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deadrise 10-31-2013 11:14 PM

a journey into pipe making......
Ok here it the begining of this year I started working on a few blocks of briar and made 2 very nice pipes.
it was a blast then my cheap version of a dremel tool died and work took over and I stopped.
well now work is....not so good so I bought me a new nice rotary tool and I still
have a few blocks that never made the bench till now.
here is some pics of work to date.

I turn this

into this

made this pipe also she is still new has a huge bowl

my new tool and wood rasp bits

my next few blocks
the bottom pipe is a carving kit from the 40's-60's

yes I buy pre bored briar I am not ready to go there yet.
i use the rasp bits to shape it then sand drums to remove the rasp marks then hand sand and sand and sand sand sand sand.
I will be posting progress here and I will be glad to help anyone go down this slippery slope with me.....

Blak Smyth 11-01-2013 05:31 AM

Re: a journey into pipe making......
Wow that pipe came out super impressive! Very nice work.
I look forward to seeing your updates!

Islayphile 11-01-2013 06:26 AM

Re: a journey into pipe making......

Originally Posted by Blak Smyth (Post 1895224)
Wow that pipe came out super impressive! Very nice work.
I look forward to seeing your updates!

What he said

cjhalbrooks 11-01-2013 06:37 AM

Re: a journey into pipe making......
Nice work brother

363 11-01-2013 07:00 AM

Re: a journey into pipe making......
looking great Jason! I am actually headed down to Charlottesville tomorrow to spend some time with a guy learning about how to make pipes! I have attempted to make 2-3 pipes out of cherry wood but managed to break them all in 1 way or another. Cannot wait to see what you make out of those other blocks you have!

emopunker2004 11-01-2013 07:02 AM

Re: a journey into pipe making......
Awesome! Great job!

kelmac07 11-01-2013 07:11 AM

Re: a journey into pipe making......
Very cool Jason. Who knew you had them skills? :D

deadrise 11-01-2013 12:48 PM

Re: a journey into pipe making......

the ruff form is cut in now to start the sanding process first with the rotary tool then lots of hand sanding.......
not sure how I want to do the top of the bowl right now its flat might stay that way or I might try to round it.....

363 11-01-2013 12:55 PM

Re: a journey into pipe making......
I like the top flat, maybe if you are gonna do anything concave the top of the bowl a bit, but it will be interesting to see what the grain looks like when your further along in the sanding process

xFreebirdx 11-01-2013 02:49 PM

Re: a journey into pipe making......
Nice job man. ;)

MarkinAZ 11-01-2013 04:01 PM

Re: a journey into pipe making......

Originally Posted by deadrise (Post 1895371)

the ruff form is cut in now to start the sanding process first with the rotary tool then lots of hand sanding... not sure how I want to do the top of the bowl right now its flat might stay that way or I might try to round it.....

That's a nice looking chunk of wood you have going there Jason:tu Lets have a look at the finished product when ready. Good work!

deadrise 11-01-2013 05:24 PM

Re: a journey into pipe making......
100 grit is done got all the lumps out and well yea it kept getting smaller and i did bevel the top
this pic is with denatured alcohol to show some grain
a few tid bits 1 it is hard to keep it round and even up top and the stem to bit is a pain but so far I am happy in the direction it is going in
thanks everyone hard to believe its the same block
time to go relax and have a few.........

TJarv 11-01-2013 05:51 PM

Re: a journey into pipe making......
Turned out great!

big_jaygee 11-01-2013 05:53 PM

Re: a journey into pipe making......
looks great so far :tu

deadrise 11-02-2013 11:37 PM

Re: a journey into pipe making......

pipe is done for the most part might do more buffs on it.
doing this type of stem was a lot harder and I could have done a little better on it but its very close.

big_jaygee 11-02-2013 11:53 PM

Re: a journey into pipe making......
looks damn good Jason :tu

OnePyroTec 11-07-2013 09:22 PM

Re: a journey into pipe making......
Nice work. :tu Love to hear how it smokes.

What is the finish?

I see a couple little black dots, it is amazing how you won't see those until you are almost finished then POOF there it is. I just did my first one a couple days ago and laughed my ass off when the little "blackheads" appeared after all the removal of material, shaping & sanding.

deadrise 11-08-2013 12:09 AM

Re: a journey into pipe making......
yea the dots suck but I have seen worse....
the finish is ANILINE DYE golden yellow with a buff of Tripoli and then cabana wax with 1 wheel
I need to get 3 wheels and add a white buff at the beginning but its what i have for now works good for 1 buff wheel on a drill.......
and yea I need to smoke it soon looking forward to it

this is up next

OnePyroTec 11-08-2013 08:47 AM

Re: a journey into pipe making......
I'm still learning to take more pictures of the progress as I do things. :sl I took pics of the pre-drilled block, then nothing until the final shaping & then after final sanding before stain/dye. I love the color you chose, if I ever get into making more than just a few I may expand past the few leather dyes I bought.

I'll end up staring my own thread so as not to hijack yours ;s

As for buffing wheels, PJ Toolbox has pretty good 4" sewn muslin wheels with 1/4" shank @ $4.00 each. :tu They have a website & sell on ebay. With limited resources in my little town, that is the way to go for me.

It is a P.I.A. way of doing things but Vermont Freehand on facebook has a HUGE selection of supplies. (one day he will build an actual website) Ordering the kits from him is better than a grab bag kit from anyone else. You can tell him the style pipe you want to make and what type of grain you are looking to end up with...he will go pick a block that will hopefully turn out...ya never know for sure until you start carving away. :r

Dave128 11-08-2013 08:50 AM

Re: a journey into pipe making......
Very nice work! I hope it smokes well for you.

363 11-08-2013 08:56 AM

Re: a journey into pipe making......
Awesome work! I am to the carving point of my 1st pipe. just finished the lathe work last night, now to carve the shape.. I am using cherry wood for now and I have some briar on the way. Speaking of VF I just had a conversation with him earlier today and will be placing an order this upcoming week!

deadrise 11-08-2013 10:27 AM

Re: a journey into pipe making......
yea these blocks are from Vermont Freehand

OnePyroTec 11-09-2013 01:10 PM

Re: a journey into pipe making......
1 Attachment(s)
The original poster Jason/Deadrise agrees this topic can benefit from everyone posting their carvings or creations to it instead of a separate topic each time. Thank you. :wo

For my first attempt at making a pipe, I bought some pre-drilled kits from Pipes & Cigars. One of the three had a less than perfect drill job on the drought hole, it is a bit off centered. P&C is my favorite retailer, but I will buy the rest of my kits (already ordered one) from Vermont Freehand.

Being so many years since I have worked with wood, I forgot a few things and made an error in sanding. I sanded my pipe to 12,000 grit without doing any dye/stain along the way. The pipe shines but won't take the dye...I will have to re-sand back to 400 grit to apply the dye then sand, then dye, then sand ect...then polish with tripoli & white diamond.

ALL my shaping was done using 60 grit sanding disc on a little all-in-one set-up from the 60's called a toastmaster deluxe. Here is a link to what those do & look like. This is not my set-up, bu what I have is identical.

I wish I took more pictures along the way even though I have to back track. (at least now I can get more pictures)

Picture #1 is rough pre-drilled block.

Picture #2 is after I finished shaping and ready to hand sand.

Picture #3 is a different angle after finished shaping

Picture #4 is after being sanded to 12k grit. It really may not benefit much from polishing after being sanded this far...I'll know for sure next week.

deadrise 11-11-2013 05:19 AM

Re: a journey into pipe making......
very cool looking pipe well done Wayne

xFreebirdx 11-11-2013 05:31 AM

Re: a journey into pipe making......
Real nice job man. ;)

OnePyroTec 11-11-2013 11:43 AM

Re: a journey into pipe making......
Thanks Gents, you may be able to see a couple little "blackheads" that popped up when sanding the bowl. The hard part for me is just starring at the darn thing not being able to put on the dye/stain. I don't want to start another until this one is finished and in my small town no one carries anything that I'd put on a pipe. The guy I bought my dyes from off fleabay took 3-4 days before he mailed the dyes out then add the long weekend...this waiting :po makes me want to :su :sl :gary

Not sure what to call the shape??? A stand-up billiard??? :sh

OnePyroTec 11-13-2013 09:53 PM

Re: a journey into pipe making......
Finished my hack job today for the most part. I still need to "port & polish" the drought hole in the stem and just don't feel like doing that tonight. :sl

I sanded to 400 grit, stained it U.S.M.C. Black, then sanded most of that off and stained it British Tan, sanded some more, stained it Yellow & sanded some more...I kept sanding until I hit 12k grit. Gave it a Tripoli buff, then a White Diamond buff, then multi-coats of Carnauba wax

Not bad for the first time around. I almost stopped after the British Tan, it was looking real good at that point. AND I next time I will take off more of the U.S.M.C. Black. LOTS of contrast going on.

OnePyroTec 11-13-2013 09:53 PM

Re: a journey into pipe making......

deadrise 11-13-2013 10:13 PM

Re: a journey into pipe making......
very good job on that finish it is very interesting i got 4 colors of stain powders 1 black 1 red and a dark and light gold i need to play around some more........looks great!!!!!!!!

OnePyroTec 11-13-2013 10:42 PM

Re: a journey into pipe making......
It isn't quite as bright gold or yellow as the picture shows. It lit up when the flash hit the shine of the wax job.

DarrelMorris 11-14-2013 08:43 AM

Re: a journey into pipe making......
These pipes look great. This is definitely on my list of projects to do someday.

BamBam 11-15-2013 04:47 PM

Re: a journey into pipe making......
Great job on that contrasting finish, looks very nice.

OnePyroTec 11-15-2013 10:21 PM

Re: a journey into pipe making......
thanks, It's all a huge learning curve, at least it is fun.

I finally ported my stem but one thing after another keeps getting in my way to using the pipe for the first time...yesterday it was cigars -(P and today my "other" hobby took up the entire day since 4 a.m. and I'm still not done. :gary

363 11-18-2013 07:33 AM

Re: a journey into pipe making......
Alright guys, I think I have a bit to share with you all as well! I have started my journey into pipe making as well and these are the 3 projects I have going on at the moment. I have been using a wood lathe to get the shapes I wanted then hitting them with a dremel followed by a lot of hand sanding. All 3 of these are cherry wood as I got them for free and haven't wanted to mess with the briar I have yet. I got the cherry in 2x4x4 blocks and had to do all the holes and shaping, it is surprising relaxing and oh man how the time flies when I am out in the garage.. Technically the 1st pipe is done but I dont think I am done messing with it yet. I still feel like I want to stain it and buff it out some more.
here is a partially rusticated billiard that just needs stain and the works.
and here is what I am hoping will turn out to be a decent looking author pipe if not I am not sure what shape it will take lol!

hazydat620 11-18-2013 09:32 AM

Re: a journey into pipe making......
Very nice gentlemen, you've both got some talent. I would be proud to smoke any one of those.:tu

OnePyroTec 11-29-2013 09:15 PM

Re: a journey into pipe making......

Originally Posted by 363 (Post 1900473)
if not I am not sure what shape it will take lol!

IMHO that is the best part of making pipes. Want one thing, but the briar says something else. :tu

OnePyroTec 01-06-2014 05:11 PM

Re: a journey into pipe making......
Moving my stuff to a friend's shop so I can work on "things" through the winter. AND I just ordered some briar & rod stock for cutting my own mouth pieces. Hopefully I'll have some pictures soon. I plan on making a couple traditional pipes, one custom as well as some non-traditional shaped pocket pipes.

My friend wants to make a few custom cobs, and possibly carve a meer or two.

G G 01-06-2014 05:26 PM

Re: a journey into pipe making......
Awesome work guys!!!!

OnePyroTec 01-10-2014 09:07 PM

Re: a journey into pipe making......

Originally Posted by 363 (Post 1900473)
if not I am not sure what shape it will take lol!

Did ya ever get this one finished?

OnePyroTec 01-14-2014 02:53 AM

Re: a journey into pipe making......
Ended up starting a similar shape today. I can't believe I forgot to take the "BEFORE" picture. I put a couple chunks of the briar back in place after rough shaping just to show the original type of block I started with. I cheated and used a band saw to cut off the two larger sections to save time. Rough shaping was done with a 60 grit disc on a shaper...then 80 by hand, & just started 120 when I called it a day...the pictures are from just after starting 80 grit.

deadrise 01-14-2014 06:24 AM

Re: a journey into pipe making......
very nice!!!! I think me and brendon are waiting for better weather

363 01-14-2014 07:57 AM

Re: a journey into pipe making......

Originally Posted by OnePyroTec (Post 1921972)
Did ya ever get this one finished?

I got that one shaped then it wasnt quite what I wanted it to be so it got put up on the shelf and has been sitting.

Originally Posted by OnePyroTec (Post 1923138)
Ended up starting a similar shape today. I can't believe I forgot to take the "BEFORE" picture. I put a couple chunks of the briar back in place after rough shaping just to show the original type of block I started with. I cheated and used a band saw to cut off the two larger sections to save time. Rough shaping was done with a 60 grit disc on a shaper...then 80 by hand, & just started 120 when I called it a day...the pictures are from just after starting 80 grit.

I wouldnt call that cheating to use a band saw. I wish I had one, would save me a lot of time and dust. I still have been working just with nothing worthy to show off. Did you make the stem or is it a premolded? I have a church warden in the works that should be finished soon and once it is Ill put it up here for yall to see. I am happy with the shape I got and all. Keep em coming guys!

shilala 01-14-2014 08:29 AM

Re: a journey into pipe making......
Wow, Jason!!! :tu
That is totally sick. I can't believe I missed this before.
You got mad skillz, brother.

OnePyroTec 01-14-2014 12:08 PM

Re: a journey into pipe making......
I called using the band saw cheating because I had told myself I was never going to use anything but a pre-drilled block (the real cheating) a shaping disc and hand sanding.

The stem/mouthpiece came with the block. I just sand it to fit & make shine like glass when I'm done. I'll also open it up quite a bit to "breath" easier.

363 01-14-2014 12:38 PM

Re: a journey into pipe making......
so here is the progress on that Church Warden I have been working on. I am close to done but need to work the stem some more and will probably end up sanding it back down and staining it again.. Only thing I am not happy about is I burnt the chamber.

stearns 01-14-2014 12:42 PM

Re: a journey into pipe making......
Lookin good Brendon :tu

OnePyroTec 01-14-2014 01:19 PM

Re: a journey into pipe making......
I forgot to add in my last reply that I do have some Delrin and 3 types of stock for making stems. I'll be giving the 100% stem making a whirl soon. :tu

I like the 'warden as pictured :2 But if you work on the stem, I can see sanding the entire pipe down again.


Q: What shade/color dye did you use?

Q: How or why did you burn the chamber?

363 01-14-2014 01:32 PM

Re: a journey into pipe making......
Q: What shade/color dye did you use?
A: black after 220 then sanded and restaind and done again at 320 then sanded with 550 then light brown then buffed

Q: How or why did you burn the chamber?
A: I drilled the chamber to fast and my home made bit probably isnt cut quite right. I wanna get around to ordering some of J.H.Lowes bits but I need some kinda income 1st haha this hobby needs to become self sustaining soon or so the wifey is telling me

OnePyroTec 01-15-2014 09:22 PM

Re: a journey into pipe making......
Put the polish to the latest hack job. I think I did one too many coats of dye, I wanted a little lighter shade but will take it the way it is.

Still up in the air if I will bend the mouthpiece or not. (opinions?)

Zanaspus 01-15-2014 11:03 PM

Re: a journey into pipe making......
Since it looks like we have a lot of pipemaking brothers, I should mention;

Most of you have probably visited, but it's the holy grail of tips, techniques, and feedback for you folks. Lots of the really special carvers of the world congregate there. I'm not a pipemaker, but I still find it great reading.

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