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Remo 05-05-2013 12:16 PM

"Routine" Traffic Stop....
Thank god both cops are still alive, more than can be said for Mr. @sshat :sl

Blueface 05-05-2013 12:25 PM

Re: "Routine" Traffic Stop....
Saw it in the news.
Wow is all I can say.

elderboy02 05-05-2013 01:11 PM

Re: "Routine" Traffic Stop....
Dang. When did this happen?

Remo 05-05-2013 01:14 PM

Re: "Routine" Traffic Stop....

Originally Posted by elderboy02 (Post 1830390)
Dang. When did this happen?

March 10th

elderboy02 05-05-2013 01:24 PM

Re: "Routine" Traffic Stop....
I hope that dude burns in hell. Takes a special type of monster to do that...

Col. Kurtz 05-05-2013 01:30 PM

Re: "Routine" Traffic Stop....
unreal. Suicide by cop?

Remo 05-05-2013 01:32 PM

Re: "Routine" Traffic Stop....

Originally Posted by Col. Kurtz (Post 1830399)
unreal. Suicide by cop?

Guess so, but he certainly wanted to take some with him.

ChicagoWhiteSox 05-05-2013 01:38 PM

Re: "Routine" Traffic Stop....
was there a civillian that fired on the nut job too?

Remo 05-05-2013 01:42 PM

Re: "Routine" Traffic Stop....

Originally Posted by ChicagoWhiteSox (Post 1830402)
was there a civillian that fired on the nut job too?

Not sure, but it sounds like they are talking to someone when it's all said and done :sh

ChicagoWhiteSox 05-05-2013 01:45 PM

Re: "Routine" Traffic Stop....

Originally Posted by Remo (Post 1830404)
Not sure, but it sounds like they are talking to someone when it's all said and done :sh

after the guy says "are you ok", he then says "I have a pistol".

elderboy02 05-05-2013 02:49 PM

Re: "Routine" Traffic Stop....

Originally Posted by ChicagoWhiteSox (Post 1830408)
after the guy says "are you ok", he then says "I have a pistol".

It was most likely a concealed carry permit holder. Here in Ohio, us concealed carry permit holders must announce to cops 1st thing, no matter what, that we are carrying and have a permit. Even if a cop is shot, we have to immediately notify or we can get charged with a felony. The notification law is stupid here in Ohio

big_jaygee 05-05-2013 03:10 PM

Re: "Routine" Traffic Stop....
just goes to show that there is no such thing as "routine" when it comes to traffic stops.

NeuRon 05-05-2013 03:11 PM

Re: "Routine" Traffic Stop....
damn thats crazy... some people are just insane.. glad the cops are ok...

id like to hear what happened with the civilian.

Mattso3000 05-05-2013 03:15 PM

Re: "Routine" Traffic Stop....
Wow, that is wild.

emopunker2004 05-05-2013 03:20 PM

Re: "Routine" Traffic Stop....
Crazy. Watched that last night at work actually.

CigarSquid 05-05-2013 03:30 PM

Re: "Routine" Traffic Stop....
That was nuts. I was not expecting that at all.

CigarNut 05-05-2013 04:44 PM

Re: "Routine" Traffic Stop....
I'm stunned! Glad that the officers made it out alive!

icehog3 05-05-2013 04:45 PM

Re: "Routine" Traffic Stop....

Originally Posted by big_jaygee (Post 1830428)
just goes to show that there is no such thing as "routine" when it comes to traffic stops.

Ain't that the truth....

mahtofire14 05-05-2013 04:50 PM

Re: "Routine" Traffic Stop....

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1830476)
Ain't that the truth....

Can't imagine having to do that 5-10 times a day having that in the back of your mind. Thanks all you PO's for your dedication keeping maniacs like these off the streets.

Robulous78 05-05-2013 06:00 PM

Re: "Routine" Traffic Stop....
HOLY SH!T... intense...

AdamJoshua 05-05-2013 06:23 PM

Re: "Routine" Traffic Stop....
and THIS is why police are underpaid, I don't care if there are cops that get "detail duty" and make whatever an hour and work 100s of hours of detail, they deserve it, the only sad thing is it should be their base pay.

According to one of the articles police found numerous weapons and explosives in the car. One officer hit in the leg and one in the hand, nothing about the civilian.

Remo 05-05-2013 06:32 PM

Re: "Routine" Traffic Stop....
What I got from it is that the female officer was the one at the end who lit him up, she lost a finger and her partner was grazed :tu

Ranger_B 05-05-2013 08:57 PM

Re: "Routine" Traffic Stop....
I would be curious to see what the cops hit rate was. Damn good job!

Fordman4ever 05-06-2013 05:25 AM

Re: "Routine" Traffic Stop....
Looks like they got quite a few rounds into him there at the end.

maninblack 05-06-2013 10:02 AM

Re: "Routine" Traffic Stop....
Wow. F-ing crazy.

BHalbrooks 05-06-2013 11:27 AM

Re: "Routine" Traffic Stop....
Wow, glad the Cops made it through ok, hoping a speedy recovery for both. Hope the Female Officer can still serve.

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