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Dude Here 11-06-2013 08:47 PM

Most overrated cigar you've ever smoked?
So we've all seen cigar advertising before. Beautiful pictures of cigars with wrappers emmiting an oily sheen. Usually a quote or two from some cigar industry higher up proclaiming how it's the best smoke they've ever had. And, more often then not, some sort of 90+ rating proudly displayed on the page. So one day you're out shopping, either online or at your B&M and you see it. That beautiful stick that garnered such praise and adulation that you can't help. It buy one (that $15 price tag be damned). A few hours (or days, weeks, months) later you're sitting down for a smoke, it's time to see what all the fuss was about. You light that bad boy up stinks. Either the burn is terrible, it's poorly constructed or the flavors just plain suck. "But wait", you think to yourself, "this thing is supposed to be awesome, what happened here?" This ever happen to you?

For me this has been the story of the Ashton VSG. I have never had one that burned or drew correctly. Normally I would just think a bad box, right? However these were three different sticks, from three different retailers and they all had similar issues. Really frustrating considering the price tag these cigars carry. So, I pose the question to you my fellow cigar enthusiasts, what's the most overrated, underperforming cigar you've ever had?

MUNKY 11-06-2013 09:01 PM

Re: Most overrated cigar you've ever smoked?
Romeo, thing had mad rave reviews and boat loads of hype and thing was like eating a mouthful of charcoal to me. Totally disappointed I bought into the hype...

Dude Here 11-06-2013 09:05 PM

Re: Most overrated cigar you've ever smoked?

Originally Posted by MUNKY (Post 1896968)
Romeo, thing had mad rave reviews and boat loads of hype and thing was like eating a mouthful of charcoal to me. Totally disappointed I bought into the hype...

I see those things EVERYWHERE. I've only had one RyJ before, years and years ago, and remember that is was like sucking ashy air through a straw. Haven't tried another one since.

JenksAnejo 11-06-2013 09:15 PM

Re: Most overrated cigar you've ever smoked?
Any Rocky Patel.. A bunch of guys at my B&M talk these up like they are the best cigars on the face of the earth... The only one I can stand is the decade but that's it.

I agree with the Romeo being overated as well. Heard nothing but rave reviews and I didn't even make it 15 mins in before pitching it.

T.G 11-06-2013 10:29 PM

Re: Most overrated cigar you've ever smoked?
The Gurkha that icehog3 recommend I try.

MrClean 11-06-2013 11:00 PM

Re: Most overrated cigar you've ever smoked?

Originally Posted by T.G (Post 1896986)
The Gurkha that icehog3 recommend I try.


I haven't been smoking that long (2 years), I've definitely had some that I didn't care for or that I pitched after the first 1/3. But other than a few Rocky Patel sticks that I didn't care for I haven't had that big let down. I know it'll happen eventually.

icehog3 11-06-2013 11:49 PM

Re: Most overrated cigar you've ever smoked?

Originally Posted by T.G (Post 1896986)
The Gurkha that icehog3 recommend I try.

Et tu, Adam, et tu? :r

Any one of the Tatuaje Monsters....special mention to the megacrapilicious "Face".

Gabe215 11-07-2013 01:25 AM

Re: Most overrated cigar you've ever smoked?
Love this thread and glad to be part if it to see more comments people make! I know people will disagree with my post but here it is, all of Liga Privada Unico Series, I smoked pretty much all of it, hunted and tracked down all their offerings and what I found was it all kinda tasted the same. And the price put the foulest taste in my mouth, Dirty rats aren't bad but $13 a piece hell no! Tatuaje makes one of my favorite NC's Reserva SW, but... A lot of his stuff like DE use gimmicks and are way overhyped, everyone is on Jd's and PJ's balls!

Simpleman 11-07-2013 01:36 AM

Re: Most overrated cigar you've ever smoked?
I really disliked most AJF cigars.

Porch Dweller 11-07-2013 05:35 AM

Re: Most overrated cigar you've ever smoked?
Liga Privada #9.

Blak Smyth 11-07-2013 05:46 AM

Re: Most overrated cigar you've ever smoked?
Viaje Holiday Blend
T52 Flying Pig

dave 11-07-2013 06:58 AM

Re: Most overrated cigar you've ever smoked?
Overated: The cigars I didn't like.

Honestly, I don't begrudge those that like what they like. Last week I sat with an old friend who was having an RP 1990 and absolutely loved it. I haven't considered buying one in more than 6 years -- but, to him it certainly wasn't overated. I'd be more interested in how you judge what is overated.....are you comparing your taste with the reviews here and in other 'respected' forums? Or with advertising hype and CA ratings? I'm more likely to compare my personal assessment with that of the BOTL here. When using CA (and one or two other forums) for benchmarking, I don't know of any cigars that I'd cite as highly overated.

czerbe 11-07-2013 07:21 AM

Re: Most overrated cigar you've ever smoked?
If I have to pick one its a LPFFP it wasn't bad and the construction was great but lacked flavor in my opinion now I would like to try another one maybe it was just a bum stick but they are MIA in my area and I really don't want to pull the trigger on something that pricey.

BryanB 11-07-2013 07:32 AM

Re: Most overrated cigar you've ever smoked?
Opus X....any size.

chaase321 11-07-2013 07:43 AM

Re: Most overrated cigar you've ever smoked?

Originally Posted by Blak Smyth (Post 1897017)
T52 Flying Pig

100% Agree ^^^


Originally Posted by BryanB (Post 1897034)
Opus X....any size.

Also agree that these are WAY WAY over hyped, but I also don't care for anything Dominican, so i can't say too much bad about just the Opus line

CigarSquid 11-07-2013 07:50 AM

Re: Most overrated cigar you've ever smoked?
I had a God of Fire I hung on to for a couple of months, waiting for a good day to smoke it. I decided to break it out while at my fathers house, first time we smoked together.

Just a BLAH kinda smoke.. was no impressed. I wanted to toss it, but it wasn't bad, just way under.... taste.

It was gifted to me. I do not see the 25-29 dollar price tag for how it was. I am glad I didn't pay for it.

AdamJoshua 11-07-2013 08:32 AM

Re: Most overrated cigar you've ever smoked?
Drew Estate Papas Fritas

I remember when these were all the rage so I picked some up, I should have left them down. Not impressed at all.

Remo 11-07-2013 08:51 AM

Re: Most overrated cigar you've ever smoked?
Most overrated that I have personally smoked are:

Padron Anny Serie (all) good smokes just thought that they would be EPIC based on the hype.

Opus X..again good smoke but not a mind blower for what the hype is about.'s the best thing ever!!!!

Blak Smyth 11-07-2013 08:57 AM

Re: Most overrated cigar you've ever smoked?
I agree on all the Opus X references. There may not be a more hyped "premium" cigar out there that has been more of a dissapointment.

Remo 11-07-2013 09:04 AM

Re: Most overrated cigar you've ever smoked?

Originally Posted by Blak Smyth (Post 1897051)
I agree on all the Opus X references. There may not be a more hyped "premium" cigar out there that has been more of a dissapointment.

I have a God of Fire that has been down for a few years, hoping it is hype worthy :tu

Blak Smyth 11-07-2013 09:42 AM

Re: Most overrated cigar you've ever smoked?

Originally Posted by Remo (Post 1897052)
I have a God of Fire that has been down for a few years, hoping it is hype worthy :tu

When I used to be really into NCs, it was one of my favorites.
I have gone back and tried some former "NC favorites" with bad luck over the last year or two.

Remo 11-07-2013 09:43 AM

Re: Most overrated cigar you've ever smoked?
I may need to spark it up :tu

Dude Here 11-07-2013 09:48 AM

Re: Most overrated cigar you've ever smoked?

Originally Posted by garryyjr (Post 1897040)
I had a God of Fire I hung on to for a couple of months, waiting for a good day to smoke it. I decided to break it out while at my fathers house, first time we smoked together.

Just a BLAH kinda smoke.. was no impressed. I wanted to toss it, but it wasn't bad, just way under.... taste.

It was gifted to me. I do not see the 25-29 dollar price tag for how it was. I am glad I didn't pay for it.

I actually won a single off of C Bid a few years ago and was pretty damn excited for it. Well, I tossed it into the humidor and just kinda forgot about it for a while. Finally, my birthday rolled around and I remembered that I had it buried. So I get my smoking area all set up, drink poured, good book in hand. I sit down and open up the tube to find it completely encased in mold. Noooooooooo!

Remo 11-07-2013 09:55 AM

Re: Most overrated cigar you've ever smoked?

Originally Posted by Dude Here (Post 1897072)
I actually won a single off of C Bid a few years ago and was pretty damn excited for it. Well, I tossed it into the humidor and just kinda forgot about it for a while. Finally, my birthday rolled around and I remembered that I had it buried. So I get my smoking area all set up, drink poured, good book in hand. I sit down and open up the tube to find it completely encased in mold. Noooooooooo!

That sucks!!

eber 11-07-2013 07:39 PM

Re: Most overrated cigar you've ever smoked?
Opus X for me too, I remember finally finding them at a local B&M and was so excited to smoke it unfortunately it was just really disappointing, bad burn, not-so-great taste. Definitely not worth the price.

Dude Here 11-07-2013 09:06 PM

Re: Most overrated cigar you've ever smoked?

Originally Posted by eber (Post 1897207)
Opus X for me too, I remember finally finding them at a local B&M and was so excited to smoke it unfortunately it was just really disappointing, bad burn, not-so-great taste. Definitely not worth the price.

One of my local shops has a box of Opus (don't know which size, not really big) that's been there for well over a months now. In fact they've actually marked down the price on them just to clear shelf space. I asked the owner what the deal with that was and he said that they just aren't moving like they used to. Too many equally good (or better) sticks out there for half the price. The Opus will always have a special place in my heart though was it was the first cigar I ever smoked.

ZachF88 11-07-2013 09:40 PM

Re: Most overrated cigar you've ever smoked?
Opus X for me as well.

The papas fritas were great ROTT, but they really mellowed out after a few months.

maninblack 11-08-2013 12:25 AM

Re: Most overrated cigar you've ever smoked?
Opus X and any cuban I've tried. Boring and one dimensional

kelmac07 11-08-2013 04:01 AM

Re: Most overrated cigar you've ever smoked?

Originally Posted by maninblack (Post 1897278)
Opus X and any cuban I've tried. Boring and one dimensional sure we weren't separated at birth? :D

MrClean 11-08-2013 05:18 AM

Re: Most overrated cigar you've ever smoked?

Originally Posted by kelmac07 (Post 1897287) sure we weren't separated at birth? :D

That's a disturbing thought.........and highly possible :r

icehog3 11-08-2013 08:24 AM

Re: Most overrated cigar you've ever smoked?

Originally Posted by maninblack (Post 1897278)
any cuban I've tried. Boring and one dimensional

My exact thought on 98% of non-Cubans I've tried, Kevin! I guess we are Bizarro-twins seperated at birth! :lr

stearns 11-08-2013 08:30 AM

Re: Most overrated cigar you've ever smoked?

A note on the opus. I used to agree with you guys 100%, then earlier this summer I ran across a really really old one. It was very unique, and very multi-dimensional. I could only imagine how much these ORish ones cost these days, and I doubt I would ever pay that premium, but it did establish a very small amount of respect for the brand in my eyes. That being said, a fresh one? I'd rather have a half corona :ss

Hippi3Slay3r 11-08-2013 10:24 AM

Re: Most overrated cigar you've ever smoked?
I understand the Opus frustration the wrappers seem to be fire proof but after 4-5 years mine have turned into some amazing smokes and I was lucky to be gifted one from 2000 and it was amazing prolly my number 3-4 smoke of all time.

For me my most overrated smoke is most if not all viaje cigars the only one id kill to smoke again was the OR holiday blend the rest have not been kind to me esp the Satori, or as I like to think of it as the dog turd rolled in burnt hair ;s

Sweet_Leaf_PDX 11-08-2013 11:00 AM

Re: Most overrated cigar you've ever smoked?
I've been disappointed by many cigars over the years. Like many have said the Opus X is one that gets a lot of hype and press, but I have never had one that really impressed me.

Dude Here 11-08-2013 11:00 AM

Re: Most overrated cigar you've ever smoked?

Originally Posted by Hippi3Slay3r (Post 1897374)
I understand the Opus frustration the wrappers seem to be fire proof but after 4-5 years mine have turned into some amazing smokes and I was lucky to be gifted one from 2000 and it was amazing prolly my number 3-4 smoke of all time.

For me my most overrated smoke is most if not all viaje cigars the only one id kill to smoke again was the OR holiday blend the rest have not been kind to me esp the Satori, or as I like to think of it as the dog turd rolled in burnt hair ;s

Hahaha, dog turd rolled in burnt hair. That's great.

Not trying to beat a dead horse with the Opus stuff but I've got three I'm sitting on right now that have at least 5 years of humi time each. They're all from a 2006 batch. Hmmmmm, I may have to fire one up in the next couple days to see how it's aged.

Dude Here 11-08-2013 11:11 AM

Re: Most overrated cigar you've ever smoked?
Well, after last nights cigar I'm gonna add the Undercrown onto my list.

It burned beautifully and smoked like a locomotive at full speed, but the flavors just weren't there. Very full bodied but all I got was earth and the very rare caramel note. One draw at the 1st to 2/3 transition gave me some nuts and leather but that was it. Pretty one dimensional smoke overall.

That was the corona viva size. I've got a robusto that I'm probably gonna sit on for a long time to see if that helps balance out the earthy flavor.

shark 11-08-2013 12:31 PM

Re: Most overrated cigar you've ever smoked?
Recent OpusX production for me as well. I remember these being much better back about 10 to 13 years ago. Something about them has changed, or maybe my tastes have changed, I don't know. And, I have to second the comments on the Undercrown and anything by Rocky Patel. Never liked those two very much. Also, just about anything by Perdomo. Never liked any of their cigars, even when they were first introduced.

bruceolee 11-08-2013 01:54 PM

Re: Most overrated cigar you've ever smoked?
Gonna have to go with the majority and easiest mark so far and that it is Opus X. I really enjoy much of the Fuente line but Opus for the price is the biggest ripoff in the industry. Give me an Anny 64' any day of the week and even at Opus prices a Padron Anny 64' is still worth it imho. Now of course taste is entirely subjective and if you've found an Opus that you love and think is worth the price then God bless you and keep on buying!

borndead1 11-08-2013 06:17 PM

Re: Most overrated cigar you've ever smoked?

Originally Posted by Remo (Post 1897049)
Most overrated that I have personally smoked are:

Padron Anny Serie (all) good smokes just thought that they would be EPIC based on the hype.

Opus X..again good smoke but not a mind blower for what the hype is about.'s the best thing ever!!!!

Exactly what I was going to say. I would also add Liga Privada Undercrown and pretty much anything by Rocky Patel (except the first batch of Decades, those were awesome).

reflex 11-08-2013 06:38 PM

Re: Most overrated cigar you've ever smoked?
Any cigar named after cuts of meat, flying animals, of in toy boxes covers it for me

Bill86 11-08-2013 06:42 PM

Re: Most overrated cigar you've ever smoked?
Any CC churchills/DC's, smoked a few handfuls, none to impressive. Still a few I haven't tried out there, but not really dying to make the effort. They are always lacking in flavor and usually quite the tight draw.

Give me a PC or Lancero any day over any of them.

maninblack 11-08-2013 07:41 PM

Re: Most overrated cigar you've ever smoked?

Originally Posted by kelmac07 (Post 1897287) sure we weren't separated at birth? :D

I've thought this many times Mac!;)

DaBear 11-08-2013 07:51 PM

Re: Most overrated cigar you've ever smoked?
Any Undercrown size aside from the Corona Viva is pretty overrated to me any more. The first batch of the toros were flat out amazing, every subsequent batch was a severely muted shadow of that first run.

To beat a dead horse: fresh Opus. Opus that have sat for at least a few years come around to being good sticks, but fresh Opus are just harsh with no other flavors. I always find myself trying one from each new batch we get at work with the hope of them making a turn around, but they're always the same unsmokeable crap.

E.J. 11-08-2013 08:04 PM

Re: Most overrated cigar you've ever smoked?

Originally Posted by reflex (Post 1897508)
Any cigar named after cuts of meat

Tat Pork Tenderloin? Have yet to hear a negative comment on that cigar, almost jaw dropped...

drjammer 11-09-2013 07:17 AM

Re: Most overrated cigar you've ever smoked?
I would have to say it is a tie between the undercrown and the muwat. Both are ok tasting but nothing special to me :2

timj219 11-09-2013 02:31 PM

Re: Most overrated cigar you've ever smoked?
Dirty Rat. I've tried a couple and they just do nothing for me. Too harsh for me I think. And I really enjoy some other LPs so I had high expectations.

Devanmc 11-09-2013 02:32 PM

Re: Most overrated cigar you've ever smoked?
Opus X

Was such as waste of money. would rather have smoked a cigarette. At least I would have tasted something.

themoneycollector 11-09-2013 11:53 PM

Re: Most overrated cigar you've ever smoked?
most of the Tat Monsters
casita criolla
new line of el triunfador with red label
viaje 50/50 (only tried the blacK)
viaje platino

I'm surprised at the opus hate. At ~$11 for a power ranger, IMO it still stands well above most of the regular release tats, like the browns, and padron 64's that are around the same price and with a few year's of age are nearly untouchable. It was a different story several years ago when Opus demand pushed the prices up. But nowadays they are a bargain IMO.

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