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tchariya 08-04-2009 04:16 PM

'Defying Gravity': new 'space' show on primetime
Well with BSG in the books as well as SG(pick your favorites), I was itching for a new show that might hang around for a few years. Well this past Sunday, the pilot for 'Defying Gravity' came out on NBC(?). I thought you syfy(I hate the new name) nuts might be interested. It has potential.

Basically the show shadows a group of astronauts as they make a 6 year trip around the planets. The two hour show only reveals the three days (plus lots of flashbacks to build plot and character). It isn't a technology whore show and I don't believe there will be cool new weapons and translators and beam me ups. It does seem like a viable future of space travel (50 years in the future) after we have landed people on Mars. There are attractive females on the show.

Most interestingly, 'someone or something' encouraged the people of Earth to take on this mission. But I guess you have to continue to watch this show to find out WTH??

Anyone else watch this??

tchariya 08-04-2009 04:21 PM

Re: 'Defying Gravity': new 'space' show on primeti
Oh I have to add, Ron Livingston, the main guy from Office Space and Band of Brothers is in this show.

Anthem 08-04-2009 04:21 PM

Re: 'Defying Gravity': new 'space' show on primeti
Yes, I watched the pilot and thought it was pretty good. It's actually been picked up by ABC in the US and is carried on CTV in Canada. I think that there is a "Grey's Anatomy" connection, not sure if it's the writer, or something else. One of my friends went to high school with one of the producers of the show, so that's why I decided to watch the show. From what I've heard, ABC has picked up the entire season (13 episodes??), hopefully the ratings are good!!!

GoldnGT 08-04-2009 07:49 PM

Re: 'Defying Gravity': new 'space' show on primeti
I'm watching it on Hulu right now. So far i'm about 30 minutes into it and its pretty good =D

tchariya 08-04-2009 08:02 PM

Re: 'Defying Gravity': new 'space' show on primeti

Originally Posted by GoldnGT (Post 494547)
I'm watching it on Hulu right now. So far i'm about 30 minutes into it and its pretty good =D

I'll tell you one thing...the sci-fi world is up in arms that it is not 'scientifically' correct. BAH who cares....they made the show to appeal to a wider audience; so you don't want to make a space show too hi-tech or throw in a bunch of terminology to have your audience say....WTF?

Kreth 08-04-2009 08:24 PM

Re: 'Defying Gravity': new 'space' show on primeti
It looks interesting. I'm still trying to figure out what happened to Virtuality, which debuted a few weeks ago and vanished.

Kreth 08-25-2009 10:41 PM

Re: 'Defying Gravity': new 'space' show on primeti
Rumor has it if the ratings don't pick up soon, this will get dropped. Another victim of the moronic viewers who don't care about character development, they just want to see who's getting booted from Big Brother. :rolleyes:

Anthem 08-26-2009 04:13 AM

Re: 'Defying Gravity': new 'space' show on primeti

Originally Posted by Kreth (Post 523086)
Rumor has it if the ratings don't pick up soon, this will get dropped. Another victim of the moronic viewers who don't care about character development, they just want to see who's getting booted from Big Brother. :rolleyes:

The network that airs the show in Canada (CTV), will be showing a new episode this Friday night. This is usually a sign of a show in trouble, not sure if ABC is doing the same thing.

GoldnGT 08-26-2009 07:52 AM

Re: 'Defying Gravity': new 'space' show on primeti
Ah... that sucks. I've really been enjoying this show.

Kreth 08-26-2009 11:26 AM

Re: 'Defying Gravity': new 'space' show on primeti

Originally Posted by GoldnGT (Post 523323)
Ah... that sucks. I've really been enjoying this show.

Same here. But the networks aren't willing to let a show build up a fanbase. If a series isn't pulling in the viewers in the first few weeks, they axe it.

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