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htown 12-21-2009 01:07 PM

Quitting Cigs.
With the birth of my third son looming (1/15 due date), I quit smoking the day before yesterday. Please send positive energy in my direction.

Giant & 49er Fan 12-21-2009 01:10 PM

Re: Quitting Cigs.
Remember that nothing is strong enough to control your life but YOU! Especially the chemical sticks!

TripleF 12-21-2009 01:16 PM

Re: Quitting Cigs.


Feel it?

If you get in a pickle and want a cigarette, tell yourself you can have one in 5 minutes. Look at the clock and then do something knowing you can have on in 5 minutes.......
Do it enough times and 5 minutes becomes an hour,an hour becomes an afternnon, and so on. :D
It's not easy but you CAN DO IT!!!

Blueface 12-21-2009 01:18 PM

Re: Quitting Cigs.
Took me many attempts to finally quit cigarettes.
Has been since 1988 now that I haven't had one.
I finally did via a pneumonia and after getting over it, I kept setting a 30 day goal, one month at a time.
I repeated to myself that if I made it to the one year mark, I would never look back. I haven't since.
Good luck.
Not easy to do.

DoctorBJ 12-21-2009 01:24 PM

Re: Quitting Cigs.

Originally Posted by TripleF (Post 689383)

If you get in a pickle and want a cigarette, tell yourself you can have one in 5 minutes. Look at the clock and then do something knowing you can have on in 5 minutes.......
Do it enough times and 5 minutes becomes an hour,an hour becomes an afternnon, and so on. :D
It's not easy but you CAN DO IT!!!


68TriShield 12-21-2009 01:54 PM

Re: Quitting Cigs.
Many of us have,no reason you can't do it too :tu

weak_link 12-21-2009 02:10 PM

Re: Quitting Cigs.
I chewed the nicorette gum for years and never really quit cigs. Spent a ton of money on both.

Tried the patch and was done in a couple months. FWIW, I was smoking a pack a day and purchased the patch that said for 'pack a day smokers.' What a mistake tha was. It was like being in the 7th grade and smoking a Marlboro Red, I turned several shades of green, got the sweats and wished I had puked. I decided to give it another try and got the 1/2 pack a day kit and it worked just like it was supposed to. My cravings went way down and eventually I forgot I was a smoker.

Starscream 12-21-2009 02:16 PM

Re: Quitting Cigs.
I quit for three years, but started back up in late May or early June of this year. Don't know why, I just did. I decided to quit again this past Monday and I haven't looked back. I'll have gone a full week w/o smoking a cigarette at 7:30 this evening.

Sunflower seeds helped me quit the first time.
Nasal snuff has helped me quit this time.

Good luck, Mike.

G G 12-21-2009 02:55 PM

Re: Quitting Cigs.
Prayers for success.:tu

htown 12-22-2009 05:26 AM

Re: Quitting Cigs.
On day four and feeling a little better.

tobii3 12-22-2009 05:30 AM

Re: Quitting Cigs.
Quitting cigs is easy!!

I've done it a bunch of times!!

Riff Raff 12-22-2009 05:55 AM

Re: Quitting Cigs.
I quit smoking cigarettes two years, one month and 3 days ago. I quit cold turkey and there weren't any problems. Wanna know how? I hard a heart attack.

Yeah, not the best way to accomplish it. I am thinking your way is much better. You CAN do this. Every minute without a cigarette is a small victory. One cigarette will negate all those victories. You can beat this. I am praying for you brother!

Blueface 12-22-2009 06:53 AM

Re: Quitting Cigs.

Originally Posted by tobii3 (Post 690409)
Quitting cigs is easy!!

I've done it a bunch of times!!


Starscream 12-22-2009 08:03 AM

Re: Quitting Cigs.

Originally Posted by htown (Post 690407)
On day four and feeling a little better.

Keep it up, brother.:tu
I just hit the one week mark, so we're in this together.:wnr

htown 12-22-2009 09:41 AM

Re: Quitting Cigs.
Congrats. Are you smoking cigars or are you backing off for a while?


Originally Posted by andysutherland (Post 690559)
Keep it up, brother.:tu
I just hit the one week mark, so we're in this together.:wnr

floydpink 12-22-2009 09:46 AM

Re: Quitting Cigs.
You can do it. Set a goal, stick to it, take it one day at a time and never think "just one" will work as it just screwed me again after beating it for 7 months.;s

htown 12-24-2009 07:05 PM

Re: Quitting Cigs.
Day five over- man I wanted one after dinner.

68TriShield 12-24-2009 07:46 PM

Re: Quitting Cigs.

Originally Posted by htown (Post 694077)
Day five over- man I wanted one after dinner.

Never mind that.Pick up some smaller cigars too.If the wife and I can quit cold turkey,you can too.

tobii3 12-24-2009 08:10 PM

Re: Quitting Cigs.
On a more serious note, I quit the cigs on May 28th this year.

Ain't had one since.

I did the double whammy approach - Wellbutrin AND the Patch.

I smoked for over 20 can do it, Bro!

htown 12-24-2009 08:26 PM

Re: Quitting Cigs.

Originally Posted by 68TriShield (Post 694102)
Never mind that.Pick up some smaller cigars too.If the wife and I can quit cold turkey,you can too.

Yeah, I smoked a Boli Bonita, but I need to buy some minutos for the car.

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