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Red 10-02-2009 12:12 AM

ion breeze / air purifier
Any body use one of these devices. I'm looking for something to put in the garage to suck up some of the in the winter I can smoke with the door shut! To cold in there for it to be open even with the heater cranked.
A smoke eater is outta the question...the wife will never go for least not this close to xmas and both my kids bdays...just a broke white man here.

So if anyone has had any exp. With the ionic breeze and thinks this may be an answer...please fill me in

Posted via Mobile Device

Wharf Rat 10-02-2009 05:34 AM

Re: ion breeze / air purifier
If you mean the Ionic Breeze that is or was sold by Sharper Image, they don't move enough air to be effective. A ventilation fan is the way to go. It's more expensive, but also look into a heat recovery ventilator, which recovers the heat rather than throwing it outside.

Parshooter 10-02-2009 07:14 AM

Re: ion breeze / air purifier

Originally Posted by Wharf Rat (Post 579008)
If you mean the Ionic Breeze that is or was sold by Sharper Image, they don't move enough air to be effective. A ventilation fan is the way to go.

Correct. The Ionic Breeze is an air cleaner, not a smoke remover. You could always close the garage door onto a window fan. That would suck out most of the smoke. You would then need some sort of space heater.

Red 10-02-2009 10:18 AM

Re: ion breeze / air purifier
yes. i have a few heaters..i normally smoke in the shed in the winter..but its too full this year , the shed was cool but all the smoke was trapped in and i felt like i was dead when i got out..

if i tried to blow the smoke out all the heat went with it...

will check out something for heat recovery...theres no way to put a window in my garage...the way its build is not fit for it unless i wanna spend more than i have

MrOneEyedBoh 10-02-2009 10:36 AM

Re: ion breeze / air purifier
If you have windows in your garage what about getting one of these to blow out of your garage?

It would create enough air flow to pull the smoke I think and keep the heat near your.

Red 10-02-2009 11:09 AM

Re: ion breeze / air purifier
i dont have windows!

T.G 10-02-2009 11:09 AM

Re: ion breeze / air purifier

Originally Posted by Red (Post 579349)
theres no way to put a window in my garage...the way its build is not fit for it unless i wanna spend more than i have

Put in a fart fan.

No major expense necessary. Just a fan, some wiring, a bit of flex tubing, a 3" hole saw and an exterior self closing vent fitting. Less than $50 worth of parts and an hour or two worth of install time.

It'll clear the smoke, but won't be powerfull enough to pull all of your heated air out.

Dux 10-02-2009 11:12 AM

Re: ion breeze / air purifier
The ion breeze is a great unit but it takes a few days for the unit to remove all traces of cigar smoke. We have one in almost every room of the house running 24/7.

I should mention they need to be cleaned on a daily basis depending on how hard you make the unit work.

Red 10-02-2009 11:18 AM

Re: ion breeze / air purifier
i dont really care about the smell ...its just the actuall smoke i want to clear out at the time of im not sitting in a cloud!! lol

Dux 10-02-2009 11:37 AM

Re: ion breeze / air purifier

Originally Posted by Red (Post 579428)
i dont really care about the smell ...its just the actuall smoke i want to clear out at the time of im not sitting in a cloud!! lol

Then the Ion Breeze is not the unit you want. Shop Vac might work LOL :ss

Parshooter 10-02-2009 01:25 PM

Re: ion breeze / air purifier

Originally Posted by Red (Post 579349)
..theres no way to put a window in my garage...the way its build is not fit for it unless i wanna spend more than i have

Not talking about putting a window in your garage. Buy a dual-fan window unit (less than $50), put it where the garage door comes down. Pull garage door down on top of fan unit. You could put some boxes or get some foam insulation for the gaps between the fan and the sides of the garage.

itsme_timd 10-02-2009 01:44 PM

Re: ion breeze / air purifier
This looks like it would be a good solution for you but they run $400.00 - $500.00

I have a couple of Ionic Breeze air purifiers that I use, I have the small desktop models. I leave it running and if I smoke in the garage at night you can't tell it the next morning.

T.G 10-02-2009 02:07 PM

Re: ion breeze / air purifier

Originally Posted by itsme_timd (Post 579664)
This looks like it would be a good solution for you but they run $400.00 - $500.00

Do those things actually work?

Over the years, I've seen more supposed "smoke removal machines", be it filters or electrostatic cleaners than I can recall, all of which make all kinds of similiar claims, but only about one or two out of every ten seems to work at all, and never as well as claimed.:2

itsme_timd 10-02-2009 02:09 PM

Re: ion breeze / air purifier

Originally Posted by T.G (Post 579688)
Do those things actually work?

Over the years, I've seen more supposed "smoke removal machines", be it filters or electrostatic cleaners, that make all kinds of similiar claims, than I can recall, but only about one or two out of every ten seems to work at all, and never as well as claimed.:2

A couple of the B&M's here have them. If you've got you and a couple buddies around then they work pretty well. One of the smaller B&M's here has events at times and he has 15-20 people in there and all it does is keep the smoke moving in a nice circle. :ss

T.G 10-02-2009 02:11 PM

Re: ion breeze / air purifier

Originally Posted by itsme_timd (Post 579692)
A couple of the B&M's here have them. If you've got you and a couple buddies around then they work pretty well. One of the smaller B&M's here has events at times and he has 15-20 people in there and all it does is keep the smoke moving in a nice circle. :ss



Sounds like they are designed more for cigarette smoke.

acarr 10-02-2009 02:34 PM

Re: ion breeze / air purifier

Originally Posted by T.G (Post 579412)
Put in a fart fan.

Fart fan is pretty funny. That took me a glance at the HD page to figure out what you were talking about.

Red 10-02-2009 03:15 PM

Re: ion breeze / air purifier
fart fan!! LOL
dammit, i just need to smoke in the house..the wife will deal with it or leave..right :)

Cigary 10-02-2009 05:49 PM

Re: ion breeze / air purifier
Try this Red. I had one of these I bought 10 years ago and it works great. Bought another one of these 2 years ago and left it in San Diego and it is the same type of purifier and I was able to smoke in the condo and this machine took care of the smoke and any odor.

spectrrr 10-02-2009 06:55 PM

Re: ion breeze / air purifier

Originally Posted by Cigary (Post 580009)
Try this Red. I had one of these I bought 10 years ago and it works great. Bought another one of these 2 years ago and left it in San Diego and it is the same type of purifier and I was able to smoke in the condo and this machine took care of the smoke and any odor.


He's on the right track with that one, that's basically exactly what you need. Mom's had a few "Alpine" air purifiers kicking around the house for years since a brief stint trying to sell them. Crap company (MLM), BUT AWESOME product. It's basically the same thing, and I honestly don't think there's much of a difference other than the price :).

To clean out the smoke cloud, you need IONS (you can literally watch it cut a swath through the smoke in front of it). Ozone can be used to eliminate the odor, but its a gradual thing. If you want it to work faster, you can turn it up and leave the room. Its the exact same stuff that a lightning storm generates, and is one of the reasons the air smells to "clean" afterwards... but in high doses its not so good for ya, so just step out of the room if your gonna turn it up.

(and when you get tired of odor anywhere else in your life, just plug that machine in. Friend was recently selling his car, but couldnt get a VERY entrenched dog smell out of it. 36 hours with the windows up and that machine plugged in and the car smelled like it came from a dealer)

That machine on ebay seems to have it all, and for a damned cheap price if it works as good as the $400-$700 units I've used. Go for it, there is NO better solution.

klipsch 10-02-2009 08:47 PM

Re: ion breeze / air purifier

Originally Posted by spectrrr (Post 580154)

He's on the right track with that one, that's basically exactly what you need. Mom's had a few "Alpine" air purifiers kicking around the house for years since a brief stint trying to sell them. Crap company (MLM), BUT AWESOME product. It's basically the same thing, and I honestly don't think there's much of a difference other than the price :).

To clean out the smoke cloud, you need IONS (you can literally watch it cut a swath through the smoke in front of it). Ozone can be used to eliminate the odor, but its a gradual thing. If you want it to work faster, you can turn it up and leave the room. Its the exact same stuff that a lightning storm generates, and is one of the reasons the air smells to "clean" afterwards... but in high doses its not so good for ya, so just step out of the room if your gonna turn it up.

(and when you get tired of odor anywhere else in your life, just plug that machine in. Friend was recently selling his car, but couldnt get a VERY entrenched dog smell out of it. 36 hours with the windows up and that machine plugged in and the car smelled like it came from a dealer)

That machine on ebay seems to have it all, and for a damned cheap price if it works as good as the $400-$700 units I've used. Go for it, there is NO better solution.

I spent alot of time researching this when I started smoking in my car and apartment. After knocking number around, I went commecial grade. Works like a charm. :tu

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