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dragnframe 02-09-2013 03:20 PM

First trip to the smoke shop, Hpw did I do?
1 Attachment(s)
Made my first trip to the smoke shop to purchase my first cigars. I took a friend with me and had the guy at the shop help me and this is what I returned with. What do you guys think of these?

AdamJoshua 02-09-2013 03:40 PM

Re: First trip to the smoke shop, Hpw did I do?
I think they are the worlds smallest sticks :r

Hard to see, need to attach the thumbnail so it's linked or just link the image :) Oh and welcome to the banana factory !

icehog3 02-09-2013 03:42 PM

Re: First trip to the smoke shop, Hpw did I do?
Can't tell what they are. Might want to use to upload pics.

Thrak 02-09-2013 04:30 PM

Re: First trip to the smoke shop, Hpw did I do?
Since I know... not a bad haul!! Start with the Macanudo, finish with the Punch.

Nice Ronson! :D

dragnframe 02-09-2013 04:31 PM

Re: First trip to the smoke shop, Hpw did I do?
Dang it! I don't really know how to up load a better pic.

dragnframe 02-09-2013 04:31 PM

Re: First trip to the smoke shop, Hpw did I do?
Thrak, can you post a better pick for me? Thanks

Thrak 02-09-2013 05:07 PM

Re: First trip to the smoke shop, Hpw did I do?

Lets try this...

dragnframe 02-09-2013 05:08 PM

Re: First trip to the smoke shop, Hpw did I do?
Your the man! Thanks!

Thrak 02-09-2013 05:47 PM

Re: First trip to the smoke shop, Hpw did I do?
No prob... :)

You should try to go the event coming up. You'll be welcomed with open arms I'm sure.

Subvet642 02-09-2013 06:10 PM

Re: First trip to the smoke shop, Hpw did I do?
While I'm not a fan of the LVH, they're all solid smokes, but don't let people bust your nuggets for the Macanudo, they're a great morning stick. :tu

mjdx88 02-09-2013 06:13 PM

Re: First trip to the smoke shop, Hpw did I do?
Nice buy! The Mac, Baccarat or R&J are great ones to start with, the punch is going to have some kick! Nice call on the Ronson, one of the best lighters that I have ever purchased! Welcome!

T.G 02-09-2013 06:25 PM

Re: First trip to the smoke shop, Hpw did I do?
You bought a Range Rover at your B&M? AWESOME!

dragnframe 02-09-2013 06:32 PM

Re: First trip to the smoke shop, Hpw did I do?

Originally Posted by T.G (Post 1793292)
You bought a Range Rover at your B&M? AWESOME!

They threw that in for being a first time customer! I think I will have to return! :r

T.G 02-09-2013 06:33 PM

Re: First trip to the smoke shop, Hpw did I do?

Originally Posted by dragnframe (Post 1793296)
They threw that in for being a first time customer! I think I will have to return! :r



bluesy 02-09-2013 08:00 PM

Re: First trip to the smoke shop, Hpw did I do?
I like those Punches. Haven't tried the others, but it looks like a solid haul. Had one RyJ so far it was pretty good. Only bad part was the local place I bought it from kept their sticks too wet and it ended up plugging on me eventually. I should order a few of those at some point.

AdamJoshua 02-09-2013 08:04 PM

Re: First trip to the smoke shop, Hpw did I do?
Yah if you are brand new to the slope talk to the guy at the local bm and tell him you want some mild sticks to start with, at least it worked for me.

Bondo 287 02-09-2013 08:30 PM

Re: First trip to the smoke shop, Hpw did I do?

Originally Posted by T.G (Post 1793292)
You bought a Range Rover at your B&M? AWESOME!


Originally Posted by dragnframe (Post 1793296)
They threw that in for being a first time customer! I think I will have to return! :r

you two guys ... yer killin me ... :r

Nice smokes. The only ones I haven't tried are the Habana and the Ronson.:D

Porch Dweller 02-09-2013 08:47 PM

Re: First trip to the smoke shop, Hpw did I do?

Originally Posted by dragnframe (Post 1793230)
Made my first trip to the smoke shop to purchase my first cigars. I took a friend with me and had the guy at the shop help me and this is what I returned with. What do you guys think of these?

I've had the Macanudo, the Punch, the RyJ. They're good smokes. But what's important is if YOU enjoy them. If you do, then it was a successful trip. If you find there's some that you don't like and some you do it's STILL a successful trip as you've discovered something about what you like and what you don't.

If you're new to the BOTL then the best advice I can give is try a wide variety of cigars. There's a hell of a lot of them out there and you'll find you don't like quite a few of them. But the only way to find what you like to smoke - or even better, what you LOVE to smoke - is to try a wide variety.

The second best advice I can give is don't let someone else tell you what you should think of a cigar. Take recommendations based on flavor profiles, strengths, and bodies that you enjoy. But things I enjoy you may find to taste dull and vice versa.

Bottom line: smoke what you like and like what you smoke. And welcome to the's a heck of an enjoyable hobby.

dragnframe 02-09-2013 09:35 PM

Re: First trip to the smoke shop, Hpw did I do?
Thanks guys! I was told if I joined here that this place if full of the coolest, helpful people around and I have to say he was right! I do have a dumb question, My buddy took all but one to his house to put in his humidor,But how long will one last in the wrapper till it starts to go bad?

AdamJoshua 02-09-2013 09:42 PM

Re: First trip to the smoke shop, Hpw did I do?

Originally Posted by dragnframe (Post 1793296)
They threw that in for being a first time customer! I think I will have to return! :r

Ok well that beats my winador. :gary

jjefrey 02-09-2013 11:39 PM

Re: First trip to the smoke shop, Hpw did I do?

Originally Posted by dragnframe (Post 1793384)
My buddy took all but one to his house to put in his humidor

Don't tell me you fell for this, oldest trick in the book.:fp2

Subvet642 02-10-2013 04:57 AM

Re: First trip to the smoke shop, Hpw did I do?

Originally Posted by Porch Dweller (Post 1793354)
...The second best advice I can give is don't let someone else tell you what you should think of a cigar. Take recommendations based on flavor profiles, strengths, and bodies that you enjoy. But things I enjoy you may find to taste dull and vice versa.

Bottom line: smoke what you like and like what you smoke. And welcome to the's a heck of an enjoyable hobby.

This! :tpd:

Subvet642 02-10-2013 05:05 AM

Re: First trip to the smoke shop, Hpw did I do?

Originally Posted by dragnframe (Post 1793384)
Thanks guys! I was told if I joined here that this place if full of the coolest, helpful people around and I have to say he was right! I do have a dumb question, My buddy took all but one to his house to put in his humidor,But how long will one last in the wrapper till it starts to go bad?

Keep it in a ziplock bag, but don't wait too long before you smoke it. Some people, I've read, keep their sticks at 55%rh, so I don't think they're that fragile.

Bondo 287 02-10-2013 06:10 AM

Re: First trip to the smoke shop, Hpw did I do?
Hey Dragon, possibly soon you'll need to make a "Tupperdor "?

dragnframe 02-10-2013 07:17 AM

Re: First trip to the smoke shop, Hpw did I do?
OK, well sounds like I need to make time today to do my first toasting!

Bondo 287 02-10-2013 09:22 AM

Re: First trip to the smoke shop, Hpw did I do?
The Baccarai I just had one last week. Will be a smooth smoke with some light cream and spice if you are fortunate enough to detect it yet..

I was at a smoke shop type place with a glass-cabinet type humidor but I left empty-handed because it smelt like a moldy basement inside the case.
Some of the cigars were spongy too.
Was going to tell them but from what I read, usually they don't like free advice so screw it.

T.G 02-10-2013 10:38 AM

Re: First trip to the smoke shop, Hpw did I do?

Originally Posted by Bondo 287 (Post 1793488)
I was at a smoke shop type place with a glass-cabinet type humidor but I left empty-handed because it smelt like a moldy basement inside the case.
Some of the cigars were spongy too.
Was going to tell them but from what I read, usually they don't like free advice so screw it.

You never know until you try.

Many years ago I ran across a similar situation, their walk in was fine but they also had an overly humidified cabinet of cigars, some of the ones in tubes were even growing mold. So I pointed it out to the owner. She thanked me, mentioned that because she didn't really smoke cigars (she was a pipe smoker), that it was one of her employees jobs to take care of that humidor and apparently, they weren't and she would take care of it. She also only charged me for half the cigars I tried to buy that day.

dragnframe 02-10-2013 01:59 PM

Re: First trip to the smoke shop, Hpw did I do?
Well, I just returned from puffing on my first cigar. I toasted the RYJ and did some small things around the garage. I am happy with that one so far. I dont think it will be my fav one,but one I will deff buy again and keep in the humidor. It was pretty smooth and not to strong. Now mind you this is my first cigar that I tried out of the ones I bought so that description my not be toatlly accuarte. I also purchased my humidor last night and shoud be here in a week. I think I may be just getting started with this I really enjoyed it.


Sadden 02-10-2013 03:37 PM

Re: First trip to the smoke shop, Hpw did I do?
The RYJ is a great start. Little strength and mild flavored.

Subvet642 02-10-2013 04:51 PM

Re: First trip to the smoke shop, Hpw did I do?

Originally Posted by dragnframe (Post 1793573)
Well, I just returned from puffing on my first cigar. I toasted the RYJ and did some small things around the garage. I am happy with that one so far. I don't think it will be my fav one,but one I will deff buy again and keep in the humidor. It was pretty smooth and not to strong. Now mind you this is my first cigar that I tried out of the ones I bought so that description my not be totally accurate. I also purchased my humidor last night and should be here in a week. I think I may be just getting started with this I really enjoyed it.


What I might recommend now is to read a review of that stick and see how that description compares to what you experienced. Before too long it'll all make sense.

AdamJoshua 02-10-2013 05:01 PM

Re: First trip to the smoke shop, Hpw did I do?
There are also a lot of things you can do while smoking to make it more enjoyable, besides sex with a super model, things like only taking a puff ever so often, give a minute between puffs if not more, this way the cigar doesn't get too hot and change the flavor profile, things like that. Lots of articles on the interwebs about things like that, it's actually a fun hobby if you are into learning all the different angles and techniques, not only of smoking but storing, aging, etc,. etc.

Welcome to the slope!

papajohn67 02-10-2013 05:16 PM

Re: First trip to the smoke shop, Hpw did I do?
!st trip to a B&M + your 1st cigar......busted my cigar cherry 46 years ago. Enjoy the ride.!! :noon

dragnframe 02-10-2013 05:48 PM

Re: First trip to the smoke shop, Hpw did I do?
Thanks guys. Dumb question. If say I busy doing something is it bad to let the cigar go out? By bad I mean does the flavor go bad or change anything if I have to relight it? Also do I need to re toast it when I relight it?

T.G 02-10-2013 07:48 PM

Re: First trip to the smoke shop, Hpw did I do?

Originally Posted by dragnframe (Post 1793640)
Thanks guys. Dumb question. If say I busy doing something is it bad to let the cigar go out? By bad I mean does the flavor go bad or change anything if I have to relight it? Also do I need to re toast it when I relight it?

Are we talking a few minutes, a few hours or a few days?

minutes - nah.
hour or two - maybe but hard to detect
Days - ickypoo.

If you are setting the cigar down and you know it will be a bit before you can get back to it, gently blow out through the cigar before setting it down to expunge all the gasses and that will help lessen the impact on the flavor.

When you go to relight, knock all the ash off, blow out through the cigar again, then toast and relight as necessary.

RobR1205 02-10-2013 08:13 PM

Re: First trip to the smoke shop, Hpw did I do?
Looks like a good haul to me!

dragnframe 02-10-2013 08:26 PM

Re: First trip to the smoke shop, Hpw did I do?
T.G. Thanks that makes sence. I was just talk like you set it down to do something or what not and 5 mins go by and its out. I figuared the longer it sat the better the chance of comeing back to a stale cigar.

Jefft72 02-10-2013 09:49 PM

Re: First trip to the smoke shop, Hpw did I do?
Good advice Adam. I will have that happen regularly to my smokes. I sit it down to take a phone call or answer an email and when I pick it up again it has gone out. No worries. It lights back up and tastes fine.

One thing that I have to concentrate on sometimes is slowing down while smoking. Especially if I am near the end I find that smoking it too fast will cause it burn hot and the taste will be affected. Plus, that end will usually get to me if I smoke it too fast and get that nic hit a bit too hard.

Welcome to the fun!

papajohn67 02-11-2013 10:54 AM

Re: First trip to the smoke shop, Hpw did I do?

Originally Posted by T.G (Post 1793692)
Are we talking a few minutes, a few hours or a few days?

minutes - nah.
hour or two - maybe but hard to detect
Days - ickypoo.

If you are setting the cigar down and you know it will be a bit before you can get back to it, gently blow out through the cigar before setting it down to expunge all the gasses and that will help lessen the impact on the flavor.

When you go to relight, knock all the ash off, blow out through the cigar again, then toast and relight as necessary.

"Days-ickypoo"......cracks me up. What's wrong with a cigar with a little age on it.:D Now cigar savoring and good smoking has it's place but also I'm an old buzzard who will fire back up just about anything that has been sitting in the shop ashtray. Their is smoking a good cigar and then again just smoking.

Anyone else care to fess up.

maninblack 02-11-2013 11:03 AM

Re: First trip to the smoke shop, Hpw did I do?
I'm the same way Papajohn. I'll put out a cigar when I get to work and light it back up 12 hours later. Doesn't taste near as good but it helps me unwind on the ride home.

14holestogie 02-11-2013 11:11 AM

Re: First trip to the smoke shop, Hpw did I do?
I don't make a habit of it, but I'm guilty at times as well.
Like you said, sometimes it's savory, sometimes, it's just smoke.

dragnframe 02-11-2013 01:45 PM

Re: First trip to the smoke shop, Hpw did I do?
Well at least now I know if its out for just a little bit it wont taste like a rotten skunk when I light it back up! lol

AdamJoshua 02-11-2013 01:48 PM

Re: First trip to the smoke shop, Hpw did I do?
If your Range Rover's humidity is high your cigars will tend to go out more often when you are smoking them, if you put it down for a couple minutes you might have to hit it with the flame again. At least that's what happens to those of us with regular Humidors ... your range rover might be totally better, for the price i would hope so :D

dragnframe 02-11-2013 02:18 PM

Re: First trip to the smoke shop, Hpw did I do?
Ha, no smoking in the range. Its a buddys of mine.I drive a real mans truck! Chevy avalanche and theres no smoking in there eaither! lol

dragnframe 02-11-2013 02:20 PM

Re: First trip to the smoke shop, Hpw did I do?
I laugh cause at first I was wondering how the first guy knew I was in a range. Didnt relize when I leaned forward to get out of the sun with the pic that the badge was in the pic also..

Thrak 02-11-2013 02:37 PM

Re: First trip to the smoke shop, Hpw did I do?
I thought you were just showing off... cant be that many RR's in Ohio :p

AdamJoshua 02-11-2013 02:46 PM

Re: First trip to the smoke shop, Hpw did I do?

Originally Posted by dragnframe (Post 1793991)
I laugh cause at first I was wondering how the first guy knew I was in a range. Didnt relize when I leaned forward to get out of the sun with the pic that the badge was in the pic also..

"in a Range..." now do you pronounce that with a slight sneer, I picture it as one of the British "fog breathers" on Family Guy ... someone like Sir Reginald Bottomtooth :r

scottdurand 02-11-2013 03:11 PM

Re: First trip to the smoke shop, Hpw did I do?
Enjoy them and keep experimenting!

dragnframe 02-11-2013 04:17 PM

Re: First trip to the smoke shop, Hpw did I do?

Originally Posted by Thrak (Post 1793997)
I thought you were just showing off... cant be that many RR's in Ohio :p

Not showing off one bit. The fact that my avalanche came with remote start and his RR didnt. Yes I remind him of that everytime we go somewhere in it and its cold outside! :D I would tell you the reply I get from him but it might offend some people here!:D:D

AdamJoshua 02-11-2013 04:48 PM

Re: First trip to the smoke shop, Hpw did I do?
:r Yes you can tell how we all walk on eggshells here

btw the RyJ is a nice stick I just bought a box of them, they get a bit better as they sit in your humi, it's a mild stick has a bit of a salt to it when you first start smoking it.

dragnframe 02-11-2013 04:52 PM

Re: First trip to the smoke shop, Hpw did I do?
Man,I have been looking all over this forum, How do you guys ever remeber what you have, had,like,dont like? There are so many different ones My mind is spinning. I dont even remeber what I bought saturday! lol

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