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RottenZombie 02-10-2009 02:01 PM

How long should I wait ?
I have recently quit smoking cigarette's ( 9 days ) and thought I'd seek the advice of the inmates here as too how long I should wait to smoke a stogie .
I really don't want to mess up the no cigs thing.

14holestogie 02-10-2009 02:05 PM

Re: How long should I wait ?
Try to hold out for a month, if you can. 21 days is the critical time to cleanse the habit, as I recall. Don't rush into it.

It worked for me. 23 years since my last cigarette. Had 2 hits since then and detested them both.

ahc4353 02-10-2009 02:09 PM

Re: How long should I wait ?
Man that is a scary thing. took me YEARS to get to the point I didn't want a cigarette. Stay away from any and all booze while you do this is another suggestion.

I have often said that quiting cigarettes was the hardest thing I ever did in my life.

It's great when you beat it thats for sure.

Best of luck!

If I can help in anyway just shoot me a PM.


JPH 02-10-2009 02:10 PM

Re: How long should I wait ?
I say smoke one right now for the following reasons.

1. A cigar could lessen the cravings
a. make you less irritable
2. It's damn enjoyable
a. grab a beverage and enjoy
b. it's Tuesday, you deserve one
3. It's not like you will be inhaling (I hope)




JJG 02-10-2009 02:31 PM

Re: How long should I wait ?
I waited several months. The first few months I was using the patch to step down slowly. Once I stopped using the patch, I waited at least another month without any nicotine at all before smoking a cigar.

In my opinion, if you smoke cigars to fight your cigarette cravings, I'm afraid you will just end up replacing one with the other.

Also, I know people say that quitting was the hardest thing they have ever done, but don't be discouraged! The reason it's so hard is not necessarily because it's painful. but because, it's so easy to cheat.

RottenZombie 02-10-2009 02:36 PM

Re: How long should I wait ?

Originally Posted by ahc4353 (Post 227449)
Man that is a scary thing. took me YEARS to get to the point I didn't want a cigarette. Stay away from any and all booze while you do this is another suggestion.

I have often said that quiting cigarettes was the hardest thing I ever did in my life.

It's great when you beat it thats for sure.

Best of luck!

If I can help in anyway just shoot me a PM.


I have had to quit drinking as well (for now ). I just got out of the hospital because pancreatitis and undiagnosed Diabetes caused me to go into Ketoacidtocis which nearly killed me. ( sorry about the spelling)

ahc4353 02-10-2009 02:37 PM

Re: How long should I wait ?

Originally Posted by RottenZombie (Post 227510)
I have had to quit drinking as well (for now ). I just got out of the hospital because pancreatitis and undiagnosed Diabetes caused me to go into Ketoacidtocis which nearly killed me. ( sorry about the spelling)

Damn man! Good to see your on the mend.

JPH 02-10-2009 02:37 PM

Re: How long should I wait ?

Originally Posted by RottenZombie (Post 227510)
I have had to quit drinking as well (for now ). I just got out of the hospital because pancreatitis and undiagnosed Diabetes caused me to go into Ketoacidtocis which nearly killed me. ( sorry about the spelling)

Geez... yeah, you deserve a smoke brother.

groogs 02-10-2009 05:53 PM

Re: How long should I wait ?
I would have to agree that three weeks is the magic number, but longer would probably be better. I didn't smoke cigars when I quit smoking cigs, so I don't know from personal experience, but it took me about three weeks to quit craving a cigarette all the time, and cigars have never made me crave cigarette.

I am glad to hear you are on the mend.

Mr Edmundo 02-10-2009 06:12 PM

Re: How long should I wait ?
That's a tough one. Everyone is different, and there are so many different ways that work for each, it seems. I've quit smoking about 20 years ago, and it was one of the most difficult things I've ever done.
To me, smoking cigarettes and cigars are so different from each other, that I truly believe that you could smoke cigars and not have it affect the other.
But, it's so important to quit smoking, that it's probably not worth taking the chance. Especially with the health problems you've already gone through.
For me, there were 3 distinct periods.
3 weeks and I felt I really had it under control. But I made it to 3 weeks many times in the past.
3 months and the cravings were pretty much gone.
1 year and I knew I wasn't going back. Of course, when I quit, I didn't smoke cigars then. So I'm not 100% sure if this would help or make you slide back.
The more time you can put after your last cigarette, the better.:2
Good luck

ucla695 02-11-2009 06:51 AM

Re: How long should I wait ?
The longer you can go, the better. It's easy to give in to temptation and relapse.

kaisersozei 02-11-2009 06:51 AM

Re: How long should I wait ?

Originally Posted by RottenZombie (Post 227510)
I have had to quit drinking as well (for now ). I just got out of the hospital because pancreatitis and undiagnosed Diabetes caused me to go into Ketoacidtocis which nearly killed me. ( sorry about the spelling)

Damn, Joe! I've never smoked cigarettes so I don't have anything to recommend, but I will say congratulations on taking that step :tu and glad to hear that you got proper diagnosis & will be treated now for your medical condition. Best of luck to you.

And I guess I oughta wait a bit before sending you out a package? :bx :r

Ashcan Bill 02-11-2009 08:02 AM

Re: How long should I wait ?
When I quit the cigs I gave myself three months before lighting up a cigar. I wanted to purge myself of that need for nicotine.

Lucky_Hippo 02-11-2009 08:12 AM

Re: How long should I wait ?
I waited over a year and a half. The cravings were part of it, but it was the little habits that I had to struggle with. I.e. smoking on the way to work, after a meal, with my coffee...etc. Once I was free and clear and it never entered my mind to spark up after a meal or while drinking with friends, I knew I'd be okay to pick up my cigar hobby again.

It's different for everyone, just don't rush it.

Beer Doctor 02-11-2009 08:34 AM

Re: How long should I wait ?
I quit chewing/smoking cigs last March. I didn't have a cigar until late July. The previous year I did the same thing but had a cigar much earlier and ended up caving. I needed to get to a point in my quit where I wasn't craving or thinking about it. Once I reached that point I was able to handle cigars. Good luck!!!

karmaz00 02-11-2009 09:28 AM

Re: How long should I wait ?
be stronge brother. and good luck

RottenZombie 02-14-2009 06:11 PM

Re: How long should I wait ?

Originally Posted by karmaz00 (Post 229176)
be stronge brother. and good luck

Thanks,Every one's advice and encouragement has helped a lot .

Starscream 02-14-2009 09:20 PM

Re: How long should I wait ?

Originally Posted by RottenZombie (Post 235535)
Thanks,Every one's advice and encouragement has helped a lot .

Been cigarette free for almost three years. I would follow the wait three weeks advice and let the nicotine completely out of your system. That cigar will be even better after you wait it out. Congrats on the lifestyle change, even if it is a result of bad news.

Dgar 02-17-2009 02:37 PM

Re: How long should I wait ?
I put cigarettes down about six months ago,and I've been smoking cigars since day one.

Congratulations on your decision to put down the cigarettes.

DBall 02-17-2009 03:42 PM

Re: How long should I wait ?

Originally Posted by ahc4353 (Post 227449)
I have often said that quiting cigarettes was the hardest thing I ever did in my life.

I agree... I waited about 1.5 years before I decided to take up cigars (that way I'd be confident I was over them and not wanting to inhale, etc.). I tried one about 2 months into quitting and realized I was inhaling on purpose... that's when I put the whole cigar smoking idea on hold.

The first 8 months sucks... it's smooth sailing after that. Good luck, man!

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