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wayner123 07-10-2009 11:50 PM

This has come to a head
This post has come about due to recent events that have pushed me to post up my feelings and thoughts. I merely ask that you allow me to unload this burden.

I recently sent ahc4353 a gift ( I did so after realizing that no matter how innocent my questions/comments, Al saw them as combative. I wanted to send a well thought out and meaningful gift to let him know that I am not his enemy. I sent a gift that took me a long time to source along with a picture of Picasso's Guernica (the symbolism can be found here: )When I replied in the thread that it was from me, he had it closed and then actually sent back the cigars that I had gifted him. :( I felt a wide array of emotions, but mostly sadden, that a gift of peace and forgiveness was shown such disdain.

I say this because I want this to stop. Call it drama, call it whining, call it what you will. I feel my reputation has been tarnished and in a sense my Olive branch snapped in two and sent back. This is not just some internet board to me as I feel the terms brother and sister are genuine and have a special meaning here. I would love to meet each of you in person some day without the fear of prejudice or contempt.

rizzle 07-11-2009 08:14 AM

Re: This has come to a head
With so much drama in the LBC...

Can't we all just get along? Hey man, you can only do what you can do.

mikeyj23 07-11-2009 08:34 AM

Re: This has come to a head
Why would you send Al an anonymous bomb then post up a link to it claiming it since you didn't have the opportunity to in the thread? PLUS point out that you sent another bomb which didn't get recognition. Doesn't sound very anonymous to me...

Mr.Maduro 07-11-2009 08:36 AM

Re: This has come to a head
There are a lot of people here, a lot of opinions, but not everyone is going to like each other. Whatever the issues are, its best left to PM. I don't know what happened and I don't want to. I'm not taking sides either, but if you feel you extended an olive branch and your intentions are sincere, then consider yourself the bigger person and let it be.

md4958 07-11-2009 08:39 AM

Re: This has come to a head
Wayne, I find your actions repulsive.

I have heard that you are actually a good guy in person, but you certainly don't come across that way online. Online you seem to be a trouble-making drama queen, and a cry baby.

You're fortunate Al is a gentleman... If the same thing happened to me, I would have run those sticks through a blender before returning them.

md4958 07-11-2009 08:41 AM

Re: This has come to a head

Originally Posted by Mr.Maduro (Post 459613)
There are a lot of people here, a lot of opinions, but not everyone is going to like each other. Whatever the issues are, its best left to PM. I don't know what happened and I don't want to. I'm not taking sides either, but if you feel you extended an olive branch and your intentions are sincere, then consider yourself the bigger person and let it be.

Patrick, there is the problem. Al attempted to leave this to PM and not air dirty laundry, but Wayne insisted on making a show of it.

hotreds 07-11-2009 08:42 AM

Re: This has come to a head
I don't know what happened between you to, and that is probably a good thing. For that reason it is a bit hard to really comment on Al's reaction. One does hope that the two of you can become friends again, but refusing your peace offering does not augur well, sadly.

Don Fernando 07-11-2009 08:56 AM

Re: This has come to a head
Wayner, I understand why Al did this, as you and I had some problems in the past too. People who have met you told me you are a nice guy in person, but online you are not easy to get along with and you're a "mr. know it all". All I can advice, clean your act up a bit, be nicer, don't be the wiseguy that knows it all. Also, stop the drama and the talking behind someone's back (the reason why you had problems with several people) and things will be fine. I, for one, gave you a second chance, and I think others will too.

68TriShield 07-11-2009 08:59 AM

Re: This has come to a head

Originally Posted by md4958 (Post 459618)
Patrick, there is the problem. Al attempted to leave this to PM and not air dirty laundry, but Wayne insisted on making a show of it.

I didn't see where Wayne tried to air their dirty laundry Moe,care to link me?

md4958 07-11-2009 09:03 AM

Re: This has come to a head

Originally Posted by 68TriShield (Post 459641)
I didn't see where Wayne tried to air their dirty laundry Moe,care to link me?

Dave, PM sent.

68TriShield 07-11-2009 09:11 AM

Re: This has come to a head

Originally Posted by md4958 (Post 459645)
Dave, PM sent.

Still waiting Moe...

rack04 07-11-2009 09:14 AM

Re: This has come to a head

Originally Posted by Mr.Maduro (Post 459613)
Whatever the issues are, its best left to PM. I don't know what happened and I don't want to.

I agree with Patrick. It's probably better to take this offline. For everyone else, this is between Al and Wayne. We don't need comments from the peanut gallery.

SeanGAR 07-11-2009 09:20 AM

Re: This has come to a head

Originally Posted by rack04 (Post 459652)
I agree, it's probably better to take this offline. I don't mean to sound harsh but this is between Al and Wayne. We don't need comments from the peanut gallery.

+1 ... even though I'm a card-carrying professional member of the peanut gallery.

MajorCaptSilly 07-11-2009 09:31 AM

Re: This has come to a head
You can't make everybody like you. You're not gonna like everybody. That's the way the world turns. I like you and I am Major Captain Silly.


TripleF 07-11-2009 09:37 AM

Re: This has come to a head
Best if handled via PM by only THOSE INVOLVED.....

I like ya Wayneo and hope to meet you at the 2009 EYH, but I feel sharing is only best if you have candy. :)

bobarian 07-11-2009 10:10 AM

Re: This has come to a head

Originally Posted by md4958 (Post 459616)
Wayne, I find your actions repulsive.

I have heard that you are actually a good guy in person, but you certainly don't come across that way online. Online you seem to be a trouble-making drama queen, and a cry baby.

You're fortunate Al is a gentleman... If the same thing happened to me, I would have run those sticks through a blender before returning them.

I dont see how your personal feelings and comments have contributed constructively to this thread. Personally attacking a member is unacceptable.
Hopefully, this can be worked out without futher unneeded commentary.

Clampdown 07-11-2009 10:11 AM

Re: This has come to a head
This thread gives me a f'ing headache.

shilala 07-11-2009 10:12 AM

Re: This has come to a head
I don't care what both of you do, cause it's none of my business.
I just read through what was here, and was trying to sort out the best part of "love thy neighbor."
Now I'm gonna go play cigars, cause the mail came.
I hope you two hug this out. :tu

The Poet 07-11-2009 10:18 AM

Re: This has come to a head

Originally Posted by shilala (Post 459716)
"love thy neighbor."
I hope you two hug this out. :tu


SmokinApe 07-11-2009 10:43 AM

Re: This has come to a head

Originally Posted by Clampdown (Post 459714)
This thread gives me a f'ing headache.

I bet the 1/2 a bottle of booze you chugged down last night didn't help either...

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