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Emjaysmash 08-03-2009 04:11 PM

Cigar-like Pipe blend?
I was wondering if there are some good robust "cigar-like" pipe blends out there. I smoke more cigars than pipes, but pipe tobacco is cheaper per smoke than cigars are... I'm just tired of not enjoying a pipe becuase the pipe tobacco is too mild or has "no flavor" (or flavor too subtle for my palate).

So, do any of you pipe smokers have some suggestions for me? I almost exclusively smoke English blends, for the simple reason that I have not broadened my horizons to Va or Va/Pers that much.


loki 08-03-2009 04:25 PM

Re: Cigar-like Pipe blend?
habana or havana i can't remember the exact name daydream
key largo
purple cow

all have cigar leaf in them....i think I have tins of all of them I can send you samples of.

Emjaysmash 08-03-2009 04:39 PM

Re: Cigar-like Pipe blend?

Originally Posted by loki (Post 492748)
habana or havana i can't remember the exact name daydream
key largo
purple cow

all have cigar leaf in them....i think I have tins of all of them I can send you samples of.

You just need an excuse to hit me back before my bomb has even landed! :fu

loki 08-03-2009 04:42 PM

Re: Cigar-like Pipe blend?

Originally Posted by Emjaysmash (Post 492773)
You just need an excuse to hit me back before my bomb has even landed! :fu

just trying to help ya

woops 08-03-2009 04:48 PM

Re: Cigar-like Pipe blend?

Originally Posted by Emjaysmash (Post 492726)
I was wondering if there are some good robust "cigar-like" pipe blends out there. I smoke more cigars than pipes, but pipe tobacco is cheaper per smoke than cigars are... I'm just tired of not enjoying a pipe becuase the pipe tobacco is too mild or has "no flavor" (or flavor too subtle for my palate).

So, do any of you pipe smokers have some suggestions for me? I almost exclusively smoke English blends, for the simple reason that I have not broadened my horizons to Va or Va/Pers that much.


Although I'm new to the pipe world. Here are some of my favorites so far that have great flavor:

Dan Tobacco/CAO - Hamborger Veermaster
Rattray's - Hal O' The Wynd
Samuel Gawith - Full Virginia Flake
Gawith & Hoggarth - Dark Flake Unscented, bulk. (It'll knock you on your butt .... but it has great flavor!)
Mac Baren - Dark Twist Roll Cake
Esoterica - Stonehaven

Dunhill's Early Morning Pipe is a spicy Oriental blend, if you can get your hands on some.

BigFrank 08-03-2009 05:09 PM

Re: Cigar-like Pipe blend?
you looking for full flavor baccys? or cigar like baccys? Gonna have to jump the VA bridge for some full flavor. Although I have had some balkan blends that have hit me rather hard on the flavor front.

G G 08-03-2009 05:26 PM

Re: Cigar-like Pipe blend?
Swisher makes some cigars out of captain black. I don't think they are sold in the united states but maybe I could get some since I have connections at Swisher.:tu

Emjaysmash 08-03-2009 05:53 PM

Re: Cigar-like Pipe blend?

Originally Posted by loki (Post 492779)
just trying to help ya

I appreciate it, Kev. Wait until my bomb lands, then you can decide if you would like to send anything back.

Pat1075 08-03-2009 06:12 PM

Re: Cigar-like Pipe blend?
-McClelland Dominican Glory, Its a virginia cake with cigar leaf. I've only had the maduro. Good Stuff!
-Robert McConnells Pure Havana-Straight cigar tobacco let me know if you find it though I've been looking

BlackDog 08-03-2009 06:31 PM

Re: Cigar-like Pipe blend?
Here are several good ones. Billy Budd is a flavor bomb, but also a nicotene bomb. My friend Sailorman Jack created this blend several years ago, before his untimely passing. The Bankers is a lovely tobacco, well worth searching out. Dark Flake does not contain any cigar leaf, but has very cigar-like qualities. Greg Pease's Robusto is a very high quality tobacco, but not my favorite in this genre.

GL Pease - Robusto
Cornell & Deihl - Billy Budd
Cornell & Deihl - Habana Daydream
Cornell & Deihl - Purple Cow
McClelland - Dominican Glory
James Fox - The Bankers
Gawith & Hoggarth - Dark Flake
Peretti - Cuban Mixture

Hope this helps!

Nick 08-05-2009 01:06 PM

Re: Cigar-like Pipe blend?
Ropes and plugs can be very full as well

Like Black XX sweet rum twist, and kendall plug.

MarkinAZ 08-06-2009 10:15 PM

Re: Cigar-like Pipe blend?

Originally Posted by Pat1075 (Post 492897)
-Robert McConnells Pure Havana-Straight cigar tobacco let me know if you find it though I've been looking-

Hey Patrick, check out the following linky:

I believe that they have it listed under "McConnells Pure Caribe 50g Tin." If so, then other tobacconist may be carrying under the same name:)

MarkinAZ 08-06-2009 10:22 PM

Re: Cigar-like Pipe blend?

Originally Posted by BlackDog (Post 492933)
GL Pease - Robusto
Cornell & Deihl - Billy Budd
Cornell & Deihl - Habana Daydream
Cornell & Deihl - Purple Cow
McClelland - Dominican Glory
James Fox - The Bankers
Gawith & Hoggarth - Dark Flake
Peretti - Cuban Mixture

Hope this helps!

Warren, if you had to choose two out of this list, what would you go with?:tt:)

Slow Triathlete 08-07-2009 07:38 AM

Re: Cigar-like Pipe blend?
Another cheaper alternative which is really good is Virginia Spice from Hearth and Home. It is sold as bulk and has some cigar leaf in it along with Perique. Tasty!!


RevSmoke 08-07-2009 08:02 AM

Re: Cigar-like Pipe blend?
I have tried many of the cigar leaf blends - McClelland, C&D, GLP, and tried blending some up myself with various other constituent tobaccos.

I have come to a conclustion in my sampling. When I want cigar taste, I smoke a cigar - when I want pipe taste, I smoke my pipe. When I want a little of both, I have one first and then the other.


What is nice, is that a 50 (or 50+) RG cigar will fit nicely into a couple of my pipes, so when it gets down to the nub, and can put a bit of pipe tobacco in the bottom of the bowl (or not) and then put the nub into the bowl, cherry end up and smoke it. Means I get to finish a cigar completely.

BlackDog 08-07-2009 08:40 AM

Re: Cigar-like Pipe blend?

Originally Posted by MarkinCA (Post 498241)
Warren, if you had to choose two out of this list, what would you go with?:tt:)

My preferences are for the Fox's Bankers and one of the C&D Blends. I think I'd go with Purple Cow to start, and then move up to Billy Budd.

Pat1075 08-07-2009 08:50 PM

Re: Cigar-like Pipe blend?
Thank you Mark!

MarkinAZ 08-07-2009 08:51 PM

Re: Cigar-like Pipe blend?

Originally Posted by Pat1075 (Post 499820)
Thank you Mark!

Anytime and have a great weekend:tu

Emjaysmash 08-12-2009 12:10 PM

Re: Cigar-like Pipe blend?
Big Frank was kind enough to send some samplers for me:
Cornell & Deihl - Billy Budd
Cornell & Deihl - Habana Daydream
McClelland - Dominican Glory
Strike Force...? (I dont have these in front of me)

I have had the Dominican Glory Maduro and the Habana Day Dream. I am REALLY liking the Dominican Glory!

Benwoo 08-12-2009 01:09 PM

Re: Cigar-like Pipe blend?
Nice MJ and very nice of the BigF!
I'll have to pick some of these up to sample too here soon :D


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