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kenstogie 10-23-2009 09:24 AM

GIMP Users
Been trying to get the hang of GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program) and wondered how many other BOTL/SOTL's are users. If you are unfarmiliar there's a description below.
It really seems to be quite the capable program for the cost (IE Free!) ;)

GIMP is an acronym for GNU Image Manipulation Program. It is a freely distributed program for such tasks as photo retouching, image composition and image authoring.

It has many capabilities. It can be used as a simple paint program, an expert quality photo retouching program, an online batch processing system, a mass production image renderer, an image format converter, etc.

GIMP is expandable and extensible. It is designed to be augmented with plug-ins and extensions to do just about anything. The advanced scripting interface allows everything from the simplest task to the most complex image manipulation procedures to be easily scripted.

GIMP is written and developed under X11 on UNIX platforms. But basically the same code also runs on MS Windows and Mac OS X.

Kreth 10-23-2009 09:34 AM

Re: GIMP Users
I've used GIMP before. I use IrfanView (another freebie) for simple stuff, and the GIMP for more complex editing. There's tons of tutorials online.
Posted via Mobile Device

yellowgoat 10-23-2009 09:43 AM

Re: GIMP Users
I use GIMP some times.
Paint dot net is another good free tool.

Volt 10-23-2009 09:45 AM

Re: GIMP Users
InfranView - rocks for the basic sharpen, resize, crop, etc. So easy a caveman could use it. Cost Free!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not sure on GIMP, seems a bit more in depth, I'll have to check it out for the harder stuff.

Demented 10-23-2009 09:56 AM

Re: GIMP Users
Been using GIMP since I built my first Linux box, about ten years.

Tenor CS 10-23-2009 09:58 AM

Re: GIMP Users

Originally Posted by Demented (Post 614076)
Been using GIMP since I built my first Linux box, about ten years.

:tpd:Except I built my first Linux box about 6 years ago.

kenstogie 10-23-2009 10:10 AM

Re: GIMP Users

Originally Posted by Demented (Post 614076)
Been using GIMP since I built my first Linux box, about ten years.


DBall 10-23-2009 10:27 AM

Re: GIMP Users
GIMP is fantastic... I do like PhotoShop better for enlarging images, though, it seems to perform that function MUCH better.

feznuk 10-23-2009 10:32 AM

Re: GIMP Users
GIMP = The poor man's PhotoShop. I've been using it for about a year. It does everything I need it to and you can't beat the price.:tu

Kreth 10-23-2009 10:38 AM


Originally Posted by Volt (Post 614066)
InfranView - rocks for the basic sharpen, resize, crop, etc. So easy a caveman could use it. Cost Free!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah, one of the handiest features in IrfanView is the batch resize. Great if you have a whole folder of pics to resize for posting.
Posted via Mobile Device

Footbag 10-23-2009 10:46 AM

Re: GIMP Users
I've used GIMP for the last 5-10 years. I did make the jump to PS CS4 recently for some of my astrophotography. But short of some super-specialized actions and filters, I can do 90% of my work in GIMP.

I'm currently running my PC at work with Ubuntu, and have been doing a lot of processing in GIMP. The only shortcoming I've found is that you cannot process 32-bit images. That said, PS is limited in what you can do in 32-bit.

Tenor CS 10-23-2009 02:30 PM

Re: GIMP Users

Originally Posted by Kreth (Post 614153)
Yeah, one of the handiest features in IrfanView is the batch resize.

Picasa (free from Google) is great at that, too.

gvarsity 10-23-2009 03:18 PM

Re: GIMP Users
If I didn't have access to the current Photoshop through my job the GIMP would be my Image program. It's a little hard to make the transition between them as the interface is really different. The GIMP actually does some things better than Photoshop. Still I have been using Photoshop for years so there is no reason to transition.

str8edg 10-23-2009 03:26 PM

Re: GIMP Users
I run Photoshop on my computer at school, but I run GIMP on all the student computer (due to $$) I found GIMP a few years ago and loved it. Like everyone has said, it is a SOLID program that can do almost everything Photoshop can do.

And ya, LOADS of tutorials online

alley00p 10-23-2009 03:33 PM

Re: GIMP Users
I've been using Photoshop for quite a while, but I did load GIMP on my work machine and Netbook, and I like it quite a bit.

I have to agree with an earlier poster that the interface is a tough transition, if you've been using PS for a long time, but I like Gimp enough to use it, when I can't use my PS program. :tu


Scothew 10-23-2009 03:48 PM

Re: GIMP Users

Originally Posted by Kreth (Post 614153)
Yeah, one of the handiest features in IrfanView is the batch resize. Great if you have a whole folder of pics to resize for posting.
Posted via Mobile Device

Theres a program called VSO Image Resizer you can download and use. Its freeware sorta, you just get a prompt asking if you want to continue with free version each time. But you highlight all the files you want to resize, right click, hit image resize and then choose what size, if you want to copy instead of resizing origionals and all taht jazz. way quicker than using photoshop or programs similar.

Veritas 10-24-2009 12:01 AM

Re: GIMP Users
Grokking the GIMP

The book is availble in print, or free online (html version). There are others, but this is the one I continue to turn to.

kenstogie 10-24-2009 11:01 AM

Re: GIMP Users

Originally Posted by Veritas (Post 615076)
Grokking the GIMP

The book is availble in print, or free online (html version). There are others, but this is the one I continue to turn to.

Wow that's great stuff. A++++

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