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systm 01-12-2010 03:50 PM

Smoking Time Fail.
So, I was going to have a smoke today, as it is my day off from work and school starts soon, and because of that I won't have much time in the future. I Picked my cigar, a AF Flor Fina 8-5-8 Natural, water because I don't know the flavor profile of the stogie yet, and my laptop for some browsing/Netflix.

I got set up outside cut it the cigar, and got ready to light it, and dang out of fluid. So I go back inside and take about a minute or two to fill up my small but functional torch, then head back outside.

Mind you, that I left both my laptop and cigar outside unattended.

What do I find? It seems as though a light rain has started and completely covered my laptop and ashtray holding the cigar. :(
Well it seems as though I'm not going to be smoking today. Aside from that is the Flor Fina a pretty good smoke? Haven't had much of any Fuentes other then the WOAM,

systm :td

Salvelinus 01-12-2010 03:52 PM

Re: Smoking Time Fail.
Haven't had the smoke, but that story would have made me sad if I hadn't worked all day.

systm 01-12-2010 03:52 PM

Re: Smoking Time Fail.
Well hey, your off now :)

Pauly Walnuts 01-12-2010 04:07 PM

Re: Smoking Time Fail.
Oooh thats a tough break... reminds me of the time I dropped my romeo in the water when I was fishing.... lol

systm 01-12-2010 04:09 PM

Re: Smoking Time Fail.
Should make this a how bad has a cigar smoking experience go, to see who has had the worst.

St. Lou Stu 01-12-2010 05:45 PM

Re: Smoking Time Fail.
858s are my favorite NCs. I enjoy the maduros more, but the naturals are great too.
The Don Carlos and Hemingway are also favorites of mine from AF.

KDKLOSS 01-12-2010 06:43 PM

Re: Smoking Time Fail.

Originally Posted by systm (Post 717746)
Should make this a how bad has a cigar smoking experience go, to see who has had the worst.

I honestly feel for you.
Over the summer I had an Oliva Series V Torpedo that I was going to enjoy at work. It was raining so I raised up the overhead door in one of our big bays for some ventilation and pulled up a chair. Next I lit the smoke with my torch and settled down for a much needed break when I felt something tickle my neck. I ignored it thinking I was just being jumpy (after all soldiers are a jumpy bunch) but then it was there again. I brushed at my neck and much to my surprise it was a bee. The damn thing stung me twice before I finally got the best of him. During my wrestling match with MR. Bee (who apparently wanted my stogie more than I did) I launched the cigar into a puddle that had formed dripping off the bay door. A one in a million shot. I was more PO'd about the loss of the cigar than I was about the welt and my sore neck that I had for three days. :td

systm 01-12-2010 08:09 PM

Re: Smoking Time Fail.

Originally Posted by KDKLOSS (Post 717903)
I honestly feel for you.
Over the summer I had an Oliva Series V Torpedo that I was going to enjoy at work. It was raining so I raised up the overhead door in one of our big bays for some ventilation and pulled up a chair. Next I lit the smoke with my torch and settled down for a much needed break when I felt something tickle my neck. I ignored it thinking I was just being jumpy (after all soldiers are a jumpy bunch) but then it was there again. I brushed at my neck and much to my surprise it was a bee. The damn thing stung me twice before I finally got the best of him. During my wrestling match with MR. Bee (who apparently wanted my stogie more than I did) I launched the cigar into a puddle that had formed dripping off the bay door. A one in a million shot. I was more PO'd about the loss of the cigar than I was about the welt and my sore neck that I had for three days. :td

Rough Break, Literally. You should sue the bee for damages and assault.

Mad Scientist 01-12-2010 09:50 PM

Re: Smoking Time Fail.

Originally Posted by KDKLOSS (Post 717903)
...I brushed at my neck and much to my surprise it was a bee. The damn thing stung me twice before I finally got the best of him...

I never did buy into the whole "leave them alone and they'll leave you alone" addage. At a pig-roast one year, I was just stitting at the picnic table and a bee stung my on my big toe for no reason. Granted, I was too drunk to really care, but still - the nerve of that thing!

etznova 01-13-2010 09:57 AM

Re: Smoking Time Fail.
Yeah I had a fail last night also so i know how you feel
i have a wood burner in the garage and last night i had a bad backdraft for some reason and filled the garage with smoke (not the kind i enjoy) and i had already got the cigar going didn't get to finish it though could stay out there

Coz77 01-13-2010 01:01 PM

Re: Smoking Time Fail.
If it makes you feel better...I haven't had a cigar since shortly after Thanksgiving due to time restrictions and cold weather. :mad:

Doctorossi 01-13-2010 02:35 PM

Re: Smoking Time Fail.
Ouch! Sorry to hear that. You might want to try my approach- I always carry two lighters, as I fear running out of fluid halfway through a light and ruining the burn-line in the time it takes to go dig another lighter out.

Meanwhile, while I'm not much of a maduro guy, I echo the comments about the 858 maduro being the way to go.

Here's an opinion to chew on: the 858 may be my favorite cigar that I never buy any more.

Make of that what you will. :r

Vigiles 01-13-2010 02:51 PM

Re: Smoking Time Fail.
Thats a sad story brother, hopefully your next smoke makes up for it!

Namerifrats 01-13-2010 02:56 PM

Re: Smoking Time Fail.
Sorry to hear about that. Hope the laptop wasn't damaged by the rain. Only incident I've had a few times was laying a cigar down for a moment and the wind blowing it off of what it was sitting on. Usually no harm. Worse one was I had a Montecristo White Toro that I had just lit. Set it down for a second at work and the wind blew it off the ledge, landed foot first on the sidewalk. Split the foot open and pretty much ruined the smoke. I even cut about 2 inches off of it to try and save it, but it was ruined.

markem 01-13-2010 03:34 PM

Re: Smoking Time Fail.

Originally Posted by Doctorossi (Post 718794)
Ouch! Sorry to hear that. You might want to try my approach- I always carry two lighters, as I fear running out of fluid halfway through a light and ruining the burn-line in the time it takes to go dig another lighter out.

I used to do that, now I use a lighter with a clear tank. I don't use this specific model, but here is a link to a butane torch lighter for $2.78 including shipping. I bought 10 of the model like this one (but flame coming out of the top, not at an angle) last year, expecting them to be short lived, but they are surprisingly sturdy.

I've given most of mine away and several locals use theirs as their primary lighter as do I.

late breaking news: found the one that I use:

weak_link 01-13-2010 03:56 PM

Re: Smoking Time Fail.

Originally Posted by markem (Post 718881)
late breaking news: found the one that I use:

Those are the best lighters I've ever used. Sad when the expensive and fancy looking ones sit in a box while the $3.00 jobbies get all the action. Bottom line: they work when you push the button. That's hard to beat.

systm 01-13-2010 09:58 PM

Re: Smoking Time Fail.
Thanks for the idea guys, I do need to get another lighter and those seem to fight the build
Luckily the laptop is fine, as I was only gone a few

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