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njstone 09-17-2009 03:43 PM

Tatuaje Black: Review
Last Thursday was a special occasion: I smoked my first Tat Black. It wasn't that it was a special day and therefore I smoked this, it was a special day because I smoked it. This is a cigar I've wanted to smoke for a long time. For some reason, as soon as I woke up that day I knew it was "the day." I'm not the best at reviews, but here we go!

This was a Black Robusto. I suppose I can see why some people call this an ugly cigar. It wasn't appealing to the eye, and had a very hard nob about 1/3 of the way from the foot that gave me some concern (turned out not to be a problem, though). It was firm, but also quite rough and had large bumpy veins.

The burn was pretty good, especially considering the 10-15mph wind outside. It required two minor touch-ups, but I'm pretty anal about burn. It first ashed at 1 inch, then about every 1/2 - 3/4 inch after that (surprised me a few times, grrr). This cigar burned pretty slow for a robusto, though I was savoring it.

This cigar didn't give off a ton of smoke, but enough. The texture of the smoke was rather thin (other than the taste, it would have been hard to tell there was smoke in my mouth). It burned pretty cool until the 1 inch mark. This cigar was not particularly smooth, though there was not a harsh note in it either (it's not very old). I was able to retrohale a bit nearly every puff.


First Third:
I cut the "nipple" cap and had a good enough draw to proceed. There was not a ton of pre-light flavor, just sweet tobacco. The first 1/2 inch was very interesting. There was not a lot of the characteristic Pepin pepper on the palate, just a nice tobacco flavor with a bit of sweet spice. It was medium in body and flavor, and relaxing.

Then the flavor picked up and the pepper kicked in -- not really strong, but definitely there, especially on the back of the palate. At about the same time the characteristic Tatuaje rich tobacco flavor started coming through ... very nice.

From this point on, the cigar became more and more complex and fun. There was a lot of sweet spices though the nose, almost reminded me of a Westie, which I thought was kinda weird but in no way minded. Each puff was slightly different. I'm not the best at identifying specific flavors, but I swear to you that I tasted brownie 3 or 4 times (yes, I said brownies!). Hints of cocoa and wood here and there. Still medium or maybe medium-full in body and medium in strength.

Second Third:
During this time the sweetness gave way to more of a light woodsy flavor, and the pepper subsided quite a bit in terms of sensation but not flavor (if that makes sense). Those sweet spices still came through the nose, and a unique spice I couldn't identify (but loved) about 1/3 of the time. There were even some floral notes here and there. The cigar started getting stronger and I got the nicotine lump in my throat. I have a nice little buzz going now, but nothing major. At this point I am REALLY enjoying this cigar, and sort of bemoaning the fact that I'll probably have to at least split a box of the Tubos when the come out (I don't spend that kind of cash for a single stick). It was a relaxing yet exciting smoke and I was loving it. I had to move to the front porch, though, because I was getting hot on the swing by the pond.

Final Third:
The strength ratcheted up to full during the final third, and by the end my buzz was pretty strong (it was a long smoke, and by this time my stomach was totally empty). There were still sweet spices through the nose and more of that rich Tatuaje tobacco flavor, though I would say it was less complex as the cigar approached the end. There were still floral notes here and there as well. The last inch started getting hot, but I used a toothpick to nub that sucker anyway. Even at the end the flavor was still great.

Final Stats:
Flavor: Full
Body: Medium or maybe Medium-Full
Strength: Medium for the most part, lower end of full in the final third.
Duration: 90 minutes
Beverage: Water

I loved this cigar! I tried very hard not to have unrealistic expectations, but I see now that it's not just the rarity of this stick that makes people crazy about it -- it's the flavor.

I'd have a hard time comparing this to another Tat, it was really quite unique. The more medium-bodied nature of this cigar sets it apart, as does the lack of a pepper onslaught. Sweet spices and wood are flavors that I always love in a cigar, so this was right in my wheelhouse. I could see where some people who prefer very strong cigars or very peppery cigars might find this one lacking, but for me it was just awesome.

I can't think of many criticisms, other than the fact that the ash didn't hold well. I just wish these were more readily available and more affordable.

I think this is one of the most enjoyable cigars I've smoked.


tuxpuff 09-17-2009 03:49 PM

Re: Tatuaje Black: Review
Great review and pics...thanks!

Scottw 09-17-2009 03:51 PM

Re: Tatuaje Black: Review
Very nice review!!

kelmac07 09-17-2009 03:51 PM

Re: Tatuaje Black: Review
Very nice review!! Great pictures, thanks for sharing. :tu

AlohaStyle 09-17-2009 03:53 PM

Re: Tatuaje Black: Review

Originally Posted by njstone (Post 555228)

I'm not the best at identifying specific flavors, but I swear to you that I tasted brownie 3 or 4 times (yes, I said brownies!).


Awesome review, that was a fun read. But are you sure you didn't eat some "brownies" before you smoked the cigar? ;)

Adriftpanda 09-17-2009 03:54 PM

Re: Tatuaje Black: Review
Awesome pics and review! Still trying to get my hands on one of these!!!!

Mr B 09-17-2009 05:05 PM

Re: Tatuaje Black: Review
Great review and Awesome pics. Thanks

tenbaseg 09-17-2009 05:40 PM

Re: Tatuaje Black: Review
Thanks for the review. I've yet to get my hands on one of these. I think I would have been better off not reading this. Now I want one!! I like me some brownies.

RightAJ 05-14-2012 10:27 PM

Re: Tatuaje Black: Review
Just smoked one of the CG from the Jar (OR) and must agree with this review. It may have gotten even better since then! Well written, and a damn good stick :) Cheers!


Remo 05-14-2012 11:13 PM

Re: Tatuaje Black: Review
Great review, I have a couple of these in the humi. along with a handful of PL's...guess it's time to fire some up :tu

danreeve 05-15-2012 07:33 AM

Re: Tatuaje Black: Review
Nice review!


never_enough 05-15-2012 08:34 AM

Re: Tatuaje Black: Review
Brownies?!?! Did someone say brownies?!!!?!!!

Thanks for the review :tu

STEVE S 05-15-2012 10:33 AM

Re: Tatuaje Black: Review
Very nice review, I really like the pictures. OH did I mention that this is one of my favs.

TJtorpedo 05-16-2012 06:45 PM

Re: Tatuaje Black: Review
Mmmm, brownies! I have one of the OR jar blacks, and had a three-pack of the newer ones. The new ones were awesome, so I guess it'll be time to smoke the old one soon!

Cgarjake 06-05-2012 02:57 PM

Re: Tatuaje Black: Review
Great review i agree its not a beauty queen. But taste is all that matters.

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