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SilverFox 04-20-2009 03:28 PM

Cigar Punches - I want a better one
Ok so the Xikar vs Palio debate has raged on and one and is far from resolution there will always be both sides of the fence but invariably when one asks for a cutter recommendation they get either one of these.

Now cigar punches are less utilized it seems but lately I have found myself using my punch more and more, but here is my regret/issue/consternation over the hole thing (notice the nice use of pun).

The one I have is an Xikar 008 and while the design and construction is great I find I have to spend too much time fussing with it to get a good cut, if it was sharper a simple twist and light push would surely do.

I have looked online and nothing jumps out at me.

Punches are great for short filler smokes and in general I have been finding I prefer a punch or a sharp knife to a cutter.

So gents help me out, what is the best punch out there and how do I find it?

Or, why doesn't Palio make a punch?

Old Sailor 04-20-2009 03:31 PM

Re: Cigar Punches - I want a better one
I got mine from Holts.....spring loaded, rubber grip, one piece!:tu

Smokin Gator 04-20-2009 03:36 PM

Re: Cigar Punches - I want a better one
I know what you mean. I have also found myself enjoying the punch more and more. I also have a 008 and it was great at first. Now it seems like it is not so sharp. I will monitor this thread.

One thing I did hear but haven't tried is to get a cone shaped Dremel tool and lightly work it on the inside of the punch to sharpen it.

Bear 04-20-2009 03:41 PM

Re: Cigar Punches - I want a better one
I use the cheapies you can pick up at a B&M for a few bucks. When it gets dull, I toss it and get an other one. :2

thetpi825 04-20-2009 03:47 PM

Re: Cigar Punches - I want a better one
Ive been using the one on my Xikar lighter and it works great.

awsmith4 04-20-2009 03:51 PM

Re: Cigar Punches - I want a better one
I use the one on the bottom of Vector lighter and it has been trouble free so far...

tzaddi 04-20-2009 04:00 PM

Re: Cigar Punches - I want a better one
This is the one that I have and use. a plastic shell with 2 sizes of cutters, one on each end. I paid $16 buy for $30 you can get the same thing with a metal shell.

Here is an example of what it can do with a larger RG, in this case a 52rg

I don't always punch but when I do this is the one I use.

TripleF 04-20-2009 04:04 PM

Re: Cigar Punches - I want a better one
I use the punch attached to my cheapo's money - works everytime! :tu

leasingthisspace 04-20-2009 04:12 PM

Re: Cigar Punches - I want a better one
tzaddi that's the coolest punch I have ever seen.

TXRebel 04-20-2009 05:28 PM

Re: Cigar Punches - I want a better one
I don't own one, but for the price, it better cut steel and stay sharp. :D


SmokeyJoe 04-20-2009 05:42 PM

Re: Cigar Punches - I want a better one
Pretty impressive!

I use a cheap one that hangs on my keychain... yours looks MUCH nicer. :tu


Originally Posted by tzaddi (Post 346835)
This is the one that I have and use. a plastic shell with 2 sizes of cutters, one on each end. I paid $16 buy for $30 you can get the same thing with a metal shell.

Here is an example of what it can do with a larger RG, in this case a 52rg

I don't always punch but when I do this is the one I use.

Smokin Gator 04-20-2009 05:51 PM

Re: Cigar Punches - I want a better one

Originally Posted by TXRebel (Post 347020)
I don't own one, but for the price, it better cut steel and stay sharp. :D

I'd say... and make love to me after it punched my cigar!!!

AD720 04-20-2009 06:12 PM

Re: Cigar Punches - I want a better one
I got a two pack of these -

Working A-OK! :tu

XTRazzer 04-20-2009 06:29 PM

Re: Cigar Punches - I want a better one
I've been happy with the punch selection (3 sizes) on my Victorinox Cigar Knife. It's a nice looking knife too. Got mine at Amazon.

Ragin Cajun 04-20-2009 06:32 PM

Re: Cigar Punches - I want a better one
I've got one that cost me about 9 bucks, it works every time. But since some of you have a Xikar, maybe somebody could look into whether or not they have a lifetime warranty.

RGD. 04-21-2009 07:34 PM

Re: Cigar Punches - I want a better one
This, I think, is the absolute best punch made - Dottatus Solingen.

This punch has two sizes - simply twist the barrel to bring out the size that you want. Looks two different colors in the photo - but it's not true - just the lighting, flash or some deal.

Not sure where you would buy one - I've had this one forever it seems (10 to 12 years at least, I honestly can't remember) - and I know it ran me well over $100 at the time.

As you can see from the residue around it - it's had it's fair share of use over the years.


SeanGAR 04-21-2009 07:47 PM

Re: Cigar Punches - I want a better one
Use this blade, cut a circle. Bigger cigar, bigger circle. Torp, cut a V. You can sharpen it easily. I've never had a punch worth beans.

leasingthisspace 04-21-2009 07:49 PM

Re: Cigar Punches - I want a better one
RGD that's cool looking.

troutbreath 04-21-2009 08:14 PM

Re: Cigar Punches - I want a better one
I have the Xikar, and like it. I've only had it for a few months, though. Previously, I used some cheapies from JR that I would pick up on occasion, and they were great, too. When they got dull, they went in the trash.

I have been punching more and more lately. Any robusto gets a punch.

SilverFox 04-21-2009 11:22 PM

Re: Cigar Punches - I want a better one
Seems I just cant get what I want.

Perhaps I am too spoiled, hmmm my brother is a cnc lathe operator, maybe its time to get a custom one. Not that he would do it.

Is there such a thing as a conical honing stone that i can use to sharpen it, a simple grind wheel would make a mess of it I would think?

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