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BlackDog 06-03-2009 08:44 AM

Cigar Bands??
What do you guys do with your cigar bands? I had been tossing them in a small fish bowl, and when that filled up, I've been tossing them in a drawer. Why? I have no idea. I've got hundreds.

I was going to send them to a BOTL here at one point, as he was doing a project and needed bands, but then said he had more than enough, so I never sent them.

What do you do with yours? Should I just grow up and throw them away?

GTsetGO 06-03-2009 08:50 AM

Re: Cigar Bands??
i keep mine in a empty cigar box. one day i will do something with them.

hotreds 06-03-2009 08:50 AM

Re: Cigar Bands??
I think there was another thread about this- might have been at the late lamented. I actually glue mine in a scrapbook- all of 'em. Once that is almost filled I'll probably toss them except for special ones that I'll put in the scrapbook in a page I'll save just for that.

Ragin Cajun 06-03-2009 08:50 AM

Re: Cigar Bands??
Save Them, Save Them, Save Them.
Somebody might have a good idea for them in the future. Or you could just toss them out. Either way is fine.

Smoking Dragon 06-03-2009 08:51 AM

Re: Cigar Bands??
My B&M has a big collection of them. Sometimes vendors have specials which require a number of bands from a brand. I'm just not disciplined enough to save em. I want to but don't. woah is me.


Lucky_Hippo 06-03-2009 08:57 AM

Re: Cigar Bands??
1 Attachment(s)
It's quite a quandary to be sure. :ss

I've had the same issues filling up jars, old cigar boxes, baggies, etc... Last month I finally just gave them to my 6 year old daughter. She loves the things and likes to arrange them on her shelves with her dolls and such.

I was beginnig to feel like Capt Kirk and his trouble with tribbles. :r

csbrewfisher 06-03-2009 09:17 AM

Re: Cigar Bands??
I've seen some really nice wall hangings using bands. Large frame, black felt background (no Elvis), and the bands lined up in rows by brand. They really look classy, and everyone is drawn to them to stare, comment and discuss/reminisce.

nozero 06-03-2009 09:30 AM

Re: Cigar Bands??
When I smoke, I take the band off and put it in my Palio case, when it gets tight, I move them to an empty cigar box. I think I have two full boxes and am working on a third. The ones I know I have multiples of, I toss in the trash.

I gave a box of them away once when somebody at the old sight was looking for some. I'm not sure what I'll do with these.

wayner123 06-03-2009 09:37 AM

Re: Cigar Bands??
I have quite a number of things to with bands. From framing them to laminating them for placemats/coasters. I even did deco podge for an ashtray that I bombed Chenvt. All sorts of crafty things to do with them. If you don't forsee yourself doing anything crafty with them, then others suggestions of putting in a book or somewhere to glance at them is nice for memories. Or... just throw them out. It's not like you won't have more.

Here's the ashtray I made:

gnukfu 06-03-2009 09:38 AM

Re: Cigar Bands??
Put em in a gallon Ziploc bag and then send em to anyone who needs em

boonedoggle 06-03-2009 09:48 AM

Re: Cigar Bands??
I keep mine in a big 2 gallon Ziplock bag. It's great to look through that bag and see all the different brands I've smoked throughout the years...and some I'll never be able to smoke again!

BlackDog 06-03-2009 09:54 AM

Re: Cigar Bands??

Originally Posted by gnukfu (Post 408407)
Put em in a gallon Ziploc bag and then send em to anyone who needs em

You just gave me a great idea. Cigar band bombs. Let someone else deal with them. :r :dance: :hf

Parshooter 06-03-2009 10:12 AM

Re: Cigar Bands??
I have a small album that I've been putting a band in from every different cigar I've smoked, since 1997 (just one band of each type), probably over 300. Then I have a large glass vase that I throw all my other bands in, over 2000 in that one, and growing weekly :ss:ss:ss

BeerAdvocate 06-03-2009 10:14 AM

Re: Cigar Bands??

Originally Posted by BlackDog (Post 408432)
You just gave me a great idea. Cigar band bombs. Let someone else deal with them. :r :dance: :hf

I would love to have them. I have been saving mine for a project I have planned in the future to cover my bar top with them.

Tikihut27 06-03-2009 02:53 PM

Re: Cigar Bands??
Put them up on the walls in your smoke shack.

kelmac07 06-03-2009 03:16 PM

Re: Cigar Bands??
I keep them until I log the cigar into my datbase of "smoked sticks" and then I toss em.

stearns 06-03-2009 04:11 PM

Re: Cigar Bands??
flatten, put them in a tin thingy from mini cigars i bought way back when, ? (maybe frame, we'll see)


ucla695 06-03-2009 06:56 PM

Re: Cigar Bands??
I toss them into vases or jars.

elderboy02 06-03-2009 08:02 PM

Re: Cigar Bands??
I toss them into one of those big clear pretzel jugs. Someday I might do something with them.

HK3- 06-03-2009 08:06 PM

Re: Cigar Bands??
I throw them into my empty ashtrays until someone posts up that they need cigar bands for a project.

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