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05venturer 01-16-2016 04:53 PM

Where do You Smoke
1 Attachment(s)
Just finishing up a remodel of my smoking room and wondering where everyone else usually enjoys a smoke.

Attachment 16463

Porch Dweller 01-16-2016 06:25 PM

Re: Where do You Smoke
Nice room!

I'm usually found smoking on the back porch. I've got a man-cave in the house; but with a wife with chronic asthma smoking in it is out of the question

WhiteMamba 01-16-2016 07:01 PM

Re: Where do You Smoke
like James I too am usually found dwelling on the porch with a smoke. However, my residence here in Ft. Wayne this year is not equipped with such amenities.

Greentud 01-16-2016 07:50 PM

Re: Where do You Smoke
In the house and at the local VFW.

CigarNut 01-16-2016 09:20 PM

Re: Where do You Smoke
In my garage or (more likely) at the local cigar lounge ("The Mark" -- a bar at a local hotel -- Shilo Inn).

markem 01-16-2016 09:38 PM

Re: Where do You Smoke
Sweet setup! I smoke in the garage if the weather is bad and on the patio if the weather cooperates. I also meet up with friends at a local cigar bar, especially Sunday mornings to watch football.

icehog3 01-17-2016 01:19 AM

Re: Where do You Smoke
The Smoking Basement, most every night.

Weelok 01-17-2016 02:01 AM

Re: Where do You Smoke
Back yard or porch. Love an indoor man cave but think that will be many a year away and mostly likely a new home hah.

jonumberone 01-17-2016 07:41 AM

Re: Where do You Smoke

Skywalker 01-17-2016 08:09 AM

Re: Where do You Smoke

Don Fernando 01-17-2016 08:22 AM

Re: Where do You Smoke HERE

Brlesq 01-17-2016 10:27 AM

Re: Where do You Smoke
Nice mancaves, guys!

I'm a porch dweller with a propane tank heater and a Chaheati seat warmer, and will virtual herf on my laptop (with 05venturer sitting in his cozy cave :na) all winter down to zero degrees (gotta draw the line somewhere!)

Ogre 01-17-2016 04:50 PM

Re: Where do You Smoke
Still a work in progress

Touten2 01-23-2016 01:16 PM

Re: Where do You Smoke
I smoke on the porch. Wife doesn't smoke. Even when I smoked cigarettes I took it to the porch. I am so ready for spring!

mosesbotbol 01-23-2016 01:49 PM

Re: Where do You Smoke
Living room or dining room. I put in a handy two fan window exhaust that does good job moving smoke out the room.

the real jay 01-23-2016 01:50 PM

Re: Where do You Smoke
Right now I'm stuck on the front porch... It's usually the backyard but we're doing a full remodel out there right now... After its done, there will be three separate areas out back to smoke including the fire pit... It'll be herf central.

No room for a smoking room in my house, just way too small... I'm lucky to have a closetdor.... Which I love.

Don Fernando 01-24-2016 06:21 AM

Re: Where do You Smoke
damn Jon, now I see your pics. And I thought I had a cool lounge!

dman4505 01-24-2016 08:04 AM

Re: Where do You Smoke
nice "Man Caves" fellas
I do my smoking out in the yard looking at the mountains all around me
or on the tailgate of my truck in the driveway


matt0278 02-14-2016 08:56 AM

Re: Where do You Smoke
I'm usually on the porch as well. This cold weather is killing me.

hotreds 02-14-2016 11:59 AM

Re: Where do You Smoke
Not able to smoke at all because I'm staying with my father. I miss my smoke room in Ohio!

Flynnster 02-14-2016 02:53 PM

Re: Where do You Smoke
Just moved to Michigan, and there is a fantastic lounge right down the road. I've got to buy a stick every time I come in as my "entry fee" but that's fine with me!

Perfect place to spend my days job hunting.

longknocker 02-15-2016 03:01 AM

Re: Where do You Smoke
Here On My Back Porch Overlooking My Favorite Place: The Golf Course.

Preacher 02-16-2016 09:38 AM

Re: Where do You Smoke
I have a small private study at home that I smoke in. When the weather is nice I prefer my patio and when I have company the garage. 3 or 4 mornings a week, I go the local shop here in Champaign for a stick, some coffee, and good company.

8lug 02-16-2016 09:53 AM

Re: Where do You Smoke
Smoking Barn attached to my garage, Got a wood stove, cable tv, and a couch. My little slice of heaven.

mahtofire14 02-16-2016 10:43 AM

Re: Where do You Smoke
In the Winter I frequent local B&Ms and in the Summer on my deck or sitting at the fire pit. Also have one out on the links.

Drez 02-16-2016 11:57 AM

Re: Where do You Smoke

Originally Posted by Ogre (Post 2071088)

when are you inviting me over larry???? :banger:banger

Specter451 03-20-2016 07:47 PM

Re: Where do You Smoke
Wow now those are some serious herfn rooms gentlemen! I'm a porch or garage smoker. Mostly the garage though. I got a table setup with a stinky ashtray and a smoke eater candle out there nothin fancy but good enough for now. I can often be seen after or before work havin a cigar and reading a comic out there

Subvet642 03-22-2016 04:31 AM

Re: Where do You Smoke
I smoke anywhere in my home I want to! Right now I'm smoking a '13 PL Monte-Carlo in my bedroom.

Skywalker 03-22-2016 10:44 AM

Re: Where do You Smoke

Dave128 03-22-2016 10:51 AM

Re: Where do You Smoke
Outside on the deck, on the front porch or in the garage.

mosesbotbol 03-22-2016 12:03 PM

Re: Where do You Smoke
Since I moved, it's primarily in our dining room. There's a big double window right near the table and exhaust fan works great there. I tried the fan in the living room, but wasn't working as well as my last house. Prefer the dining room anyhow...

azar 03-25-2016 02:37 AM

Re: Where do You Smoke
I am a back yard patio/garage smoker. Used to go to our local casino but to many people cried about it. As far as I know there are no local indoor bars I can go.

Padron42 03-25-2016 04:07 PM

Re: Where do You Smoke
Im usually a back patio smoker but a few months ago got the OK from the wife and cleaned up the garage to start smoking out there. Have our old dining room table and a few chairs in there and the 40 inch TV we keep in the guest room. Nothing like some of the pictures but a lot better than the patio on a rainy, cold, or super windy day.

sikk50 03-26-2016 10:05 AM

Re: Where do You Smoke
We just bought our first home two months ago. I was really excited about the extra room that I was told could be a man cave. Then the fine print, "Absolutely no smoking in it!"

So I'm still a garage and patio smoker. lol

dnemets 03-26-2016 12:29 PM

Re: Where do You Smoke
I smoke in my office located in my apartment. It's not fancy or anything, but it serves.

Hey Flynnster, where are you at in Michigan? Maybe we could meet up for a smoke sometime.

Don Fernando 04-05-2016 11:48 AM

Re: Where do You Smoke

Originally Posted by sikk50 (Post 2080962)
We just bought our first home two months ago. I was really excited about the extra room that I was told could be a man cave. Then the fine print, "Absolutely no smoking in it!"

huh? if you buy a house its yours right, so who's forbidding you to smoke in it?

Dave128 04-05-2016 12:17 PM

Re: Where do You Smoke

Originally Posted by sikk50 (Post 2080962)
We just bought our first home two months ago. I was really excited about the extra room that I was told could be a man cave. Then the fine print, "Absolutely no smoking in it!"

So I'm still a garage and patio smoker. lol


Originally Posted by Don Fernando (Post 2081946)
huh? if you buy a house its yours right, so who's forbidding you to smoke in it?

My guess would be his wife/girlfriend. They seem to make all of the house rules. If he wants to get any more lovin', he'll listen.

mosesbotbol 04-05-2016 12:45 PM

Re: Where do You Smoke

Originally Posted by Dave128 (Post 2081949)
My guess would be his wife/girlfriend. They seem to make all of the house rules. If he wants to get any more lovin', he'll listen.

That's why you have to start smoking cigars the first time she ever comes over. Set that precedent early and it will become the norm when she moves in.

I will not concede cigar smoking in the house. Not that I do it all the time; maybe 4-5 times a month?

Dave128 04-05-2016 12:48 PM

Re: Where do You Smoke
You're a better man than me, Moses.

Dux 04-05-2016 01:23 PM

Re: Where do You Smoke

Originally Posted by jonumberone (Post 2071000)

Holy smokes!! :dr

mosesbotbol 04-06-2016 04:37 AM

Re: Where do You Smoke

Originally Posted by Dave128 (Post 2081953)
You're a better man than me, Moses.

I make an attempt to clear smoke out by sitting near an exhaust fan. I don't want the house lingering with smoke as much as she does.

I let her control the cable remote...

Dave128 04-06-2016 08:20 AM

Re: Where do You Smoke
She lets you smoke in the house and you give her control of the remote. Win Win! :tu

Allen 04-07-2016 06:39 PM

Re: Where do You Smoke
Home office building outside, front porch or back porch.

Don Fernando 04-09-2016 06:35 AM

Re: Where do You Smoke

Originally Posted by Dave128 (Post 2081949)
My guess would be his wife/girlfriend. They seem to make all of the house rules. If he wants to get any more lovin', he'll listen.

Good thing I bought my house and created my mancave before I met my girlfriend

Twotacotuesday 05-30-2016 08:44 AM

Re: Where do You Smoke
Front porch at home, living room at my Dad's. I love smoking at his house.

Oshay 05-30-2016 02:16 PM

Re: Where do You Smoke
Dom you have a nice man cave. What do you use for ventilation?

Remo 05-30-2016 07:28 PM

Re: Where do You Smoke
1 Attachment(s)
Attachment 16994

Diver41 06-27-2016 10:50 AM

Re: Where do You Smoke
Another one that is on the back porch. Have a nice comfortable chair, wife often joins me and reads her kindle taking a taste if I have something new. Living in South Florida, it is never too cold to sit outside.

4WheelVFR 06-27-2016 10:51 AM

Re: Where do You Smoke
We have a nice front porch and comfy chairs, so that is my spot.

The Poet 06-27-2016 11:26 AM

Re: Where do You Smoke
I smoke where I am at, exclusively. I've tried smoking elsewhere, but so far that hasn't worked.

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