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SkinsFanLarry 01-31-2010 02:53 PM

Pipe Smoker's Beware!
A new bill has been introduced and is pending in Congress, H.R. 4439, that would amend federal law established by last year's S-CHIP expansion. The bill proposes raising the federal excise tax rate on Pipe Tobacco to be equal to the tax rate on roll-your-own Cigarette Tobacco.

The federal pipe tobacco tax is currently $2.8311 per pound, which represents a 158% increase from the pre-S-CHIP tax of $1.0969 per pound. The proposed bill would increase the tax on pipe tobacco to a whopping $24.78 per pound!

csbrewfisher 01-31-2010 02:56 PM

Re: Pipe Smoker's Beware!
You'll have a chance to rectify this kind of reckless taxation 10 months from now!

DrDubzz 01-31-2010 03:38 PM

Re: Pipe Smoker's Beware!

Originally Posted by SkinsFanLarry (Post 742425)
A new bill has been introduced and is pending in Congress, H.R. 4439, that would amend federal law established by last year's S-CHIP expansion. The bill proposes raising the federal excise tax rate on Pipe Tobacco to be equal to the tax rate on roll-your-own Cigarette Tobacco.

The federal pipe tobacco tax is currently $2.8311 per pound, which represents a 158% increase from the pre-S-CHIP tax of $1.0969 per pound. The proposed bill would increase the tax on pipe tobacco to a whopping $24.78 per pound!

thanks for the heads up, we're all over it :tu

Professor Mike 02-02-2010 10:31 AM

Re: Pipe Smoker's Beware!
The Liberal Tax and Spend folks in Washington fell extremely short of their projected funds from the SCHIP's tax. So now its you and I that their after.
I have a strong feeling that the Liberals are in for a rude awakening November 2010. I've contacted my senator and reps. I put it this way."if you want my vote,vote NO on HB4439" I think they got the message.

Prof. Mike:mad:

rhmalone 02-10-2010 10:04 PM

Re: Pipe Smoker's Beware!
It's sad really... enjoying a good smoke is to be relaxing, not frustrating, and this crap makes it frustrating.

Curly Cut 02-11-2010 08:06 AM

Re: Pipe Smoker's Beware!
although i've got a "fiscally conservative ex-CPA" for my House Rep, I got a pre-made answer to my email. I will be giving her office a call whenever this thing moves out of committee.

775% tax on anything is bullsh*t.
imagine 775% tax per pound on milk?? it costs $3+ a gallon. 1 gallon weighs 8 lbs. a damn gallon of milk would cost a ton of money....

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