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BC-Axeman 05-05-2009 12:22 PM

I'm a "Domestic Extremist"
According to the Office of Intelligence and Analysis:

(U//FOUO) Domestic Extremism Lexicon
26 March 2009
(U) Prepared by the Strategic Analysis Group and the Extremism and Radicalization Branch, Homeland
Environment Threat Analysis Division.
(U//FOUO) Homeland Security Reference Aids—prepared by the DHS/Office of
Intelligence and Analysis (I&A)—provide baseline information on a variety of
homeland security issues. This product is one in a series of reference aids designed to
provide operational and intelligence advice and assistance to other elements of DHS,
as well as state, local, and regional fusions centers. DHS/I&A intends this background
information to assist federal, state, local, and tribal homeland security and law
enforcement officials in conducting analytic activities. This product provides
definitions for key terms and phrases that often appear in DHS analysis that addresses
the nature and scope of the threat that domestic, non-Islamic extremism poses to the
United States. Definitions were derived from a variety of open source materials and
unclassified information, then further developed during facilitated workshops with
DHS intelligence analysts knowledgeable about domestic, non-Islamic extremism in
the United States.


(U) patriot movement (U//FOUO) A term used by rightwing extremists to link their
beliefs to those commonly associated with the American
Revolution. The patriot movement primarily comprises
violent antigovernment groups such as militias and sovereign
(also: Christian patriots, patriot group, Constitutionalists,
Constitutionist) *
my emphasis*

No violence here but I believe in the founding of our country and the Constitution.:mad:

Here is a link to the whole pdf:

The document has been recalled shortly after it was released!

replicant_argent 05-05-2009 12:36 PM

Re: I'm a "Domestic Extremist"

and so our Nation of Riflemen continues to slide down a slippery slope to the lowest common denominator of "OneWorld" phsychobabble and Utopian blinder wearing fools.

Tombstone 05-05-2009 01:08 PM

Re: I'm a "Domestic Extremist"
Lance i stand beside you in your beliefs.

hotreds 05-05-2009 01:11 PM

Re: I'm a "Domestic Extremist"
With my van, I'm probably number one on their list!


Diesel Kinevel 05-05-2009 01:43 PM

Re: I'm a "Domestic Extremist"
Attack the Freedom loving Americans who support our Constitution and enjoy our freedoms and generally stand in the way of the Leftist machine while terrorists get a pass.:mad:

this is a pretty good video with some very interesting viewpoints thanks to Michael Savage:tu

Lensjockie 05-05-2009 02:19 PM

Re: I'm a "Domestic Extremist"
Consider yourself a Born Again American. The leftists can democratrically irradicate themselves, just give em enough rope.

Volt 05-05-2009 02:23 PM

Re: I'm a "Domestic Extremist"
Hehe, I have seen this van in person. Looks great!


Originally Posted by hotreds (Post 370523)
With my van, I'm probably number one on their list!


ade06 05-05-2009 02:36 PM

Re: I'm a "Domestic Extremist"

Originally Posted by hotreds (Post 370523)
With my van, I'm probably number one on their list!


Wow, can you see out of any of the windows?

hotreds 05-05-2009 02:47 PM

Re: I'm a "Domestic Extremist"

Originally Posted by ade06 (Post 370651)
Wow, can you see out of any of the windows?

Oh, yes, the windows that need to be seen through are clear!

karmaz00 05-05-2009 03:16 PM

Re: I'm a "Domestic Extremist"
got your van all tated up...:)

WildBlueSooner 05-05-2009 03:49 PM

Re: I'm a "Domestic Extremist"
Hugh that van kicks ass!

stitch 05-05-2009 04:10 PM

Re: I'm a "Domestic Extremist"

Originally Posted by BC-Axeman (Post 370431)
According to the Office of Intelligence and Analysis:

(U//FOUO) Domestic Extremism Lexicon
26 March 2009
(U) Prepared by the Strategic Analysis Group and the Extremism and Radicalization Branch, Homeland
Environment Threat Analysis Division.
(U//FOUO) Homeland Security Reference Aids—prepared by the DHS/Office of
Intelligence and Analysis (I&A)—provide baseline information on a variety of
homeland security issues. This product is one in a series of reference aids designed to
provide operational and intelligence advice and assistance to other elements of DHS,
as well as state, local, and regional fusions centers. DHS/I&A intends this background
information to assist federal, state, local, and tribal homeland security and law
enforcement officials in conducting analytic activities. This product provides
definitions for key terms and phrases that often appear in DHS analysis that addresses
the nature and scope of the threat that domestic, non-Islamic extremism poses to the
United States. Definitions were derived from a variety of open source materials and
unclassified information, then further developed during facilitated workshops with
DHS intelligence analysts knowledgeable about domestic, non-Islamic extremism in
the United States.


(U) patriot movement (U//FOUO) A term used by rightwing extremists to link their
beliefs to those commonly associated with the American
The patriot movement primarily comprises
violent antigovernment groups such as militias and sovereign
(also: Christian patriots, patriot group, Constitutionalists,
Constitutionist) *
my emphasis*

No violence here but I believe in the founding of our country and the Constitution.:mad:

Here is a link to the whole pdf:

The document has been recalled shortly after it was released!

Heck, I've qualified all my life ...Even when I was active USMC! :D

BC-Axeman 05-05-2009 04:14 PM

Re: I'm a "Domestic Extremist"

Originally Posted by stitch (Post 370743)
Heck, I've qualified all my life ...Even when I was active USMC! :D

I feel better now, thanks!

CBI_2 05-05-2009 07:21 PM

Re: I'm a "Domestic Extremist"
I'm right there with you brothers.

If you haven't seen these vids you should check them out.

G G 05-05-2009 07:31 PM

Re: I'm a "Domestic Extremist"
I am afraid we aint seen nothing yet. I hope I am wrong about that, but don't believe I am.

AAlmeter 05-05-2009 07:56 PM

Re: I'm a "Domestic Extremist"
I have a feeling that the (someday) backlash against the current regime will make me seem like a RINO.....

....and that gives me the warm and tinglies. :tu

Let's hope we can forever squash the battle between left and right and move on to bigger and better things for mankind.


-a proud law-abiding, America-loving, God-fearing, Constitution-loving, gun-toting, extremist who is still bitterly hanging on to his religion and guns as his change is taken from his hip pocket.

Ratters 05-05-2009 08:22 PM

Re: I'm a "Domestic Extremist"
Ha, I've been one of those wacky gun toting libertarians since high school. It scares me how we've lost the ideals of freedom and responsibility in this nation, especially the latter. There are still a lot of freedom lovers in this nation but it is shrinking as people are increasingly dependent on the nanny state, and it's only gonna get worse. But the system will collapse once they run out of productive people to steal from. Hopefully people will make the right choices then,

AAlmeter 05-05-2009 08:40 PM

Re: I'm a "Domestic Extremist"

Originally Posted by Ratters (Post 371218)
Ha, I've been one of those wacky gun toting libertarians since high school. It scares me how we've lost the ideals of freedom and responsibility in this nation, especially the latter. There are still a lot of freedom lovers in this nation but it is shrinking as people are increasingly dependent on the nanny state, and it's only gonna get worse. But the system will collapse once they run out of productive people to steal from. Hopefully people will make the right choices then,


But I see a lot of your typical Bush I/II Republicans looking at what I'll call true American ideals (those encompassed by libertarian/constitution parties), and more shockingly, a lot of lifelong Dems are coming to the good side too. I supervise a lot of union boys, and they're all getting tired of the BS, and they just want to work, live, and be left alone. There comes a point where every productive member of society will rise up against the scum....lets just hope its not too late.

BC-Axeman 05-05-2009 09:01 PM

Re: I'm a "Domestic Extremist"
Who would have ever thought that being pro-Constitution would be considered anti-government?
I am not anti-tax either. I just think everyone should pay tax, at least something.
There was another definition for people who believe the states should come before the federal gov. Heck, that's the way it was written in the Constitution.
I guess I'm just an extreme "Constitutionist".

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