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big_jaygee 12-29-2013 10:54 AM

This Is Why My Wineador Leaked
I had a problem with my wineador and i sent the Scott Shilala a message to help me figure out the problem. Here is his response and as he requested i am posting his response in this thread for everybody's future reference.


Originally Posted by shilala
Hi Jason,
Sorry about your mess, brother. I feel your pain.
I wish I could draw a picture, it'd save a thousand words, but here I go...

When we create a humidor, we create a sealed environment with a very finite amount of water in there.
You'd probably say "Opening the door adds and subtracts water!!!", and it does. But that water is in the form of water vapor.
That's where a guy like me goes to math, volumes, and the properties of water in the two states, solid and vapor.
When I start massaging all those numbers, I find that opening and closing your door (or lid) only adds or removes a very, very, very, tiny amount of water vapor. I can literally open and close the door hundreds of times before there's an appreciable change in the RH inside the humi.
If those openings and closings happen across the seasons, things balance out. In most places humidity in the home is higher in the summer and lower in the winter, everything considered.

So now we have to look at time. More math. Ugh. :)
If we add up the time we've had the door open all year long, it isn't much. Let's use a ridiculous example. I go to my humidor 3 times a day, leaving the door open for 5 minutes each time because I never know what I want to smoke, and I do that every single day of the year.
If I total that up, it means that the door has been opened a grand total of 4 days time across the entire year.
If I left my humidor open for 4 days straight, I'm probably going to have an issue. With beads, I can fix it overnight. They can handle 4 days of water vapor, no problem. They'll only rise to the RH of the room around it, and I can dry that out in the fridge or freezer.
Fridge or freezer? Hmm. The water will go out of my beads and go into the fridge or freezer. How?
That's simple. The RH in the fridge or freezer is lower than that of the beads, so the water comes out of my beads as water vapor and into the air in the freezer. Once it's in the air in the freezer, it condenses on, get this, THE CONDENSER!!! :D
Oddly enough, our winadors have a condenser, too.

In freezers and fridges, the water drips off and collects in a pan, then goes out a drain.
In our winadors, we plug our drains. Why?
Because in winadors, we need a perfectly sealed, or hermetic environment, so that we can control the humidity. That's why they're called humidors.
In refrigerators and freezers, nobody cares. The drain is a wonderful thing, or water would run on the floor.

So, now we covered everything that goes on, at least to a degree. The things we have discussed, so far as the math and properties of water and how it acts, those things are static. When God's hand created all this, He made it all real simple. There are laws that do not change. We can count on them, and we can use those laws to help us live successful lives, and not be complete knuckleheads. I'm not even talking about The Commandments, I'm talking physical laws.

When I figure this stuff out, and Michael does the same, cause he knows all this crap, we look at what folks say.
Personally, I like to assume everything you said is solid accurate. But if that's the case, I have to assume you missed something.
The water you have puddled in there absolutely had to come from outside the humidor, because it didn't exist inside it until recently.
If the seal is okay, then there's probably a fist sized hole in the side or back of the unit. I can guess this cause you Texans like your big guns.
If there's no big holes, then we have to assume the seal isn't seating, because they fail after a year or two. Sometimes more, sometimes less, but they fail. Or the unit gets racked cause it's not level, and the seal just isn't seating right.

Honestly, there could be a crack or seam anywhere that opened up. But it's big. Real big.
We know that for two reasons. It takes a HUGE volume of outside air to create that much water, especially in the dry winter.
So that unit is leaking 24 hours a day. So much so that it's changing the unit's temperature, making the cooling run all the time, condensing water and dumping it in the bottom.

Sorry, my brother. It happens. To avoid this misery, I use modified compressor driven refrigerators to store my sticks, and a big display humidor in our nice, cool basement.
You can start from scratch, fix that thing if you can, or drive up here and get this winador I built that I'm getting rid of.

Do me a favor and post this, will ya?
Maybe a "This is why my winador leaked" thread or something. That'd help guys a lot, cause I seldom want to type all this. :D
Hope this helps, my friend!!!
God Bless you and yours,

MrClean 12-29-2013 11:27 AM

Re: This Is Why My Wineador Leaked
It's interesting, even though I 'know' all the stuff Scott just said, hearing him explain it this way just makes it all 'click' in my head. Thanks for posting this Jason and I hope you find the issue with your wineador brother!

G G 12-29-2013 12:23 PM

Re: This Is Why My Wineador Leaked
:tu Scott surely has a way explaining things that makes it easy.

stearns 12-29-2013 12:50 PM

Re: This Is Why My Wineador Leaked
the scott shilala is quite a bright creature :tu

14holestogie 12-29-2013 12:53 PM

Re: This Is Why My Wineador Leaked
They don't give those the away for everybody. :)
It's gotta be earned. :tu

big_jaygee 12-29-2013 12:59 PM

Re: This Is Why My Wineador Leaked

Originally Posted by 14holestogie (Post 1915617)
They don't give those the away for everybody. :)
It's gotta be earned. :tu


i just saw me if it was intentional it would have been capitalized and his full title :lr

The Great Scott Shilala :tu

shilala 12-29-2013 01:19 PM

Re: This Is Why My Wineador Leaked
I just read it and I didn't really understand it.
-the Scott Shilala

big_jaygee 12-29-2013 01:22 PM

Re: This Is Why My Wineador Leaked
that is what happens when i type something and don't proofread before i hit post. more then likely i was tying something and didn't like the way it sounded so i deleted it and kept going...obviously i didn't hit delete enough.

bruceolee 12-29-2013 02:07 PM

Re: This Is Why My Wineador Leaked
Mentioning God in science! I say sir you have it all wrong by mixing the 2! :tg

"A good scientist is an atheist and natural laws explain everything but a great scientist proclaims to never truly know that answer but is open to the concept of a creator and like most men and women are searching for the answers to the questions we all should have. It's in our nature and is just as natural as natural laws" ~my college biology teacher~

Great post and very well explained :)

shilala 12-29-2013 02:27 PM

Re: This Is Why My Wineador Leaked
Ya know, I should mention that that whole diatribe relates to a bead regulated thermoelectric winador. That matters. Things are a lot less complicated in a humidor that doesn't have a cooling mechanism. :tu

Lockspur 12-29-2013 05:13 PM

Re: This Is Why My Wineador Leaked
But have you found the leak?

big_jaygee 12-29-2013 05:41 PM

Re: This Is Why My Wineador Leaked

i pulled out the putty and if i have time i will go to the hardware store to see if i can find some small corks/plugs and try that....

and if not i will blow it up on New Years!! i wonder how many black cats i will need??? :r

bobarian 12-29-2013 06:04 PM

Re: This Is Why My Wineador Leaked
Why not just turn it off for a couple of weeks? It is unlikely that you need any cooling this time of year. Set your hygrometer so you can see it without opening the door. Also, if your hygrometer has a high/low feature check the range, if its within a reasonable number you are still good to go. :2

shilala 12-29-2013 06:14 PM

Re: This Is Why My Wineador Leaked
Bob has great ideas.
I'd take it outside, block it up in the air a bit, and start filling it with water.
Throw a couple ratchet straps around it once it's about half full, then roll it on every side and see where it leaks.
Then go crazy with silicone.
You may even be able to adjust the door to get it to close right. They usually leak at the seal on the hinge side.
I've fixed lots of humidors by filling them with water, I wouldn't be afraid to do the same with a winador. If there's solid state panels that might get wet, I'd think about taking them out.
You want to move fast because the foam lining can get waterlogged. :tu

You have a BIG leak, Jason. I don't think it's your drain if you had it puttied up good. You could just use duct tape if you go ahead and water test it.

big_jaygee 12-29-2013 06:25 PM

Re: This Is Why My Wineador Leaked
im sure i could do that...but doesnt sound like it would be as fun as blowing it up....

all kidding aside. if it is going to be that much of a hassle just to get it serviceable as a wineador again, i would rather just use an ice chest. less worry, just toss in some beads and i am good to go.

thanks for all the tips, hints, and ideas

kydsid 12-29-2013 09:38 PM

Re: This Is Why My Wineador Leaked
I hate to contradict someone I do respect, and I do respect Scott and his help at this site and to the cigar community as a whole. However as the owner of two wineadors in the same environment as the OP fact is nothing may be wrong. Mine sit unopened for months and can collect water. I can see the evidence inside.

Imo it could be Texas coastal weather and the leak is the cooling system exhaust/intake itself.

Only in the last two years has water stopped collecting. The change? I run a home humidifier now to keep home humidity between 40 and 50% year round. Turn it off for vacation and I usually come back to water.

Subvet642 12-30-2013 06:45 AM

Re: This Is Why My Wineador Leaked

Originally Posted by big_jaygee (Post 1915721)
im sure i could do that...but doesnt sound like it would be as fun as blowing it up....

all kidding aside. if it is going to be that much of a hassle just to get it serviceable as a wineador again, i would rather just use an ice chest. less worry, just toss in some beads and i am good to go.

thanks for all the tips, hints, and ideas

I use one and it's absolutely hassle free.

Simple1 12-30-2013 08:22 AM

Re: This Is Why My Wineador Leaked
As I learned from a friend who works in the service dept for a large appliance store, a quick fix for a worn out or leaking gasket is a small amount of Vaseline wiped around the seal.

shilala 12-30-2013 11:26 AM

Re: This Is Why My Wineador Leaked

Originally Posted by kydsid (Post 1915783)
I hate to contradict someone I do respect, and I do respect Scott and his help at this site and to the cigar community as a whole. However as the owner of two wineadors in the same environment as the OP fact is nothing may be wrong. Mine sit unopened for months and can collect water. I can see the evidence inside.

Imo it could be Texas coastal weather and the leak is the cooling system exhaust/intake itself.

Only in the last two years has water stopped collecting. The change? I run a home humidifier now to keep home humidity between 40 and 50% year round. Turn it off for vacation and I usually come back to water.

I don't think you contradicted me at all, brother. The leak could very well be around the peltier unit. (As an fyi, there is no transfer of air across a peltier unit, or any other refrigeration system, for that matter.)
As a normal part of operation, any cooling unit will make condensate. It's the volume of condensate that's the question.
A small amount is normal.
A giant puddle and mold growing on stuff, as happened with Jason, that's a leak. :tu

kydsid 12-30-2013 12:12 PM

Re: This Is Why My Wineador Leaked
Well I didn't see the puddle so I can't compare. But I have had water fill all the channels on the bottom of an edgestar to where it leaked when the door was opened.

big_jaygee 12-30-2013 07:34 PM

Re: This Is Why My Wineador Leaked

Originally Posted by bobarian (Post 1915709)
Why not just turn it off for a couple of weeks? It is unlikely that you need any cooling this time of year. Set your hygrometer so you can see it without opening the door. Also, if your hygrometer has a high/low feature check the range, if its within a reasonable number you are still good to go. :2

24 hrs in with the unit unplugged and 8oz of HCM beads RH% was 74 low to 89 high, with a temp of 63 degrees low to 73 degrees high. i hit the fan with canned air and some water dripped out so i am going to void those numbers and up it to 16 oz of beads with unit turned off.

i have the drain hole plugged with a cork stopper and i did the same with the exit tube. the back collection tray was dry as a bone so i dont think water was going out the back but it doesnt mean air was coming in. am i correct on that?


Originally Posted by shilala (Post 1915927)
A small amount is normal.
A giant puddle and mold growing on stuff, as happened with Jason, that's a leak. :tu

yes there was water in the unit but when the RH spiked it was not much but from the water ring that was one the bottom it was bigger at one time, but to my knowledge it never leaked out of the front.

yes there was black spots that i can only assume was mold on and in the bags of beads.

will see what happens tomorrow

big_jaygee 12-31-2013 06:26 PM

Re: This Is Why My Wineador Leaked
i will call this day 1...

last night i leveled the stand front and back and side to side, then leveled the wineador front to back and side to side. i decided to not put beads in there last night to see if i can get a "true" reading, and this is what i came up with.

hygro on top of wineador says 31-44% (low-high) ambient RH with current reading of 33% and temp range of 61-75 (low-high) with 73 degrees being the current reading

hygro inside says 43-64% (low-high) and a current reading of 59%, and temp range of 57-73 (low-high) degrees and current temp of 70 degrees.

see what tomorrows number look like.

SSDVC 01-01-2014 07:25 AM

Re: This Is Why My Wineador Leaked
I have been following this thread with interest. I have had my wineador for a few years now. Did the cedar drawers and plugged the drain port in the back. Seasoned with distilled water for 2-3 weeks and then filled it with sticks and a few pounds of beads. I keep the unit in a corner of a room in a non air-conditioned house in CT. I have never plugged my unit in and it has maintained RH levels between 62 and 67% and the temp remains steady between 65-70 degrees.

I always thought that plugging the unit in could dry out the sticks and cause RH issues (but not wet or condensation issue like here). Is there a reason that my unit should be plugged in other than temp control (if required) ?

shilala 01-01-2014 11:43 AM

Re: This Is Why My Wineador Leaked
No reason to plug it in unless you want to cool your sticks, Scott.
It's much, much easier your way and your parameters are ideal. :tu

Porch Dweller 01-01-2014 03:43 PM

Re: This Is Why My Wineador Leaked

Originally Posted by SSDVC (Post 1916786)
I have been following this thread with interest. I have had my wineador for a few years now. Did the cedar drawers and plugged the drain port in the back. Seasoned with distilled water for 2-3 weeks and then filled it with sticks and a few pounds of beads. I keep the unit in a corner of a room in a non air-conditioned house in CT. I have never plugged my unit in and it has maintained RH levels between 62 and 67% and the temp remains steady between 65-70 degrees.

I always thought that plugging the unit in could dry out the sticks and cause RH issues (but not wet or condensation issue like here). Is there a reason that my unit should be plugged in other than temp control (if required) ?

I keep mine plugged in from around March-October but only because it gets so hot here that even with the AC set at 72 the temp in the room where my wineador is hits 75. So during the warm months I keep it running at 66 degrees.

shilala 01-02-2014 10:49 AM

Re: This Is Why My Wineador Leaked
Jason, tell them what you did with the vaseline on the door seal to see if it's seating, will ya?
Jason and I have been pm'ing and things are moving along really good. I think he's got it fixed.
If not, the video of him blowing it up is gonna be AWESOME!!! :D

big_jaygee 01-02-2014 10:58 AM

Re: This Is Why My Wineador Leaked
Between Scott and i we are going to get this thing back up and better then before... i was advised to put Vaseline around the seal and close it and then open the door, the vaseline will leave a mark where it was touching and on the flip side wont leave a mark on the face where it is not touching...

when the door was open Vaseline was present all the way around, light in one area but Vaseline was still present. bottom seal left almost to the corner, was the light spot but like i said, it was still there.

next is to put Vaseline around the folds of the seal to make sure there is no gap there.

as of last night these were the readings:

ambient RH is 52% with a room temp of 73 degrees. inside the wineador is 52% RH with a temp of 73%...that was before i opened it to put Vaseline on the seal.

and if it does come to blowing it will be a great video :D

shilala 01-02-2014 11:08 AM

Re: This Is Why My Wineador Leaked
What we were looking for with the inside/outside was to make sure the winador didn't have any waterlogged insulation or anything.
The fact that the numbers are the same on the inside and outside are kind of frightening, because to me, that'd normally say "whopping big leak". I think it's just coincidence because of the time of day and the opening and closing we've been doing.
We're satisfied there's no waterlogging, and that's what we were after with this step.

Next is putting the beads in the empty winador and see how they do. So far, so good. Nice and steady.

big_jaygee 01-02-2014 06:37 PM

Re: This Is Why My Wineador Leaked
ok tonight's numbers are:

outside: 31% RH with a low/high of 31%/55% with a temp of 73 degrees with a low/high of 66/77

inside: 55% with a low/high of 51%/59% and a temp of 70 degrees and a low/high of 66/75

next step is to put the beads in the empty wineador and see what happens

i am putting in 2 - 8oz canisters of HCM Beads and 1 - 8oz Bag of HCM Beads for a grand total of 24 oz of HCM Beads.

hazydat620 01-02-2014 11:27 PM

Re: This Is Why My Wineador Leaked
Even though I don't have a wineador, I'm still learning a lot, great thread guys, thanks!:tu

big_jaygee 01-03-2014 06:36 PM

Re: This Is Why My Wineador Leaked
HCM Bead Test:

Ambient RH 26% with a temp of 75 degrees

inside wineador RH is 68% with a temp of 72 degrees

it would seem that the beads are doing the job and brought the RH up from yesterday, temp is higher but the heat is set a little higher in the house then yesterday.

i also only used 16oz of 65% HCM Beads instead of the 24oz i thought i was going to use.

Hygro is on the bottom and i have the beads sitting on a wire tray about half way in the wineador.

lets see what tomorrow brings.

big_jaygee 01-03-2014 06:37 PM

Re: This Is Why My Wineador Leaked

Originally Posted by hazydat620 (Post 1917717)
Even though I don't have a wineador, I'm still learning a lot, great thread guys, thanks!:tu

i am glad you are enjoying and learning :tu

shilala 01-03-2014 06:37 PM

Re: This Is Why My Wineador Leaked
She's lookin good, my friend!!! :tu

big_jaygee 01-03-2014 06:39 PM

Re: This Is Why My Wineador Leaked

Originally Posted by shilala (Post 1918179)
She's lookin good, my friend!!! :tu

it is getting there Scott, thank you :tu

shilala 01-03-2014 06:41 PM

Re: This Is Why My Wineador Leaked
Thank YOU for sharing this whole mess with the guys. It'd be great if it helps someone out along the way. :tu

big_jaygee 01-04-2014 10:22 PM

Re: This Is Why My Wineador Leaked
ok a little late but tonights numbers are:

ambient RH is 46% with a temp of 73 degrees

inside is 66% with a temp of 72

ambient is slightly up and the inside RH is down closer to the set point of the HCM Beads. it has looked good for the last 36ish hours so, i will give it one more day then i will plug the unit in to see what happens with RH and of course temp will go down a few degrees.

big_jaygee 01-04-2014 10:22 PM

Re: This Is Why My Wineador Leaked
ok a little late but tonights numbers are:

ambient RH is 46% with a temp of 73 degrees

inside is 66% with a temp of 72

ambient is slightly up and the inside RH is down closer to the set point of the HCM Beads. it has looked good for the last 36ish hours so.

i am thinking i will give it one more day then i will plug the unit in to see what happens. sound about right Scott?

big_jaygee 01-05-2014 07:54 PM

Re: This Is Why My Wineador Leaked is looking good, day three with just the beads

Ambient RH is 30% with a temp of 72 degrees
Wineador is 64% with a temp of 70 degrees

Lockspur 01-05-2014 09:03 PM

Re: This Is Why My Wineador Leaked

shilala 01-06-2014 09:14 AM

Re: This Is Why My Wineador Leaked
Here's something I always forget, but I remembered to tell Jason this morning...
"Now, here's a thing.
These thermoelectric coolers are only meant to bring down the inside temp 10-15 degrees below ambient.
If it's 85 in the house and it's set at 65, it'll run itself constantly and dump water all over your floor.
10-12 degrees below ambient is more realistic, in my experience.
So keep that in mind and make adjustments to your set-point as necessary come summer."

big_jaygee 01-06-2014 10:21 AM

Re: This Is Why My Wineador Leaked
i asked if i should plug it in now and this was Scott's response:


Originally Posted by shilala
Welp, if you plug her in empty, the RH will just fluctuate up and down wildly, and you'll make some condensate.
My suggestion would be to fill it back up, then leave it be a little bit more.
70 degrees is awesome for storing your cigars. If you want it a bit lower, You want to fire up that machine and keep it at it's highest setting, bringing it down a little bit a week.
It's gonna go crazy each time you bring it down, but it'll stabilize.

Now, here's a thing.
These thermoelectric coolers are only meant to bring down the inside temp 10-15 degrees below ambient.
If it's 85 in the house and it's set at 65, it'll run itself constantly and dump water all over your floor.
10-12 degrees below ambient is more realistic, in my experience.
So keep that in mind and make adjustments to your set-point as necessary come summer.

so i guess i will fill it up and see what happens. will give and update later this evening and see where the numbers are at.

shilala 01-06-2014 10:32 AM

Re: This Is Why My Wineador Leaked
Ya know, Jason, if you can sit stuff out where it'll chill before you put it in, it'll save a bunch of messing around.
I think you posted that it's like 59* out?

big_jaygee 01-06-2014 10:41 AM

Re: This Is Why My Wineador Leaked
75* in the house and 34* outside

shilala 01-06-2014 10:44 AM

Re: This Is Why My Wineador Leaked
If you chill the sticks, it'll cause condensate to form on them when you put them in the winador.
Bad idea on my part.

big_jaygee 01-06-2014 11:07 PM

Re: This Is Why My Wineador Leaked
ok i filled the wineador last night and the RH dropped to 31% but it has since been on the rise. it is currently 58% with a temp of 72*

ambient is 34% RH and 75*

lets see what happens with another day.

kelmac07 01-07-2014 07:36 AM

Re: This Is Why My Wineador Leaked
Good to hear Jason. So, did you ever find ouy where the leak/condensation was coming from?

big_jaygee 01-07-2014 07:45 AM

Re: This Is Why My Wineador Leaked

Originally Posted by kelmac07 (Post 1919977)
Good to hear Jason. So, did you ever find ouy where the leak/condensation was coming from?

if i had to guess Mac i would say the level was off, and caused a gap on the seal. it has been pretty steady so i think i got the problem fixed. i had to level the stand to the floor, then the wineador to the stand and right now everything is level with each other.

shilala 01-07-2014 08:16 AM

Re: This Is Why My Wineador Leaked

Originally Posted by big_jaygee (Post 1919909)
ok i filled the wineador last night and the RH dropped to 31% but it has since been on the rise. it is currently 58% with a temp of 72*

ambient is 34% RH and 75*

lets see what happens with another day.

Sheeee-it. That's as good as mine beside me here. It's 65* and 60%, which is 5 degrees colder than I like.
Come and fix mine now, will ya? :D

big_jaygee 01-07-2014 08:20 AM

Re: This Is Why My Wineador Leaked

Originally Posted by shilala (Post 1920010)
Sheeee-it. That's as good as mine beside me here. It's 65* and 60%, which is 5 degrees colder than I like.
Come and fix mine now, will ya? :D

your smarts and my hands fixed mine...i dont think it would work too well if it was my brains and your hands :r :r

Thanks again Scott for helping with this and i am more then happy to update this as i go so hopefully this can help others :tu

shilala 01-07-2014 09:05 AM

Re: This Is Why My Wineador Leaked
Heck yeah, Jason. Make sure to update, especially if things go south.
Odds are that you were right on the money about the unit being racked. They look sturdy, but they're far from it. If they're nice and level, no problem. Sitting on carpet is tough on them unless there's a sheet of plywood underneath them.

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