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Dude Here 12-11-2013 09:34 PM

Strongest cigar you've ever smoked?
Let me preface this thread by saying yes, I know "strength" in a cigar is a subjective thing. A cigar that one person finds unbearable may have little to no effect on another. For example, I smoke LFD double Ligero maddies and don't even bat an eye. A buddy of mine, who was a seasoned cigar smoker, had one and lost his dinner half-way through. So, with that said, what's the most potent stogie you've ever had?

Mine was actually a Camacho Machito. Yes, the little cigarillo in a tin. A few years ago an old B&M that I used to frequent was giving them out with purchases over X amount of dollars. I got a tin and let it sit for a bit. Finally lit one up while mowing the lawn and good Lord, it kicked my ass! I'm talking to the point where I had to sit down for a bit. Originally I thought that maybe I had just been overdoing it that day. I remember it was pretty hot that day and I had a good sweat going pushing my POS mower around. Surely that had to be it, right?

Well, a few weeks later I lit up another while walking the dog around the block and it was the same result. Head was spinning, throat was super dry and I had to toss it around the half-way mark. Haven't touched one since, though they are still in my humi.......mocking me.

So fellow inmates, what has been your most potent cigar?

Whipper Snapper 12-11-2013 09:38 PM

Re: Strongest cigar you've ever smoked?
LFD double ligero natural oscuro wrapped in terms of nicotine strength.

Concentrated flavor strength (I don't mean scrape your tongue with an ashtray type thing).
-Dunhill selection monte number 2 from the late 70's I believe. YOWZA!

Adriftpanda 12-11-2013 09:49 PM

Re: Strongest cigar you've ever smoked?
Pepin blue for me, or maybe opus x petite lancero. Both cigars knocked me on my ass, literally.

big pete 12-11-2013 09:51 PM

Re: Strongest cigar you've ever smoked?
My Father Le Bijou toro. I'll never forget that smoke because it kicked my ass when I started to get into cigars. Felt sick for half a day...

Dude Here 12-11-2013 09:53 PM

Re: Strongest cigar you've ever smoked?

Originally Posted by Adriftpanda (Post 1908596)
Pepin blue for me, or maybe opus x petite lancero. Both cigars knocked me on my ass, literally.

I remember my first Pepin Blue caught me off guard with the amount of pepper it unleashed right off the bat. Still a tasty smoke though.

The Poet 12-11-2013 10:11 PM

Re: Strongest cigar you've ever smoked?
A Joya de Nicaraqua. Somebody gave me one about 10-15 years ago, and I've been afraid to try one since. :r

Remo 12-11-2013 10:14 PM

Re: Strongest cigar you've ever smoked?

Originally Posted by The Poet (Post 1908601)
A Joya de Nicaraqua. Somebody gave me one about 10-15 years ago, and I've been afraid to try one since. :r


JdN Antano, @ss kicker!!

Weelok 12-11-2013 10:31 PM

Re: Strongest cigar you've ever smoked?

Originally Posted by Remo (Post 1908603)

JdN Antano, @ss kicker!!

Ditto. This cigar is nuts but also tasty. Nicotine sneaks up on you and suddenly your green.

T.G 12-11-2013 10:38 PM

Re: Strongest cigar you've ever smoked?
I lunged a Macanudo once.


Remo 12-11-2013 10:49 PM

Re: Strongest cigar you've ever smoked?
Camacho Coyolar is pretty potent also

yourchoice 12-11-2013 10:51 PM

Re: Strongest cigar you've ever smoked?
Litto Gomez Diez. A couple years ago I lit one while watching the lead up to the Kentucky Derby. I remember the cigar, but the race?... Not so much.

icehog3 12-12-2013 12:12 AM

Re: Strongest cigar you've ever smoked?

Originally Posted by The Poet (Post 1908601)
A Joya de Nicaraqua. Somebody gave me one about 10-15 years ago, and I've been afraid to try one since. :r


Originally Posted by Remo (Post 1908603)

JdN Antano, @ss kicker!!


Originally Posted by Weelok (Post 1908607)
Ditto. This cigar is nuts but also tasty. Nicotine sneaks up on you and suddenly your green.

Yup....The Celebracion kicked my azz too. :r

CamoFlogged 12-12-2013 12:16 AM

Re: Strongest cigar you've ever smoked?

Originally Posted by Remo (Post 1908603)

JdN Antano, @ss kicker!!

Yep, was eating sugar, cheese, orange juice, etc as I tapped this on an empty stomach. It wasn't kind to me. Was young in cigar smoking years but still remember.

Or maybe it was the Jack Daniels. In either case, one of them messed with my world.

Robulous78 12-12-2013 02:35 AM

Re: Strongest cigar you've ever smoked?
IDK if this will get me made fun of or not but here it goes...

Personally, to date, I think one of the stronger if not the strongest cigars in terms of flavor I have had would be a Cain F Lancero... I retrohale my gars more than most and every time I spark one up the first few draws that escape my nostrils send a tingle through my nasal cavity that will certainly wake you up... I enjoy them quite a bit, I just know not to have one without being prepared... :lr

stearns 12-12-2013 07:11 AM

Re: Strongest cigar you've ever smoked?
A few that stick out in my mind as times where I was struggling after amoking include T110, god of fire, and greycliff double espresso (that last one was mid day without eating yet, but it really put a hurt on me :r)

CigarSquid 12-12-2013 07:21 AM

Re: Strongest cigar you've ever smoked?
Only 1 has got me to turn green and spew. I am still deathly afraid of it to this day. The 601 La Bomba Napalm. I think I have one left in the cooler.. That just may turn out to be the oldest cigar in my cooler...

drjammer 12-12-2013 07:36 AM

Re: Strongest cigar you've ever smoked?

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1908625)
Yup....The Celebracion kicked my azz too. :r

Don't forget the dark corojo either :banger :gary

CoffeeWaterBeer 12-12-2013 07:38 AM

Re: Strongest cigar you've ever smoked?
I got blindsided by an Illusione (epernay I think it was). Wasn't expecting the strength it packed. I remember it as having the most plume I'd ever seen on a stick in person. I saw the smallish size and light wrapper and completely underestimated it.

TJarv 12-12-2013 08:08 AM

Re: Strongest cigar you've ever smoked?

Originally Posted by T.G (Post 1908609)
I lunged a Macanudo once.


I did the same thing with a My Father ONCE

Dude Here 12-12-2013 08:20 AM

Re: Strongest cigar you've ever smoked?
I inhaled the first cigar I ever smoked, an Opus X.

Don't recommend doing that.

jjirons69 12-12-2013 08:31 AM

Re: Strongest cigar you've ever smoked?
I agree with the LFD statements, but the old blend of El Rico Habano were some of the meanest smokes I've ever tried. Papajohn gifted me several back in the day. Seems every one of them nearly put me down, green with the cold sweats. Needless to say I haven't had one in many years, not even the newer blends. I don't see it in my near future either. Not a fan of getting punched in the gut.

DirtRider500R 12-12-2013 09:04 AM

Re: Strongest cigar you've ever smoked?
Strongest one to date was a Man O' War Little Devil. The only one I've ever lost my stomach from was a Montecristo Tubo Special. I didn't light up a stick for more than a week after that.

Ogre 12-12-2013 09:11 AM

Re: Strongest cigar you've ever smoked?
Just one word, PVNISHER!!!!!!

Heavy_d 12-12-2013 09:13 AM

Re: Strongest cigar you've ever smoked?
JdN Antaņo Dark Corojo. Was a great stick, but when I stood up after finishing it off, my head was swimming.

Lockspur 12-12-2013 09:51 AM

Re: Strongest cigar you've ever smoked?
Diesel Unlimited on an empty stomach. Had to go lie down.

dvickery 12-12-2013 10:02 AM

Re: Strongest cigar you've ever smoked?
two cigars come to mind ... both strong as death ... a surprise because they are/were both Cuban cigars .

'89 Belinda belvederes

'97 ryj tres petit coronas


shilala 12-12-2013 10:03 AM

Re: Strongest cigar you've ever smoked?
I was smoking an Anejo Shark one time on the way to see my tax guy, and I got a stellar buzz. It was awesome, because I searched high and low for super strong cigars that'd kick my ass. The only other one was the turd that Hal sent me. It was a Toscano Cheroot.
I did a review on it back at our old place, before the Evil Empire arrived.

icehog3 12-12-2013 12:39 PM

Re: Strongest cigar you've ever smoked?

Originally Posted by shilala (Post 1908755)
I was smoking an Anejo Shark one time on the way to see my tax guy, and I got a stellar buzz. It was awesome, because I searched high and low for super strong cigars that'd kick my ass. The only other one was the turd that Hal sent me. It was a Toscano Cheroot.
I did a review on it back at our old place, before the Evil Empire arrived.

Flew to Louisville one morning for a herf after getting no sleep the night before. Don Jefe met me at the airport with a Shark, which I smoked in an hour waiting for Da Klugs' flight to get in.

Let's just say I needed some food, fast. :r

Remo 12-12-2013 01:10 PM

Re: Strongest cigar you've ever smoked?

Originally Posted by Heavy_d (Post 1908708)
JdN Antaņo Dark Corojo. Was a great stick, but when I stood up after finishing it off, my head was swimming.

Smoked one on the river one day, just mouth held it the entire time and sucked in more smoke than I should have, was damn near "swimming with the fishes" that day!!

Ender 12-12-2013 01:11 PM

Re: Strongest cigar you've ever smoked?
The Tatuaje Fausto lit me up a bit. I like Tatuaje a lot but was a little disappointed with the lack of flavor:strength ratio of the Fausto.

Ashcan Bill 12-12-2013 01:44 PM

Re: Strongest cigar you've ever smoked?
I've never had a cigar that impacted me physically. Until this year.

I'm still not completely sure if it was the gar, or if I was a bit under the weather, or if dinner didn't agree with me, or what the 'ell happened. But I suspect it was the smoke. A few months back I lit up a LFD Mysterio. It's a good sized manly smoke, and I'd never tried one before. It took me probably a couple hours to finish it, and when I was done I was sweating and feeling a bit nauseous. Only time I've ever felt that after smoking. I don't know if the Mysterio was really that strong, or if I'm just turning into a lightweight in my dotage. It really took me off guard. Hurt my feelings. Even made me feel a little wimpy. :sh

I've got another Mysterio sitting in the death row humi ready to go. That sucker and I are going to dance before long.

Remo 12-12-2013 01:53 PM

Re: Strongest cigar you've ever smoked?
Now that I have quit chewing I can really feel the NickyTeen in fuller smokes!!

MajorCaptSilly 12-12-2013 02:08 PM

Re: Strongest cigar you've ever smoked?
Original release of El Rico Habano. It totally knocked me on my butt. They came up with a new blend sometime in the late 90's I believe that was not near as strong. Ernie Carrillo gave me his personal blend ERH at Cigarfest in 2008 that matched the original strength but had better flavor. I wish he would have given me a box.


kelmac07 12-12-2013 03:35 PM

Re: Strongest cigar you've ever smoked?
Essencia...the first three of these I smoked brought tears to my eyes, made me feel "woozy", light headed and head spinning. I stayed away from them for almost three years. This stick was my "kryptonite" up until I re-visited it a few months ago. Really enjoyed the flavors on it without the tears.

Now I can eat LFDs for breakfast. :D

riverdawg 12-12-2013 04:32 PM

Re: Strongest cigar you've ever smoked?
Only one to ever hit me hard with a nic kick was the first Tat M-80 I smoked. Hasn't happened since with them.

Garbandz 12-12-2013 04:55 PM

Re: Strongest cigar you've ever smoked?
Litto Gomez Diez 2006.this cigar made Litto hurl.......TWICE ...the same day......
I smoked one in 2012.........started seeing spots and getting 40 years of smoking cigars,the winner in the strength contest...........

JenksAnejo 12-12-2013 05:01 PM

Re: Strongest cigar you've ever smoked?
I smoked a bunch of cigs when I was in college and so far I haven't had one drop me yet. The strongest cigar I've had is probably a fresh PSD4 or an OR FFP

Zanaspus 12-12-2013 05:18 PM

Re: Strongest cigar you've ever smoked?
One of the many of thousands of Viaje's. I'm old, have no memory, and don't like power anymore.

Smoqman 12-12-2013 05:31 PM

Re: Strongest cigar you've ever smoked?
Without question, Joya de Nicaraqua Robusto (oscuro) circa' 1998 (summer)

I bought a box of these and took them on a fishing trip. The instant my lips touched that cigar, they were numb, and the nic....... oh my god the nic.....ON - MY - ASS, and I've always loved full-strength cigars.

Man, I remember that as if it was 5 minutes ago (getting dizzy thinking about it)

Col. Kurtz 12-12-2013 05:42 PM

Re: Strongest cigar you've ever smoked?
Had a jj Maduro make me sweat and spin a bit. Had to pull off the road and walk around for a while after that one. Only ones I can recall making me hurl was a benchmade cazador while working in 100 degree heat: and a Monte 4 with morning coffee :confused:

shilala 12-12-2013 06:00 PM

Re: Strongest cigar you've ever smoked?

Originally Posted by stearns (Post 1908661)
A few that stick out in my mind as times where I was struggling after amoking include T110, god of fire, and greycliff double espresso (that last one was mid day without eating yet, but it really put a hurt on me :r)

Those Graycliff Double Espressos were SO good, but only for about a year, then they got real mild. I'd grab a bunch and sit them back for 6 months then start trying them every week to see if they were ready, then I'd smoke them all in a week's time. I made the mistake once of hanging onto some for a year or two, and they became worthless. No flavor or power at all. I thought it was odd then, but have found that happens with lots of nc's.
Thanks for reminding me of them, Ben. Man, I loved those cigars.

Sweet_Leaf_PDX 12-12-2013 06:23 PM

Re: Strongest cigar you've ever smoked?
I agree with several others here... the one that really sticks out for me is the Joya de Nicaragua Antano Dark Corojo. I had this early on in my cigar smoking days and it really kicked my butt. I had another one recently and it didn't destroy me like the first one, but it still seemed like a really strong cigar.

TJtorpedo 12-12-2013 06:55 PM

Re: Strongest cigar you've ever smoked?

Originally Posted by Garbandz (Post 1908926)
Litto Gomez Diez 2006.this cigar made Litto hurl.......TWICE ...the same day......
I smoked one in 2012.........started seeing spots and getting 40 years of smoking cigars,the winner in the strength contest...........

This! From the first puff I knew I was screwed, but back when a $5 cigar was a splurge for me, I spent 10 bucks on this cigar, so I'll be damned if I wasn't going to nub that thing.

MUNKY 12-12-2013 07:15 PM

Re: Strongest cigar you've ever smoked?
LFD chapter one, I've had 2 and both kicked my ass... weird lol

longknocker 12-12-2013 07:29 PM

Re: Strongest cigar you've ever smoked?
Opus X! Always!:r:D Love The Flavor Profile, But They Bring The Big Guy To His Knees!:D

badbriar 12-12-2013 08:15 PM

Re: Strongest cigar you've ever smoked?
RP Old World Reserve Maddie...on an empty stomach. Flat staggered my silly a$$. :sl

Smoqman 12-13-2013 09:11 AM

Re: Strongest cigar you've ever smoked?

Originally Posted by Garbandz (Post 1908926)
Litto Gomez Diez 2006.this cigar made Litto hurl.......TWICE ...the same day......
I smoked one in 2012.........started seeing spots and getting 40 years of smoking cigars,the winner in the strength contest...........

This, I have to try :)

shilala 12-13-2013 09:14 AM

Re: Strongest cigar you've ever smoked?
If I recall correctly, Litto's LFD Icepick was a nasty little Gomer.
I'm a HUGE LG fan, but not a big fan of LFD's except for Coronado's. I don't think I forged my way through a whole Icepick, I tried a couple and threw them in the alley cause I didn't care for them. I do remember lots of talk about them being brainkillers.

RobR1205 12-13-2013 09:29 AM

Re: Strongest cigar you've ever smoked?
Only cigar that made be lose my dinner: Cuba Libre One (when I first got into the hobby)

The cigar that has made me curl up in pain on the couch: cu-avana punisher...ugh I shudder just looking at them now. Too. Much. Power.

Islayphile 12-13-2013 10:03 AM

Re: Strongest cigar you've ever smoked?
A fresh LFD Coronado maduro

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