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bruceolee 04-07-2022 01:49 PM

Health Update
So the overall news is good with some bad mixed in. I just received the last week of antibiotics so thats the 4th week of what was promised to be a 2 week course. The good news is we've picked the right antibiotic and is it helping the wounds finally healing. The bad news would be all the side effects. They gave me benadryl as a safety medication as well as epinephrine and being that I hate Intramuscular Shots there's NO WAY I'm ever taking it but benadryl on the other hand is IV. I've had benadryl IV before during my iron infusions so I'm an old pro. The reason i mention all this is I've been having a histamine reaction while on this antibiotic and it was just getting worse and worse to the point today my body gave me a rush of adrenaline when i sat down exhausted from walking 20 feet without rest. It was like a lightning bolt to my head and it shocked me. It made me realize I need to be smarter about this and really start asking myself the right questions so I decided to unpack the Benadryl and without looking at the instructions gave myself a 50mg shot not quite expecting what came next. I got a fuzzy benadryl buzz like never before. BUT, it fixed all the issues I've been dealing with. My taste buds have returned to normal! That is my biggest praise! The other aspects like walking more than 20 feet without it causing so much taxation on my lungs. Just breathing in general is better overall. I was constantly sweating, well that has stopped. You have no idea how happy this has made me. It makes me want to smoke a cigar right now but i promised myself that I would wait and I plan to. Finding out about histamine reactions and finally deciding to treat mine it has made all th difference in the world to me and God is SO good to have shown this to me because i was on the edge of stopping all of this and quitting. God is not only good He is also kind. I really hope you are all doing as well as I am today and are blessed! It's been a rough 3 weeks for me but to have this answer is amazing to me. God bless you all my friends!

RevSmoke 04-07-2022 04:02 PM

Re: Health Update
Keeping you in my prayers!

Dave128 04-07-2022 07:03 PM

Re: Health Update
Great news! I'm glad you're getting it figured out a bit.

icehog3 04-08-2022 08:57 AM

Re: Health Update
Sounds like you're on the right course, Jason. :tu

Porch Dweller 04-08-2022 09:17 AM

Re: Health Update
Sounds like good.progress!

Havanaaddict 04-08-2022 11:33 AM

Re: Health Update
I am sure glad you have found some sort of answer and I hope things improve quickly :tu

Dave128 04-15-2022 08:46 AM

Re: Health Update
Just checking in on ya, Jason. Miss ya, Brother. Hope all is well.

longknocker 04-15-2022 10:32 AM

Re: Health Update
Good News, Jason!:D:tu. Still Praying For You, Brother!:tu

markem 04-15-2022 10:57 AM

Re: Health Update
I’m glad for the improvement!

One of the things to consider is that the drugs may have stabilizers that you are sensitive to. For example, I have an intolerance to corn, so any pills that use corn starch or some kinds of gels as the stabilizer cause a reaction once enough gets in my system. It’s called an intolerance since the body can handle small amounts but gets a response when the amounts get above some body-specific level. Might be worth asking about.

The taste, sweat, and breath issues could also be related to asthma, which I developed a while back. It could also explain how the Benadryl helped things get better. Maybe ask your doctor about an inhaler?

gravel 04-16-2022 11:10 AM

Re: Health Update
Continuing to pray for you Jason!

Havanaaddict 04-20-2022 11:13 AM

Re: Health Update
Jason I hope all is well!

Has anyone herd from him his Last Activity: 04-14-2022 11:57 AM

Dave128 04-20-2022 11:59 AM

Re: Health Update
Nope, nothing.

hudd 04-20-2022 12:40 PM

Re: Health Update

Originally Posted by Havanaaddict (Post 2233125)
Jason I hope all is well!

Has anyone herd from him his Last Activity: 04-14-2022 11:57 AM

I was wondering this as well

gravel 04-25-2022 02:13 PM

Re: Health Update
Still praying for you Jason.

icehog3 04-25-2022 04:10 PM

Re: Health Update
I hope Jason checks in soon, this is concerning.

RevSmoke 04-25-2022 06:51 PM

Re: Health Update
I called the number I have for him, and texted it. No reply...but it has been awhile since I used that number, it may have changed.

In my prayers!!!

Dave128 04-25-2022 06:54 PM

Re: Health Update
I searched the internet for any signs and came up empty.

sigsauer 04-26-2022 12:02 PM

Re: Health Update
any updates?

Havanaaddict 04-26-2022 01:11 PM

Re: Health Update
Anyone have Jason full info?

I have time too search around!

RevSmoke 04-26-2022 05:17 PM

Re: Health Update

Originally Posted by Havanaaddict (Post 2233325)
Anyone have Jason full info?

I have time too search around!

Jason crum
2026 sw brisbane street
Port Saint Lucie, FL 34984

trogdor 04-26-2022 07:30 PM

Re: Health Update
His last posts here were on the 7th, but he had activity on the 14th... which may give some hope that this is not true:

The Haisley Tribute Center that it lists has no mention of him in their obituary section, so maybe there's a glitch somewhere? TCPalm appears to be a legitamite news site.

Dave128 04-26-2022 07:47 PM

Re: Health Update
Praying that's not true.

Is there a way to tell if it was Jason that checked in on the 14th and not someone else on his behalf?

trogdor 04-26-2022 07:58 PM

Re: Health Update
Someone just PMed me saying that they know Jason personally and want to provide an update, but they were newly registered and can't post. I passed the message on to some of the mods.

Havanaaddict 04-26-2022 08:03 PM

Re: Health Update
Same here

MitchellMcgarr 04-26-2022 08:08 PM

Re: Health Update
Greetings Cigar Asylum family,

My name is Mitchell McGarr and I know Bruceolee aka Jason Crum personally. I’m actually the Youth Pastor at Grace Emmanuel Church in Port Saint Lucie, FL which is the church Jason and his parents have attended for many years. Jason and I became very good friends in the last 2 years.

This absolutely rips my heart out to post to Jason’s Cigar Asylum family: Jason Crum passed away in the wee hours of the morning, Sunday, April 10th, 2022. He’s had his physical ailments that have been well documented. An autopsy hasn’t been concluded yet so we don’t know specifics in regard to cause of death, and as soon as I have further information, I’ll report that to everybody on the forum.

All I know is what you know: what he’s been battling physically and what he posted on April 7th, he shared with me via text message. He had a wonderful steak dinner with his family, Saturday April 9th and when his parents went to wake him up to attend church on April 10th, he was deceased.

I must relay this to all of you: Jason truly cared about each one of you. As a matter of fact, the last time Jason and I had lunch together before his passing, he talked at length about his Cigar Asylum family, how much you all meant to him, and how you all have got him through such difficult times. Even though I don’t personally smoke cigars, I want to carry on Jason’s legacy on this forum and to contribute to this forum from time to time in memory of Jason.

Jason’s dad also wanted me to let you all know about the memorial service in case you are all somehow able to attend: I know it’ll be a long drive for some of you, so of course his parents understand if you can’t attend, but you all are invited:

Jason Crum’s memorial service
Saturday, May 28th at 4 PM
Grace Emmanuel Church
Port Saint Lucie, FL

If you can’t make it, if you’d like any words shared, his parents wanted me to let you know to share those words and memories, and I’ll pass it on as part of the service in the eulogy I’ll be giving to commemorate this godly man’s life. I’ve never seen anybody honor and love his parents as much as Jason Crum. Like the Apostle Paul, I’m sorrowful, yet rejoicing.

Sorrowful because I miss my big brother and our lunches together and texting encouraging words and scriptures to each other. This man was my prayer warrior and held me up daily in prayer. I’ll never be able to repay him.

Rejoicing because my brother is in Heaven. No more suffering, no more pain. Restored in the presence of Jesus Christ. I will see him again some day and when I do, we will be worshiping Christ together.

In honor of Jason, I now consider you all at Cigar Asylum, my family. Any further questions you have, feel free to ask and I’ll answer them. I grieve with each one of you during this time. I’ve done my crying and then some. Jason Crum was truly one of a kind. As kind hearted and sincere as they come.

markem 04-26-2022 08:11 PM

Re: Health Update
Rest in Peace, my brother.

AdamJoshua 04-26-2022 08:19 PM

Re: Health Update
May his memory be a blessing. I'm sad we never got to meet up for that cigar, I will be smoking something special in his memory.

MitchellMcgarr 04-26-2022 08:22 PM

Re: Health Update
Also, sorry for the delayed update. In the midst of grieving, it didn’t cross my mind about this forum, but then a few days ago, it hit me what Jason had said at our last lunch together. I resolved that today I would post official update for everybody.

Dave128 04-26-2022 08:23 PM

Re: Health Update
Damn. Rest in Peace, Jason.

trogdor 04-26-2022 08:31 PM

Re: Health Update
Thank you for the update Mitchell.

Rest in Peace Jason.

Porch Dweller 04-26-2022 08:34 PM

Re: Health Update
Sad news to hear. RIP, brother.

RevSmoke 04-26-2022 08:56 PM

Re: Health Update

Originally Posted by MitchellMcgarr (Post 2233344)
Also, sorry for the delayed update. In the midst of grieving, it didn’t cross my mind about this forum, but then a few days ago, it hit me what Jason had said at our last lunch together. I resolved that today I would post official update for everybody.

Truly, there is no need for you to apologize! But, I will say it with your peace of heart, you are forgiven.

It is appreciated that you took the time to come over to visit us on this board and make that announcement. Jason will be sorely missed, he's a big part of this community.

I think I can safely say that it would be appreciated if you would greet his family from us our condolences, and let them know that they are in our prayers.

Peace of the Lord be with you.

Havanaaddict 04-26-2022 11:11 PM

Re: Health Update
He will be missed greatly! I will be praying for his family. Jason is with his heavenly Father now no more pain!

Havanaaddict 04-26-2022 11:37 PM

Re: Health Update
Please tell his parents that he was a blessing to the board. He gave me a chance to get closer to the lord with all his posts. He will be missed greatly and my prayers will be with all of you.

icehog3 04-27-2022 07:44 AM

Re: Health Update
Jason was a shining light of hope and positivity since his return here. Thankful for God and life despite all the curve balls thrown his way. I looked forward to each one of his posts, and am sorry we won't get that going forward.

Thank you for the update Mitchell. As there is no way I can get there Saturday from Chicago, please pass along our love and prayers to Jason's family.

I will smoke something in Jason's memory tonight.

Ashcan Bill 04-27-2022 09:03 AM

Re: Health Update
I'm so sorry to hear that. Jason's posts were always a bright spot on the forum. He is missed but will certainly be remembered.

longknocker 04-27-2022 09:08 AM

Re: Health Update
RIP, Jason. You will be sorely missed, My Brother.

elderboy02 04-27-2022 09:22 AM

Re: Health Update
RIP. I always looked forward to his positive posts.

I am saddened today.

bonjing 04-27-2022 09:29 AM

Re: Health Update
Condolences to you and the family. It was always nice to read his posts here.

Black Coral 04-27-2022 09:56 AM

Re: Health Update
Rip jason

Axeman 04-27-2022 10:33 AM

Re: Health Update
He was a big, positive addition to the community and is greatly missed. Go with God.

shark 04-27-2022 10:40 AM

Re: Health Update
RIP Jason.

Brlesq 04-27-2022 12:49 PM

Re: Health Update
That's sad news. He gave this place an extra sparkle of positivity every day.

The camaro show 04-27-2022 10:34 PM

Re: Health Update
Rip Jason, I always looked forward to seeing his reviews. He was a great member of the Asylum

EricF 04-28-2022 05:54 AM

Re: Health Update
RIP Jason.

IBQTEE1 04-28-2022 06:36 AM

Re: Health Update
RIP Jason

CigarNut 04-28-2022 03:43 PM

Re: Health Update
OMG! He will be missed. May You Rest In Peace, Jason.

Old Sailor 04-28-2022 10:00 PM

Re: Health Update
Rest in Peace, Jason.

G G 04-29-2022 07:03 AM

Re: Health Update
RIP Jason.

gravel 04-29-2022 11:33 PM

Re: Health Update
Jason sent messages to me telling of his youth pastor friend at church and how glad he had a youth pastor friend in CA. Thank you for letting us know. Regrettably, I won’t be able to get to FL from OR for the funeral.

I rejoice he is no longer in pain and is enjoying his ever-present friend, Jesus. I am very saddened I was too busy these last few months to enjoy his presence here more. See you later Jason. Love you brother.

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