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fsjonsey 03-25-2009 05:23 PM

Tamboril is Back...Oh God
I picked up my new Famous catalog today, and what did I see glaring back at me?
Look at the size of that Vein! And that foot damage! Even in the glamour shot they can't hide it.
:pu What did we do to deserve this? :pu
I thought Tabacalera Tamboril died with the Cigar Boom?

Box split anyone?

WildBlueSooner 03-25-2009 05:32 PM

Re: Tamboril is Back...Oh God
haha :r

BamBam 03-25-2009 05:34 PM

Re: Tamboril is Back...Oh God
never had one myself.

But I have seen the Churchills rate pretty high on a ratings site.

fsjonsey 03-25-2009 05:41 PM

Re: Tamboril is Back...Oh God
For those who dont remember the Tamboril thread that was posted on a certian, now defunct cigar forum, I give you this:

BC-Axeman 03-25-2009 05:45 PM

Re: Tamboril is Back...Oh God
Box split?

BillyCigars 03-25-2009 06:01 PM

Re: Tamboril is Back...Oh God

Originally Posted by fsjonsey (Post 303811)
For those who dont remember the Tamboril thread that was posted on a certian, now defunct cigar forum, I give you this:


Starscream 03-25-2009 06:03 PM

Re: Tamboril is Back...Oh God
These are as bad as Cremosas and four times higher?

Cigary 03-25-2009 06:07 PM

Re: Tamboril is Back...Oh God

Originally Posted by fsjonsey (Post 303811)
For those who dont remember the Tamboril thread that was posted on a certian, now defunct cigar forum, I give you this:

Funny as hell!!:r:r

fsjonsey 03-25-2009 06:10 PM

Re: Tamboril is Back...Oh God
I honestly thought this brand was dead. CS became aware of them after Da Klugs got ahold of a bunch on clearence I think. Apparently they were worse than the cremosa.

There is no way these could be any better than the original "Tamboril"

BC-Axeman 03-26-2009 10:03 AM

Re: Tamboril is Back...Oh God
From the catalog:


Tamboril Habano cigars present Tabacalera Tamboril's first new premium blend in 10 years. A robust mix of Nicaraguan, Peruvian, Dominican Criollo '98 Ligero, Dominican Piloto Cubano Seco, plus an Olor Dominicano binder, all neatly rolled in a silky Nicaraguan Habano wrapper, offer you a stunning, full-flavored smoke that's smooth, balanced and carries a punch. If you want a complex, medium-bodied cigar that offers great taste and consistency at a reasonable price, try a box or a 5-Pack today.
Sounds great! Look at all the countries and types!

borndead1 03-26-2009 10:20 AM

Re: Tamboril is Back...Oh God
I like the customer reviews! :r

Don't Waste Your $$$

This is somebodies idea of a joke rite? Bad burn, horrible taste, Not worth smoking, Not worth chewing on either. I buy ALLOT of smokes and the ones I don't like, I give to my friends. This box went straight to the trash!!!

Coz77 03-26-2009 12:31 PM

Re: Tamboril is Back...Oh God
Everyone should get a second chance...Id try them.

Fumes 03-26-2009 03:31 PM

Re: Tamboril is Back...Oh God
Back in the day this was a truly turdly cigar. Hands down the worst cigar I've ever smoked... maybe Cremosa is worse, but I haven't had the pleasure. I can't imagine anything worse than a mid-90's Tamboril.

On the other hand, they would have to really put in an effort to make a cigar as bad as that, so chances are the new ones are at least comparatively better.

ucla695 03-26-2009 05:17 PM

Re: Tamboril is Back...Oh God
I've never had one, but appreciate the warning.

Pitmaster 03-26-2009 05:22 PM

Re: Tamboril is Back...Oh God
OMG, back in the day this was like sucking on the white part of an orange peel and smelled like death once lit. I remeber lighting one and having to soak it in water to make it go away. Why they would bring this back is beyond me.

Whipper Snapper 03-26-2009 07:27 PM

Re: Tamboril is Back...Oh God

fsjonsey 03-26-2009 09:52 PM

Re: Tamboril is Back...Oh God
Why would someone even bother spending the money in order to bring back a Brand that has such a horrible reputation?
This makes absolutely no sense to me.

So, who wants to do a box split?

More comedy gold from the review section:

Horrific Habano

Be warned, this inflated price tag is bogus, these supposedly silky wrappers fall apart quickly into the smoke. the blend burns hot and the construction is horrible, this cigar is an amazing example of over pried crap as im not clear on which factory these pieces come from, if i knew that, i likely wouldnt buy any product that coems from this location as these construction wise are horrible. I've smoked 3 thus far, all 3 have canoed well over an inch. Horrific example of a premuim cigar, makes you want to slap whomever developped this blwend as it sucks huge. Be warned these cigars are not worth a quarter a piece. This silky habano wrapper, it aint remotely silky, it breaks immediately into the smoke. Horrific Habano just flat out Horrific, save your money, dont get duped into thinking because famous sells them for $5 a piece they are good cigars, these arent worth a quarter a piece, if that.

BC-Axeman 03-27-2009 10:30 PM

Re: Tamboril is Back...Oh God
I may get a fiver for blind tasting, hehehehe }-)

fsjonsey 03-28-2009 12:24 AM

Re: Tamboril is Back...Oh God

Originally Posted by BC-Axeman (Post 307715)
I may get a fiver for blind tasting, hehehehe }-)

This could be fun...

spectrrr 03-28-2009 10:58 AM

Re: Tamboril is Back...Oh God
Sadly enough... I am stupid enough that I want to try it.....

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