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Bax 11-21-2013 07:00 AM

I am picking up my new pooch today!

This is Alex, my new German Shepherd pup! It's a bittersweet day today since losing my dog Scrap after 14 years a few weeks ago we decided to look into another "Big Dog". He should fit the protection bill. Both mom and dad are around the 100lb. mark with the grand dad weighing in a 140.

I'm sure Alex the Great will have many wonderful years with our family but I still grab Scrappy's leash every once in a while expecting him to run to the door.

Here's a pic of Goliath, the grand dad. Alex probably wont be this big, but we can hope :D

This is one Kick A$$ monster for sure.

hotreds 11-21-2013 07:03 AM

Re: I am picking up my new pooch today!
Excellent! They say that the best thing to do when you lose a pet is to get a new one PDQ! May you spend many fruitful years together!

CigarNut 11-21-2013 08:03 AM

Re: I am picking up my new pooch today!
Very cool! I hope Alex brings joy to you and your family.

stearns 11-21-2013 08:08 AM

Re: I am picking up my new pooch today!
Make sure to post up pics as that little fuzzball quickly turns into a massive fuzzball :tu

icehog3 11-21-2013 08:22 AM

Re: I am picking up my new pooch today!
Awesome, Tim, enjoy him! Like Ben said, post up pics often.

I am a little envious, lost my 13 year old Germen Shepherd Ganz back in March, and am not it a position to train a pup anytime soon. I will live vicariously through your pics if you share. :)

kelmac07 11-21-2013 08:52 AM

Re: I am picking up my new pooch today!
Congrats on the new addition Tim.

Smoqman 11-21-2013 09:26 AM

Re: I am picking up my new pooch today!
Really cool Tim! My family and I have been looking for a bigger dog for some time, and a nice shepherd like this would certainly fit the bill :)



dijit 11-21-2013 09:46 AM

Re: I am picking up my new pooch today!
I wouldnt trade my shepherd for anything (even if he is afraid of his own shadow)

Dave128 11-21-2013 11:16 AM

Re: I am picking up my new pooch today!
Congratulations! Awesome looking puppy. Enjoy!

jjirons69 11-21-2013 05:05 PM

Re: I am picking up my new pooch today!
Sorry for your lose, Tim (and yours, too, Tom). Good luck and here's to many great years ahead.:chr

Bax 11-21-2013 05:41 PM

Re: I am picking up my new pooch today!
He's been home about 3 hours and already has the run of the house from my other dogs :r

big_jaygee 11-21-2013 05:57 PM

Re: I am picking up my new pooch today!
cute pup :tu

big pete 11-21-2013 07:53 PM

Re: I am picking up my new pooch today!
Congrats Tim! Beautiful pup. Wish I had the time and space for a big dog

Remo 11-21-2013 08:29 PM

Re: I am picking up my new pooch today!
Great looking puppy :tu

DirtRider500R 11-21-2013 09:02 PM

Re: I am picking up my new pooch today!
Good lookin' dog :tu

MUNKY 11-21-2013 09:52 PM

Re: I am picking up my new pooch today!
Great addition!

Flynnster 11-21-2013 10:03 PM

Re: I am picking up my new pooch today!
Awesome addition Bax! I picked up a Shepherd this summer from the shelter after my childhood dog passed and she's been great. Nothing like having a dog around, you won't realize how much you missed having one until you bring her home.

longknocker 11-22-2013 03:59 AM

Re: I am picking up my new pooch today!

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1901497)
Awesome, Tim, enjoy him! Like Ben said, post up pics often.

I am a little envious, lost my 13 year old Germen Shepherd Ganz back in March, and am not it a position to train a pup anytime soon. I will live vicariously through your pics if you share. :)

I'm In The Same Boat As The Admiral, Tim. Lost My Shi-Tzu Of 14 Years Over A Year Ago & Can't Bear To Replace Her, Yet. Congrats & Keep The Pics Coming!:tu

Ciro 11-22-2013 05:01 AM

Re: I am picking up my new pooch today!

Heavy_d 11-22-2013 07:09 AM

Re: I am picking up my new pooch today!
Beautiful pup. We've owned dogs as long as I can remember, and I just can't ever imagine not having one. Pets just seem to make a home complete.

Stevez 11-22-2013 09:04 AM

Re: I am picking up my new pooch today!
Congratulations! Love German Shepperds. I have had 2 and want another one soon.

Blueface 11-22-2013 01:48 PM

Re: I am picking up my new pooch today!
We never stop missing them when they are gone but boy does a new puppy help ease that pain.
Enjoy your new friend.

Bax 11-24-2013 12:50 PM

Re: I am picking up my new pooch today!
Here is Alex next to my other shepherd, Willow. So far they seem to be bonding nicely.

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