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icantbejon 12-04-2009 10:47 AM

WTF is happening to our kids?????
So this is another one of "those" posts. I was just reading a story about a kid that strangled his own brother just to see what it was like. He was a big fan of some TV show about a serial killer, so he just went ahead and did it. He feels no remorse whatsoever.

This follows right behind the girl that randomly killed their neighbor's child.

That one came shortly after the kids lit their "friend" on fire down in FL.

These cases are all kids 16 yrs old and under. I feel like it's the only thing I read in the news nowadays and it seriously depresses me. I can't help wonder what type of world I've brought one child into and bringing another shortly. It scares me to death that something like this could happen to, or because of, my kids. I never really was a proponent of the "media" argument, but I feel there has to be something to it by now. Our children see violence all day in every facet of their lives. Our video games were Mario and Sonic running around. Now it's every degree of violence you can think of.

When we had kids that wanted to "know" what death was all about they killed dogs and cats. I didn't even understand that as a child. Today's kids kill people for chits and giggles.

Sometimes I don't even know what to think anymore. I want to lock my kids up and protect them from everything.

Volt 12-04-2009 10:54 AM

Re: WTF is happening to our kids?????
I teach in both middle and high schools. You are only touching the tip of the iceberg.

JaKaacH 12-04-2009 10:58 AM

Re: WTF is happening to our kids?????
I wonder how many of these kids have been or are still using Ritalin.

icantbejon 12-04-2009 11:07 AM

Re: WTF is happening to our kids?????
I'm just at a loss. Whenever I read these stories I immediately think about how that would affect my life if it involved my kids in any way.

RevSmoke 12-04-2009 11:08 AM

Re: WTF is happening to our kids?????
It starts with this question - where does life come from?

Is life a sacred gift? Or a chance process?

I taught for 4 years before going to the seminary. I deal with kids on a regular basis. And it is amazing how those two questions really do get to the heart of the matter.

ActionAndy 12-04-2009 11:09 AM

Re: WTF is happening to our kids?????
"This kid, Conner, was a good kid, and Andrew was an A and B student," he said. "This comes as a shock to the community."

I'll never understand these reaction blurbs. A and B student? Ok and? Why is it that no one ever steps up and says y'know what, that kid was a total creep. People always have to pretend to be shocked. People that strangle their family members to death don't exactly make that decision over night.

icantbejon 12-04-2009 11:11 AM

Re: WTF is happening to our kids?????
I wouldn't think so...but it happens so frequently that there has to be something missing. I feel like I would know if my child had homicidal aspirations, but clearly that can't always be the case.

Subvet642 12-04-2009 11:24 AM

Re: WTF is happening to our kids?????
I have to wonder what their home life was like. Were their parents involved in their lives? Did they actively discipline them, or throw their hands up in the belief that you can't do that anymore? Some parents that I've seen seem to think that you can put kids on auto-pilot, 'cause they either don't have the time, or they can't be bothered. Why do some parents want to be their kids "friends", when they really need to be adults and in charge? In the absence of real life adult guidance, media influences have a more profound effect. That's my :2

68TriShield 12-04-2009 12:06 PM

Re: WTF is happening to our kids?????

Originally Posted by Subvet642 (Post 668020)
I have to wonder what their home life was like. Were their parents involved in their lives? Did they actively discipline them, or throw their hands up in the belief that you can't do that anymore? Some parents that I've seen seem to think that you can put kids on auto-pilot, 'cause they either don't have the time, or they can't be bothered. Why do some parents want to be their kids "friends", when they really need to be adults and in charge? In the absence of real life adult guidance, media influences have a more profound effect. That's my :2

This is it in a nutshell Darren. It's all in how we as parents raise them,or not as is often the case.

Subvet642 12-04-2009 12:13 PM

Re: WTF is happening to our kids?????

Originally Posted by 68TriShield (Post 668057)
This is it in a nutshell Darren. It's all in how we as parents raise them,or not as is often the case.

I certainly don't mean to disparage all parents; most parents and their kids are really quite good, it's only the bad ones that we ever hear about. Maybe, in today's world of instant communication, we just hear about these things more often.

replicant_argent 12-04-2009 12:24 PM

Re: WTF is happening to our kids?????
I wouldn't discount the combination of lack of parenting + TV far too mature for him as an audience + extremely violent video games + a kid that might be a little "off" = a bad prescription for a developing human being.
How old was the kid? 17? I bet anyone five bucks this kid has been watching graphic horror movies, watching R rated content on TV, (can you say MMA?) and been playing FPS video games for a few years. I won't delve into what personal and/or mental health issues he or his parents might have.

ActionAndy 12-04-2009 12:25 PM

Re: WTF is happening to our kids?????
Regarding the parents, the kid has a lot of indications that he's a psyco/sociopath. Some people literally are born without guilt or conscience. Read the article and look at his quote about the hamburger. He saw killing his brother as an impulse, urge, to whim--and had nothing within him telling him not to puruse it.

ActionAndy 12-04-2009 12:27 PM

Re: WTF is happening to our kids?????

Originally Posted by replicant_argent (Post 668070)
I wouldn't discount the combination of lack of parenting + TV far too mature for him as an audience + extremely violent video games + a kid that might be a little "off" = a bad prescription for a developing human being.
How old was the kid? 17? I bet anyone five bucks this kid has been watching graphic horror movies, watching R rated content on TV, (can you say MMA?) and been playing FPS video games for a few years. I won't delve into what personal and/or mental health issues he or his parents might have.

I've never seen a man strangled to death and dumped in a park on any of my UFC pay per views. Have I been getting censored broadcasts?

replicant_argent 12-04-2009 12:30 PM

Re: WTF is happening to our kids?????

Originally Posted by ActionAndy (Post 668071)
Regarding the parents, the kid has a lot of indications that he's a psyco/sociopath. Some people literally are born without guilt or conscience. Read the article and look at his quote about the hamburger. He saw killing his brother as an impulse, urge, to whim--and had nothing within him telling him not to puruse it.

That may also be learned/rationalizing behavior from the fine example of TV... how coincidental. That may have been the answer he thought was the proper response. The idea overrides the lack of morals and ethics that were never instilled by his family/parents/church/etc. I wonder, if coupled with some rage issues the kid may have made a "perfect storm" of opportunity. Not seperating TV from reality.

replicant_argent 12-04-2009 12:32 PM

Re: WTF is happening to our kids?????

Originally Posted by ActionAndy (Post 668072)
I've never seen a man strangled to death and dumped in a park on any of my UFC pay per views. Have I been getting censored broadcasts?

Nope, but you have seen the "acceptable" broadcast of a couple guys trying to beat the crap out of each other, including the occasional choke hold, haven't you?

Part of the recipe.

icantbejon 12-04-2009 12:38 PM

Re: WTF is happening to our kids?????

Originally Posted by Subvet642 (Post 668064)
I certainly don't mean to disparage all parents; most parents and their kids are really quite good, it's only the bad ones that we ever hear about. Maybe, in today's world of instant communication, we just hear about these things more often.

I've thought about that as well. I wonder if we just didn't hear about this crazy crap happening years back.


Originally Posted by ActionAndy (Post 668071)
Regarding the parents, the kid has a lot of indications that he's a psyco/sociopath. Some people literally are born without guilt or conscience. Read the article and look at his quote about the hamburger. He saw killing his brother as an impulse, urge, to whim--and had nothing within him telling him not to puruse it.

Wouldn't you think the bond of family would be enough to control that urge? At least in this case? Why wouldn't this crazy *uck not go out and find a random person to kill?


Originally Posted by replicant_argent (Post 668075)
I wonder, if coupled with some rage issues the kid may have made a "perfect storm" of opportunity. Not seperating TV from reality.

This is exactly what I was thinking when reading this story. This kid, with whatever tendancies he already had, along with some twisted societal values, worked together to create this tragedy. He is the psycho rendition of a perfect storm.

jledou 12-04-2009 12:45 PM

Re: WTF is happening to our kids?????
I would assume that the show is on TV would be "criminal minds" a well written and disturbing show that my wife and I watch regularly. I can see where it or others that are similar could lead to something if there is not the correct right/wrong thought process morally programmed into the kid from the beginning.
I would put my money on the parenting though rather than the TV/video games. Spend the time up front to install a proper sense of what is right and what's wrong and they will be able to distinguish between reality and TV/video games.

SilverFox 12-04-2009 12:58 PM

Re: WTF is happening to our kids?????
Psychopathy is a personality disorder whose hallmark is a lack of empathy. Robert Hare, a researcher in the field describes psychopaths as "intraspecies predators who use charm, manipulation, intimidation, sex and violence to control others and to satisfy their own selfish needs. Lacking in conscience and empathy, they take what they want and do as they please, violating social norms and expectations without guilt or remorse.

While I agree with some of the above points made by other posters the answer in my mind falls on the definition above.

I have to say that while proper parenting and guidelines can help in a normal to borderline scenario that isn`t always the case. This person (loosely used term) did not gain their lack of remorse or inability to conform to societal norms from TV shows or video games. In my opinion it is an easy scape goat to point fingers at various media and forms of entertainment.

But think of some things.

When I was younger I played cowboys and indians with toy guns and toy knives and toy tomahawks. I scalped many a friend in those days. Now I won`t contend to the political correctness of this behaviour but I did not grow up wanting to kill anyone just to see what it felt like.

We played cops and robbers where we tied up (with real rope) the banker and held him hostage...........yet it didn`t lead me to a life of crime.

I started reading things like Helter Skelter (the Manson Murders) and Jack the Ripper when I was 10 to 12 years old............guess what I have never hacked up a body just to watch it bleed.

Ahhh then it must be that good parenting that I had...............well lets just suffice it to say that is definitely not the case.

So maybe TV wasn`t as violent (not sure about that) and my video game was pong but that didn`t mean there weren`t many different sources of extreme violence to be found or made up.

People are just phucked it more than when we where younger..... I don`t think so but we have Internet, cell phone camera`s wireless access, 8000 channels, satellite radio, nothing happens that we don`t hear about. The days of your sister getting pregnant and spending the summer at a distant aunts and coming back cured don`t exist.

Don`t get me wrong I don`t feel sorry for this kid (the murderer) in fact we could get into a long discussion on my opinions surrounding the justice (or lack thereof) system.

Sorry if I have offended anyone but lets not lose sight of things............this is just a rabid dog.

replicant_argent 12-04-2009 01:02 PM

Re: WTF is happening to our kids?????
good thoughts, Shawn.
Now, explain "Sexting" to me.

SilverFox 12-04-2009 01:07 PM

Re: WTF is happening to our kids?????

Originally Posted by replicant_argent (Post 668117)
good thoughts, Shawn.
Now, explain "Sexting" to me.

Hell thats simple...........thats just weird;s

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