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Flynnster 01-01-2015 07:46 PM

Keeping Inventory
Hey all,
I decided that I'd start the new year out buy taking stock of what I've got in the humidor, and dang is it a big job! Just wondering if anyone else does this and if so how do they do it?

I sure wish I was doing this all along instead of having to start with a full humidor!

Ogre 01-01-2015 07:50 PM

Re: Keeping Inventory
I tried and gave up. Between buying and bombs from friends here, it got to crazy.

CigarNut 01-01-2015 07:54 PM

Re: Keeping Inventory

Originally Posted by Ogre (Post 2009547)
I tried and gave up. Between buying and bombs from friends here, it got to crazy.

What he said. I used to use an iPhone app, and then an Excel spreadsheet and now I just go hunting :)

jhedrick83 01-01-2015 08:25 PM

Re: Keeping Inventory
I have an excel spreadsheet where I log the count date received and I have it calculate age for me too. I also use it to keep track of what I paid.

Remo 01-01-2015 08:37 PM

Re: Keeping Inventory

Originally Posted by CigarNut (Post 2009551)
What he said. I used to use an iPhone app, and then an Excel spreadsheet and now I just go hunting :)

+1...I just dig around and sometimes get a nice surprise, the other day I saw that I have quite a few VSG's in there, totally forgot :tu

WhiteMamba 01-01-2015 08:49 PM

Re: Keeping Inventory
I try to keep track in my head. I also go and look at order history on CI and Cbid and other places to see how much I paid or when I purchased what. :2

T.G 01-01-2015 10:32 PM

Re: Keeping Inventory
I use RFID tags.

Flynnster 01-01-2015 10:55 PM

Re: Keeping Inventory
Well I just finished up, and I'm not sure how much good it did me, but at least I know what I've got now.

Now I just know how many amazing sticks I've got that I really want to smoke! Too bad it's 18 degrees here....

icehog3 01-01-2015 11:34 PM

Re: Keeping Inventory
Hunt and grab. Nothing better than being pleasantly suprised now and then.

Sweet_Leaf_PDX 01-01-2015 11:59 PM

Re: Keeping Inventory
I was using Google docs and had a pretty nice spreadsheet going for a while. I gave up on that and now I just hunt through the humidor.

tsolomon 01-02-2015 05:14 AM

Re: Keeping Inventory

Originally Posted by Ogre (Post 2009547)
I tried and gave up. Between buying and bombs from friends here, it got to crazy.

I have tried to do this several times using Excel and just didn't keep it current. Now it's just happy hunting as I dig through the humies and coolers. :D

Porch Dweller 01-02-2015 05:55 AM

Re: Keeping Inventory

Originally Posted by Remo (Post 2009559)
+1...I just dig around and sometimes get a nice surprise, the other day I saw that I have quite a few VSG's in there, totally forgot :tu


I enjoy the surprises I get when engaging in wineador archeology. :D

pnoon 01-02-2015 06:34 AM

Re: Keeping Inventory

Originally Posted by CigarNut (Post 2009551)
What he said. I used to use an iPhone app, and then an Excel spreadsheet and now I just go hunting :)


shilala 01-02-2015 06:37 AM

Re: Keeping Inventory
The best I can do is marking the year on finger bags.
If I can do that, I feel like I've won.

CdnStogie 01-02-2015 09:03 AM

Re: Keeping Inventory
I am keeping track, but of boxes only. Singles would get too ridiculous. I have been writing down on a sticky and attaching it to the box of price paid/purchase date.

I also am using a program that keeps track of all the cigars, but trying to keep up with what you smoke, gave away, etc etc it is hard to keep it accurate. It does serve as a good snapshot of what I have along w/ box codes and I update the counts on occasion by memory.

Flynnster 01-02-2015 09:32 AM

Re: Keeping Inventory
Now that I've done it I guess the only thing I will likely use it for is keeping track of ages on the sticks. Once I get into boxes it will be much easier.

mosesbotbol 01-02-2015 10:52 AM

Re: Keeping Inventory
I don't inventory singles and I stopped inventorying boxes.

DaBear 01-02-2015 11:26 AM

Re: Keeping Inventory
Hunt and grab for me. Its fun finding old stuff you didn't realize you had. Its how I got my first personally aged cigar. Lost an Oliva O for a year not too long after I got started and got a nice surprise when I transferred things over to the larger humidor I got.

WhiteMamba 01-02-2015 01:26 PM

Re: Keeping Inventory

Originally Posted by DaBear (Post 2009690)
Hunt and grab for me. Its fun finding old stuff you didn't realize you had. Its how I got my first personally aged cigar. Lost an Oliva O for a year not too long after I got started and got a nice surprise when I transferred things over to the larger humidor I got.

It's like putting on a pair of pants that you haven't worn for a while and you find a dollar in the pocket. :tu

Porch Dweller 01-02-2015 02:35 PM

Re: Keeping Inventory

Originally Posted by WhiteMamba (Post 2009707)
It's like putting on a pair of pants that you haven't worn for a while and you find a dollar in the pocket. :tu

You're not supposed to smoke those pants dollars.


Sadden 01-02-2015 11:19 PM

Re: Keeping Inventory
I had an app on my phone , but it was too much of a PITA to add or subtract cigars all the time.

mosesbotbol 01-03-2015 07:40 AM

Re: Keeping Inventory
It's easier to divide cigars into groups rather than keeping individual inventory.

sweater914 01-03-2015 09:08 PM

Re: Keeping Inventory
I was heavily bombed, a few CI orders, Christmas gifting, trying to keep track while not impossible, instantly difficult.

I could magic marker the cellophane with year and date. Could take hours/days.

dijit 01-04-2015 07:02 AM

Re: Keeping Inventory
I use a simple excel spread sheet to keep my cigar inventory and it even works on my Android phone or tablet. The only time I have an issue is when I get too lazy to update all three versions to match. Been using this method for about 6 years and havent had any other issues.

Tio Gato 01-04-2015 04:31 PM

Re: Keeping Inventory
I was inspired by this thread to do inventory today. I knew I had a lot of cigars but what I found was crazy. When the FDA started talking about a clamp down on cigars I hit the Devil Site hard. Too hard.;)
I found 21 boxes of Cuba Libre Ones after telling the bride I thought I had a half dozen or so. Proof there that large amounts of beer do make me do foolish things. I could just kick myself.:gary

MagicDrop 01-04-2015 04:46 PM

Re: Keeping Inventory
I use both Cedar and Cigar Boss apps on the iPhone. But I don't have the types of collections many of you have. I have between 25-40 cigars at any given time. Mostly singles sometimes I will buy a 5 pack or something like that.

Nathan 01-10-2015 07:01 AM

Re: Keeping Inventory
I don't keep an inventory. I like to jump in like Scrooge McDuck and just see what I come up with.

JLMraider 01-26-2015 11:07 AM

Re: Keeping Inventory
I just did my inventory this weekend. I tried to find a good Android app for free but didn't like any of them. I ended up making a spreadsheet in Google Docs (Google Sheets) that keeps track of age, price, count and a block for some notes. I think this will work well as I can access it from my computer, or anywhere I can access the web, and there's a Google Sheets app for my phone. I think I can keep track of my modest stockpile with this.

Flynnster, what method did you end up going with for your inventory?

ChicagoWhiteSox 02-01-2015 08:08 PM

Re: Keeping Inventory
A pivot table would be good if you have a large inventory. Quick and easy tool.

nutcracker 02-02-2015 05:04 AM

Re: Keeping Inventory

Originally Posted by Porch Dweller (Post 2009722)
You're not supposed to smoke those pants dollars.


Yea but he's a pastor and afford $100's.


sikk50 02-02-2015 08:41 AM

Re: Keeping Inventory
I used to have an app and I was very dedicated to keeping track. At some point the app had an update and lost all my info. I never attempted to re-enter every thing.

WhiteMamba 02-02-2015 10:35 AM

Re: Keeping Inventory
Pants dollars are for buying more sticks not smoking. I go to my purchase history on ci or the devil site for dates or price I payed if I'm curious.

oldforge 02-03-2015 07:34 AM

Re: Keeping Inventory
Large inventory + my increasing age = I forgot when I stopped keeping track. :-)

trackeryak 02-06-2015 02:34 PM

Re: Keeping Inventory
Being a noob, I keep a spreadsheet listing brand and type of cigar, where I purchased it, amount paid and then a final column where I describe the smoking experience and if I would purchase again.

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