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SilverFox 09-16-2009 10:52 AM

Journey to the end of the slope, a pictoral essay
So about 5 or so years ago I realized that buying as I smoked meant I didn't always have cigars around when I wanted them so after much looking and pondering I got my first humidor. It was a nice little desktop that would hold around 100 cigars (who the hell has 100 cigars but it was a nice size and seemed easy to take care of) so this was the the start of my journey down the slope.

Fast forward a couple of year and when trying to learn more about non cuban cigars ( I started as primarily a cuban cigar smoker) I stumbled on this forum where a few of my questions could be answered. The little box was no longer big enough, but alas I had a solution. I found a deal on not one but two wine fridges (holy crap room for many many boxes surely I am done) So in came the solutions, I set them up and was happily on my way to buying a "few" boxes.

No as we journey through the last two years a sale here a box that needs to be had there a few trades and hmmmm the Solutions are getting full. I need a temporary solution to the excess while I sort things out, after all 2 fridges must be enough right. Excess is only for the weak of spirit and those that lack self control. Yup, enter the excess a couple of bins for boxes and a smaller bin for miscellaneous singles.

With storage finally under controll I was no longer concerned after all with all this room what could possibly go wrong, so an extra stick or two here or there wont fill things up will they. Little did I know that my willpower was inversly proportionate to my storage and I went from the excess to the Extreme. I was officially now obsessed (ok maybe it was sooner than this) I had now moved from nice organized bins to an old cooler and yes the Ziplocador. Something had to be done but what.

SilverFox 09-16-2009 10:52 AM

Re: Journey to the end of the slope, a pictoral es
Fast forward to late August of 09 a discussion with my wife and best friend ensues. I need to get all these multiple bins from various points in our basement and consolidate them. I offer up a reasonable cabinet solution, she baulks immediately as she does not like the design or the glass front. She to my wonder and amazement suggests a custom built one from none other than Aristocrat. Enter Bob he listens kindly as I babble on about how I can't wait to get my box and what I want and how I want it set up. This man is the patron saint of humidors and enough cannot be said about the quality of his work, his demaeanor in dealing with the customer. Anyway after a somewhat trying ordeal with customs (I really don't want to get into it) on September 11, 2009 it arrives.

The solution to all my storage issues and the end to my ride down the slope.

It has more storage than I will ever need. Not a guess a fact. It has digitally controlled active humidification, flat roll out shelves and is lockable to keep inquiring little hands out of it.

And it has just the right amount of capacity. A little room to grow as I have cleared out a few things. It isn't exactly organized like I want it yet but once the dust settles it will be more than perfect.

I don't know that starting my journey down the slope with this what I hope to be a family heirloom would have been as exciting or fun. Looking at them all in there is both somewhat satisfying and at the same time a little daunting. When they were all hidden in their various spots the excess of my hobby/obsession was a little less apparent. It has been a hell of a run and I wouldn't change much about it (except for maybe that 6 month tasting of non cubans) but this is the end of my slope and I am happy to be here. This does not mean that there will never be another purchase but the general state of things will stay constant.

Hope you enjoy

ir13 09-16-2009 11:06 AM

Re: Journey to the end of the slope, a pictoral es

Clampdown 09-16-2009 11:09 AM

Re: Journey to the end of the slope, a pictoral es
Nice set up, i think this thread could be a sory for a lot of CC smokers, myself included.

Starchild 09-16-2009 11:10 AM

Re: Journey to the end of the slope, a pictoral es
Wow! Beautiful cabinet! Looks even better stocked:tu


dannysguitar 09-16-2009 11:11 AM

Re: Journey to the end of the slope, a pictoral es
Wow. You must make a good living :-)

MrOneEyedBoh 09-16-2009 11:13 AM

Re: Journey to the end of the slope, a pictoral es
Nice story there, nice collection too

14holestogie 09-16-2009 11:13 AM

Re: Journey to the end of the slope, a pictoral es
Okay, I'll be the first to say it. It looks a little small. ;):D

Congrats, Shawn on the consolidation. Looks perfect. :tu

Kreth 09-16-2009 11:16 AM

Re: Journey to the end of the slope, a pictoral es
Nice post. I can see why it took so long to count up your collection for the contest. I don't think my local B&M stocks that many smokes.
Posted via Mobile Device

icantbejon 09-16-2009 11:16 AM

Re: Journey to the end of the slope, a pictoral es
that's a hell of a collection My wife would actually kill me if I had that many cigars. It would be worth the death though, perhaps. You have stuff in there that I've never even heard of before, let alone smoked, I'm quite sure. Probably some very tasty treats waiting to be lit.

heavyd 09-16-2009 11:17 AM

Re: Journey to the end of the slope, a pictoral es
The pre-aristocrat photos are hilarious! Especially the last one with the Santa Claus sack :D.

That is a very nice solution to your predicament. Good for you :tu

Doctorossi 09-16-2009 11:17 AM

Re: Journey to the end of the slope, a pictoral es

Originally Posted by SilverFox (Post 552693)
the end to my ride down the slope


... oh, sorry.

Barteur 09-16-2009 11:20 AM

Re: Journey to the end of the slope, a pictoral es
Wow this a really nice one Shawn. Thanks the story always nice to see how this hobby makes us go nuts.


Stogeyfish 09-16-2009 11:21 AM

Re: Journey to the end of the slope, a pictoral es
Nice, Shawn! :tu

I got the same one a couple of months ago; though mine's not as full.

One question - how often does the fan run? Quite often in mine and had to move it out of the bedroom into the office.

Congrats again on the Aristocrat!

Addiction 09-16-2009 11:21 AM

Re: Journey to the end of the slope, a pictoral es
The story isn't over Shawn. Everyday I look at the cabinent and think "If I only had more room...."

D_A 09-16-2009 11:27 AM

Re: Journey to the end of the slope, a pictoral es
That's a beauty! And it looks like there is room to throw a few coolers on top after you fill it up:ss

colimo 09-16-2009 11:28 AM

Re: Journey to the end of the slope, a pictoral es
Beautiful piece shawn...:dr

but it already looks full...:ss

hope you kept the fridges for overflow

BC-Axeman 09-16-2009 11:28 AM

Re: Journey to the end of the slope, a pictoral es
Through it all stands the little desktop humi. :)
My obsession is kept firmly in check by my credit limit. If it were not I would like to have a "collection" like that. :tu

Wraiith 09-16-2009 11:42 AM

Re: Journey to the end of the slope, a pictoral es
Your pre-cabinet amalgamation made me laugh during a presentation....I hope you're happy ....

ahc4353 09-16-2009 11:44 AM

Re: Journey to the end of the slope, a pictoral es
Lets see a pic of how nice and neat the drawer for the singles are.

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