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skullnrose 04-21-2009 04:49 PM

Aristocrat To cool or not To cool ?
First off I know Aristocrat's are cool! I have 2 Mini's and have zero problems keeping them at my desired 61-64%. I live in the North East and so far have had no problems with keeping reasonable Temps even during the summer. I'm looking into an Mplus or MXT and would like to get the most storage space for my money. If I go for an uncooled unit I can get a bigger box for less money than the smaller cooled Box. When dropping down the funds for one of these I just don't want to be second guessing myself. So anyone that owns either of these cooled or uncooled I'd like to hear your thoughts.I hope Bob doesn't read this and hear me calling his works of art a box!

Thanks in advance,

68TriShield 04-21-2009 05:26 PM

Re: Aristocrat To cool or not To cool ?
I'm in MD with a non cooled unit. So far so good with the central air.The cabinet stays in the 68 to 72 degree range.
If you lose power,those cooling units wont help you unless of course you have back-up power :)

Ashcan Bill 04-21-2009 05:51 PM

Re: Aristocrat To cool or not To cool ?
If you're getting along fine without a cooled unit now, then I can't see why you'd want to spend the extra $$ unless you think you might move to a hotter climate someday.

I live in the desert and had Bob put double cooling units in my Aristocrat. It was a wise investment - they run a lot in the summer.

reflex 04-21-2009 06:06 PM

Re: Aristocrat To cool or not To cool ?

Originally Posted by 68TriShield (Post 348789)
I'm in MD with a non cooled unit. So far so good with the central air.The cabinet stays in the 68 to 72 degree range.
If you lose power,those cooling units wont help you unless of course you have back-up power :)

Well if you look at it like that if a door falls off it won't hold humidity.;)

I live in Ca and today it is 100 degs so unless I want a beetle circus I have to have a cooled unit. I have the Aristocrat M Plus THC and it has worked out great. You do loss a little room because you don't want to block the cooling fans but other then that it is great.
If you can keep the temp down in the 65 to 68 ranges all year I wouldn't get a cooled one and save yourself some real cash. :ss

BORIStheBLADE 04-21-2009 06:40 PM

Re: Aristocrat To cool or not To cool ?
Ya if you don't have issues right now and don't think you will in he future I wouldn't spend the money on a cooled one either.

groogs 04-21-2009 07:23 PM

Re: Aristocrat To cool or not To cool ?

Originally Posted by BORIStheBLADE (Post 348901)
Ya if you don't have issues right now and don't think you will in he future I wouldn't spend the money on a cooled one either.

:tpd: Don't spend the extra money if you don't have to. Save it for more cigars.:tu

ucla695 04-21-2009 08:26 PM

Re: Aristocrat To cool or not To cool ?
I live in CA and have a cooled unit because it's a necessity. Right now, it doesn't seem to make sense for you, but do you plan on living in the NE way on down the road? Whatever you decide to do, just make sure it will suit you needs in the future. :)

icehog3 04-21-2009 10:34 PM

Re: Aristocrat To cool or not To cool ?
I live in Illinois and have been using a non-cooled unit without temperature issues.

When I retire and move somewhere warm, I will invest in a cooled Aristocrat, but the unit I have now is fine for the upper Midwest.

skullnrose 04-22-2009 12:16 AM

Re: Aristocrat To cool or not To cool ?
Thanks for the replies. Only real reason I was considering A cooled unit is I want this to be the last one I buy for a while. I started with the Mini thinking I'd never fill it up because I was coming from a 150 count desktop. Well you know how that works out! I picked up a vino temp and it works but It's not my thing and yea it's full now too. I bought the second mini used from Ligero88(Josh)Because the price was too good to be true for a mini with the Set & Forget well that's full too! I have The Geneve 500 count that cheap humidors sells paid 75 bucks used couldn't pass it up and it works great for loose sticks. I guess your answers were just what I was looking to hear Go bigger and if you don't have temp problems now don't sweat it.

Thanks for letting me think out loud.

adampc22 04-22-2009 03:58 AM

Re: Aristocrat To cool or not To cool ?
i had a dream i few nights ago were i had a aristocrat but i couldnt open it

mosesbotbol 04-22-2009 05:13 AM

Re: Aristocrat To cool or not To cool ?
Go even bigger and a get a cooled unit. It sounds like that is what you want and just want your answer validated. If this is truly to be your last Aristocrat then go over board on the size and get it cooled; done...

GoatLocker 04-23-2009 02:18 PM

Re: Aristocrat To cool or not To cool ?
First, get a cab that will fit your storage needs, i.e. the biggest one you can afford. :r All other things being equal, a cooled Aristocrat will provide a better, more stable environment for your sticks. One other thing to consider, and this is not to bash Bob Staebell at all, is that the THC system does have a relatively high failure rate (relative to his non cooled cabs). I know a few people who's cooling has failed and a couple have had repeated failures. Bob has excellent customer service, but a cabinet is a long term purchase and if it fails 10 years from now, your options may be limited. Of course, my opinion is based on a small number of failures. I have no idea what the failure rate is at say, 5 years, but it's well above zero. I have no doubt Bob can give you better info if you give him a call.

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