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RevSmoke 08-19-2014 02:52 PM

I may be missing...
... for a while.

I am having disk decompression surgery on my cervical disks 6 & 7 on August 26. Until that day, I am no ceasing all tobacco usage until healing has been accomplished. To assist in the resisting of temptation, I will probably be missing from CA for a bit.

I know the doctor has told me to cease and desist all tobacco usage from this time forth and forevermore, but I am not thinking that will happen. I get cranky when I do not have stress relief, and my wife has even commented that a cigar or pipe seems to take some of my edge off.

So, I may be missing for the next 4-8 weeks. But, I will have you knotheads in my thoughts and prayers.

If you'd like to contact me, I am on facebook - or you can e-mail me: tjerabek(at)

Peace of the Lord be with you.

The Poet 08-19-2014 02:55 PM

Re: I may be missing...
Best of luck with the surgery, Todd. I shall be wishing you all the best.

Know also you will be missed until your return.

WhiteMamba 08-19-2014 02:56 PM

Re: I may be missing...
My prayers are with you pastor as you go through this trial that the Lord has seen fit to give you.

Brlesq 08-19-2014 03:01 PM

Re: I may be missing...
Will keep you in our prayers for a swift recovery, Todd.

Stevez 08-19-2014 03:04 PM

Re: I may be missing...
Will keep you in my prayers Todd and wish you a speedy recovery.

icehog3 08-19-2014 03:08 PM

Re: I may be missing...
Wishing you a swift and full recovery, Todd.

CigarNut 08-19-2014 04:09 PM

Re: I may be missing...
Thoughts and prayers for a complete recovery.

nutcracker 08-19-2014 04:57 PM

Re: I may be missing...
Good luck Rev. If it's any consolation this would rank as "easier" spine surgery.
Should be a snap.

massphatness 08-19-2014 04:58 PM

Re: I may be missing...
Best wishes on a quick and complete recovery, Todd. You'll be in my thoughts.

equetefue 08-19-2014 05:03 PM

Re: I may be missing...
Wish you a speedy recovery. We will pray for you and will be here when you come back

longknocker 08-19-2014 05:04 PM

Re: I may be missing...
My Thoughts & Prayers Are With You, Todd!:tu

hotreds 08-19-2014 05:05 PM

Re: I may be missing...
God's Blessings to you and yours! May He guide the hands of the surgeons, and may He bring about a speedy and full recovery!

CRIMPS 08-19-2014 05:13 PM

Re: I may be missing...
Good luck, Todd!

Ogre 08-19-2014 07:21 PM

Re: I may be missing...
Prayers sent for a full and speedy recovery

EricF 08-19-2014 07:26 PM

Re: I may be missing...
Thoughts and prayers sent Todd

Sailkat 08-19-2014 07:57 PM

Re: I may be missing...
Our thoughts and prayers are with you as you face this new journey. Look forward to your return (and maybe an update after your surgery). Wishing you smooth sailing through your surgery and recovery.

357 08-19-2014 08:43 PM

Re: I may be missing...
Prayers sent for you Todd. May God speed your recovery, ease your pain, and give you the strength to get through it.

smokin5 08-19-2014 11:00 PM

Re: I may be missing...
Positive thoughts are heading your way.
Here's hoping for a successful procedure so you'll be back in your humidor quickly.

MarkinAZ 08-19-2014 11:41 PM

Re: I may be missing...
Positive thoughts coming your way from the West Coast, and most likely from all corners here at the Asylum Todd:tu

Ahhhh, btw, can Eric (smokin5) and use your Packers season tickets while you're out of action? Just sayin;):D

Get well soon Todd:ss

Tio Gato 08-20-2014 04:11 AM

Re: I may be missing...
Prayer said for a quick recovery. A good cigar will be good incentive to heal quickly.

jledou 08-20-2014 05:05 AM

Re: I may be missing...
Prayers for a successful surgery and a speedy recover!

Steve 08-20-2014 06:15 AM

Re: I may be missing...
We will keep you and your family in our prayers Todd.

CdnStogie 08-20-2014 06:52 AM

Re: I may be missing...
All the best and to a speedy recovery - Not something anyone wants to look forward too...

...especially the cigar ban

Dave128 08-20-2014 09:05 AM

Re: I may be missing...
Good luck with the surgery, Todd. Prayers sent.

G G 08-20-2014 09:44 AM

Re: I may be missing...
Prayers for speedy recovery and success.

shilala 08-20-2014 12:01 PM

Re: I may be missing...
Prayers for ya, beef. You'll be back to menacing the populace in no time flat. :tu

czerbe 08-20-2014 12:16 PM

Re: I may be missing...
Prayers your way Todd. I hope everything goes smoothly and you are up and on your feet in no time...

That being said if you want to cut out temptation, just send Kevin all your smokes to um... Hold on to for you! LOL :r:r

All the best buddy

Remo 08-20-2014 01:04 PM

Re: I may be missing...
Good luck Todd, heal up fast!

Heavy_d 08-20-2014 06:17 PM

Re: I may be missing...
Prayers for the surgery and a speedy recovery heading your way Todd.

cjhalbrooks 08-20-2014 06:21 PM

Re: I may be missing...
God bless you and your healing process. I hope your wife can lock you away somewhere in the house for when you get grumpy.

stevef2005 08-20-2014 07:38 PM

Re: I may be missing...
Hoping for a swift recovery for you brother. Ill make sure to burn a few for you while you out.

Col. Kurtz 08-20-2014 08:32 PM

Re: I may be missing...
Prayers for a rapid recovery and that the surgery will give you relief.

RevSmoke 08-20-2014 10:17 PM

Re: I may be missing...
Thank you to all for your thoughts and prayers, it is appreciated.

I am more worried about the pic-line they will put in than the surgery itself --- I hate needles. :D

Peace of the Lord be with you.

RevSmoke 08-20-2014 10:19 PM

Re: I may be missing...

Originally Posted by cjhalbrooks (Post 1981462)
God bless you and your healing process. I hope your wife can lock you away somewhere in the house for when you get grumpy.

Yeah, there is that. I hope not to get grumpy, but that would be a miracle. Usually I am a good sicky, not to grumpy. This will probably be a bit different.

WhiteMamba 08-21-2014 08:15 PM

Re: I may be missing...

Originally Posted by RevSmoke (Post 1981496)
Thank you to all for your thoughts and prayers, it is appreciated.

I am more worried about the pic-line they will put in than the surgery itself --- I hate needles. :D

Peace of the Lord be with you.

When I had one put in they numbed it first with a smaller needle. If they do that just don't look and you will be just fine. Or you could just keep in mind St Bartholomew as he is celebrated this Sunday.

jjirons69 08-22-2014 08:40 AM

Re: I may be missing...
Best of luck, Rev!

RevSmoke 08-22-2014 09:04 AM

Re: I may be missing...

Originally Posted by WhiteMamba (Post 1981708)
When I had one put in they numbed it first with a smaller needle. If they do that just don't look and you will be just fine. Or you could just keep in mind St Bartholomew as he is celebrated this Sunday.

I used to give blood regularly, gave over 5 gallons. Some time back though, for some reason I'd see a needle coming toward me, or know it was happening, and I would break out in a cold sweat and tightness in my guts.

No rhyme or reason, just is.

yourchoice 08-22-2014 09:13 AM

Re: I may be missing...
I'll be praying for you, Rev.

nutcracker 08-22-2014 11:47 AM

Re: I may be missing...

Originally Posted by RevSmoke (Post 1981791)

No rhyme or reason, just is.

That's why it's just a phobia. You know it's not logical, right? I for one can't climb a ladder because I'm terrified of heights.

Of course it's nice of Micheal to remind you of St Bartholomew, who I understand was flayed alive. Nice Mamba, that's bound to calm the man!


IBQTEE1 08-22-2014 12:55 PM

Re: I may be missing...
Good luck with the surgery Todd

RevSmoke 08-22-2014 01:31 PM

Re: I may be missing...

Originally Posted by nutcracker (Post 1981833)
That's why it's just a phobia. You know it's not logical, right? I for one can't climb a ladder because I'm terrified of heights.

Of course it's nice of Micheal to remind you of St Bartholomew, who I understand was flayed alive. Nice Mamba, that's bound to calm the man!


He is going to the Seminary at my alma mater, studying to be a pastor. He's a little rough around the edges yet, needs to work on his bedside (pastoral visitation) manner. :r

I knew what he meant, that St. Bartholomew trusted God and was brought through his ordeal and now enjoys eternity in heaven, so it is all good no matter what happens - and if God can give him the strength in that trial, then my itty bitty ole neck surgery ain't nuttin'.

At least that is what I think he was trying to say. :)

Otherwise, he was just :gary

Peace of the Lord be with you.

AdamJoshua 08-22-2014 01:53 PM

Re: I may be missing...

Originally Posted by RevSmoke (Post 1981791)
I used to give blood regularly, gave over 5 gallons. Some time back though, for some reason I'd see a needle coming toward me, or know it was happening, and I would break out in a cold sweat and tightness in my guts.

No rhyme or reason, just is.

Five gallons, crap man I only have a few pints in me! ;)

Wishing you a speedy and complete recovery!

Steve 08-22-2014 02:04 PM

Re: I may be missing...
Pastures wouldn't :gary now would they Todd?

RevSmoke 08-26-2014 07:34 PM

Re: I may be missing...
Sitting in a bed at the hospital post-op. Vicadin and water mean I am fairly comfortable. seem it will heal well. Now, we can only pray that the surgery does what we were hoping it would do. Doctor told me that this was not a "fusion" but a "disk decompression" - it was a reduction of bone material, and that I "could" take the meds that inhibit bone growth.

Hmmm, if the reason I was supposed to lay off cigars post surgery was because they inhibit bone growth, then...

Yeah, I am thinking I might have cigar sooner than I thought I would.

Thanks again for all the thoughts and prayers.

Peace of The Lord be with you.

hotreds 08-26-2014 07:40 PM

Re: I may be missing...
PTL and yes, we pray that it accomplishes what you wish!

Steve 08-27-2014 05:39 AM

Re: I may be missing...

357 08-27-2014 07:55 AM

Re: I may be missing...
Great news Rev. Prayers that you heal completely and are comfortable during the process.

The Poet 08-27-2014 09:02 AM

Re: I may be missing...
Recover soon, Todd.

Dave128 08-27-2014 09:20 AM

Re: I may be missing...
Heal up quick, Todd.

RevSmoke 08-27-2014 09:26 AM

Re: I may be missing...
Thanks for all the thoughts, prayers, and well-wishes.

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