02-26-2010 08:24 AM

Re: After a quick scan this doesn't seem to be a repost-
It could have been a lot worse! These girls were having fun and enjoying themselves without putting down their competitors.

Why isn't the IOC looking into the Russian skater who lost the gold and kept putting down the american skater because he could not do "the quad"...

Such hypocrisy!

Ferrari5180 02-26-2010 08:31 AM

Re: After a quick scan this doesn't seem to be a repost-
They make a big deal over something that is no big deal whatsoever. Yes, the legal drinking age here in QC is 18, so big deal by 1 year from BC. I have never heard someone not drinking before the legal age, especially under these circumstances. However, I do agree with the fact of being more discreet. No need to make this a news topic.

thebiglebowski 02-26-2010 08:38 AM

Re: After a quick scan this doesn't seem to be a repost-
just my opinion, but they should've saved the beer and cigars for the locker room. i will, however, be waiting for their reviews - looks like parti 898s to me... :)

btw - anyone watch that game? the canadian goalie was like a brick wall!

Starscream 02-26-2010 08:48 AM

Re: After a quick scan this doesn't seem to be a repost-

Originally Posted by yourchoice (Post 773836)
Herfer...I LOVE IT! :tu


ashtonlady 02-26-2010 08:52 AM

Re: After a quick scan this doesn't seem to be a repost-
I want that hockey jersey. :) And I wish people would relax a little. The Canadian Goalie was out of this world. Congrats to Canada for winning the Gold.

replicant_argent 02-26-2010 08:55 AM

Re: After a quick scan this doesn't seem to be a repost-
maybe the IOC should just stick to their own crooked little scams, scandals and peccadilloes and un-bunch their panties. But that won't happen.
More PC drama :bs

MedicCook 02-26-2010 09:25 AM

Re: After a quick scan this doesn't seem to be a repost-
The only issue I see is the underaged drinking. Lot's of liabilities involved with it. You can't use the argument that she is of legal age to drink when she is at home so she should be exempted from the law's of where she is currently. Does that mean she should be allowed to drive to the US and be able to drink at 18 instead of following the US law of 21? As far as the cigars are concerned, that part is pretty hot. :tu

ucla695 02-26-2010 09:28 AM

Re: After a quick scan this doesn't seem to be a repost-

Originally Posted by MedicCook (Post 773998)
The only issue I see is the underaged drinking. Lot's of liabilities involved with it. You can't use the argument that she is of legal age to drink when she is at home so she should be exempted from the law's of where she is currently. Does that mean she should be allowed to drive to the US and be able to drink at 18 instead of following the US law of 21? As far as the cigars are concerned, that part is pretty hot. :tu

:tpd: :banger

CigarNut 02-26-2010 09:35 AM

Re: After a quick scan this doesn't seem to be a repost-

Originally Posted by replicant_argent (Post 773927)
maybe the IOC should just stick to their own crooked little scams, scandals and peccadilloes and un-bunch their panties. But that won't happen.
More PC drama :bs


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