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MrOneEyedBoh 11-27-2009 09:43 PM

A few miscellaneous cigar questions
I did a search and couldn't find anything similar to what I was asking. So here they are...

1) When a cigar burns in a cone shape what does that represent? What about an inverse cone? What about a flat burn? ( I'm talking about after you ash a cigar, the cherry is either cone, inverted or flat ) Is this a direct representation on how your smoking the cigar? ( Fast, slow, drawing too hard, not hard enough )

2) Seems like when I smoke now the only flavors I can identify is floral and nutty flavors. Why? Is is because that is the only ones I can pick out yet, or maybe I'm manifesting it in my head that those are the flavors I'm tasting?

3) When aging cigars, what is the prime age? Say someone says it has "3 years" on it, are they using the box date and going three years on that, or are they going three years on from when they receive the box? How old is too old ( age wise ), like if I have cigars and I plan on sitting on them for a bit. When do they just skunk out and taste that vintage taste I keep hearing about?

I'm sure some people are going to flame me and say put these in the noob thread, but I think these are more specific and there is more then one answer needed here. These seem like more than just a yes no answer.

Hopefully someone can help me out here.

NCRadioMan 11-27-2009 10:49 PM

Re: A few miscellaneous cigar questions

Originally Posted by MrOneEyedBoh (Post 660299)
I did a search and couldn't find anything similar to what I was asking. So here they are...

1) When a cigar burns in a cone shape what does that represent? What about an inverse cone? What about a flat burn? ( I'm talking about after you ash a cigar, the cherry is either cone, inverted or flat ) Is this a direct representation on how your smoking the cigar? ( Fast, slow, drawing too hard, not hard enough )

2) Seems like when I smoke now the only flavors I can identify is floral and nutty flavors. Why? Is is because that is the only ones I can pick out yet, or maybe I'm manifesting it in my head that those are the flavors I'm tasting?

3) When aging cigars, what is the prime age? Say someone says it has "3 years" on it, are they using the box date and going three years on that, or are they going three years on from when they receive the box? How old is too old ( age wise ), like if I have cigars and I plan on sitting on them for a bit. When do they just skunk out and taste that vintage taste I keep hearing about?

I'm sure some people are going to flame me and say put these in the noob thread, but I think these are more specific and there is more then one answer needed here. These seem like more than just a yes no answer.

Hopefully someone can help me out here.

1. A slight cone in normal. Ligero used is normally in the center and burns a little slower than other leaves of the plant but if the cone is really large you could be smoking too fast or the inside of the cigar is more wet than the outside. An inverted cone or tunneling, to me, is either again smoking too fast and or the outside of the cigar is more wet than the inside. Flat is just right, imo. Most of the time that is my experience with most cigars and my smoking rate with maybe a very slight cone.

2. You taste what you taste. The more you smoke the more you are likely to taste and the nasal exhale is very important as you taste the most with the olfactory system, not the tongue.

3. Prime age is whatever you determine that to be. There is not set date as people don't have the same tastes. When determining age, most will go by the box code if there is one and if not, just the time they have had it. How old is too old? That, you can never tell and again is totally up to your tastes. Proper storage is the key. Vintage is usually considered more than 10 years but some cigars age slower than others so it takes more time to taste "vintage". One you taste that "vintage" taste, you will never forget it. Find a large herf and get into a ppp with some experienced people. That's how many of us first had that experience with the sic junk. :D

I'm sure others can add to this but I hope this helps a little.

LasciviousXXX 11-27-2009 10:56 PM

Re: A few miscellaneous cigar questions
Good info above me :tu

I will just add that storage conditions play a huge factor on how cigars age and how they maintain their flavor 10, 20, 30+ years. If proper storage conditions are met there's no reason to say that a cigar 60+ years old can't still taste great. I consider vintage cigars to be anything with 15 or more years on them. IMO the best cigars I've smoked fall into the vintage category.

I've smoked many cigars with 30+ years on them and to me, I prefer cigars (properly stored of course) from the 80's more than the ones I have smoked from the 70's. However as I said there are always exceptions, as one of the best cigars I've ever smoked in my life was a tubo from the 70's.

MrOneEyedBoh 11-27-2009 11:27 PM

Re: A few miscellaneous cigar questions
Just what I needed guys, Thanks!

pnoon 11-27-2009 11:27 PM

Re: A few miscellaneous cigar questions

Originally Posted by LasciviousXXX (Post 660342)
Good info above me :tu

I will just add that storage conditions play a huge factor on how cigars age and how they maintain their flavor 10, 20, 30+ years. If proper storage conditions are met there's no reason to say that a cigar 60+ years old can't still taste great. I consider vintage cigars to be anything with 15 or more years on them. IMO the best cigars I've smoked fall into the vintage category.

I've smoked many cigars with 30+ years on them and to me, I prefer cigars (properly stored of course) from the 80's more than the ones I have smoked from the 70's. However as I said there are always exceptions, as one of the best cigars I've ever smoked in my life was a tubo from the 70's.

XXX speaks the truth.

By the way, he's the "little guy" on the right. :D

LasciviousXXX 11-27-2009 11:32 PM

Re: A few miscellaneous cigar questions
Damn I look good in a high chair :tu

:r :r :r

bobarian 11-27-2009 11:37 PM

Re: A few miscellaneous cigar questions

MrOneEyedBoh 11-27-2009 11:44 PM

Re: A few miscellaneous cigar questions
/\ haha.

poriggity 11-28-2009 10:06 PM

Re: A few miscellaneous cigar questions
You guys crack me up!

LasciviousXXX 11-28-2009 10:13 PM

Re: A few miscellaneous cigar questions
Yeah but I get to be Gerard Butler in this pic....

And check the long hair on Peter. He looks great!!! :r

bobarian 11-28-2009 10:35 PM

Re: A few miscellaneous cigar questions
:r:rI like Gerry's hair and Peter's....:banger

Tom has really let himself slide! :D

icehog3 11-28-2009 11:45 PM

Re: A few miscellaneous cigar questions

Originally Posted by bobarian (Post 661183)
:r:rI like Gerry's hair and Peter's....:banger

Tom has really let himself slide! :D

I have goat tits!! :r

pnoon 11-28-2009 11:50 PM

Re: A few miscellaneous cigar questions

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 661230)
I have goat tits!! :r

Oh snap!

:r :r :r

icehog3 11-29-2009 12:03 AM

Re: A few miscellaneous cigar questions

Originally Posted by pnoon (Post 661240)
Oh snap!

:r :r :r

s15driftking 11-29-2009 12:09 AM

Re: A few miscellaneous cigar questions
wheres the vid of the shack herf when that young kid went into the cabin and hit on Tom and he escorted him out of the cabin in like .5 seconds... then a chain of laughing ensued that rivalled that of wild hyenas.????

icehog3 11-29-2009 12:19 AM

Re: A few miscellaneous cigar questions

Originally Posted by s15driftking (Post 661263)
wheres the vid of the shack herf when that young kid went into the cabin and hit on Tom and he escorted him out of the cabin in like .5 seconds... then a chain of laughing ensued that rivalled that of wild hyenas.????

Hit on me? Get yer facts straight, Bobby. He sang "C'mon Eileen" and then chucked some chewed food onto my plate.:r

Queen James posted that vid, might be able to find it searching her posts. ;)

s15driftking 11-29-2009 12:26 AM

Re: A few miscellaneous cigar questions

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 661270)
Hit on me? Get yer facts straight, Bobby. He sang "C'mon Eileen" and then chucked some chewed food onto my plate.:r

Queen James posted that vid, might be able to find it searching her posts. ;)

Thats the one! so epic! the laughing especially. :banger

icehog3 11-29-2009 12:29 AM

Re: A few miscellaneous cigar questions

Originally Posted by s15driftking (Post 661282)
Thats the one! so epic! the laughing especially. :banger

s15driftking 11-29-2009 12:30 AM

Re: A few miscellaneous cigar questions

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 661285)


brigey57 11-29-2009 12:03 PM

A few miscellaneous cigar questions

Originally Posted by LasciviousXXX (Post 661163)
Yeah but I get to be Gerard Butler in this pic....

And check the long hair on Peter. He looks great!!! :r

What in the world were you all thinking when you posed for the picture. Where was the HERF? :banger:r:r:D

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