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DrDubzz 05-27-2009 08:44 PM

2009 Pipe Order Thread
Alright guys, here's what needs to be done.

J.M. has signed off on the shape and all that, it's going to be the same general color theme as the one pictured for smooth pipes, obviously rusticated will be black.

Ok, everyone needs to call the Boswells (717-264-1711) with credit card, address, and preference on smooth or rusticated.

They'll be shipped out in the order your information is received. Also, go to their website first ( ) and pick out a tobacco for your 1oz sample. Every pipe will come with a sleeve, 1oz baccy sample, czech tool, and cleaners. Pipes will be no less than $100 and no more than $120 with smooth costing more (so this fits our original price range). Once 5-6 are done they will ship out in batches.

Also, you will probably be able to get a pipe quicker if you don't mind a mix of smooth and rusticated. However if you absolutely only want smooth, that's ok, but it may take longer. Just keep that in mind. So if you put smooth on the sign up, it's ok to ask for rusticated, but just tell them.

You can say, I want smooth first, but rusticated is ok too, or vice versa, or tell them smooth only, I'm willing to wait. Feel me?

So start calling tomorrow, he's already made a couple, and post up here once you've called so I can keep track of things and comunicate with them about the goings on. I would like this to go as smoothly as possible as it is both a reflection on our forum and on me, and I would like to keep my amicable relationship with them.

Please call them up ASAP and talk to Dan or J.M. with your info. Tell them it's for the Asylum 1 ed pipe.

Thanks guys :wo

GreekGodX 05-27-2009 09:00 PM

Re: 2009 Pipe Order Thread
Thanks Tim for putting this all together for us :tu I will try to get a call out to them by the end of the week

SSatVT 05-27-2009 09:25 PM

Re: 2009 Pipe Order Thread
Thanks for all the work and organizing Tim.:tu:tu

I will try to give them a call tomorrow and post once I do.:wo

kzm007 05-27-2009 10:12 PM

Re: 2009 Pipe Order Thread
I am currently unable to make any calls as the telephone company is repairing some nearby lines. I have emailed the Boswells however, to see if I can mail in my information and pipe request.

Thanks for all of this :)


CHRONO14 05-28-2009 12:47 AM

Re: 2009 Pipe Order Thread
Awesome just saw this today. I'll give them a call tomorrow to put the order in for both. Thanks again for setting this up.

CHRONO14 05-28-2009 07:35 AM

Re: 2009 Pipe Order Thread
Just put in my order for one of each. Can't wait to check these out.

yellowgoat 05-28-2009 10:41 AM

Re: 2009 Pipe Order Thread
How long is the window here? I need a few days as my car is in the shop and needs the money first. LOL.

fissure 05-28-2009 10:43 AM

Re: 2009 Pipe Order Thread
Ordered my smooth one today:tu

Dukeuni 05-28-2009 11:02 AM

Re: 2009 Pipe Order Thread
I just placed my order. I have never spoken to J.M. before, and I can let you guys know that he is a great guy, and very helpful. I was honest with him, and told him that I had never smoked a pipe before but just could not let this club edition pipe go without buying one. He said to look at his site for some smoking information, and then after I smoke the pipe a few times to give him a call and they will answer any and all questions or concerns I have. I think going through Boswells was a great idea. I cant wait!

DrDubzz 05-28-2009 11:11 AM

Re: 2009 Pipe Order Thread

Originally Posted by yellowgoat (Post 401200)
How long is the window here? I need a few days as my car is in the shop and needs the money first. LOL.

well, the sooner the better of course, but I think if you need a few days to a week that's ok.

Requiem 05-28-2009 11:47 AM

Re: 2009 Pipe Order Thread
I will call monday, June 1st.

Thanks for all your work Tim. ;)

Savvy 05-28-2009 03:40 PM

Re: 2009 Pipe Order Thread
Tried to call in today, got a busy signal. Will try again tomorrow after work.

imthegoal 05-28-2009 03:48 PM

Re: 2009 Pipe Order Thread
I will call on the first as well.

WWhermit 05-28-2009 06:09 PM

Re: 2009 Pipe Order Thread
Will call tomorrow morning.

Many thanks Tim!


yellowgoat 05-28-2009 07:22 PM

Re: 2009 Pipe Order Thread

Originally Posted by RX2010 (Post 401237)
well, the sooner the better of course, but I think if you need a few days to a week that's ok.

Thank goodness! I just had to drop 700 on my car today so that blow more then my budget for anything!

I'll be calling J.M at the most in three days.


Nabinger16 05-28-2009 08:32 PM

Re: 2009 Pipe Order Thread
I just saw this thread. I'll call first thing in the morning.

DrDubzz 05-28-2009 08:39 PM

Re: 2009 Pipe Order Thread
thanks for the speedy responses guys, I hope the pipes are to everyone's liking

WWhermit 05-29-2009 09:00 AM

Re: 2009 Pipe Order Thread
Just placed my order this morning with Dan.

I picked Sweet Tea for my free 1 oz of tobacco. Haven't tried that one yet, so we'll see.


Nabinger16 05-29-2009 09:20 AM

Re: 2009 Pipe Order Thread
I placed an order for both pipes earlier this morning also. I tried some sweat tea and some of the premium burley.

Savvy 05-29-2009 01:26 PM

Re: 2009 Pipe Order Thread
Got a hold of them today.

Order placed, I went the easy route and said either smooth or rusticated was fine, so I'll most likely be getting a rusticated haha.

Thanks Tim for setting this up, really appreciate all the work you've done for it.

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