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shilala 08-15-2013 03:23 PM

I Have Just Discovered The Coolest Thing God Ever Created.
Feast your eyes upon this sweet baby.
No, your eyes do not deceive you. That is a hot dog AND hot dog bun toaster. Really. I've even added the link so you can run, not walk, over to Amazon to purchase one.
If I have ever seen anything cooler, I've forgot about it. This is far and away the most brilliant invention that 2,000 years of human technological advancement has brought about.
I showed it to Weeze and she shrugged. That's because women don't know stuff. I tried to get her to buy it for me, but she looked at me the way she does when she's 100% certain I'm retarded.
So, if any of you guys want to go ahead and send me one of these, that'd be great.

shilala 08-15-2013 03:32 PM

Re: I Have Just Discovered The Coolest Thing God Ever Created.
Can we make this a sticky? If ever there was anything sticky-worthy, this is her.
A toaster that toasts HOT DOGS!!!

big_jaygee 08-15-2013 03:34 PM

Re: I Have Just Discovered The Coolest Thing God Ever Created.
that does look great Scott :tu

markem 08-15-2013 03:40 PM

Re: I Have Just Discovered The Coolest Thing God Ever Created.
I'm loving the reviews

shilala 08-15-2013 03:45 PM

Re: I Have Just Discovered The Coolest Thing God Ever Created.
When everyone gets one, we can have a Nostalgia Electrics Pop-Up Hot Dog Toaster Herf and Hosiery party.
We'll need the matching mustard and ketchup bottles and some razors for Vinnie.

CigarNut 08-15-2013 03:55 PM

Re: I Have Just Discovered The Coolest Thing God Ever Created.
For $19 you can't go wrong...

The Poet 08-15-2013 03:58 PM

Re: I Have Just Discovered The Coolest Thing God Ever Created.
And it's pretty cheap too. I could almost afford one . . . if I could afford dogs and buns. :r

Commander Quan 08-15-2013 04:16 PM

Re: I Have Just Discovered The Coolest Thing God Ever Created.
I'm pretty sure these were available from the SkyMall catalog 8 years ago... you know, encase you wanted to cook hotdogs while you're camped out by that power outlet charging your cellphone.

Blueface 08-15-2013 04:19 PM

Re: I Have Just Discovered The Coolest Thing God Ever Created.
Man that rocks.
I want one but if I buy anything else right now, I am definitely going to have one of my guns used on me.

Bax 08-15-2013 04:23 PM

Re: I Have Just Discovered The Coolest Thing God Ever Created.
Can we get one made that lights a cigar?

AdamJoshua 08-15-2013 04:29 PM

Re: I Have Just Discovered The Coolest Thing God Ever Created.
Do you take the dogs out of the cello before you put them in the slots (holes?)?


Cord wrap for easy storage
This is key to me, I've bought similar products in the past but they did not allow you to wrap the cord for easy storage, clearly this is a very advanced system!

Robulous78 08-15-2013 04:29 PM

Re: I Have Just Discovered The Coolest Thing God Ever Created.
I WILL own this... :lr

Thanks for the heads up Scott :tu

Coach Deg 08-15-2013 04:42 PM

Re: I Have Just Discovered The Coolest Thing God Ever Created.
I would buy one, but 7-11 hot dogs are usually already cooked.

kelmac07 08-15-2013 06:46 PM

Re: I Have Just Discovered The Coolest Thing God Ever Created.
Very cool!! :tu :tu I want one!!

dwoodward 08-15-2013 07:20 PM

Re: I Have Just Discovered The Coolest Thing God Ever Created.
My girlfriend has one. She likes it. She's not a huge fan of the toasted buns, but says it works great.

.cigardude. 08-15-2013 07:47 PM

Re: I Have Just Discovered The Coolest Thing God Ever Created.

Originally Posted by dwoodward (Post 1874145)
My girlfriend has one. She likes it. She's not a huge fan of the toasted buns, but says it works great.

Can you do us all a favor and post up a detailed review of the machine while it toasts the dogs and buns....from start to finish?:banger

maninblack 08-15-2013 07:51 PM

Re: I Have Just Discovered The Coolest Thing God Ever Created.
I freaking want one!!

BlackDog 08-15-2013 08:51 PM

Re: I Have Just Discovered The Coolest Thing God Ever Created.

I Have Just Discovered The Coolest Thing God Ever Created.
Hotdogs? And here I thought that Scott just discovered sex. :D

BlackDog 08-15-2013 08:53 PM

Re: I Have Just Discovered The Coolest Thing God Ever Created.
How does the flavor profile of a toasted hotdog compare to one cooked on a BBQ? ;)

AdamJoshua 08-15-2013 10:40 PM

Re: I Have Just Discovered The Coolest Thing God Ever Created.
I just had a brilliant idea, if you had one of those electric scooters, you know the ones you see people riding around at walmart, and you put one of these on the front, mounted where you would usually put an awesome basket with plastic flowers, well then ... I can't even begin to go on.

I'm so friggin' smart if I even had half a clue as to what I was talking about my brain would explode.

pnoon 08-15-2013 10:59 PM

Re: I Have Just Discovered The Coolest Thing God Ever Created.

Originally Posted by AdamJoshua (Post 1874196)
I just had a brilliant idea, if you had one of those electric scooters, you know the ones you see people riding around at walmart, and you put one of these on the front, mounted where you would usually put an awesome basket with plastic flowers, well then ... I can't even begin to go on.

I'm so friggin' smart if I even had half a clue as to what I was talking about my brain would explode.

We can only hope.


systm 08-15-2013 11:08 PM

Re: I Have Just Discovered The Coolest Thing God Ever Created.
Even though I prefer burgers over dogs, this is an amazing item you've come across. I wouldn't mind just having one for the occasional dog, or if they even fit, polish sausages.

Great find.

Robulous78 08-16-2013 12:32 AM

Re: I Have Just Discovered The Coolest Thing God Ever Created.
Does it come in a Bratwurst model? :lr

Blak Smyth 08-16-2013 05:57 AM

Re: I Have Just Discovered The Coolest Thing God Ever Created.
Scott will put his weiner in anything :wnr

Sweet_Leaf_PDX 08-16-2013 10:51 AM

Re: I Have Just Discovered The Coolest Thing God Ever Created.
This is a spectacular idea! I want one right away :D

I want to set this up on my desk at work for those times when I don't really have time to take lunch. I would just need to keep some dogs and buns on hand and I'd be set. I love the idea of walking into a meeting eating a hot dog.

CigarNut 08-16-2013 11:03 AM

Re: I Have Just Discovered The Coolest Thing God Ever Created.
The only problem with this -- it's yet-another-kitchen-tool that you have to store or have out on the counter.

This list includes Cusinart, Espresso / Coffee Maker, Toaster Oven, Bread Maker, Hand Mixer, Waffle Maker Electric Fry Pan, etc.

After a while (I have been married for 30 year) the collection is large enough that you simply run out of space. So while I really like the idea and would love to have one and the price is most definitely right, I will not get one...

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