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Remo 04-20-2018 09:19 PM

One week down.....
Just finished my 1st week of law enforcement training in Florida, passed my first aid and defensive tactics tests, next week is firearms and emergency vehicle operations and then the state exams. I have quite a few cool cops in my class from all over the east coast, I think I’m from the furthest west. I have been on a couple of ride alongs with Tampa PD (awesome place) and riding with Clearwater on Monday to see where I want to apply.

A few cigar smokers in my class which is cool, wish me good luck this week :tu

T.G 04-20-2018 09:25 PM

Re: One week down.....
That was a short retirement stint, eh, Crocket?

Best of luck Mike. Stay safe out there.

Remo 04-20-2018 09:27 PM

Re: One week down.....

Originally Posted by T.G (Post 2150245)
That was a short retirement stint, eh, Crocket?

Best of luck Mike. Stay safe out there.

No kidding! Not retired yet, taking my pension and moving on :tu

kelmac07 04-20-2018 11:55 PM

Re: One week down.....
Best of luck Mike.

G G 04-21-2018 06:33 AM

Re: One week down.....
Good deal Mike.

CigarNut 04-21-2018 06:39 AM

Re: One week down.....
Good luck, Mike! We’ll have to get together after you get settled in.

dijit 04-21-2018 07:29 AM

Re: One week down.....

Originally Posted by CigarNut (Post 2150274)
Good luck, Mike! We’ll have to get together after you get settled in.

Good luck Mike. Next time I get down south all of us need to get together.

pnoon 04-21-2018 08:01 AM

Re: One week down.....
All the best, Mike.

markem 04-21-2018 08:41 AM

Re: One week down.....
Congratulations, Mike. Best wishes moving forward and stay safe out there.

elderboy02 04-21-2018 08:45 AM

Re: One week down.....
I would pick Tampa.... Ybor City!

icehog3 04-21-2018 09:16 AM

Re: One week down.....
Kick ass, Mike!

stearns 04-21-2018 09:17 AM

Re: One week down.....
Very cool Mike, good luck with the rest!

T.G 04-21-2018 10:33 AM

Re: One week down.....

Originally Posted by Remo (Post 2150246)
No kidding! Not retired yet, taking my pension and moving on :tu

Please tell me that you are getting a pet alligator named Elvis.

AdamJoshua 04-21-2018 11:54 AM

Re: One week down.....
Congrats and the best of luck! I hope the Manilow picture traveled with you too :D

Sorry you couldn't make the herf, but there is always Corona for meeting up! (Or Melbourne if you feel like a little exploring... rawr).

icehog3 04-21-2018 12:18 PM

Re: One week down.....

Originally Posted by AdamJoshua (Post 2150298)
Congrats and the best of luck! I hope the Manilow picture traveled with you too :D

Sorry you couldn't make the herf, but there is always Corona for meeting up! (Or Melbourne if you feel like a little exploring... rawr).

Rawr. :banger

AdamJoshua 04-21-2018 12:19 PM

Re: One week down.....

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 2150301)
Rawr. :banger


icehog3 04-21-2018 12:20 PM

Re: One week down.....

Originally Posted by AdamJoshua (Post 2150303)


SMOKING CAMPER 04-21-2018 12:56 PM

Re: One week down.....
Great job best of luck to you

Ogre 04-23-2018 01:53 PM

Re: One week down.....
Mike, also take the pensions into account. Florida retirement system is one of the best in the country. That's usually the county sheriff's offices.

RevSmoke 04-23-2018 07:44 PM

Re: One week down.....
Will keep you in my prayers, my friend.

Peace of the Lord be with you.

afranco 04-24-2018 04:26 AM

Re: One week down.....
Good luck bro

Steve 04-24-2018 09:26 AM

Re: One week down.....

Dave128 04-26-2018 09:27 AM

Re: One week down.....
Good luck, Mike! :tu

Remo 04-26-2018 06:27 PM

Re: One week down.....
1 Attachment(s)
Attachment 18225

Course complete, state exam in the morning:tu

Remo 04-26-2018 06:28 PM

Re: One week down.....
1 Attachment(s)
Attachment 18226

Grabbed a couple hand rolled maduro’s at a local shop hopefully in celebration of a passing score, I have a tentative job offer from Clearwater PD :wo

markem 04-26-2018 06:32 PM

Re: One week down.....

Originally Posted by Remo (Post 2150711)
Attachment 18226

Grabbed a couple hand rolled maduro’s at a local shop hopefully in celebration of a passing score, I have a tentative job offer from Clearwater PD :wo

:wo :noon

RevSmoke 04-26-2018 11:24 PM

Re: One week down.....

Originally Posted by Remo (Post 2150711)
Attachment 18226

Grabbed a couple hand rolled maduro’s at a local shop hopefully in celebration of a passing score, I have a tentative job offer from Clearwater PD :wo

Keeping you in my prayers for a good resolution.

Steve 04-27-2018 05:35 AM

Re: One week down.....

Originally Posted by Remo (Post 2150711)
Attachment 18226

Grabbed a couple hand rolled maduro’s at a local shop hopefully in celebration of a passing score, I have a tentative job offer from Clearwater PD :wo


CigarNut 04-27-2018 05:37 AM

Re: One week down.....

Remo 04-27-2018 03:06 PM

Re: One week down.....
And done! Scored 90%....needed 80, now I can be an officer in Florida :wo beers and cigars day!

markem 04-27-2018 03:13 PM

Re: One week down.....

Originally Posted by Remo (Post 2150767)
And done! Scored 90%....needed 80, now I can be an officer in Florida :wo beers and cigars day!


dijit 04-27-2018 03:43 PM

Re: One week down.....
Damn fine job sir!

Steve 04-28-2018 09:06 AM

Re: One week down.....
Overachiever... :noon

Congrats Mike, awesome job!

Remo 05-03-2018 04:31 PM

Re: One week down.....
Quick update, before I left Florida I spoke with a recruiter from Clearwater PD and went on a ride along, that is my kind of city and I really like it there. The recruiter looked at my resumè and stated “based on your paper we will hire you July 23rd” so I started my background with them and I have an interview on the 30th, take my polygraph and have a background interview, if all goes well I should know if I have a job there around the 1st of June. Going fast now.

Steve 05-03-2018 08:44 PM

Re: One week down.....

CigarNut 05-04-2018 06:28 AM

Re: One week down.....
Very cool, Mike!

dijit 05-04-2018 07:50 AM

Re: One week down.....
Well there is one more reason to go to the Condo next year! Glad to hear its playing out in a good way for you Mike

Dave128 05-04-2018 11:42 AM

Re: One week down.....

Steve 05-06-2018 02:25 PM

Re: One week down.....
At this rate, you'll be here for EPIC!

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