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Porch Dweller 08-25-2013 12:08 PM

Porch Dweller's Wineador Progress
I decided that the heat and humidity here on the Gulf Coast warranted a little more protection for my smokes than just my humidors. As it's a few years before I'll be making the jump to an Aristocrat, I decided on a wineador.

I went with an 18-bottle NewAir. Why not 24? Because with all that extra space I'd be too tempted to fill it up. :)

I received the fridge a couple of days ago and gave it a wipe-down inside. Then I left the door open and kept a fan blowing into it overnight. In the morning, the "plasticy" smell was gone. I then put some electrical tape over the condensation drain hole as recommended by others here.

I'd ordered 1.5 lbs of HF beads and made a mistake - I should have just put them straight into the wineador along with a hygrometer, left them for a few hours, and seen where I needed to adjust from there. Instead, I partially wet them with some distilled water, let them sit for a bit, then put them in the wineador. They were WAY too saturated; the humidity shot up to 83%. I had to use a blow dryer to get rid of the excess.

I just now got the beads back in the wineador and plugged it in, temperature set at 65*. Cedar drawers have been ordered from Once I get them I'll post an update. Stay tuned...

big_jaygee 08-25-2013 12:18 PM

Re: Porch Dweller's Wineador Progress
looks good so far James....have fun with this project and use it as a learning experience for when you buy the 28-bottle :r :r

Porch Dweller 08-25-2013 12:25 PM

Re: Porch Dweller's Wineador Progress

Originally Posted by big_jaygee (Post 1877000)
looks good so far James....have fun with this project and use it as a learning experience for when you buy the 28-bottle :r :r

Yeah, I'm in denial about the fact that I'm :adam :D

big_jaygee 08-25-2013 12:28 PM

Re: Porch Dweller's Wineador Progress
its a fun ride :tu

i started small think i wouldn't fill up a 6-bottle, bought a 16-bottle two weeks later, again thinking i wouldn't fill it up....three weeks later i bought the 28-bottle.

.cigardude. 08-25-2013 12:40 PM

Re: Porch Dweller's Wineador Progress
Good luck with the build buddy.

CigarNut 08-25-2013 01:18 PM

Re: Porch Dweller's Wineador Progress
Very cool!

czerbe 08-25-2013 04:40 PM

Re: Porch Dweller's Wineador Progress
Nice can't wait to see the build

Lockspur 08-25-2013 09:43 PM

Re: Porch Dweller's Wineador Progress
Nice! You will love it.

4theLoveofCedar 08-25-2013 11:13 PM

Re: Porch Dweller's Wineador Progress
Nice. I grew concerned with the heat in my apartment and got a wine fridge a couple months ago. I actually just stuck my 2 desktop humidors and 3 medium size Tupperwares directly into the fridge. It would definitely be nicer to have the fridge work as a humidor itself, but I was too lazy to try and figure out how to make that happen.

Porch Dweller 08-26-2013 04:46 AM

Re: Porch Dweller's Wineador Progress

Originally Posted by 4theLoveofCedar (Post 1877176)
Nice. I grew concerned with the heat in my apartment and got a wine fridge a couple months ago. I actually just stuck my 2 desktop humidors and 3 medium size Tupperwares directly into the fridge. It would definitely be nicer to have the fridge work as a humidor itself, but I was too lazy to try and figure out how to make that happen.

It's not very labor intensive and there are quite a few threads on here that lay out the process. For me, I'm making the move to a wineador simply for piece of mind.

Fordman4ever 08-26-2013 05:15 AM

Re: Porch Dweller's Wineador Progress
Looks awesome, and mighty empty. You're a brave man.

Porch Dweller 08-26-2013 07:31 AM

Re: Porch Dweller's Wineador Progress

Originally Posted by Fordman4ever (Post 1877201)
Looks awesome, and mighty empty. You're a brave man.

LOL! I guess I should have noted that once it's ready, it will be filled with my existing stock. I forget that you've got to watch your step around here. :D

MrClean 08-26-2013 02:10 PM

Re: Porch Dweller's Wineador Progress
Nice James, I think these are so cool looking as well as functional. I also think it's funny you believe the 16 bottle will prevent you from buying too much......good luck with that. :D

Porch Dweller 08-26-2013 02:19 PM

Re: Porch Dweller's Wineador Progress

Originally Posted by MrClean (Post 1877397)
Nice James, I think these are so cool looking as well as functional. I also think it's funny you believe the 16 bottle will prevent you from buying too much......good luck with that. :D

LOL! Yeah, space limitations hasn't kept me from buying more cigars than I have space for now, why would it with the wineador? :D

MUNKY 08-26-2013 09:42 PM

Re: Porch Dweller's Wineador Progress
Awesome James, looks good! I am finally in the rh adjusting stage waiting on stuff to settle for mine!

ColdCuts 08-26-2013 10:47 PM

Re: Porch Dweller's Wineador Progress
Nice, James. You're on your way. How're your numbers? If they're bouncing around, get some empty cedar boxes in there to help level her out. Also, you might want to stick a tiny fan in there at some point. Are you having any issues with condensation?

Looking forward to watching your project unfold. :tu

Porch Dweller 08-27-2013 06:39 AM

Re: Porch Dweller's Wineador Progress

Originally Posted by ColdCuts (Post 1877556)
Nice, James. You're on your way. How're your numbers? If they're bouncing around, get some empty cedar boxes in there to help level her out. Also, you might want to stick a tiny fan in there at some point. Are you having any issues with condensation?

Looking forward to watching your project unfold. :tu

I've got a few empty boxes in there now to help stabilize the RH. The shelves should be here tomorrow so they'll help get me where I need to be.

I plan on having a hygrometer at the top and at the bottom. If I notice a difference of more than two or three in the RH I'm going to look into getting a small computer fan to put in the bottom. My preferred method would be to have it on a timer, running about 10-15 minutes every two hours or so.

No condensation so far.

Here it is with the only empty boxes I had on hand inside it:

RH has been right around 70 for 24 hours. After I get the shelves in it tomorrow I'll give it another 24 hours to see if I need to adjust the beads.

Bondo 287 08-27-2013 07:38 AM

Re: Porch Dweller's Wineador Progress

Originally Posted by Porch Dweller (Post 1877601)
I plan on having a hygrometer at the top and at the bottom. If I notice a difference of more than two or three in the RH I'm going to look into getting a small computer fan to put in the bottom. My preferred method would be to have it on a timer, running about 10-15 minutes every two hours or so.

No condensation so far.

Hi Porch !
I just got a Haier model HVW18 last weekend. I did not want to go to wineador so fast, but it was a display unit and practically free. It is absolutely pristine with excellent seal. But it needed service from apparently running constantly on display. So it appears a thermostat circuit error was it's demise. I cleaned the external heat sinks ( no compressor) and I already had new PC fans on hand to replace the dead ones yesterday.

I could likely have replaced the thermostat control board but instead I just " dumbed it down" .
So I'll be interested in what type of timer you use, so I can run a similar cycle.

Wharf Rat 08-27-2013 05:01 PM

Re: Porch Dweller's Wineador Progress

Originally Posted by Bondo 287 (Post 1877625)
Hi Porch !
I just got a Haier model HVW18 last weekend. I did not want to go to wineador so fast, but it was a display unit and practically free. It is absolutely pristine with excellent seal. But it needed service from apparently running constantly on display. So it appears a thermostat circuit error was it's demise. I cleaned the external heat sinks ( no compressor) and I already had new PC fans on hand to replace the dead ones yesterday.

I could likely have replaced the thermostat control board but instead I just " dumbed it down" .
So I'll be interested in what type of timer you use, so I can run a similar cycle.

I don't have a circuit diagram. But, you may need that circuit board to power the cooling modules.

ColdCuts 08-27-2013 09:51 PM

Re: Porch Dweller's Wineador Progress

Originally Posted by Wharf Rat (Post 1877828)
I don't have a circuit diagram. But, you may need that circuit board to power the cooling modules.


I sincerely wish I knew what you guys are talking about. I'm sure I'd have a better job today. Instead, I went to art school. What was I thinking?! Ugh. My old man was right! :fp

This is why I use an Oust fan. It's got an on/off switch, runs on one "D" battery, automatically toggles on/off every now and again, is perfectly silent, and I think I picked it up for $8 about seven or so years ago.

It still works great and keeps my cigars resting comfortably. :tu

Porch Dweller 08-28-2013 05:29 AM

Re: Porch Dweller's Wineador Progress

Originally Posted by ColdCuts (Post 1877909)

I sincerely wish I knew what you guys are talking about. I'm sure I'd have a better job today. Instead, I went to art school. What was I thinking?! Ugh. My old man was right! :fp

This is why I use an Oust fan. It's got an on/off switch, runs on one "D" battery, automatically toggles on/off every now and again, is perfectly silent, and I think I picked it up for $8 about seven or so years ago.

It still works great and keeps my cigars resting comfortably. :tu

Unfortunately, the Oust fans have been discontinued.

CigarNut 08-28-2013 09:32 AM

Re: Porch Dweller's Wineador Progress

Originally Posted by Porch Dweller (Post 1877944)
Unfortunately, the Oust fans have been discontinued.

If you are looking for a small battery operated fan I can recommend the following -- it is a refrigerator fan for an RV refrigerator. Runs on two "D" batteries and is always on.

I use these for circulation when conditioning my beads.

Porch Dweller 08-28-2013 12:26 PM

Re: Porch Dweller's Wineador Progress

Originally Posted by CigarNut (Post 1878032)
If you are looking for a small battery operated fan I can recommend the following -- it is a refrigerator fan for an RV refrigerator. Runs on two "D" batteries and is always on.

I use these for circulation when conditioning my beads.


Porch Dweller 08-28-2013 12:30 PM

Re: Porch Dweller's Wineador Progress
I received the cedar trays today. The smell when I unwrapped them was incredible.

Because of the smaller size of the 18-bottle fridge, they go in sideways and fit the depth of the fridge perfectly:

Now, I keep an eye on the RH for a day or two before I determine whether the beads need tending to or if it's ready for some sticks.

Bondo 287 08-28-2013 12:50 PM

Re: Porch Dweller's Wineador Progress

Originally Posted by Wharf Rat (Post 1877828)
I don't have a circuit diagram. But, you may need that circuit board to power the cooling modules.

Na Rat, I'm good. It's been tested, it cools now, but it is powered continuously though. It's a simple design. Glorified CPU coolers.

I could run a common household thermostat, and define a temp that would close the leg to a relay, and allow the 12volt to the fans. A timer on the AC power is just a cheaper less involved solution.

I'd take a picture but as some may have noticed my new phone double posts any time I edit pics. ( Need an app.)

Bondo 287 08-28-2013 12:52 PM

Re: Porch Dweller's Wineador Progress

Originally Posted by Porch Dweller (Post 1878075)
I received the cedar trays today. The smell when I unwrapped them was incredible.

They look sweet ! How wide are your trays?

Porch Dweller 08-28-2013 12:56 PM

Re: Porch Dweller's Wineador Progress

Originally Posted by Bondo 287 (Post 1878079)
They look sweet ! How wide are your trays?

They're 12.5"w x 7.5"d x 2.25"h. Here's a link to where I picked them up:

Bondo 287 08-28-2013 01:24 PM

Re: Porch Dweller's Wineador Progress
LOL yeah I jumped on that and bookmarked the site yesterday. My trays will need 8.25" wide bottom slats , but the box side width about 7" wide. ( they slide in side slots like toaster oven trays. ) If that makes any sense. So just to beat the proverbial dead horse.... did you put a timer on that beast yet?

Porch Dweller 08-28-2013 02:52 PM

Re: Porch Dweller's Wineador Progress

Originally Posted by Bondo 287 (Post 1878088)
LOL yeah I jumped on that and bookmarked the site yesterday. My trays will need 8.25" wide bottom slats , but the box side width about 7" wide. ( they slide in side slots like toaster oven trays. ) If that makes any sense. So just to beat the proverbial dead horse.... did you put a timer on that beast yet?

Not as yet. The humidity seems to be pretty consistent from the bottom to the top. I'm going to give it a day or two with just the trays in there for it stabilize. Once I get my sticks in it I'll be keeping an eye on the RH differential from top to bottom. If it's >2 after three or four days I'll add a fan.

Bondo 287 08-28-2013 05:12 PM

Re: Porch Dweller's Wineador Progress
rojer that. I'm thinking if I get trays next month and get the Rh stable after that.

.cigardude. 08-28-2013 08:27 PM

Re: Porch Dweller's Wineador Progress
It's coming along nicely James.

Porch Dweller 09-06-2013 03:17 PM

Re: Porch Dweller's Wineador Progress
...and, here it is all loaded up:

Drawer 1:

Drawer 2:

Drawer 3:

I'm still tweaking with the RH; the beads might need one more blow dryer treatment and they'll be good to go.

Lessons Learned, to help those in the future who may set one up:
- When you get your beads, put them right into the wineador and leave 'em be for a day or two. I wet mine before putting them in and ended up using the blow dryer more than The Zohan. :D
- If your power goes out, check on your wineador first thing when the power comes back on. Some models including mine default to the coldest setting when they lose power.
- Get more space than you need. Mine's an 18-bottle and I'm quite pleased with it. But it's pretty full and I'd like just a little more space in the event I stumble upon an awesome deal that I can't pass up.

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