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SmokinApe 10-15-2008 04:14 PM

Tequila Thread!!!
I love tequila so I though I would create a thread to talk about it...

I like it straight, with lime or mixed with all kinds of things...

Currently I am working on a bottle of Don Eduardo Silver, great stuff!

Any other tequila lovers out there?

ucla695 10-15-2008 04:54 PM

Re: Tequila Thread!!!1
I really like Corazon Anejo and enjoy it in a snifter glass. Great taste and very smooth!! :tu

Mugen910 10-15-2008 05:03 PM

Re: Tequila Thread!!!1
I'm not a huge drinker but I really like Patron Silver...and Don Julio!

ucla695 10-15-2008 06:07 PM

Re: Tequila Thread!!!1
Patron Silver :tu

SeanGAR 10-15-2008 06:15 PM

Re: Tequila Thread!!!1
I only have the sauza hornitos reposado at home ... the Patron silver was demolished last neighborhood party we had. The hornitos is more of a mixer in my opinion but I do like to sip it.

SmokinApe 10-15-2008 06:22 PM

Re: Tequila Thread!!!1

Originally Posted by Mugen910 (Post 7612)
I'm not a huge drinker but I really like Patron Silver...and Don Julio!

I haven't tried the Don Julio yet, but I am looking to...

What do you guys like best; Silver, Reposado, Anejo?

md4958 10-15-2008 06:27 PM

Re: Tequila Thread!!!1
I love tequila too. My favorite is Corazon... a night out with the boys isnt complete without tequila.

I prefer mine shaken with ice and strained into a shotglass. One shot, no training wheels necessary.

Corazon can be sipped quite nicely though.

When most people think of tequila they think of that yellow paint thinner in a bottle called cuervo... that stuff is puke

SmokinApe 10-15-2008 06:40 PM

Re: Tequila Thread!!!1

Originally Posted by md4958 (Post 8080)

When most people think of tequila they think of that yellow paint thinner in a bottle called cuervo... that stuff is puke

It's gotta be 100% De Agave

Neuromancer 10-15-2008 06:52 PM

Re: Tequila Thread!!!1

Originally Posted by ucla695 (Post 7954)
Patron Silver :tu


Ron1YY 10-16-2008 06:58 PM

Re: Tequila Thread!!!1
Patron Silver is ALWAYS around me :D Special occasions call for Gran Patron Platinum.

Question for everyone, Has anyone tried the New Gran Patron? It's an Anejo from what I have read.


groogs 10-16-2008 10:54 PM

Re: Tequila Thread!!!1
Another vote for the Patron Silver. I am not a huge Tequila drinker, but I really like the silver.

Heatmiser 10-17-2008 08:50 AM

Re: Tequila Thread!!!1
If you guys like Patron Silver, you owe it to yourself to try Casa Noble Crystal, El Tesoro Silver and Los Abuelos Blanco (my favorite). These are my favorite blancos...

For reposados, my favorites are El Tesoro, Clase Azul and Hacienda del la Flor (old tall bottle).

For anejos, my favorites are Don Julio, El Tesoro and Penca Azul.

For extra anejos, my favorites are Don Fulano Imperial (#1 tequila), Jose Cuervo Reserva de la Familia (pre 2005 bottles only), Don Julio 1942 (vanilla bomb) and Arette Gran Classe (hard to find).

Langod 10-17-2008 09:08 AM

Re: Tequila Thread!!!1

Originally Posted by Heatmiser (Post 15268)
If you guys like Patron Silver, you owe it to yourself to try Casa Noble Crystal, El Tesoro Silver and Los Abuelos Blanco (my favorite). These are my favorite blancos...

Wow, beat me by a few minutes -- I was going to say the same -- Patron is getting to be ridiculously priced -- Casa Noble is usually $15-20 less and a better tequila.

Tenoch is a nice, reasonably priced tequila and comes in a cool stoneware bottle.

I also have some Cuervo Family Reserve that is excellent.

tnip23 10-17-2008 09:12 AM

Re: Tequila Thread!!!1
I like silvers, but prefer anejos, especially el tesoro and patron.

gonzo 10-17-2008 09:29 AM

Re: Tequila Thread!!!1
The wife pretty much won't drink anything but Patron Silver, so I rarely drink anything but that lately....not that I'm complaining!



SmokinApe 10-17-2008 11:31 AM

Re: Tequila Thread!!!1

Originally Posted by tnip23 (Post 15359)
I like silvers, but prefer anejos, especially el tesoro and patron.

I prefer the silvers, I feel the Agave can get lost in the oak...

tnip23 10-17-2008 02:22 PM

Re: Tequila Thread!!!1

Originally Posted by SmokinApe (Post 15851)
I prefer the silvers, I feel the Agave can get lost in the oak...

I agree about the agave, but the better anejos to me just have that nice balance between agave and the oaky vanilla flavors that come from the aging. It's just like cigars, plenty of room for different tastes.

Dgar 10-18-2008 01:49 PM

Re: Tequila Thread!!!1
Currently enjoying the silver Tequilas, I enjoy thier pure Agave flavor.

Currently in my bar, if thats what you want to call it.

Milagro Silver
Milagro Repasado
Cabbo Silver
1921 Silver

finished a bottle of Patron silver recently, it didnt last long,

I like to start out with Tequlia and OJ, and with each drink adding less OJ, until I'm sipping it straight. Thats a good night!

white_s2k 10-18-2008 01:50 PM

Re: Tequila Thread!!!1
I can't do tequila.. i never remember anything the next morning :al

icehog3 10-18-2008 02:46 PM

Re: Tequila Thread!!!1
Regular tequila fave is Don Julio Anejo.

If you want to try something different for sipping with a cigar, the Patron XO Cafe is pretty interesting. I have turned several BOTLs onto it and most of them seem to like it with a cigar as well. Sweet taste, not a typical tequila flavor.

Pyro 10-18-2008 03:18 PM

Re: Tequila Thread!!!1
Ah, very nice thread! I love tequila and really appreciate getting some hints on what to look for when I go to Puerto Vallarta in Mexico in April next year.

I usually prefer reposados, añejos are often too sweet and smooth to me. One of my favourites is Don Julio but Patron is also nice.

SmokinApe 10-18-2008 08:27 PM

Re: Tequila Thread!!!1

Had some of this tonight... pretty good... paired well with a PLPC over ice...

forgop 10-29-2008 06:31 PM

Re: Tequila Thread!!!1
My favorites are the Paton and Don Julio Anejo. I was gifted a bottle of Trago Resposado that has a lot of spice and is much drier than the anejo.

I just tried Patron silver last weekend and found it to be a lot harsher in comparison to the anejos.

Would like to hear some recommendations on some nice anejos that are less than Patron/Don Julio if you have any.

SmokinApe 10-29-2008 07:03 PM

Re: Tequila Thread!!!1

Try DOn Eduardo or Quervo 1800...

forgop 10-29-2008 07:28 PM

Re: Tequila Thread!!!1

Originally Posted by SmokinApe (Post 41918)

Try DOn Eduardo or Quervo 1800...

How much do those set you back? The Patron/Don Julio are around $50/bottle here.

SmokinApe 10-29-2008 07:32 PM

Re: Tequila Thread!!!1
You could get the 1800 for about 25... it's very smooth... are you drinking it straight or mixed? Silver, IMO should be the smoothest in any brand...

SmokinApe 10-29-2008 07:33 PM

Re: Tequila Thread!!!1
The 1800 silver is my "yard tequila"... lol...

forgop 10-29-2008 07:43 PM

Re: Tequila Thread!!!1
I like to drink it neat.

SmokinApe 10-29-2008 07:45 PM

Re: Tequila Thread!!!1
Try the 1800 Silver... It has a good agave taste and won't put you in the poor house... Sauza is good if you are mixing and don't want to be broke...

Indio 10-29-2008 07:54 PM

Re: Tequila Thread!!!1
I love Tres Generation Anejo! Keep it cold and drinks as smooth as any tequila I have ever had and I have had more than my fair share.

SmokinApe 10-29-2008 07:55 PM

Re: Tequila Thread!!!1

Originally Posted by Indio (Post 42006)
I love Tres Generation Anejo! Keep it cold and drinks as smooth as any tequila I have ever had and I have had more than my fair share.

Just added to the must try list... ;)

mosesbotbol 10-30-2008 05:06 AM

Re: Tequila Thread!!!1
I am not a huge Tequila fan, but have amassed around 15+ bottles of high end stuff. My parents live in Mexico 4+ months a year and they bring me back stuff. I have family in Austin and I just love to shop at Spec's...

Some recent purchase of less known Tequilas worth picking up:

El Noble


Fina Estampa

Indio 10-30-2008 07:17 PM

Re: Tequila Thread!!!1

Originally Posted by Pyro (Post 18826)
Ah, very nice thread! I love tequila and really appreciate getting some hints on what to look for when I go to Puerto Vallarta in Mexico in April next year.

I usually prefer reposados, añejos are often too sweet and smooth to me. One of my favourites is Don Julio but Patron is also nice.

Ah Jalisco! Tequila capital of the world. I've made 9 trips to Puerto Vallarta and looking forward to number 10. You have to go to Andales in the romantic zone when you get there.
Goods times-Good times
In the end, it's not the years in your life that count, it's the life in your years

SmokinApe 11-05-2008 09:35 AM

Re: Tequila Thread!!!1
I picked a bottle of this up last night for 20$ (El Mayor Blanco)... That is a pretty good deal for 100% De Agave, maybe it was marked wrong...

I will post my thoughts about it after I have some tonight... :D

Ken 11-05-2008 02:42 PM

Re: Tequila Thread!!!1
Not a head turner at all, though the 100 Anos Blanco isn't bad at all on the cheap. I usually prefer my drinks on the rocks. After I'm done with this I'll be anticipating a better purchase off the higher shelf.

Lucky_Hippo 11-06-2008 06:58 AM

Re: Tequila Thread!!!1
So it looks as through the wife and I will be headed down to Mexico next March. Would most of you really stick to the standards (ie Patron, Don Julio) or should I be looking for something more local and exotic? We'll be at the new Secrets Maroma resort in Cancun which boast top shelf liquors.

Side note: The new place also boast a cigar bar I'll be excited to check out.

I'm open to all suggestions since I'm an admitted novice when it comes to Tequila.


SmokinApe 11-06-2008 07:29 AM

Re: Tequila Thread!!!1
I'd go for the local and exotic.... My thoughts are "Why drink the same stuff I can get at home?"

Local tequila and cigar bar? Sounds GREAT!!!

okbrewer 11-06-2008 09:48 AM

Re: Tequila Thread!!!1
Currently at home I have Gran Centenario Plata and Reposado and the Sauza Hornitos Reposado.

Bob R in OKC

macpappy 11-06-2008 09:51 AM

Re: Tequila Thread!!!1

Originally Posted by SmokinApe (Post 52671)
I picked a bottle of this up last night for 20$ (El Mayor Blanco)... That is a pretty good deal for 100% De Agave, maybe it was marked wrong...

I will post my thoughts about it after I have some tonight... :D

I've had both the Reposado and the Anejo. I liked them better then some of the bigger names that have been mentioned already and I will continue to buy the Anejo. IMHO this is not a mixing tequila. It's a straight up sipping tequila.

SmokinApe 11-06-2008 10:39 AM

Re: Tequila Thread!!!1
I am with you... I prefer Tequila straight but do mix from time to time... I tend to use less pricey stuff for mixing...

montecristo#2 11-06-2008 09:58 PM

Re: Tequila Thread!!!1

Originally Posted by Ron1YY (Post 13423)
Question for everyone, Has anyone tried the New Gran Patron? It's an Anejo from what I have read.



I think this stuff is around 500 a bottle. Patron Burdeos - an additional aging step in Bordeaux barrels. If I ever get a new job that has a signing bonus, maybe I will pick up one of these.

I prefer Patron: Anejo > Reposado > Silver

I also recommend Tezon - this stuff is really good. Nice and smooth.

SmokinApe 11-09-2008 06:35 PM

Re: Tequila Thread!!!1

Originally Posted by SmokinApe (Post 52671)
I picked a bottle of this up last night for 20$ (El Mayor Blanco)... That is a pretty good deal for 100% De Agave, maybe it was marked wrong...

I will post my thoughts about it after I have some tonight... :D

Finally, I got to try this stuff... Made a quick margarita...

1 lime
3/4 oz water
1.5 oz tequila
1 oz agave nectar

Pretty good...

Lucky_Hippo 11-10-2008 09:38 AM

Re: Tequila Thread!!!1

Originally Posted by SmokinApe (Post 60336)
Pretty good...

I picked some of this up last Friday night and mixed up some Tequila Sunrises for the wife and I. Pretty tasty actually, and I like the bottle for something different on the shelf.

spincycle 11-14-2008 03:28 PM

Re: Tequila Thread!!!1
Very disappointed when I found this thread.. wrong kind of Tequila!


nozero 11-14-2008 03:57 PM

Re: Tequila Thread!!!1
My personal favorite is Patrón Silver, but I like Herradura Añejo too.

BroncoHorvath 11-14-2008 06:02 PM

Re: Tequila Thread!!!1

Originally Posted by ucla695 (Post 7954)
Patron Silver :tu


SmokinApe 12-30-2008 05:41 PM

Re: Tequila Thread!!!1
I got a bottle of this for x-mas... I am gunna break it open soon...

SmokinApe 01-04-2009 09:09 AM

Re: Tequila Thread!!!1
Makes a great Paloma: 1/2 can Fresca some lime slices and a shot and a 1/2 of tequila over lots of ice...



Originally Posted by SmokinApe (Post 142028)
I got a bottle of this for x-mas... I am gunna break it open soon...

themoneycollector 01-04-2009 09:53 AM

Re: Tequila Thread!!!1
If you like sipping Tequila, you should try and locate a bottle of El Chamuco - one of the smoothest I've ever tried.

SmokinApe 01-04-2009 03:10 PM

Re: Tequila Thread!!!1

Originally Posted by moneycollector (Post 148933)
If you like sipping Tequila, you should try and locate a bottle of El Chamuco - one of the smoothest I've ever tried.

I'll keep an eye out for it...

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