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mexi-CAN 01-21-2010 09:55 AM

Requesting Fla. Law Advice Help!
So... basically I got a ticket (driving the wrong way in a one way) in late November, I feel like the ticket was bs and set up a court date to contest it on February 17th. Everything was going well except for the fact that I got another ticket last night. (rolling through a blinking stop light..)

What I am asking is.. Can anyone can steer me in the right direction in regards to the best course of action I should take at this point.

adampc22 01-21-2010 09:57 AM

Re: Requesting Fla. Law Advice Help!
follow the laws of the road so u dont get tickets lol

G G 01-21-2010 09:58 AM

Re: Requesting Fla. Law Advice Help!

Originally Posted by adampc22 (Post 728301)
follow the laws of the road so u dont get tickets lol

I wasn't gonna say it, but I knew someone would.:tu

seriously you prolly should just pay the tickets.

adampc22 01-21-2010 10:02 AM

Re: Requesting Fla. Law Advice Help!

Originally Posted by ggainey (Post 728305)
I wasn't gonna say it, but I knew someone would.:tu

seriously you prolly should just pay the tickets.

yeh i charge for my legal advice tho so thats 500 usd please :D

Giant & 49er Fan 01-21-2010 10:03 AM

Re: Requesting Fla. Law Advice Help!
I always say, "At least you didn't get a DUI!" If you end up paying the fine you can take drivers class to keep the points off your record for one of the infractions. Good Luck bro!

SmokeyJoe 01-21-2010 10:05 AM

Re: Requesting Fla. Law Advice Help!
I would recommend getting a good lawyer.

May cost a little more upfront, but it tends to save on points on your license and any associated insurance costs. My :2

mexi-CAN 01-21-2010 10:13 AM

Re: Requesting Fla. Law Advice Help!

Originally Posted by adampc22 (Post 728301)
follow the laws of the road so u dont get tickets lol

if I wanted this response I would have told my dad... which I haven't yet...

icehog3 01-21-2010 10:18 AM

Re: Requesting Fla. Law Advice Help!

Originally Posted by mexi-CAN (Post 728346)
if I wanted this response I would have told my dad... which I haven't yet...

Tell your Dad. :2

G G 01-21-2010 10:21 AM

Re: Requesting Fla. Law Advice Help!

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 728353)
Tell your Dad. :2


MedicCook 01-21-2010 10:21 AM

Re: Requesting Fla. Law Advice Help!
Why were you driving the wrong way down a 1-way street?

mexi-CAN 01-21-2010 10:28 AM

Re: Requesting Fla. Law Advice Help!
the sign was placed in such a way that it was unclear there were also cars parked on the side that was in the wrong direction. These two infractions are my first ever.

jmsremax 01-21-2010 10:28 AM

Re: Requesting Fla. Law Advice Help!

Originally Posted by mexi-CAN (Post 728294)
So... basically I got a ticket (driving the wrong way in a one way) in late November, I feel like the ticket was bs and set up a court date to contest it on February 17th. Everything was going well except for the fact that I got another ticket last night. (rolling through a blinking stop light..)

So you say it isn't your fault for driving the wrong way down a one way street? I highly doubt you can win that argument in court. I'd say pay the ticket and move on. The money you will spend for a lawyer isn't worth in IMO.

You will have a harder time winning over a judge with two tickets within the last 2 months. good luck

newcigarz 01-21-2010 10:37 AM

Re: Requesting Fla. Law Advice Help!
I would also look into an online traffic school to save from getting the points on your license.

mexi-CAN 01-21-2010 10:38 AM

Re: Requesting Fla. Law Advice Help!

Originally Posted by jmsremax (Post 728362)
So you say it isn't your fault for driving the wrong way down a one way street? I highly doubt you can win that argument in court. I'd say pay the ticket and move on. The money you will spend for a lawyer isn't worth in IMO.

You will have a harder time winning over a judge with two tickets within the last 2 months. good luck

im not going to win that is certain, but i may be able to get the points of my license for that infraction if i plead in court, but then again what do i know.

Knip23 01-21-2010 10:44 AM

Re: Requesting Fla. Law Advice Help!
easist way to get points off your license is DUI school Defensive Driving, Drivers ED, Evasive (somthing like that) Driveing school. Then turn them into your local DMV or DPS, and insurance company. :)

Footbag 01-21-2010 10:47 AM

Re: Requesting Fla. Law Advice Help!

Originally Posted by mexi-CAN (Post 728372)
im not going to win that is certain, but i may be able to get the points of my license for that infraction if i plead in court, but then again what do i know.

You may be able to politely call the officer and explain your situation. Let him know you aren't malicious and it truly was an accident. If the signs weren't properly marked, you may have a chance in court, but it would be much easier if the officer would be willing to make some sort of concession.

Remember to be extremely polite, you are asking him for a big favor and he holds all of the cards. You can suggest that you don't mind the fine, but don't want the points. Or the other way around if it helps.

ucubed 01-21-2010 10:47 AM

Re: Requesting Fla. Law Advice Help!
To be honest I think you could argue the wrong way ticket based upon the fact you said you saw cars parked in a certain direction. Also, in Gainesville the one way signs are placed in hard to see places. The rolling stop might be a different story, however if you get a lawyer they could probably do it for you... I have a friend who's parents got him a lawyer for EVERY speeding ticket he has gotten and has gotten them wiped clean

marge796 01-21-2010 10:48 AM

Re: Requesting Fla. Law Advice Help!
First off, get an attorney and petition the courts for a diversion. But, with the second ticket I don't know if you would qualify for a program like this. :2

Good luck!


KidRock 01-21-2010 10:51 AM

Re: Requesting Fla. Law Advice Help!

Originally Posted by marge796 (Post 728381)
First off, get an attorney and petition the courts for a diversion. But, with the second ticket I don't know if you would qualify for a program like this. :2

Good luck!


I did this but I went the extra mile when I got a speeding ticket. I found the absolute best lawyer I could find. I hired the former P.A. of the county where I got pulled over. It solved all my problems very quickly and came with a great result.

mexi-CAN 01-21-2010 10:54 AM

Re: Requesting Fla. Law Advice Help!

Originally Posted by Footbag (Post 728379)
You may be able to politely call the officer and explain your situation. Let him know you aren't malicious and it truly was an accident. If the signs weren't properly marked, you may have a chance in court, but it would be much easier if the officer would be willing to make some sort of concession.

Remember to be extremely polite, you are asking him for a big favor and he holds all of the cards. You can suggest that you don't mind the fine, but don't want the points. Or the other way around if it helps.

thanks this is helpful, I will definitely try to reach out to the officer sometime soon, and kevin i will have to look into a gainesville traffic attorney before the end of the month

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