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Blueface 05-11-2015 02:39 PM

Apple Watch Anyone?
Surprised not a subject of discussion.

Let's draw a T bar.
On the one side, FanBoys. On the other, Haters.

Me? First and foremost, a watch freak.
Second, a self confessed FanBoy.
Third, toys, period.

That said, here is mine, SS 42mm version.

Is it a must have? Nope.
Does one need it? Nope.
Do I regret buying it? Nope.
It's a fun gadget that if you can piss money away, go for it. It's a conversation piece to say the least. Have used it as Apple pay in a few places and chuckled all the way out of the store. Cracked up first time I set navigation on phone and was showing on watch and my wrist was tapped each time I needed to make a turn. Controlling my patio Bluetooth stereo from my watch is also cool. Nice to leave phone in one place in house and be anywhere to answer phone or texts.

Again, a toy that was lucky to get on first day, on 24th and enjoy as a birthday present to me, from me, with many more regards from me.:r

sikk50 05-11-2015 02:48 PM

Re: Apple Watch Anyone?
I'm a fanboy. I'm always in line for the flag ship phones since they started. I'll probably get one of these at some point as I love watches as well. Hell I even have one of the old iPods in a watch band (some sort of nano i think). But I will say I wasn't uberly excited for this out of the gate. I have a problem with cracking watch faces already

elderboy02 05-11-2015 02:50 PM

Re: Apple Watch Anyone?
Meh... I'll stick with this on my wrist....

The Poet 05-11-2015 03:08 PM

Re: Apple Watch Anyone?
As I like to buy American, I avoid all Apple products.

What's that? Apple IS American? Has anybody told them that?

Blueface 05-11-2015 03:22 PM

Re: Apple Watch Anyone?

Originally Posted by elderboy02 (Post 2034093)
Meh... I'll stick with this on my wrist....

Funny, I have an Oyster Perpetual and a new Breitling Navitimer but plenty of room still for others.
Submariner in blue like yours may be next one for me or Daytona.

AdamJoshua 05-11-2015 03:28 PM

Re: Apple Watch Anyone?
I admit it I usually go first gen on everything, but this is one time I'm going to wait it out, my brother got his already and loves it.

As you said is it a must have, blah blah blah, nope to them all, yet then again it's still pretty cool and seeing as how I don't have a full sleeve tat down to my wrist .. it will work for me when I do get one :lr

What's your digital watch face of choice?

CigarNut 05-11-2015 06:11 PM

Re: Apple Watch Anyone?

Originally Posted by The Poet (Post 2034095)
As I like to buy American, I avoid all Apple products.

What's that? Apple IS American? Has anybody told them that?

Not to start an argument or flame-war, but based on your logic, you need to just stop buying stuff. Nearly everything these days has parts or components made outside the USA.

Supporting the global economy is also a good thing. Yes, there are bad governments -- mostly it's a matter of degree.

Just my :2...

The Poet 05-11-2015 06:28 PM

Re: Apple Watch Anyone?
Last quarter Apple sold more new iPhones in China than in the US . . . and will pony up about the same amount in corporate taxes here in dollars as they shall here in yuan. :r

Blueface 05-11-2015 06:28 PM

Re: Apple Watch Anyone?

Originally Posted by AdamJoshua (Post 2034104)
What's your digital watch face of choice?

I have had fun changing it daily but seem to have landed on this one.

hammondc 05-12-2015 05:52 AM

Re: Apple Watch Anyone?
I've been an Apple Fanboy for about 10 years now. I'll pass on this one. Actually, I was really into watches at one point, but quit wearing them when cell phones became ubiquitous. Now I have zero interest other than athletic watches.

Blueface 05-12-2015 06:01 AM

Re: Apple Watch Anyone?

Originally Posted by hammondc (Post 2034215)
I've been an Apple Fanboy for about 10 years now. I'll pass on this one. Actually, I was really into watches at one point, but quit wearing them when cell phones became ubiquitous. Now I have zero interest other than athletic watches.

You are not alone it seems. Have read many following that route of not needing a wrist watch any more.
For me, I feel lost/naked without a watch on my wrist. At 56, way too many years of wearing one.

Blueface 05-15-2015 05:25 PM

Re: Apple Watch Anyone?
Had a hard time deciding between new Apple Watch and new Breitling.
This was a pretty good compromise. :r

longknocker 05-15-2015 05:29 PM

Re: Apple Watch Anyone?
I Like It, Carlos!:):tu Will Wait Awhile Before I Buy One, Myself, Though.

badbriar 05-15-2015 06:55 PM

Re: Apple Watch Anyone?
[quote=The Poet;2034095]As I like to buy American, I avoid all Apple products.

:lr :lr :lr

You must not own any type of laptop, PC or tablet!

jonharky 05-15-2015 07:15 PM

Re: Apple Watch Anyone?
I think I will stick with my Samsung Gear 2 Neo that I got last year

Blueface 05-15-2015 07:30 PM

Re: Apple Watch Anyone?

Originally Posted by jonharky (Post 2034949)
I think I will stick with my Samsung Gear 2 Neo that I got last year

But no Breitling dial. :r

shilala 05-15-2015 10:17 PM

Re: Apple Watch Anyone?
Oddly, I've had zero interest.
I used to wear a watch all the time. Then I got a phone and no longer needed a watch.
If I could ditch the phone and just wear the watch, that'd be different.
That's not far down the road, I'm sure.

The Poet 05-15-2015 10:47 PM

Re: Apple Watch Anyone?

Originally Posted by The Poet (Post 2034095)
As I like to buy American, I avoid all Apple products.

:lr :lr :lr

You must not own any type of laptop, PC or tablet!

My problem with Apple is not with where they make their products, but rather how they hide their obscenely vast profits. Over the past ten years the total global . . . TOTAL GLOBAL FOR TEN YEARS!! . . . amount of corporate taxes on their hundreds of billions of profits has been in the neighborhood of 100 million bucks. Look at it this way: When you buy one of their products, the sales tax you pay is 100 times or more greater than the tax they will pay on their profit . . . which is considerable, what with their gross margin of 35%. Yes, 1 out of every 3 bucks you pony up for your Apple goes into their pockets, and stays there.

Do a little research, and be shocked at their greed. Even when dead, Steve still jobs you.

mosesbotbol 05-16-2015 08:16 AM

Re: Apple Watch Anyone?
They should've done kinetic charging.

RWhisenand 05-16-2015 08:42 AM

Re: Apple Watch Anyone?

Originally Posted by mosesbotbol (Post 2035012)
They should've done kinetic charging.

Like Seiko, good idea.

joshnauburn 05-19-2015 06:17 PM

Re: Apple Watch Anyone?

Originally Posted by shilala (Post 2034971)
Oddly, I've had zero interest.
I used to wear a watch all the time. Then I got a phone and no longer needed a watch.
If I could ditch the phone and just wear the watch, that'd be different.
That's not far down the road, I'm sure.

I wear a watch I guess b/c I'm old skool, but if you look at the college age kids now none of them wear watches since they all grew up with iPhone, Ipad ect.

CigarNut 05-19-2015 07:20 PM

Re: Apple Watch Anyone?
The Apple (and Google) watches may be just the ticket to get (some of) the younger generation wearing watches again. I know my friends' son never wore a watch but he is a proud owner of the Motorola/Google watch.

I also know of several other younger people who are very happy with the Apple Watch -- and they never heard of Dick Tracy :rolleyes:

Blueface 05-20-2015 04:59 AM

Re: Apple Watch Anyone?
35-40 years ago, I was one of those that hated watches and would never wear one. While we didn't have smart phones then, didn't feel I needed a watch. Then it all changed one day with my wife being hired by Movado. Bought me a watch during an employee sale and it all went downhill from there.
Now? Don't know what life would be without any of my Rolex, Breitling, Concord, Movado, Apple and until not too long ago, Polar Heart Rate Monitor. If any chance I could buy more, I would.

Aside from obvious of telling time, a watch is an item totally reflective of your personality and style. It's a jewelry accessory and at this point in my life, I would feel naked without one, any one. In the case of the Apple Watch, a novelty/toy. While I would agree not for everyone, however I would argue that if you are single, looking for a mate, wear a nice watch. Trust me, they look at your wrist to read you. Wish I had known this then.;)

mosesbotbol 05-20-2015 05:15 AM

Re: Apple Watch Anyone?

Originally Posted by Blueface (Post 2035608)
It's a jewelry accessory and at this point in my life, I would feel naked without one, any one. In the case of the Apple Watch, a novelty/toy.

This is all so true. Very few really "use" a watch. Are you trusting your commercial airline pilot to use his Aviator watch to calculate flight path or decent?

Blueface 06-05-2015 09:00 PM

Re: Apple Watch Anyone?

Originally Posted by elderboy02 (Post 2034093)
Meh... I'll stick with this on my wrist....

Like this?:D

AdamJoshua 06-05-2015 09:15 PM

Re: Apple Watch Anyone?
Nah different times and dates. :D

Here are a couple different articles with some tips, one talks about using the force touch feature for shortcuts.

elderboy02 06-05-2015 10:53 PM

Re: Apple Watch Anyone?

Originally Posted by Blueface (Post 2038643)


Subvet642 06-05-2015 11:14 PM

Re: Apple Watch Anyone?

Originally Posted by mosesbotbol (Post 2035612)
This is all so true. Very few really "use" a watch. Are you trusting your commercial airline pilot to use his Aviator watch to calculate flight path or decent?

My uncle was an Air Force pilot in the 50's and 60's; he can! He can use a slide rule, too.

AdamJoshua 06-05-2015 11:17 PM

Re: Apple Watch Anyone?

Originally Posted by Subvet642 (Post 2038656)
My uncle was an Air Force pilot in the 50's and 60's; he can! He can use a slide rule, too.

I'm not sure, should I feel old...ish because I can use a slide rule? :sad

Subvet642 06-05-2015 11:58 PM

Re: Apple Watch Anyone?

Originally Posted by The Poet (Post 2034974)

My problem with Apple is not with where they make their products, but rather how they hide their obscenely vast profits. Over the past ten years the total global . . . TOTAL GLOBAL FOR TEN YEARS!! . . . amount of corporate taxes on their hundreds of billions of profits has been in the neighborhood of 100 million bucks. Look at it this way: When you buy one of their products, the sales tax you pay is 100 times or more greater than the tax they will pay on their profit . . . which is considerable, what with their gross margin of 35%. Yes, 1 out of every 3 bucks you pony up for your Apple goes into their pockets, and stays there.

Do a little research, and be shocked at their greed. Even when dead, Steve still jobs you.

As long as you get what you pay for, what's there to complain about? It sure seems as though the public thinks they're getting what they pay for. If Apple was breaking the law, Uncle Sugar would come looking for them. No one else's wealth diminishes my worth by one penny. I do not covet my neighbor's goods, wife or otherwise. If you don't like paying that much sales tax then I would venture that your problem isn't with Apple's tax burden, but with your own, as it should be. Profit is not obscene; it is the engine of advancement and achievement. Almost every great thing about this country was created with profit as the motive. Without the profit motive there is no impulse to develop new technologies and advance civilization. Those who would instill envy in us for what others have, have other, sinister motives in mind and I'm frightened that otherwise smart people fall for it. It's a shame that only 1 out of every 3 dollars goes into Apple's pocket; they take all the risk, they do all the work, they do the innovating and Uncle Sugar does all the looting. What I don't understand is how anyone, besides Apple, could be upset that they have to spend 2 dollars to make 1. :2

Subvet642 06-06-2015 12:00 AM

Re: Apple Watch Anyone?

Originally Posted by AdamJoshua (Post 2038657)
I'm not sure, should I feel old...ish because I can use a slide rule? :sad

Absolutely NOT! The current generation carries their brains in their back pocket in their "smart phone". People can no longer think without batteries. You're better than that.

pnoon 06-06-2015 07:46 AM

Re: Apple Watch Anyone?

Originally Posted by Subvet642 (Post 2038667)
Absolutely NOT! The current generation carries their brains in their back pocket in their "smart phone". People can no longer think without batteries. You're better than that.

You obviously haven't met Adam. :=:

AdamJoshua 06-06-2015 03:17 PM

Re: Apple Watch Anyone?

Originally Posted by pnoon (Post 2038688)
You obviously haven't met Adam. :=:

Are you kidding, I'm using an 1885 Chandler and Price letter press to reply to this. :na

Subvet642 06-06-2015 09:54 PM

Re: Apple Watch Anyone?

Originally Posted by AdamJoshua (Post 2038747)
Are you kidding, I'm using an 1885 Chandler and Price letter press to reply to this. :na

I took printing in high school. I ran an 11x17 Davidson Duolith. We had three Heidelbergs; two offset and a letterpress. They do pretty work.

Blueface 06-07-2015 05:05 AM

Re: Apple Watch Anyone?
While I enjoy the watch, neat gadget and conversation piece, I am actually thinking of listing it on eBay even if at a loss for the dozen or so times I have used it.
I realize I just don't use it enough based on my daily 60% plus battery life remaining. Most of the 40% or less used is from being on. Interesting as the biggest concern with it is battery life. Haven't really decided yet because on the other hand, I love watches, period. It's paid for.

tsolomon 06-07-2015 05:34 AM

Re: Apple Watch Anyone?

Originally Posted by AdamJoshua (Post 2038747)
Are you kidding, I'm using an 1885 Chandler and Price letter press to reply to this. :na

My first job after graduating HS was working in a print shop making diplomas on a platen press and pulling the type from a California job case. :D

mosesbotbol 06-07-2015 07:04 AM

Re: Apple Watch Anyone?

Originally Posted by Blueface (Post 2038814)
While I enjoy the watch, neat gadget and conversation piece, I am actually thinking of listing it on eBay even if at a loss for the dozen or so times I have used it.

Apple is one of my clients and the team that does phone orders has some funny insights on the Apple watches. They've sold a few of the 10k+ dollar versions. I don't see how it makes sense as another device, but it nice looking; that's for sure.

Apple needed to kick start this technology and you are an early adopter, so this is what you get. If I were you, I'd put it back in the box, wait a few years and sell it if you're not hurting to re-coupe your doe. Just like a mint 1st gen iPhone, it could rise in value.

Blueface 06-07-2015 07:13 AM

Re: Apple Watch Anyone?

Originally Posted by mosesbotbol (Post 2038826)
Apple is one of my clients and the team that does phone orders has some funny insights on the Apple watches. They've sold a few of the 10k+ dollar versions. I don't see how it makes sense as another device, but it nice looking; that's for sure.

Apple needed to kick start this technology and you are an early adopter, so this is what you get. If I were you, I'd put it back in the box, wait a few years and sell it if you're not hurting to re-coupe your doe. Just like a mint 1st gen iPhone, it could rise in value.

Definitely not hurting to recover money. I would just use the funds towards paying off other recent watch purchases. I thought of keeping it long term but wonder what value there will really be if the market is flooded with so many millions of them.

I really like the watch. I just dont see enough use out of it. On the other hand, it's paid for, it's a fun gadget, perhaps I will gradually rely on it more. What I definitely love about it is being home, having phone wherever and seeing my texts, emails and calls.

I think my biggest hurdle is I can't see shelving my Breitling or Rolex for an Apple Watch but I can definitely find use for it here and there.

G G 06-07-2015 07:57 AM

Re: Apple Watch Anyone?
I won't buy one, personally don't see the need or have the want to. I have had an iphone since the 3g. Recently upgraded from the iphone 5 to the 6 plus and love it. i also recently bought my wife an iphone 6 plus to, also got her and I Ipad Air 2s as well and love them working together, but the watch? Nah. My windows laptop crapped out on me a couple weeks ago and I am fighting hard trying to talk myself out of getting a macbook. Just the price is what's holding me up since I spent all the money on two iphones and Ipads. LOL

Blueface 06-07-2015 08:02 AM

Re: Apple Watch Anyone?
Screw it. Listed it.

Blueface 06-07-2015 08:03 AM

Re: Apple Watch Anyone?

Originally Posted by elderboy02 (Post 2038655)

BTw, you are right with your original post.;)

elderboy02 06-08-2015 06:46 AM

Re: Apple Watch Anyone?

Originally Posted by Blueface (Post 2038840)
BTw, you are right with your original post.;)

To each their own. I just can't see downgrading to an Apple watch after I have had this on my wrist for over a year.

Blueface 06-08-2015 07:00 AM

Re: Apple Watch Anyone?

Originally Posted by elderboy02 (Post 2038975)
To each their own. I just can't see downgrading to an Apple watch after I have had this on my wrist for over a year.

I didn't see it as a downgrade. I saw a window for niche for it. I would never pass on my Rolex or Breitling for dress. I was using this Apple watch for during the day, while working at my desk, to multi task or for doing my neighborhood exercise. Was much easier to change Playlists for music than reaching to arm band for phone. Heck of an expensive convenience at $750. Don't think I used it more than 10 times though.

I am actually tossed at selling it but yeah much more fun to reach in the safe and put on a classy, high end watch so in the end, yeah, downgrade.
Looks like will sell right now. I guess I will say been there, done that.

mosesbotbol 06-08-2015 08:39 AM

Re: Apple Watch Anyone?

Originally Posted by Blueface (Post 2038978)
I didn't see it as a downgrade. I saw a window for niche for it.

I agree; not a downgrade at all.

They are just totally different watches. Rolex or Breitling will never come close to the accuracy or features of an Apple watch...

Rolex & Breitling you are buying something hand crafted, an ode to what a skilled craftsman can hone... Something of heirloom value; not a disposable electronic item like everything else that Apple makes.

Blueface 06-09-2015 06:29 PM

Re: Apple Watch Anyone?
My last evening with my Apple Watch as will sell and looks like will recover all my money.
Farewell my friend.
Hasta la vista.
Good bye.
Au revoir.
Auf Wiedersehen.

hammondc 05-04-2017 08:39 AM

Re: Apple Watch Anyone?
Resurrecting this thread because even after this comment in 2015......


Originally Posted by hammondc (Post 2034215)
I've been an Apple Fanboy for about 10 years now. I'll pass on this one. Actually, I was really into watches at one point, but quit wearing them when cell phones became ubiquitous. Now I have zero interest other than athletic watches.

........I am seriously considering getting one. Any input on the newer series 2?

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