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RevSmoke 03-24-2009 08:01 AM

Age & Experience
I am one that has smoked fo 28+ years. I have seen some cigars come and some go. I have sometimes enjoyed my pipe more often than cigars, and so my humidor kept me happy for a while during that time, without having to visit a cigar shop or the internet. Then, a few year ago, I found cigar forums online, and I have noticed since finding them, a couple things that intrigue me.

I remember the 90s boom years, there were a number of brands that popped up, and then died soon thereafter. Some stayed for awhile and have flourished - Padron (wasn’t in the US market til ‘97), Perdomo (La Tradicion came out in’95), and La Flor Dominicana (‘94) to name just a few of the more successful ones. There are some others that are still around, they’ve weathered the storm, but not quite as successfully. For example Cupido was a great smoke came out and was and incredible smoke, rich, sweet, on the full side of medium - they’re sill around, but what happened to them. Then there are some that make you scratch your head, like Cremosa - introduced in ‘94 and for some unknown reason, still being produced. And then, there are those that have gone the way of the dodo.

What interests me is the variety of cigars out there, and the new faces in the cigar world that seem to have cropped up and are making themselves popular. Names that were unfamiliar to me before I found CA (and before it, CS), and seem to be the best of the best, make me curious about their pedigree and staying power.

What is more, I am curious who is smoking them? Are they long-time smokers, seasoned smoker, or neophytes.

So, I’ve organized a poll to see how long people have been smoking. And I’m taking a straw poll in the thread - what are you 5 favorite brands. If you want to mention in the thread how long you’ve been smoking, that would be nice. Curious what the old-timers versus the relative newbies are smoking. Are we in the midst of a new boom, with some names that will fade like the wind? Or are some of the new names here to stay?

I ask, because I was seriously out of the cigar loop from mid-2000 until 2007, I smoked almost exclusively, my pipes. I had enough cigars that I hadn’t bought any from 1999 till 2007. (I think being a reviewer for SMOKE magazine for most of 1999 may have burned me out for a while.) And then moving to Embarrass, Wisconsin - with no B&M to hang out at, I had no place I wanted to smoke, and nobody to smoke with. I even traded cigars for some quality pipes. There were months I’d go without a cigar, and other times, I was smoking only about 2 cigar every month. A box can go a whole year at that rate. So, basically out of the cigar loop for those few years, I come back and there are some names that seem to dominate that I didn’t know.

Rocky Patel came on scene in the 90s, but with Indian Tabac - since then he’s done his own lines and is still going strong. Jose Garcia didn’t come on the scene domestically until 200?? Ernesto Padilla went into cigars with Perdomo, and didn’t get his own company going until 2003? Pete Johnson is also immensely popular on CA, but he also is a relative newbie to the cigar scene.

My 5 favorites:
Moore & Bode Flamboyan
Padron (PAM 64s & X000s)
Oliva V
Taboo HSGs
Punch (Rothschilds)

What is interesting with my list is that 2 of the 5 I discovered after the boom, 2 during the boom, and 1 I have smoked for 28 years. What is interesting is that I used to smoke almost exclusively; AF Chateaus ($15 a box) and AF ($18 a box) & Punch Rothschilds ($40 a box). When I had some extra $$, I’d pop for a box of AF Hemi Short Stories ($60 a box). Notice what cigars are not on my list anymore?

How long have you been smoking?
What are your 5 favorites?

Mugen910 03-24-2009 08:15 AM

Re: Age & Experience
My top 5:
La Flor Dominicana Double Ligero series
Padron Anniversary Series

About 6 months ago the bottom two NCs would have been in #2 and #3 followed by L' Aroma De Cuba and Tats.

RevSmoke 03-24-2009 08:24 AM

Re: Age & Experience
Just thought of this. The boom was really fading fast by 1999, so if someone didn't smoke over 15 years - they almost wouldn't know and certainly wouldn't remember - AFs for the prices I mentioned.

marge796 03-24-2009 08:33 AM

Re: Age & Experience
I started with cigars in the spring of 2000, a good friend said, try one of these and here I am. I have evolved like many others. I smoked a number of different cigars until I developed a cigar savvy palate :D and acquired a little education from my local B&Ms and networking on sites like this one. Here's what I like to keep on hand in no particle order.

La Arome De Cuba
Rocky Patel
Diamond Crown Maximus
CCs when I can come across them

As you all know there are many variations to my above list and I have tried to smoke as many as I can. I also prefer the larger sized cigar like a Belicoso & Churchill. Well that’s my story and I’m sticking too it.



icantbejon 03-24-2009 08:35 AM

Re: Age & Experience
I would say I've only been smoking seriously for two years or so. Before that, I would smoke a cigar at a BBQ or whatever. Nothing major.

As far as favorites go,
1. CAO MX2 (this is old faithful so it remains #1 despite better cigars available)
2. Cohiba Siglo IV (I've only smoked 08's)
3. RP Fusion MM
4. Oliva V (recent addition)
5. AF Shark (only had a couple, but they have blown me away every time)

icehog3 03-24-2009 08:38 AM

Re: Age & Experience
Been smoking cigars over 20 years, more "seriously" for the last 8. "Discovered" Cubans about 6 years ago and primarily smoke those now.

Favorite Brands:

Por Larranaga
H. Upmann
Ramon Allones

Favorite NC brands would be Fuente and Tatuaje.

As an aside, the absolute worst "Boom" cigar I smoked were Don Mateos....nasty chit. ;)

kgoings 03-24-2009 08:40 AM

Re: Age & Experience
I was smoking in the mid 90's but then stopped. I picked it up again a bit over a year ago.

If we are only talking NC's

AF Hemi's
Oliva V

I cant think of a fifth NC that ranks right up there.

My fav CC's

H. Upmann
Por Larranaga

TheLostGringo 03-24-2009 08:43 AM

Re: Age & Experience
Nice post thanks for sharing. I have been smoking about 20 years myself but truthfully over the past 6-7 years smoke almost exclusively Cuban Cigars.

Now and then I do enjoy a Tatuaje which obviously is a relatively new cigar.

Emjaysmash 03-24-2009 08:51 AM

Re: Age & Experience

Originally Posted by RevSmoke (Post 301258)
Just thought of this. The boom was really fading fast by 1999, so if someone didn't smoke over 15 years - they almost wouldn't know and certainly wouldn't remember - AFs for the prices I mentioned.

Ha, I was going to say "Where can I get AFs for that price??!"

Top 5:
Padron (any and all)
...I cant think of anymore...

I dont have a Top CC list becuase I 've only had a few, but I'm a fan of Partagas.

Been smoking for 1-2 years.

newlifetaxidermy 03-24-2009 08:56 AM

Re: Age & Experience
I started smoking cigars in 1995 or 96. I was a casual cigar smoker (12-15 sticks a year) at best until about a year ago. My tastes have changed over the years. I used to really enjoy a mild to medium conn shade wrapped smoke. Now, I prefer a medium to full bodies smoke. I have yet to meet a CC that I didn't like, so I am not going to include them in my favorites.

My favorite NCs are (in no particular order)
5 Vegas Classic
AF Anejo
Hoyo de Tradicion
Casa Magna (newly discovered this outstanding cigar)

Other NCs that I really like are:
Hoyo de Monterrey
Olvidados by ERdM
Tatuaje Miami

Lucky_Hippo 03-24-2009 09:15 AM

Re: Age & Experience
I've been a cigar smoker for just over 14 years. I was pretty serious about it for the first 3 or 4 years, and after a few years of just smoking occasionally I really got back into it about 4 years ago or so. I worked close to my local B&M so I was still there 4 or 5 times a week, I just did a lot more hanging out than smoking.

The first go around I was really into:

A. Fuente (smoked a lot of 8-5-8's)
Macanudo portofinos (from Jamaica)
Ashton (when you could easily find VSG's by the box)

The second go around I've really been into:

Rocky Patel
Pete Johnson

For some reason A. Fuente, who I almost smoked exclusively before, has fallen off my radar. Even the Hemmingway stuff just doesn't hold my attention like it used to.

**Remeber Lone Wolf cigars, a Belushi and Chuck Norris collaborative? With all the differnt flavors I tend to remember them as the Acid cigars of the 90s.

:pu Not my cup of tea at all, but what a unique pairing in the cigar world. :D

tsolomon 03-24-2009 09:34 AM

Re: Age & Experience
Smoking for 1 1/2 years.

Top 5 NCs
Tatuaje Browns
La Riqueza
Padron 64 & x000 Maduros
Oliva V

elderboy02 03-24-2009 09:40 AM

Re: Age & Experience
In May, it will be 1 year I have been smoking cigars.

My favorites are:
Don Pepin Garcia

Coz77 03-24-2009 09:46 AM

Re: Age & Experience
Going on 6 years here.. The 3 P's have yet to disappoint!


G G 03-24-2009 09:47 AM

Re: Age & Experience
Smokin for about 2 years.

Favorite Brands
Oliva V, O, G
Taboo mostly SFBC and BC
5 Vegas A

Beer Doctor 03-24-2009 09:49 AM

Re: Age & Experience
I've been smoking premium cigars since I turned 18 in 1998 (and crappy machine mades before that:D). I really got into cigars when I met my wife in 2001. Her father got me my first humidor. I was in college then so I didn't have many cigars and eventually I let my humidor empty and put it away for awhile. I took a little hiatus from having my own and smoking regularly from 04-07. I started back again when I bought some Cohibas in Italy. I reseasoned my humidor and it's been full ever since.

Top 5
DPG (blue/black)
JdN Antano

I'm sure Tatuaje and Illusione would be in there too but I've only had two Tats and 5 Illusione.

Lately I've been getting into CCs and have noticed my NCs aren't as appealing. Although I had a Davidoff millenium lancero that was frickin awesome.


thebiglebowski 03-24-2009 09:50 AM

Re: Age & Experience
great post. very thoughtful. i'm gonna bump your ring gau... er. nevermind. ;)

i fall in the 10-20 year category myself. sounds like you're kind've directing this thread towards NC cigars. i enjoy both, but mostly CCs. here are the NC brands i enjoy, off and on:

LFD (i like most of what Litto produces)
Tatuaje (i'm kind've new to this brand, but really like the brown labels)
and Gurkhas


joking on that last one.... :fu

markem 03-24-2009 09:57 AM

Re: Age & Experience
I've been smoking cigars since 1976 and pipes since maybe 1980. I used to be more of a pipe guy and cigars a few times a year, but now it is just the opposite.

I don't smoke many NCs anymore and am very picky about the ones that I do smoke. I'll smoke Tatuaje noella, petites and blacks, Pepin blue and black labels and Padron 64s and 26s. That was it until quite recently when I discovered MiraFlor (Andy's on CA) and Andy's new Goviado marca (I've had the chico). I'm way into whatever Andy is rolling as they are all great!

But I've become a CC whore and these are my faves:

Partagas - pretty much any size
HdM - particularly the small ones like du family

I also like Punch, especially the Punch Punch and Black Prince

Oh yeah, the LGC MdO #3s are incredible ...

wait, let's just say I'm a CC whore and leave it at that.

Raralith 03-24-2009 10:04 AM

Re: Age & Experience
Mostly Cubans:

I normally don't smoke NC's but if I do it's:
AF Hemmingway or Opus
Padron Anni or X000

RevSmoke 03-24-2009 10:06 AM

Re: Age & Experience

Originally Posted by Lucky_Hippo (Post 301342)
For some reason A. Fuente, who I almost smoked exclusively before, has fallen off my radar. Even the Hemmingway stuff just doesn't hold my attention like it used to.

**Remeber Lone Wolf cigars, a Belushi and Chuck Norris collaborative? With all the differnt flavors I tend to remember them as the Acid cigars of the 90s.

:pu Not my cup of tea at all, but what a unique pairing in the cigar world. :D

Actually, the Belushi & Norris cigars weren't flavored. That was Lars Teten - and they are still available, only very much limited.

I know what you mean about the AFs. They used to be exquisite. But, during the boom, something happened. Their best were the Hemis. I don't know if it was the addition of the DC and Opus line, but something happened to the flavor, body, strength of their other lines, including the Hemis. I enjoy an occasional SS, but they are not the same. And the Chateaus and the Rothschilds that were my staple, I visit only rarely - though I do have some Chateau SGs that are better. The few Opus I have had, have failed to really "WOW" me. Considering their price tag, I'd expect something spectacular. I must say that one I had was incredible - very, very nice. The other 2 though have left me sorely wanting. When they came out in the 90s, I had a few, but remember construction & burn issues - flavors were decent, but I had Hemi SSs in my humidor that made me happier.

I don't know if I am unusual in that regard, or if others have also noticed the diminished satisfaction that is received from Fuentes in general. It might be that my tastes have changed and I like fuller-bodied cigars. Who knows.

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