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CigarNut 10-03-2013 08:41 PM

Employers Medical Insurance Change is Gonna Bite Me In The A$$
My employer is making a change in our medical plan such that smokers will have to pay an extra $50 per month. A person who smokes more than 6 cigars per year qualifies as a smoker. I understand the intent and even like the fundamental idea, but the specific implementation sucks.

We have to sign an Affidavit regarding our smoking status and there are stiff penalties if you are caught lying -- not that I would do that, but they make this very clear up front.

They got the "6 cigars per year" value from an insurance plan broker.

The one really interesting thing about this, is my wife (who works for the same company) is totally incensed over this (made me feel good). She does not hate my cigar smoking but she is not a fan. Her stance caught me by surprise.

This $50 increase is on top of the annual increase in our insurance (which has gone up significantly over the last three years).

It is disappointing that the real target audience (cigarette smokers) are tainting my hobby. Further, the cigarette smokers can take a smoking cessation class -- and fail to stop smoking -- and still have the $50 waived...

I really, really like my job and I really like cigars so it looks like my disposable income is going to take another hit... *sigh*

Zane 10-03-2013 08:54 PM

Re: Employers Medical Insurance Change is Gonna Bite Me In The A$$

Originally Posted by CigarNut (Post 1887957)
My employer is making a change in our medical plan such that smokers will have to pay an extra $50 per month. A person who smokes more than 6 cigars per year qualifies as a smoker. I understand the intent and even like the fundamental idea, but the specific implementation sucks.

We have to sign an Affidavit regarding our smoking status and there are stiff penalties if you are caught lying -- not that I would do that, but they make this very clear up front.

They got the "6 cigars per year" value from an insurance plan broker.

The one really interesting thing about this, is my wife (who works for the same company) is totally incensed over this (made me feel good). She does not hate my cigar smoking but she is not a fan. Her stance caught me by surprise.

This $50 increase is on top of the annual increase in our insurance (which has gone up significantly over the last three years).

It is disappointing that the real target audience (cigarette smokers) are tainting my hobby. Further, the cigarette smokers can take a smoking cessation class -- and fail to stop smoking -- and still have the $50 waived...

I really, really like my job and I really like cigars so it looks like my disposable income is going to take another hit... *sigh*

My company is going the route of giving you $250 off your high premiums if you take a test for nicotine. /fail

Porch Dweller 10-04-2013 06:21 AM

Re: Employers Medical Insurance Change is Gonna Bite Me In The A$$
Pretty soon you'll have to bring a weekly stool sample in to work and if there's not enough fiber your premiums will go up.

The Poet 10-04-2013 08:44 AM

Re: Employers Medical Insurance Change is Gonna Bite Me In The A$$
Do like me, Mikey. Keep the stogies, pony up the yearly fine, go without insurance, and pray you make it to Medicare before bad health $#!+ hits the fan . . . again. :D

CigarNut 10-04-2013 08:59 AM

Re: Employers Medical Insurance Change is Gonna Bite Me In The A$$
I am going to keep the stogies, pony up the fine and keep the insurance -- because I am afraid Medicare may be even worse by the time I am eligible... :)

The Poet 10-04-2013 10:16 AM

Re: Employers Medical Insurance Change is Gonna Bite Me In The A$$

Originally Posted by CigarNut (Post 1888067)
I am going to keep the stogies, pony up the fine and keep the insurance -- because I am afraid Medicare may be even worse by the time I am eligible... :)

Well, I try to look on the bright side . . . I might be DEAD by the time I am eligible. :noon

cmitch 10-04-2013 04:56 PM

Re: Employers Medical Insurance Change is Gonna Bite Me In The A$$
When we give up liberties to preserve life, we deserve neither.

srduggins 10-07-2013 02:53 PM

Re: Employers Medical Insurance Change is Gonna Bite Me In The A$$
My employer is doing the same thing. Why not enroll in the quit for life program just like the ciggy smokers?

Lockspur 10-07-2013 05:08 PM

Re: Employers Medical Insurance Change is Gonna Bite Me In The A$$

Originally Posted by Porch Dweller (Post 1888010)
Pretty soon you'll have to bring a weekly stool sample in to work and if there's not enough fiber your premiums will go up.

I will provide fiber-filled samples.

Just sayin'

longknocker 10-07-2013 05:38 PM

Re: Employers Medical Insurance Change is Gonna Bite Me In The A$$
Same Situation For Me, Michael. I Just Pay The Extra Fee & Don't Worry About It. I'm Still Going To Smoke Cigars, Brother!:D:tu

jjirons69 10-07-2013 06:45 PM

Re: Employers Medical Insurance Change is Gonna Bite Me In The A$$
This -> Further, the cigarette smokers can take a smoking cessation class -- and fail to stop smoking -- and still have the $50 waived...

We had the same thing a few years ago. The head of HR says an occasional cigar isn't treated as a true smoker. Don't know the definition of occasional, don't want to know. They also thought about testing for cotinine, but thought it was a little intrusive. You can use one of those e-cigs and still pop the cotinine test so there were too many variables to the testing. Luckily (so far) it's a med-sized, privately-owned company.

Good luck and I totally agree it sucks balls.

forgop 10-08-2013 07:18 PM

Re: Employers Medical Insurance Change is Gonna Bite Me In The A$$
If it were only that "rough"...pffffffffffftttttttttttt

Two of the major hospital networks in the city have let go somewhere around 1k nurses since the summer. My full-time/weekend position has been eliminated and cut back to part-time. My insurance will go up an additional $100/paycheck not to mention whatever sizable increase is likely to be added considering they haven't even released the 2014 rates. If my mandatory blood test returns positive for nicotine, it's then an additional $50/biweekly deduction.

As of now, my budgeted income for 2014 is 40% of what I will make in 2013.

markem 10-08-2013 07:19 PM

Re: Employers Medical Insurance Change is Gonna Bite Me In The A$$
Sounds like you should stop buying cigars.

emelbee 10-10-2013 08:57 AM

Re: Employers Medical Insurance Change is Gonna Bite Me In The A$$
6 cigars per year!? I try to stay under 6 per day.

We're getting new health insurance at my work, too, but no details yet. The current plan doesn't have a smoking penalty.

mike_556 10-18-2013 02:23 PM

Re: Employers Medical Insurance Change is Gonna Bite Me In The A$$
Thankfully, as of yet (knock on wood) cigars are exempt from the cigarette tax on our policy, but it's only a matter of time. The testing for nicotine is BS in my opinion

CigarNut 11-07-2013 09:08 AM

Re: Employers Medical Insurance Change is Gonna Bite Me In The A$$
I decided to check out the "smoking cessation" option in order to preserve my insurance. This time of year I smoke 2-3 cigars per week -- mostly on Sunday during NFL football.

In order to alleviate my nicotine addiction from these 2-3 cigars per week the people managing the smoking cessation program have determined that I need nicotine gum on a daily basis...

I have not lied to them. I told them why (my motivation) I decided to go through the smoking cessation plan ("forced to do so to maintain my insurance premiums") and that I had not previously given serious thought to quitting cigars.

We will see how it goes...

Zane 11-07-2013 09:16 AM

Re: Employers Medical Insurance Change is Gonna Bite Me In The A$$

Originally Posted by CigarNut (Post 1897053)
I decided to check out the "smoking cessation" option in order to preserve my insurance. This time of year I smoke 2-3 cigars per week -- mostly on Sunday during NFL football.

In order to alleviate my nicotine addiction from these 2-3 cigars per week the people managing the smoking cessation program have determined that I need nicotine gum on a daily basis...

I have not lied to them. I told them why (my motivation) I decided to go through the smoking cessation plan ("forced to do so to maintain my insurance premiums") and that I had not previously given serious thought to quitting cigars.

We will see how it goes...

I have good news! Somehow I managed to not get flagged on my wellness exam!

markem 11-07-2013 09:17 AM

Re: Employers Medical Insurance Change is Gonna Bite Me In The A$$

Originally Posted by CigarNut (Post 1897053)
We will see how it goes...

You coming by today to pick up cigars?

stearns 11-07-2013 09:18 AM

Re: Employers Medical Insurance Change is Gonna Bite Me In The A$$

Originally Posted by CigarNut (Post 1897053)
I decided to check out the "smoking cessation" option in order to preserve my insurance. This time of year I smoke 2-3 cigars per week -- mostly on Sunday during NFL football.

In order to alleviate my nicotine addiction from these 2-3 cigars per week the people managing the smoking cessation program have determined that I need nicotine gum on a daily basis...

sounds like you have a serious addiction, one in need of multiple interventions. I'll bring the smokes :ss

Ashcan Bill 11-07-2013 02:30 PM

Re: Employers Medical Insurance Change is Gonna Bite Me In The A$$
Wonder what the insurance companies are going to do if the country legalizes grass in the next couple of years? It is medicinal, isn't it? :lr

TinyMike 11-07-2013 03:46 PM

Re: Employers Medical Insurance Change is Gonna Bite Me In The A$$
My employer started this a year ago because 80% of our staff of 200+ was considered "smoking". Now I know that's mostly cig smokers, but that's a big amount either way in the eyes of HR. Single non-smoker costs $25 per paycheck, Single Smoker costs $70. Take off $20 from either with a flu-shot. Just don't get caught lying about it...your job is on the line.

OnePyroTec 11-07-2013 04:24 PM

Re: Employers Medical Insurance Change is Gonna Bite Me In The A$$
Just read between the lines. 6 cigars, per size, per manufacturer, per year.

CigarNut 11-07-2013 04:30 PM

Re: Employers Medical Insurance Change is Gonna Bite Me In The A$$
The Smoking Cessation program is now sending me text messages asking me questions about my cigarette smoking... Nothing about cigars (and I don't smoke cigarettes)... :rolleyes:

Zane 11-07-2013 05:55 PM

Re: Employers Medical Insurance Change is Gonna Bite Me In The A$$

Originally Posted by CigarNut (Post 1897163)
The Smoking Cessation program is now sending me text messages asking me questions about my cigarette smoking... Nothing about cigars (and I don't smoke cigarettes)... :rolleyes:

I would be a little... Annoyed.... Tell them you no longer smoke cigarettes. You have been cured!

CigarNut 11-07-2013 07:50 PM

Re: Employers Medical Insurance Change is Gonna Bite Me In The A$$

Originally Posted by Zane (Post 1897182)
I would be a little... Annoyed.... Tell them you no longer smoke cigarettes. You have been cured!

In order to qualify for the insurance benefit I need to go through the entire program.

I was really clear with them that I have never smoked cigarettes and am typically smoking 2-3 cigars a week.

Clearly, they have a few kinks to work out :)

Porch Dweller 11-08-2013 06:00 AM

Re: Employers Medical Insurance Change is Gonna Bite Me In The A$$
Them: You VILL be cured of your nasty cigarette habit, yes?
You: For the nth time, I don't smoke cigarettes!
Them: Denial is not just a river in Egypt, yes? <claps hands> Sgt. Schultz, bring in ze comfy pillow!

shark 11-08-2013 12:12 PM

Re: Employers Medical Insurance Change is Gonna Bite Me In The A$$

Originally Posted by Ashcan Bill (Post 1897136)
Wonder what the insurance companies are going to do if the country legalizes grass in the next couple of years? It is medicinal, isn't it? :lr

Well, so is tobacco. It relaxes me and keeps me from choking the living sh** out of some people. :D

CigarNut 11-08-2013 02:04 PM

Re: Employers Medical Insurance Change is Gonna Bite Me In The A$$
I saw my doctor and he told me that the nicotine gum will give me more nicotine in one dose than I am likely to get from a months worth of cigars...

bruceolee 11-08-2013 02:11 PM

Re: Employers Medical Insurance Change is Gonna Bite Me In The A$$
It's happening everywhere and it sucks my friend. The hit to the budget hurts a lot so in order to save money and make a statement I've elected to purchase cheaper cigars from a place not in good standing with the United states right now. I will not support the United states in any form of taxes regarding tobacco so it's a huge sacrifice on my part, not buying these wonderful cigars that are fully supported by our country. It pains me with every inhalation that i take from these unsupported and poor quality cigars from an island 110 miles south of key west! I want and dream of nothing more than to pay my fair share for my country but I can no longer, in good conscience, purchase these amazing smokes. I sit alone at night smoking a RASCC, Bolivar PC, and or, monte #4 and I weep, I weep for my country and for the misery I'm in smoking such poor cigars! :D

The money part sucks but this is what we have to live with until the voting public comes to its senses. I'm truly sorry for all of us right now :td

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