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Da Klugs 04-19-2009 09:43 AM

Generally Speaking.....
There is much experience and knowledge contained within the membership here. Sometimes things get lost when we post individual issues which can disguise things which are.. Generally Speaking .. held to be truths based upon the experience of a large group of folks here.

So one to start:

Generally Speaking...

Humidity beads are the humidification device of choice (60 or 65%) for a large percentage of folks here for smaller humidors and coolers. They are reliable and eliminate mold issues related to other sponge type devices.

There are several sources for them but here are 2:

Smaller devices typically for desktops:

Larger quantities with tubes/sacks for travel, cooler etc type needs:

Da Klugs 04-19-2009 09:57 AM

Re: Generally Speaking.....
OK another one.

Generally Speaking...

Folks use USPS for shipping things to one another, trades, bombs etc.

The supplies for doing this are FREE. The most used sizes are not carried by your local POst office. You need to order them from their site online. The supplies and shipping them to you is FREE.

Go to - you will need to register to get stuff but it is worthwile to take the 2 minutes to do so.

Most of us use Priority Mail with an additional cost delivery confirmation added to ensure we can prove delivery of things sent. Typoically this totals less than $ 6 for domestic shipments and typical delivery time is 1-3 days.

Probably the most useful size is the 1096L large video cassette mailing size.

The 1096S a slightly smaller box is also useful.

There are a myriad of other sizes available to you but taking the time to do a little shopping FREE on the site is time well spent.

Ashcan Bill 04-19-2009 10:02 AM

Re: Generally Speaking.....
A generalization?

Well, generally speaking, I think most of us here prefer to light our cigars utilizing a torch lighter. Torches give an even light, the butane used is tasteless, and they make touching up a burn effortless.

While there are many torch lighters available, I believe the PB-207 is one of the most popular. They are reliable, fairly inexpensive, and easily available.

I've run across throw aways that work as well, but I'll bet a good percentage of us have at least one PB-207 in our stash drawer.

JJG 04-19-2009 10:21 AM

Re: Generally Speaking.....

Originally Posted by Da Klugs (Post 344640)
OK another one.

Generally Speaking...

Folks use USPS for shipping things to one another, trades, bombs etc.

The supplies for doing this are FREE. The most used sizes are not carried by your local POst office. You need to order them from their site online. The supplies you and shipping them to you is FREE.

Go to - you will need to register to get stuff but it is worthwile to take the 2 minutes to do so.

Most of us use Priority Mail with an additional cost delivery confirmation added to ensure we can prove delivery of things sent. Typoically this totals less than $ 6 for domestic shipments and typical delivery time is 1-3 days.

Probably the most useful size is the 1096L large video cassette mailing size.

The 1096S a slightly smaller box is also useful.

There are a myriad of other sizes available to you but taking the time to do a little shopping FREE on the site is time well spent.

This is great info. I don't know if there is a "generally accepted shipping practices" thread but I have never had a bad experience with usps and I always appreciate the DC#. It's only like, $1 extra?

also since we are speaking generally, anyone else notice that their taste preferences seem to evolve in the opposite direction of conventional wisdom?

I see full bodied or super fuerte cigars advertised as "for experienced smokers" but they seem to be favored most by new enthusiasts.

From personal experience I can say I used to prefer strong, dark maduros and oscuros but over the years I've come to favor very light, mild to medium cigars.

In fact, the only maduros I actually prefer over their natural counterparts are Padrons.

Don Fernando 04-19-2009 10:41 AM

Re: Generally Speaking.....

Originally Posted by Da Klugs (Post 344614)
There is much experience and knowledge contained within the membership here. Sometimes things get lost when we post individual issues which can disguise things which are.. Generally Speaking .. held to be truths based upon the experience of a large group of folks here.

So one to start:

Generally Speaking...

Humidity beads are the humidification device of choice (60 or 65%) for a large percentage of folks here for smaller humidors and coolers. They are reliable and eliminate mold issues related to other sponge type devices.

There are several sources for them but here are 2:

Smaller devices typically for desktops:

Larger quantities with tubes/sacks for travel, cooler etc type needs:

I would like to add Scott Shilala to the list of sources.

HK3- 04-19-2009 10:55 AM

Re: Generally Speaking.....

Originally Posted by Don Fernando (Post 344672)
I would like to add Scott Shilala to the list of sources.

:tpd: They work great for me and they are from a great member here. :tu

Da Klugs 04-19-2009 10:57 AM

Re: Generally Speaking.....
OK another one:

Generally Speaking...

I taste no difference between cigars I buy on line v.s. those at B&M's. Other than the either can suck ROTT or ROOTH based upon being over humidified. I think the premise of differences ties back to one key ingredient in enjoying the cigar... what is between your ears, than any intentional differences at manufacturing. If a B&M proprietor you respect (or friends for that matter, but I guesss you need friends for that to happen) hands you a cigar / recommends it, you will tend to enjoy that cigar more than one without any connection to that weird muddled place between your ears.

bobarian 04-19-2009 11:21 AM

Re: Generally Speaking.....

Originally Posted by JJG (Post 344654)
This is great info. I don't know if there is a "generally accepted shipping practices" thread but I have never had a bad experience with usps and I always appreciate the DC#. It's only like, $1 extra?

Actually, DC#'s are free when you use USPS online or PP MultiOrder Shipping.

Generally speaking people underbuy their first storage container. No matter what you are contemplating, humidor, cooler, wine fridge or cabinet, get at least the next bigger size, more realistically DOUBLE your anticipated storage you will need it within 3 months. In general most underestimate the pull of this hobby and actually think they have self control.:D

Skywalker 04-19-2009 12:14 PM

Re: Generally Speaking.....

Originally Posted by bobarian (Post 344717)
Generally speaking people underbuy their first storage container. No matter what you are contemplating, humidor, cooler, wine fridge or cabinet, get at least the next bigger size, more realistically DOUBLE your anticipated storage you will need it within 3 months. In general most underestimate the pull of this hobby and actually think they have self control.:D

Generally speaking...

Some members push other members into such buying practices...
Thus the term "pushed down the slope"!!!

When I say pushed, I mean bombing with Coolers, VinoTemps, and Humidors so the recipient feels obligated to fill such devices; causing them to slip uncontrollably down the the slope of buying more cigars!!!

WildBlueSooner 04-19-2009 01:51 PM

Re: Generally Speaking.....
Speaking of slope...Generally speaking new members hear about the so called slope, and smile while thinking "they are just messing around it cannot be that bad." However, over the course of the next several weeks they find out the slope is more like a free fall and finally understand that the other members were not exaggerating, in fact they were probably understating the extreme force of the magical slope. As a new smoker I can attest the the slope is strong and not to be messed with. Also, do not try to fight the force, as it will do things to you you never imagined were possible (ouch!) So, let this be a warning to all of the noobs who question the power of the slope...DO NOT **** WITH THE SLOPE! Generally speaking of course

DocLogic77 04-19-2009 01:58 PM

Re: Generally Speaking.....

Originally Posted by Da Klugs (Post 344693)
OK another one:

Generally Speaking...

I taste no difference between cigars I buy on line v.s. those at B&M's. Other than the either can suck ROTT or ROOTH based upon being over humidified. I think the premise of differences ties back to one key ingredient in enjoying the cigar... what is between your ears, than any intentional differences at manufacturing. If a B&M proprietor you respect (or friends for that matter, but I guesss you need friends for that to happen) hands you a cigar / recommends it, you will tend to enjoy that cigar more than one without any connection to that weird muddled place between your ears.

Excellent point...and I totally agree.

markem 04-19-2009 02:00 PM

Re: Generally Speaking.....
Generally speaking, CA is a place where it is expected that people will grow both in understanding of the leaf, knowledge of our diverse culture, knowledge of themselves and in taking a ribbing. CA is also a place where we can learn about our own biases and rectify them, provided we (mostly) check our ego at the door.

It is also a place where the motto "smoke what makes you happy" is lauded - cc v. nc arguments are rare but deep discussions about why one may prefer one over the other are appreciated.

And finally, generally speaking, CA provides a nice way to get involved in a large board without having to "keep up". We don't worship the number of smoke rings, or the number of trades, or the number of visitor messages. After being here a short time, almost all are treated with equal care and respect.

DocLogic77 04-19-2009 02:07 PM

Re: Generally Speaking.....

Originally Posted by WildBlueSooner (Post 344924)
Speaking of slope...Generally speaking new members hear about the so called slope, and smile while thinking "they are just messing around it cannot be that bad." However, over the course of the next several weeks they find out the slope is more like a free fall and finally understand that the other members were not exaggerating, in fact they were probably understating the extreme force of the magical slope. As a new smoker I can attest the the slope is strong and not to be messed with. Also, do not try to fight the force, as it will do things to you you never imagined were possible (ouch!) So, let this be a warning to all of the noobs who question the power of the slope...DO NOT **** WITH THE SLOPE! Generally speaking of course

This is funny and oh so true. And I think we should combine this with what bobarian was saying. If you decide ehh how bad can the slope be...maybe I should %^&* with the slope. Then buy more storage than you believe you will ever need in 10 lifetimes. Because the slope is no joke...and the amount of cigars aquired only escalates with time.

Let me add an additional note. For those like myself who are a glutton for punishment...there is a slope within a slope. Just when you think you have hit rock bottom...and you have aquired everything your little heart desires...along comes the vintage and rare slope. This is a sickness within the sickness...and has sent many a good man to the poor house. Don't say you haven't been warned. :D

Old Sailor 04-19-2009 03:04 PM

Re: Generally Speaking.....
Generally speaking: when a new member goes to their first herf, they have questions galore about what to bring....IMHO, bring what you like to smoke, if you want to handout cigars to other attendees, go for it. Main thing to remember, is be yourself and enjoy!!

leasingthisspace 04-19-2009 03:14 PM

Re: Generally Speaking.....

Originally Posted by markem (Post 344929)
Generally speaking, CA is a place where it is expected that people will grow both in understanding of the leaf, knowledge of our diverse culture, knowledge of themselves and in taking a ribbing. CA is also a place where we can learn about our own biases and rectify them, provided we (mostly) check our ego at the door.

It is also a place where the motto "smoke what makes you happy" is lauded - cc v. nc arguments are rare but deep discussions about why one may prefer one over the other are appreciated.

And finally, generally speaking, CA provides a nice way to get involved in a large board without having to "keep up". We don't worship the number of smoke rings, or the number of trades, or the number of visitor messages. After being here a short time, almost all are treated with equal care and respect.

Well said.

bobarian 04-19-2009 03:29 PM

Re: Generally Speaking.....

Originally Posted by DocLogic77 (Post 344936)
Let me add an additional note. For those like myself who are a glutton for punishment...there is a slope within a slope. Just when you think you have hit rock bottom...and you have aquired everything your little heart desires...along comes the vintage and rare slope. This is a sickness within the sickness...and has sent many a good man to the poor house. Don't say you haven't been warned. :D

Generally speaking, the Power of the Dark Side is strong. Do not tempt fate. Aged, vintage and rare are not slopes to mess with unless you are prepared to go deeper, faster and harder! :r

Da Klugs 04-19-2009 03:40 PM

Re: Generally Speaking.....

Originally Posted by bobarian (Post 345018)
Generally speaking, the Power of the Dark Side is strong. Do not tempt fate. Aged, vintage and rare are not slopes to mess with unless you are prepared to go deeper, faster and harder! :r

The deeper being so ego sapping... :D

MarkinAZ 04-19-2009 03:56 PM

Re: Generally Speaking.....

Originally Posted by Old Sailor (Post 344991)
Generally speaking: when a new member goes to their first herf, they have questions galore about what to bring....IMHO, bring what you like to smoke, if you want to handout cigars to other attendees, go for it. Main thing to remember, is be yourself and enjoy!!

And generally speaking, I believe it is always in good taste to bring a small gift (cigar, etc) for the Inmate who is hosting the local herf at his or her home, as a way of showing your appreciation for their generosity.

In addition, and generally speaking, try to have something positive to say from time to time about the members of the CFRH. If not, they make take the notion at their next herf to bomb your a$$;)

WildBlueSooner 04-19-2009 04:00 PM

Re: Generally Speaking.....
Generally speaking CA members are great about returning favors. When I first came and got the living hell bombed out of me, people said one it forward when you can! I am now in a position to start repaying some of those debts so lookout below!!!!!! :r

Ahbroody 04-19-2009 04:06 PM

Re: Generally Speaking.....

Originally Posted by Da Klugs (Post 344693)
OK another one:

Generally Speaking...

I taste no difference between cigars I buy on line v.s. those at B&M's. Other than the either can suck ROTT or ROOTH based upon being over humidified. I think the premise of differences ties back to one key ingredient in enjoying the cigar... what is between your ears, than any intentional differences at manufacturing. If a B&M proprietor you respect (or friends for that matter, but I guesss you need friends for that to happen) hands you a cigar / recommends it, you will tend to enjoy that cigar more than one without any connection to that weird muddled place between your ears.

Glad you said this. Gives backing to what many of us have been arguing both here and prior at CS.

As to the dark side slope. Shes a *****. Once you start sliding there is no stopping. I ended up cutting up a Credit Card to try to stop. To bad I had the number memorized. Still a battle not to use it which I loose occassionaly. I am avoiding the rare as I know as soon as I start its going to be my ruin.

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