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I Need A Little Help With A Handgun I'm Looking At.
I just visited the gun shop in town here, never knew it existed until the boy told me about it at dinner the other night.
I saw 3 or 4 handguns I'd like to drag home, but one in particular has really captured my attention. It's a Ruger LCP .380 with a factory Crimson Trace Laserguard. There's a little problem in that my hand is too big for the grip. My entire pinky is off the grip. I've never fired a handgun that was like that, so I have no idea if it'd be an issue. I think most guys would have the same issue. The gun is very small and very light at 10 oz. I'm wondering if the modified grip would effect accuracy. Have you guys ever experienced a handgun like that? The gun is used and in excellent or even better than new shape. I think they were asking around $359, maybe $379. It lists at Ruger for $559 new. I wondered what I should expect to pay for it? I think they started offering the Crimson Trace in January of 2011, so the gun can't be more than 3 years old, max. I'm just after a nice, small ccw. I've never thought much of laser sights, never even wanted one, but this Crimson Trace trigger guard setup is ideal. The on button is pressed naturally just by gripping the weapon. It's far and away the nicest laser sight I've ever seen, and it runs around $175 all by itself, making the cost of the gun less than 200 bucks. It sells for around $450. I think that's all I wanted to ask. Any input you guys have for me would be hugely appreciated, positive or negative. Maybe I should be looking another direction altogether? Really, anything you guys can add will be a huge help. Thanks!!! :tu http://www.ruger.com/products/lcp/images/3713.jpg |
Re: I Need A Little Help With A Handgun I'm Looking At.
I believe there is an extended mag for this pistol. Adds about half an inch.
http://www.ebay.com/itm/like/271202806741?lpid=82 |
Re: I Need A Little Help With A Handgun I'm Looking At.
Re: I Need A Little Help With A Handgun I'm Looking At.
IMO the LCP is a good little pistol for concealed carry. They come new with a clip extension floorplate, which gives your pinkie somewhere to rest so it's not just hanging in the air. Price new from Budsguns.com is about $289, but that's without the laser.
My friend Gary never went anywhere without it. He preferred an ankle holster, but it's small enough to keep in a pocket holster and shove into your pocket. IIRC they're double-action only like a revolver. HTH. |
Re: I Need A Little Help With A Handgun I'm Looking At.
I have the LC9 version of this. I think I paid ~$350 for mine new with the lasermax and from the looks of the deal, it's like you are getting the crimson trace for the same price, which is worth it.
They come with a slight grip extender on the floor plate of the mag. I have mine with it, but my pinky still doesn't sit on it. |
Re: I Need A Little Help With A Handgun I'm Looking At.
.380 is pretty hard to find around here, I don't know about where you are. Keeping up your skills and practicing with something that is hard (or expensive) to feed is something to think about.
Ruger makes the LC9, which might be a better choice, along with quite a few other options. For the tradeoffs, I would always take a 9 over a 380. |
Re: I Need A Little Help With A Handgun I'm Looking At.
There are aftermarket mags that add about a half an inch and some even have a dovetail to help keep the pinky in line. For most men that carry pistols of this size barring any abnormalities just folding the pinky under the grip should be fine and not affect control. The one thing that may change that is if you are using the heavier bullets such as more than 120 gr jhp or fmj. This will increase the recoil and may make that extra half inch critical. Personally I would recommend some silver tips or gold dots in 115 gr jhp both should feed well and have solid knock down performance for .380.
Re: I Need A Little Help With A Handgun I'm Looking At.
But after owning the LC9, I'd somewhat like to get an LCP just because it's so much smaller. As far as ammo goes, I can't find either 9 or 380 anymore, so I guess that's out the window. |
Re: I Need A Little Help With A Handgun I'm Looking At.
Re: I Need A Little Help With A Handgun I'm Looking At.
Honestly, I think we'll have a blast shooting at stuff with the laser. Like I said, I've never had one. I've shot one, just never owned one. As a result, my kids have never shot one. This is just going to be for a CCW, Jason. I've not gotten permitted since I moved to Ohio, and I need to, so this may actually get me off my ass to go do it. They make people take a 12 hour course and make an appointment to put in your application. That's 200 bucks right there. In PA I had to show up, smile, ask the old girls how it was going, pay 20 bucks, and have my picture taken. My Ohio permit is good in one state. Ohio. My PA permit was good in something like 20 states. Ohio kinda sucks. |
Re: I Need A Little Help With A Handgun I'm Looking At.
Re: I Need A Little Help With A Handgun I'm Looking At.
Scott, are you set on a 380? I am getting a new 9mm Shield, u may wanna check it out.
Re: I Need A Little Help With A Handgun I'm Looking At.
380's don't kick much at all so I would not be too worried about not being able use your pinky finger to grip it. If you go with the mag extender then you won't have this problem as others have said. I think it's a solid little gun and it would be easy to get your money back for it if you end up wanting to sell it at some point down the road.
I have a crimson trace on my Sig Sauer P228 and love it! They are great sights and very well made. |
Re: I Need A Little Help With A Handgun I'm Looking At.
I went with the S&W Bodyguard .380 which had a built in laser and has a longer grip. great gun for in the house.
Re: I Need A Little Help With A Handgun I'm Looking At.
We shoot at my FIL's now. His neighbor has a nice range in the back yard, so it costs me nothing to shoot aside from ammo, and that's not gonna kill me for all the more we go. Quote:
I save all my 9mm brass just in case I ever get the urge, but it's not likely. I'll probably just end up giving the brass away. I can't stand to waste it, ya know? Quote:
Re: I Need A Little Help With A Handgun I'm Looking At.
Re: I Need A Little Help With A Handgun I'm Looking At.
I would not recommend this.
Re: I Need A Little Help With A Handgun I'm Looking At.
I would not recommend this.
Edit to add. I had a chance to play with one a friend bought. Very long, heavy, gritty trigger pull. No safety, not a big deal. Mag did not drop free. Defense type sights. Shot about two feet low. I prefer apple-on-post. There was something else that was a rather large detract ion that I can't think of at the moment. IMO this is a pistol of last resort when you're getting your fanny kicked and have your primary taken from you. I'd look at the beretta nano bu9. 9mm and similar size. Same long trigger take up, but it was fairly accurate for me. I loved shooting the one I borrowed. All that said here is the disclaimer. I have had terrible luck with every ruger I've had. Jam monsters all. I sold my mini 14 during the "scare" and gave away my 10-22. I had a Taurus 709 slim and got rid of it for the same reasons listed above. I chose to put my confidence in my old reliable sig 239 in .40. It's damn near "duty size" compared to some of the new guns, but it works and I trust my life on it. The nano would be my second choice. Ruger somewhere behind bottled water and NATO meals. Take that for what it is. Possible unfounded ruger hate, but my experience nonetheless. I have tried to like ruger, but I've been let down often. Now if someone were to bomb me a single six I'd review it here :r |
Re: I Need A Little Help With A Handgun I'm Looking At.
Clip extenders, grip overlays, trigger pull fixes are here: Galloway Precision :: Smith & Wesson Performance :: Bodyguard 380 Performance Parts :: Short Trigger Bar for Bodyguard 380 pistols |
Re: I Need A Little Help With A Handgun I'm Looking At.
Personally, I am against any handgun my hand doesn't have good purchase on. Having said that, might I suggest the XDS?
XDS at GunsAmerica |
Re: I Need A Little Help With A Handgun I'm Looking At.
If you really get into the tech specs there are better guns out there in that size category, but you are going to pay a much higher price for the quality/features. Say something like a Sig P238. Sounds like Col. Kurtz has some first had experience with the weapon, so I would consider his comments. Especially if you really want this to be for self-defense. If you just want to go shoot cans with it, then that's a different story. |
Re: I Need A Little Help With A Handgun I'm Looking At.
A lot of the LEOs in my county carry these as a BUG. I personally don't like little guns, but that's a personal opinion. I had a Glock 27 which without the plus one extension on the magazine was little finger hanging off. I bought the extensions so that all fingers were on the grip and actually I shot the gun better without them which was the exact opposite result as most people get. As for me I carry a S&W E series full size 1911. Lot's of folks won't carry one because they think it's too hard to hide and it's simple not true. I have a holster from a Company in Jacksonville, Panther Concealment. It's an IWB and with that holster I can carry the 45 all day with no discomfort and usually just wear an x-large tshirt. I learned a long time ago that carrying requires some wardrobe adjustments. I usually buy my jeans 2 inches bigger than I wear to allow for the gun and one size bigger shirts than I fit into. Personally I don't feel comfortable carrying a small caliber gun, unless it's a BUG. But that's just me prolly.
Re: I Need A Little Help With A Handgun I'm Looking At.
How about a Charter Arms .44 Bulldog Scott? Nothing wrong with a wheelgun...
http://www.thefirearmblog.com/blog/w...381-tm-tfb.jpg Here's a couple of reviews: http://www.thefirearmblog.com/blog/2...ulldog-review/ http://www.tactical-life.com/combat-...bulldog-44spl/ |
Re: I Need A Little Help With A Handgun I'm Looking At.
It's easily concealable but the trigger on the LCP and LC9 are garbage IMO. After firing about 50rds it'll start hurting your trigger finger. I have a problem with this because in order to become proficient with your carry gun you need to train with it. If I can't shoot it much because it hurts then it's a no go for me.
I'd go with sometime along the lines of a Kahr CM9/PM9, S&W Shield, Beretta Nano. not much bigger and still pocketable, better round, better triggers. |
Re: I Need A Little Help With A Handgun I'm Looking At.
I just prefer to have the same caliber for my BUG as I do for my primary. For me, it' .40 all the way. .40 is really barky with small frame/grip guns, though. So, any BUG I carry is going to be no smaller than a commander sized .45.
I don't mean to try to make this into a caliber preference battle. That is not my intention. If someone feels comfy carrying .32, .380, 9MM, etc. I say more power to em. Bottom line, no one wants to be shot with anything. You pump enough .22LR out of a Walther PPX into someone, they're going to think twice about pressing the attack. I love the saying, "Two is one, One is none and Three is even better." |
Re: I Need A Little Help With A Handgun I'm Looking At.
my big hands cant go for a small frame. i need my taurus pt945 or my ruger p85.
Re: I Need A Little Help With A Handgun I'm Looking At.
My buddy had that gun, the LCP. I bought the LC9 and would buy it again. I like the LC9. Small to carry, no draw issues for me. Had fits on it, all of it. Only think I do not like is the 7rd mag. When shooting at the range and whatnot, it just goes so fast.
The price is prolly good for the LCP. Where I am 360 for a new LC9, no laser. I am mixed on the laser. I really want one but was told a few things. A laser will also show where you are hiding, in the event you use it for protection at night. Also, people might tend to use the laser to help them aim. What do you do in the day time, sunlight, if you had to use it. http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y13...ps76fdd4b7.jpg Bit of a size comparison for you. There are plenty of other small guns for CCW. If I were to decided again and only be between the LCP and LC9, LC9 hands down wins again. |
Re: I Need A Little Help With A Handgun I'm Looking At.
There are two springs. One can just be removed altogether, and the other replaced with the spring from a pen. The mod is supposed to dramatically change the trigger pull. There's also a trigger action mod. A plate can be replaced and it shortens the trigger stroke and the trigger takeup. I guess there's a very long trigger reset on that gun that makes firing consecutive shots awkward, relatively slow, and clumsy. It's not likely I'll do any mods at all. I'll use it more than enough to become proficient and I highly doubt I'll carry it anyways. I like to have my ccw permit "just in case". I've had one for years and have never carried a gun on my person except for hunting or at the range. With kids around the house, the downside is too great to have guns within reach, so they're always in the safe or disabled and the parts or ammo are in the safe. It's always concerned me that I can't get at a gun when I need one, but I'd rather take that chance than have shot-up kids, ya know? In a short time the kids will be grown up and gone. Then I can sleep with my 9mm under my pillow. |
Re: I Need A Little Help With A Handgun I'm Looking At.
Scott. Ever thought of getting a small handgun safe with the 4 button combo on top to open it?
Re: I Need A Little Help With A Handgun I'm Looking At.
My safe has a five button combo and the guns are ready to go if needed. I'd far rather one under my pillow and one on my nightstand, but as a compromise I lock the bedroom door and count on the dog for a warning. :) |
Re: I Need A Little Help With A Handgun I'm Looking At.
You wouldn't want the jury looking at your weapon as a "hyper efficient killing machine" a la a highly customized 1911 replete with Zombie grips and engravings saying "the Wicked Must Die" any more than you would want that jury thinking you are a lead paint chip licking redneck (which you certainly are not, don't get me wrong) who decided to "Pimp out mah backup piece in case there wuz any scumbags that needed shootin' " without the "proper" gunsmithing (yeah, I know.....) having happened. For me, after a conversation or two with permit instructors and guys that were a lot smarter than me, a bone stock as possible defense arm would raise the fewest hackles on someone judging you, even indirectly. |
Re: I Need A Little Help With A Handgun I'm Looking At.
That's a very good point, Pete. One I intend to heed.
Thanks, brother!!! :tu |
Re: I Need A Little Help With A Handgun I'm Looking At.
My main complaint with the .380 round is that it doesn't have a whole lot of power behind it, if you're going to use that weapon for CC. IMHO
Re: I Need A Little Help With A Handgun I'm Looking At.
My dad has this exact pistol, and while its small, I have had no problems shooting it without the extended mag... If you wanted to get it I'm sure it would be a nice addition, but I wouldn't say its needed...
Re: I Need A Little Help With A Handgun I'm Looking At.
Bulkammo.com has a lot of .380, 9mm and others in stock. Prices still aren't the best, but they have it.
Re: I Need A Little Help With A Handgun I'm Looking At.
FWIW I carry the Ruger LCR in 38 and love it. Trigger is smooth and after carrying a G23 for years the weight can't be beat. Loaded it seems like it weighs a little more than my phone. Felt recoil is a little snappy. Can't imagine the 357...
Glad we have them, hope we never need them. |
Re: I Need A Little Help With A Handgun I'm Looking At.
Found this for you!
http://youtu.be/cn2dsDIaFWw JKJK, I used to carry the 380 as my cc, then I just started carrying my regular, it takes some getting used to, to keep concealed but I feel way more comfortable now with her. http://i15.photobucket.com/albums/a3...ps32604305.jpg |
Re: I Need A Little Help With A Handgun I'm Looking At.
I've got large hands and was severely thrown off with my G27, until i did the +2 w/pinky extension. I'm not a big fan of anything under a .40 S&W, but the ease of concealability of the smaller caliber guns are hard to pass up.
Re: I Need A Little Help With A Handgun I'm Looking At.
Just catching this thread - there is nothing wrong with a .380. I remember reading somewhere that it was John Dillinger's caliber of choice. I carried a Sig 232 for years, .380, fixed barrel, de-honed, grips fit large hands and weighed in around 20 ounces. Loved that little gun - hide it damn near anywhere.
Sold it though to my Dad who really wanted it - so suffice to say I'll eventually get it back. But as a replacement I picked up the Sig 239 (357Sig) that is just slightly larger. Went with it due to the fact that, it felt really good in my hand and by simply changing the barrel/clip and I can go from 9mm to 357Sig to 40SW in less than a minute. So I carry it in 357Sig and I practice with it in 40SW cause they are a lot cheaper rounds. And I bought it used although it was hard to detect that it had ever been fired. Also - on the subject of permits - see if someone local has classes for a Utah CCW - they do around here. Having one of those will get you over half the states in the US to include Ohio. I haven't gotten mine, yet, but I know that Dave (N3nuka) has his. Ron |
Re: I Need A Little Help With A Handgun I'm Looking At.
380 is not a round I'd carry ever. These days, you can get something in 9mm in almost the same package as a small 380. I'd really look into 9mm, 40 or bigger and faster Scott:2
Re: I Need A Little Help With A Handgun I'm Looking At.
:2:2 |
Re: I Need A Little Help With A Handgun I'm Looking At.
Re: I Need A Little Help With A Handgun I'm Looking At.
Re: I Need A Little Help With A Handgun I'm Looking At.
Re: I Need A Little Help With A Handgun I'm Looking At.
Re: I Need A Little Help With A Handgun I'm Looking At.
Re: I Need A Little Help With A Handgun I'm Looking At.
Re: I Need A Little Help With A Handgun I'm Looking At.
I have an LCP with a Crimson Trace. Great concealed carry weapon. I use the finger extender made by Ruger. Will soon be getting their new extended magazine with extra round. Only negative is this is a powerhouse when it fires due to size and body material. Not a gun for distance accuracy but not what I need it for anyway. This is a close combat handgun the size of a suppository. I alternate it with my S&W Shield, depending on clothing/need. |
Re: I Need A Little Help With A Handgun I'm Looking At.
To me this is a "last stand" option, not what I would bring if I was anticipating trouble (but then if I was anticipating trouble I could probably avoid it ;)) Of course, if concealed carry fire power is what you're after and you have a stff belt and a pair of industrial suspenders there's always this beauty http://oldchurchbbq.com/sharedpictur...0S&W%20500.jpg :su |
Re: I Need A Little Help With A Handgun I'm Looking At.
Do they make a extended magazine for the LC9? The LCP did seem to have some more kick than I thought too. |
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