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AdamJoshua 08-13-2015 04:37 PM

Do you have a favorite movie?
Just curious, I was thinking about it today and I have several "favorite" movies but if someone put a gun to my head and made me choose one, it wouldn't take much hesitation to say "The Breakfast Club", from the very first minute to the very last it's a solid movie that, excuse the studio marketing term, defined a generation. Not only did it resonate with so many people, it has withstood the test of time, how can you go wrong with lines like, "Hey, homeboy, what do you say we close that door, we'll get the prom queen impregnated.". :lr

So if you know what your #1 is let's hear it.

Porch Dweller 08-13-2015 04:58 PM

Re: Do you have a favorite movie?
I'd probably have to say "Miller's Crossing". IMNSHO it's the Coen Bros best film, has flawless performances, the best Tommy Gun scene ever (bonus for Albert Finney restarting his cigar at the end of the scene), some genuinely laugh out loud moments, a complex but accessible plot, some shocking twists and turns, and features some gorgeous cinematography.
The first time I saw it I found it a bit cold and dour. It wasn't until subsequent viewings that I appreciated it fully.
And I know some consider it heresy to say this, but it's as good if not better a gangster film than "The Godfather".

Second place would probably go to "Patton".

icehog3 08-13-2015 05:19 PM

Re: Do you have a favorite movie?

Do you have a favorite movie?
Yes. Yes I do.

The Poet 08-13-2015 05:28 PM

Re: Do you have a favorite movie?

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 2049080)
Yes. Yes I do.


AdamJoshua 08-13-2015 05:51 PM

Re: Do you have a favorite movie?
For those that can't read past the title.


So if you know what your #1 is let's hear it.

nutcracker 08-13-2015 07:16 PM

Re: Do you have a favorite movie?
A fish called Wanda.

AdamJoshua 08-13-2015 07:45 PM

Re: Do you have a favorite movie?

Originally Posted by nutcracker (Post 2049089)
A fish called Wanda.

Actually in my top 5, as a matter of fact I think that's what I'll watch tonight, can always use a laugh. :tu

mosesbotbol 08-13-2015 08:40 PM

Re: Do you have a favorite movie?
Breaking Away has always been high on my list.

CigarNut 08-13-2015 09:11 PM

Re: Do you have a favorite movie?
The Shawshank Redemption

T.G 08-13-2015 09:32 PM

Re: Do you have a favorite movie?
Anything by Uwe Boll.

Subvet642 08-13-2015 09:46 PM

Re: Do you have a favorite movie?
The Thin Man (1935) with William Powell and Myrna Loy

joatmon 08-13-2015 09:48 PM

Re: Do you have a favorite movie?

Genetic Defect 08-14-2015 12:21 AM

Re: Do you have a favorite movie?

irratebass 08-14-2015 06:43 AM

Re: Do you have a favorite movie?
Don't laugh, but it's Sixteen Candles to me it has everything:


+ it has the classic line "What the hell are you *****ing about? I have sleep under a guy named after a duck's dork"

drjammer 08-14-2015 06:46 AM

Re: Do you have a favorite movie?
The Good, The Bad and The Ugly :tu

jledou 08-14-2015 06:48 AM

Re: Do you have a favorite movie?
I like Good Will Hunting on the serious side, the Star Wars series for sci fi and I always go back to Christmas Vacation every year to make the season right.

dave 08-14-2015 06:58 AM

Re: Do you have a favorite movie?
Gun to my head.....Pulp Fiction, I suppose

elderboy02 08-14-2015 07:11 AM

Re: Do you have a favorite movie?
I would say Training Day.

Denzel Washington's best performance ever!

RJrocker 08-14-2015 07:44 AM

Re: Do you have a favorite movie?

Dave128 08-14-2015 09:14 AM

Re: Do you have a favorite movie?
I know I'm not following the OPs request, but I can't seem to choose between these three: The Breakfast Club, Drum Line and The Shawshank Redemption.

icehog3 08-14-2015 10:52 AM

Re: Do you have a favorite movie?
Can't do it either, so I'll try by genre.

Western - Unforgiven
Horror - The Shining
Drama - Se7en
Comedy - Pulp Fiction

JIMBETHYNAME 08-14-2015 08:02 PM

Re: Do you have a favorite movie?
fast times at ridgemont high

AdamJoshua 08-14-2015 08:48 PM

Re: Do you have a favorite movie?

Originally Posted by JIMBETHYNAME (Post 2049300)
fast times at ridgemont high

We had good damn movies as kids, then the next generation went all stupid for metro-sexual vampires and that was that.


kelmac07 08-14-2015 08:56 PM

Re: Do you have a favorite movie?
Rudy (Rudy, Rudy, Rudy, Rudy)

mosesbotbol 08-15-2015 06:26 AM

Re: Do you have a favorite movie?

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 2049201)
Can't do it either, so I'll try by genre.

Western - Unforgiven
Horror - The Shining
Drama - Se7en
Comedy - Pulp Fiction

Don't have a favorite western... -(P

Horror - "Session 9" or "Event Horizon"
Comedy - "Friday" or "Up in Smoke"

jonumberone 08-15-2015 11:06 AM

Re: Do you have a favorite movie?

Col. Kurtz 08-15-2015 05:26 PM

Re: Do you have a favorite movie?
Apocalypse now. Shocker.

JohnnyFlake 08-16-2015 09:26 AM

Re: Do you have a favorite movie?
Several mentioned already, are in my top 25, but stating that one is my favorite, is simply impossible! There have been many great stories put on film, a host of fabulous roles played by far too many actors/actresses and an incredible amount of amazing special effects. Can you really pick one as your absolute favorite over all the others??? I would have a hard time narrowing it down to my top 25!!!

pnoon 08-16-2015 10:02 AM

Re: Do you have a favorite movie?

Originally Posted by JohnnyFlake (Post 2049442)
Several mentioned already, are in my top 25, but stating that one is my favorite, is simply impossible! There have been many great stories put on film, a host of fabulous roles played by far too many actors/actresses and an incredible amount of amazing special effects. Can you really pick one as your absolute favorite over all the others??? I would have a hard time narrowing it down to my top 25!!!


Stick 08-16-2015 10:53 AM

Re: Do you have a favorite movie?

Originally Posted by JohnnyFlake (Post 2049442)


Originally Posted by pnoon (Post 2049445)

:tpd: But for the sake of the OP and thread I'll say Clerks.

mosesbotbol 08-17-2015 06:54 AM

Re: Do you have a favorite movie?

Originally Posted by Col. Kurtz (Post 2049398)
Apocalypse now. Shocker.

Great movie. On my tops list too :tu

wonmotyme 08-17-2015 08:29 AM

Re: Do you have a favorite movie?
The illusionist or The Usual Suspects. Can't decide between the 2

Brian D. 08-21-2015 03:18 PM

Re: Do you have a favorite movie?
Got a weakness for comedy. Seems like critics and the Academy Awards look down on that genre. It's not easy to do one that's clever and hysterical; the actors have to have great timing and inflection unless the film is all slapstick stuff.

Danny DeVito and Billy Crystal still slay me with Throw Momma From The Train . Why they never paired up again I don't get.

So low brow as that might make me it's my favorite movie.

Starscream 10-27-2015 06:10 PM

Re: Do you have a favorite movie?
Most days my favorite movie is "The Empire Stikes Back". Some days "The Goonies" gives "Empire" a run for it's money for my favorite. "The Bride of Frankenstein" is pretty close too. "Empire" only slightly beats those two for me.

heyferg 10-27-2015 07:17 PM

Re: Do you have a favorite movie?

Originally Posted by Subvet642 (Post 2049102)
The Thin Man (1935) with William Powell and Myrna Loy


LOVE The Thin Man series. I even had a terrier named Asta!

rwiiames 10-27-2015 07:46 PM

Re: Do you have a favorite movie?

shilala 10-28-2015 10:47 AM

Re: Do you have a favorite movie?
No idea.
But if I was hooked up to wires and bedsprings, I could probably narrow it down to something where Christopher Walken at least has a cameo.

Honestly, I have layers of like.
1.) I'll watch it again.
2.) I'll watch it any time someone wants to watch it.
3.) I suggest we watch it when nobody can make a decision and I've already seen it 20+ times.

Then there's movies that are just technically perfect. Well cast, great script. Incredible video. I love a lot of those that I just don't watch as often, but I enjoy as much as anything that might be "my favorite".

Probably something Quentin Tarentino like Pulp Fiction or True Romance.

JohnnyFlake 10-28-2015 11:33 AM

Re: Do you have a favorite movie?

Originally Posted by Porch Dweller (Post 2049077)
I'd probably have to say "Miller's Crossing". IMNSHO it's the Coen Bros best film, has flawless performances, the best Tommy Gun scene ever (bonus for Albert Finney restarting his cigar at the end of the scene), some genuinely laugh out loud moments, a complex but accessible plot, some shocking twists and turns, and features some gorgeous cinematography.
The first time I saw it I found it a bit cold and dour. It wasn't until subsequent viewings that I appreciated it fully.
And I know some consider it heresy to say this, but it's as good if not better a gangster film than "The Godfather".

Second place would probably go to "Patton".

"Millers Crossing" is an absolute classic, that almost seems unknown, to most people. A very worthy movie in all respects!

Sadly, I cannot pick a single favorite movie. There are far too many variations, the story line, special effects, the actors themselves, etc. It would be hard for me to pick my top 25 out of the thousands of movies I have seen in my life time!

mosesbotbol 10-28-2015 12:43 PM

Re: Do you have a favorite movie?

Originally Posted by rwiiames (Post 2059002)

Love that movie. Can watch that one over and over. The dueling chorus singing in at the bar is such a powerful scene.

icehog3 10-28-2015 02:03 PM

Re: Do you have a favorite movie?

Originally Posted by shilala (Post 2059060)

Probably something Quentin Tarentino like Pulp Fiction or True Romance.

Take note, massphatness! :D

shilala 10-28-2015 02:31 PM

Re: Do you have a favorite movie?

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 2059080)
Take note, massphatness! :D

You're gonna have to explain that, Admiral.

I think the only Tarantino movie that sucked was the one he did with (or against) Robert Rodriquez. The Grindhouse Films.

I watched that stupid movie with Selma Hayek (at the peak of her hotness) with the snake awhile ago. The biker bar turns into a vampire coven and Cheech is in it.
I was thinking that was Planet Horror, but I realize it's not.
So now I have to watch both of those movies again to see if they still suck.

icehog3 10-28-2015 02:58 PM

Re: Do you have a favorite movie?
Vin told me this weekend he has never seen True Romance, I found that crazy with his taste in movies.

Dusk Til Dawn is the Selma flick with Cheech.

I hated half the Grindhouse (I think Planet Terror), but loved DeathProof with Kurt Russell.

JohnnyFlake 10-28-2015 03:10 PM

Re: Do you have a favorite movie?

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 2059085)
Vin told me this weekend he has never seen True Romance, I found that crazy with his taste in movies.

Dusk Til Dawn is the Selma flick with Cheech.

I hated half the Grindhouse (I think Planet Terror), but loved DeathProof with Kurt Russell.

That's sad! What a great movie! I am not sure, but I believe it was Mr. Gandolfini's (AKA Suprano's) first movie.

Stephen 10-29-2015 07:27 PM

Re: Do you have a favorite movie?

Originally Posted by shilala (Post 2059060)
No idea.
But if I was hooked up to wires and bedsprings, I could probably narrow it down to something where Christopher Walken at least has a cameo.

Honestly, I have layers of like.
1.) I'll watch it again.
2.) I'll watch it any time someone wants to watch it.
3.) I suggest we watch it when nobody can make a decision and I've already seen it 20+ times.

Then there's movies that are just technically perfect. Well cast, great script. Incredible video. I love a lot of those that I just don't watch as often, but I enjoy as much as anything that might be "my favorite".

Probably something Quentin Tarentino like Pulp Fiction or True Romance.

Didn't you and I talk about this movie not too terribly long ago? Damn, now I think I'm going to watch again this weekend.

shilala 10-29-2015 07:51 PM

Re: Do you have a favorite movie?

Originally Posted by Stephen (Post 2059250)
Didn't you and I talk about this movie not too terribly long ago? Damn, now I think I'm going to watch again this weekend.

Maybe. The Hopkins/Walken video got dragged up from Youtube.
It's a lot better when you know what the whole story is around it.

badbriar 10-29-2015 09:28 PM

Re: Do you have a favorite movie?
Quigley Down Under :banger

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