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shilala 03-29-2013 10:10 AM

Our New Puppy.
I finally found just the little guy I wanted, and he's close to home. Right now he's only 2 1/2 weeks old, an AKC blue-eyed blue Weimaraner pup.
He's Amish bred, and I think I'll call him Yoder. :)
Actually, I think we've settled on Bubs. Weeze said it and it kinda stuck. Every name that got thrown out started with B, and Bubs is a pretty cool name.

I sent the deposit, and we'll get him in about 5 weeks or so. I think they have to stay with their mom for what, 8 weeks? It'll be great timing to train him. The weather should be decent and it'll be a great time to work with the little spud.
It's been about 10 years since I've trained a dog, never trained one off the farm, so I'm going to have to do really think hard on how to give this dog a job. I've never had a dog that didn't work, so I don't know how to do that. I'll teach him to herd the kids and patrol the yard if nothing else.

Anyways, here's a couple pics.
The top two were taken 2 days ago. The 3rd pic is what he'll look like at 8 weeks or so.

363 03-29-2013 10:14 AM

Re: Our New Puppy.
Awesome, Enjoy Scott!

big_jaygee 03-29-2013 10:16 AM

Re: Our New Puppy.
Great looking pup Scott and congrats :tu

E.J. 03-29-2013 10:24 AM

Re: Our New Puppy.
Excellent! Congrats!

hotreds 03-29-2013 10:30 AM

Re: Our New Puppy.
Adorable! Did you meet the parents and get a feel for their disposition?

CigarNut 03-29-2013 10:32 AM

Re: Our New Puppy.
Very cool Scott! You will have a new friend for life!

Dave128 03-29-2013 10:36 AM

Re: Our New Puppy.
That's an awesome looking pup, Scott! Enjoy that little guy. I hope he brings you and your family many years of happy times!

BHalbrooks 03-29-2013 10:39 AM

Re: Our New Puppy.
Looks a lot like a Blue Nose Pit. :tu Cute dog though!

MurphysLaw 03-29-2013 10:41 AM

Re: Our New Puppy.
Great looking pup Scott!

icehog3 03-29-2013 10:44 AM

Re: Our New Puppy.
I am happy for you and Weeze, the Hell out of that little guy, OK?

AdamJoshua 03-29-2013 10:50 AM

Re: Our New Puppy.
More of a cat guy, but that's a hansom little dude! Grats on the new family member :D

cobra03 03-29-2013 10:53 AM

Re: Our New Puppy.
Awesome pup Scott!

RevSmoke 03-29-2013 11:01 AM

Re: Our New Puppy.
Don't envy you training that one. They are cute. They are loyal as all get out. But, I have found they are tough to train.

Great dogs.

Peace of the Lord be with you.

irratebass 03-29-2013 11:16 AM

Re: Our New Puppy.
Good looking dog, he's gonna be a big one......I liked Yoder.

BigCat 03-29-2013 11:19 AM

Re: Our New Puppy.
Beautiful dog, Scott! Congrats.

shilala 03-29-2013 11:21 AM

Re: Our New Puppy.

Originally Posted by hotreds (Post 1813500)
Adorable! Did you meet the parents and get a feel for their disposition?

I talked to the owner at length about the parents. I'll meet them in a few weeks. I've got a lot of experience with the Amish, living with them for about 20 years. The temperament of their dogs is non-negotiable, so to say.


Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1813514)
I am happy for you and Weeze, the Hell out of that little guy, OK?

That won't be a problem at all, my brother. :tu


Originally Posted by RevSmoke (Post 1813526)
Don't envy you training that one. They are cute. They are loyal as all get out. But, I have found they are tough to train.

Hounds all have heads like bricks and come off real stupid. I think they play stupid just to be infuriating. Get them to lead well and show them their territory and they're ready for anything. That just takes a few weeks of every day, 2 or 3 times a day repetition, which is a lot when you get right down to it.
I find them super easy to house train compared to small breeds. Small dogs have those small brains. Once they get a mind, I've never had much luck changing it. I had to sell my last little dog because it was left in a crate with it's mother far too often. The people that bought it never house broke it, either. Gross.
I think I could break it now. I worked with that dog 24/7 for months, but a couple things never dawned on me.

Ogre 03-29-2013 11:32 AM

Re: Our New Puppy.
Congrats brother.

mosesbotbol 03-29-2013 12:17 PM

Re: Our New Puppy.
My neighbors had one as a kid. Beautiful dog, lot's of energy. Buy one of the wands that holds a tennis ball. makes throwing far a lot easier. They are wanderers and not the smartest dog at the show (nor is our dog), so keep that in mind.

I am sure if you put the effort and repitition into training, he'll meet the challenge. Our neighbors dog, not so much. They did not put much effort into him. He was friendly and all that. He'd get skin conditions quite easily.

I'd recommend pet insurance as well. Costs about $30 a month and most pay about 80% low ball costs at the vet. If you get insurance, make sure you Vet can stay within thier pricing guidelines.

Enjoy you new buddy!

jonumberone 03-29-2013 02:05 PM

Re: Our New Puppy.
Congrats, Scott!
Enjoy and love him.

equetefue 03-29-2013 02:07 PM

Re: Our New Puppy.
Congrats! Beautiful pup

Zane 03-29-2013 02:09 PM

Re: Our New Puppy.
Great to see! I also liked Yoder!

14holestogie 03-29-2013 02:42 PM

Re: Our New Puppy.
Congrats on the new pup, Scott. Looks like a cutie.

blugill 03-29-2013 04:02 PM

Re: Our New Puppy.

Gophernut 03-29-2013 04:23 PM

Re: Our New Puppy.
Great looking pup! Congrats!

maninblack 03-29-2013 08:25 PM

Re: Our New Puppy.
Beautiful pup Scott!

Angry_Pirate 03-30-2013 01:11 AM

Re: Our New Puppy.
Great breed my grandfather had one for years.

kelmac07 03-30-2013 04:11 AM

Re: Our New Puppy.
Beautiful puppy...and he's gonna be a big 'en.

longknocker 03-30-2013 04:30 AM

Re: Our New Puppy.
Congrats On The Beautiful Pup, Scott!:D:tu My Son Has A 6 Year Old Female Weimaraner, "Lola". She Is The Most Loving, Loyal Dog I Have Ever Seen! Be Aware, Though, This Dog Requires A Lot Of Attention. They Will Tear Up Your House If Left Alone For Very Long. Easily Trained & Very Smart. Enjoy The Newest Member Of Your Family, Brother!:D

sofaman 03-30-2013 04:38 AM

Re: Our New Puppy.
Awesome pup brother!!!

Stevez 03-30-2013 05:11 AM

Re: Our New Puppy.
Sitting here looking at my 11 year old female Weim as I type. Wonderful dog; extremely loving and as noted, a bit hard-headed. Ours has been a great dog and we will definintely get another one day. Enjoy! Steve

Blueface 03-30-2013 06:20 AM

Re: Our New Puppy.
Congrats. Cute puppy.

mosesbotbol 03-30-2013 06:35 AM

Re: Our New Puppy.

Originally Posted by longknocker (Post 1813957)
This Dog Requires A Lot Of Attention. They Will Tear Up Your House If Left Alone For Very Long.

Yup, my friend's sister has one and he'll go to town if left alone too long. Never seen anything like it.

shilala 03-30-2013 08:08 AM

Re: Our New Puppy.

Originally Posted by longknocker (Post 1813957)
Be Aware, Though, This Dog Requires A Lot Of Attention. They Will Tear Up Your House If Left Alone For Very Long.


Originally Posted by mosesbotbol (Post 1813977)
Yup, my friend's sister has one and he'll go to town if left alone too long. Never seen anything like it.

Bubs will be crate trained, I've crate trained all my dogs. I've always had a kennel outside for when I went to work, but now that I'm home all the time, that's not an issue.
These guys are high energy. They gotta run. They're super fast and that's what makes them happy. Weeze runs every day and he'll go along. The kids should burn a bunch of energy off of him, too.
A tennis ball flinger is great for burning him out.
That's why they tear up a house when people are gone. They get a nervous wreck from not getting to be a dog. They're not the only breed that'll tear up a house, not by a longshot. Labs don't (normally) because they're fat and lazy. They'll tear the place up when they're little if they don't get run every day and don't get to work.

pnoon 03-30-2013 08:37 AM

Re: Our New Puppy.
He's a cute little guy.
I like "Bubs"

RWhisenand 03-31-2013 04:32 PM

Re: Our New Puppy.
Nice pup, we have German Shepards, and our next dog will definatly be a pointer breed like your Weim, or a German Shorthair. Either way, I thought you'd like to know that the great state of Nevada is considering naming the Weimeriner our state dog! Pretty cool pup, hope you all have many great years ahead of you!

Coach Deg 03-31-2013 05:34 PM

Re: Our New Puppy.
Looks great!!! I love them!!! Good luck and congrats!!!!

jdakine 03-31-2013 07:17 PM

Re: Our New Puppy.
Awesome looking pup, congratulations..........

shilala 04-03-2013 08:26 AM

Re: Our New Puppy.
I think Bubs will be coming home on the 6th of next month. Seems like forever. He's gonna be awful big at 8 weeks, I saw pics of the litter that came before him. Same Dad, different Mom. Those pups looked HUGE at 8 weeks.

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