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Do Our Prejudices Show?
With the Cigar Aficionado lists out, there are numerous statement about how these lists have always been determined by advertising money. Then there is the added the rumor that they only smoke the first inch of a stick for their reviews.
I cannot say if those speculations are true or not. I have never tasted cumin in a cigar, but Cigar Aficionado says it is there. I am personally not a big fan of their reviews as they don't say much of anything. A couple other magazine's also don't do much - they never say anything negative (Cigar Press & Cigar Magazine come to mind). I am inclined to think they're afraid to say something negative because some negativity in a review might lose them advertising $$. We never hear anything about that. I think we might be surprised to learn that the truth is far from that. If an honest assessment is taken of what does well and what doesn't in CA, you will see that many times it has nothing to do with how much $$ was spent. I have seen ads in that mag where the company's cigar earns a 84 rating, and a 94 rated cigars has no ad in the whole magazine. At least they are willing to be negative, which says a lot, at least from my perspective What the issue boils down to, is that our grousing about their ranking comes because we already have our own prejudices. We think things must be that way because our tastes (prejudices) run differently. Let's face reality, there is a certain amount of prejudice on Cigar Asylum too. (both have the same initials, is that coincidence?) There are cigars which all (OK, an overgeneralization) here have agreed suck - Cuba Aliados, Puros Indios, Gurkhas, etc... There are cigars which all (OK, another overgeneralization) here have agreed are the cat's meow - Viaje, Tatuaje, LPs, Cubans, etc... {you get the idea?} To my eyes, it often looks like hype and the $$ do more than the actual quality of the stick here in the Asylum too. It often appears that the more expensive a cigar, the better they are. Or, if a couple people clamour loudly about them {the right people, of course}, the better they must be. And everybody climbs aboard that wagon. On the other hand, if they're cheap, or if the the right people poo poo them, then everybody thinks they suck. And, they pile on that wagon as well. I think that if most people did a blind taste test, their thoughts on cigars would be much different than they are. I don't have many of the HTFs in either CCs or NCs, but I am guessing that they wouldn't rank as high as some people put them. I also think that some of the cigars which many people think are terrible would score a bit higher were they to be tried blind. How can I say this? I smoked nearly 75 different cigars for SMOKE magazine in 1999 as one of their reviewer. Every single cigar I had was a blind sample, and each sample contained 3-4 of that particular cigar. I'd get baggies with cigars, and the outside of the baggie would be labeled like this; Robusto #4, Torpedo #50, Churchill #7, Petite Corona #1, etc... After smoking them, sending in my reviews, and the publishing of the magazine, I'd be told what I smoked. When I found out what I had sampled, I was amazed. There were some that I had thought highly of which didn't do so well without the band. There were some that I wouldn't have bought with the band on, which I picked up after smoking blind. There were a few that performed well, and when told what they were, I was glad. There were some that performed poorly, and when told what they were, I was confirmed in my previous estimation. I think our own prejudices get in the way of our tastebuds sometimes. I for one know that it is hard to do. We hear something negative about someone, we find it hard to let that color our opinion of them. The same is true of our expectations in cigars as well. Had I the financial wherewithal to do so, I'd love to give a half dozen or more people some "great" cigars, some "middle of the road" cigars, and some "bad" cigars to try in blind samples. I wouldn't tell anybody the brands of what they might be smoking, it would be completely blind. But, I'd need to get some of those cigars which people have hyped and some others that my own prejudice would say, "I'm not spending my $$ on that." I can say, from my own personal experience (and conversations with others who reviewed blind samples) that people would be surprised about the results. Peace of the Lord be with you. |
Re: Do Our Prejudices Show?
It's a good point. Most folks (me included) like to feel they're "in with the in crowd." And, most of us can't afford to be in with the CA crowd. So, it suits us to find something wrong with it.
Re: Do Our Prejudices Show?
I don't post a whole lot, but I enjoy reading the forums. I would say that the Asylum sets up my expectations of certain cigars, but the "smoke what you like" mantra has a strong following and I feel fine saying I liked/disliked cigars that are popular/unpopluar around here. For example, I have no problem saying that I had a Pirate's Gold the other day and I enjoyed it.
I just think the community becomes more critical when outside organizations post these top 25 lists. It's just our culture today to suspect that people/organizations we don't know to have some ulterior motives. |
Re: Do Our Prejudices Show?
Re: Do Our Prejudices Show?
i agree Rev. just look at the Gurkha. a lot of people here dont like them and thats fine with me. i personally like a few of them and will admit some, to me are dog turds. if i happen to smoke one that day i will post it on under the thread "what did you smoke" without a care. i have seen multiple posts about some "great" NC cigars and i will admit i will go and buy a fiver and try them out (Viaje, Tats, LP, etc. etc.) not to fit in but to try them out and see if i like them. if i do i will buy more and if not i wont. but if i didnt listen to what people thought about certain cigars i wouldnt have found a few that i really like... but all in all it still boils down to "like what you smoke and smoke what you like".
Re: Do Our Prejudices Show?
Everyone has prejudices. We call most of them "life experiences". We all view everything through the filters that our brain has created to make sense of the world. Nothing wrong with that.
Boards like CA are very diverse and people are not afraid to express an opinion. I think, as has been mentioned, that people are more likely to attack a non-CA source than a CA one. That's human nature - strike at that which cannot defend itself or strike back. When a board gets big enough, the members themselves become more or less anonymous to most, which further enables the attack mentality - no one is likely to meet you in person and call you on what you said. It is also a CA trait for a certain percentage to "pile on" in certain types of threads. Historically, at CA and CS, cigar aficionado rankings have been taken with a grain of salt. For some reason, this has emerged as an "attack them" mentality instead of a "who cares, let's talk about something else" mentality. Just my observations colored by my prejudices. |
Re: Do Our Prejudices Show?
We all have what we like and dont like. I read the reviews and will try some on recommendations. I have tried some that I would not normally pick up because someone, whom has similar tastes to mine, suggested it. I have also avoided some for the same reasons. I have some $ cigars that taste like $$$$ to me. I have stopped chasing the HTF botique cigars and focus on what I like. It has taken me three years to get to this point, but I am happy with it. As for CA and other mags I take reading them with a grain of salt. I totally believe their list are affected by ad dollars.
Re: Do Our Prejudices Show?
I agree with your overall point. What we think and what we know about our taste preferences go out the window when the blindfolds are on. The blind taste test is a great way to humble your palate. I've been part of and administered blind tests with cigars (Cuban and NC) and with drinks. The tasters ranged from newbies to highly educated palates. It's not as easy as one might think. I guarantee for sure that no one could pick out 5/5 Cuban robustos for example. Most people have a hard time identifying Cubans and NC within a batch of 10 cigars. Add in the pressure of publicly stating your opinion, things get even harder. So it's not surprising that lower tiered brands get a high score once the bands are off.
Re: Do Our Prejudices Show?
Really anymore I only trust one individual reviewer as he's the only reviewer from any source that has almost perfectly matched my palate. Everyone else I take with a grain of salt, and certain ones its more like a boulder of salt
Re: Do Our Prejudices Show?
We used to do a lot of blind tests in the other forum days and some here when CA got up and going. Not a big draw now, though, not like it used to be. I read a lot of those taste tests and I knew what people liked that were doing the reviews. Without bands, they (and I) would often pick a cigar I know we wouldn't buy and would be very surprised by what it offered. Then sometimes the high end smoke would get a 'me' nod unbanded. Those days were real eye openers. I know what I like now but I know diving back in a BTT would probably offer up some surprises. The power of suggestion does play tricks.
Re: Do Our Prejudices Show?
Jack on
Sorry for the thread jack, Rev, but this thread may spark some interest in folks making their own blind tests. http://www.cigarasylum.com/vb/showth...?t=927&page=48 Jack off - carry on. |
Re: Do Our Prejudices Show?
My point wasn't so much against the attack on Cigar Aficionado, it was more about what we all think are good/excellent/bad cigars. I'd like people to rethink what they are allowing to influence what they believe are good/excellent/bad cigars - whether it is their own tastes or the opinions of others. Hey, when someone who's tastes I know are similar to mine says he/she likes a cigar, chances are I will like it. So, I am inclined to try it. By the same token, I have a couple friends whose tastes I know are almost polar opposite of mine - if they 'hate' a cigar, I will probably enjoy it. So, I am inclined to try it. Hey, if we can rethink our prejudices and set them aside, just like in real life, maybe we can try some new things. Who know, we might find a new favorite. Peace of the Lord be with you. |
Re: Do Our Prejudices Show?
Re: Do Our Prejudices Show?
I've noticed one thing.. I generally try to smoke at least a few cigars of one type, because sometimes the hype of the cigar makes my first experience glorious.. And the following sessions not so good. It's happened again and again.. Sadly enough for me, I really do enjoy the LPs and the Tats and the Illusiones.. And because of that, my cigar budget always exceeds my cigar budget.
Re: Do Our Prejudices Show?
I agree that there is a trendiness to cigars. Your point is well taken that my top 10 list would just be unique to myself and I'm sure many would like a few cigars on my list and might even agree that one of mine made their top 10.
I've read a lot of top 10 lists from bloggers to CA and only 1 or two even got picked twice. I prefer to look at these lists as guides to cigars to try. My cigar ADD forces me to try new things so I'll check out a list or two for ideas. On that note, I've a box of Ortega Serie D Maduros on there way!!! Hoo yaa! Oh, and Cuba Aliados Miami's are good cigars so leave them for me biatches!!! http://i1100.photobucket.com/albums/...758B4639CB.jpg |
Re: Do Our Prejudices Show?
Peace of the Lord be with you. |
Re: Do Our Prejudices Show?
I agree with this, to an extent. While sometimes the opinions of others may sway me into trying a stick (specifically for those that enjoy a lot of what I enjoy), but for the most part I enjoy trying new sticks. I also use the two stick rule, as I may have received a "dud" before placing judgment on any cigar. I am a really huge fan of the Viaje line, but they have plenty of sticks in their line-up that I don't think are worth a hill of beans. I'm sure I have a few sticks in my "All Time Top 10" that plenty of others would never smoke and I am alright with that, because it's what I enjoy. :2
Re: Do Our Prejudices Show?
I also understand that after a few experiences, a person gets gun shy. There are brands that I also steer clear of for the most part, they have bit me on more than one occasion and I won't go back. I have had a couple decent Gurkhas, so I don't write them off immediately, but I also don't buy them anymore. Torano on the other hand, I concur with your assessment. And I avoid Victor Sinclair like the plague - they have majorly failed on too many occasions. On the other side of the coin, there are some which used to really excite me (in the day), but which I now approach with trepidation: Arturo Fuente stuff being one that quickly comes to mind. And still other have remained amazingly consistent, El Rey del Mundo Robustos and some others being prime examples. I have had a couple cigars which absolutely blew me away. Upon returning to buy the same cigar only a couple months later, major disappointment is all I find. I'll usually have a few of the originals in my first purchase, they are fine - the new stuff is almost unrecognizable as from the same maker. Tatuaje has done that to me with 2 cigars. Of course, I also know that my tastes have morphed/changed. Some of what I liked, I do not any longer. The cigars remain the same, but I no longer get the enjoyment I did out of certain cigars. Peace of the Lord be with you. |
Re: Do Our Prejudices Show?
Personally, trying new cigars also has to happen in a certain setting. Everybody is different in that regard, but I like trying new stuff around other cigar smokers. Not always true, but often. So, this approach also limits new cigar intake. Most often, I smoke what I like because it makes my tastebuds happy. Peace of the Lord be with you. |
Re: Do Our Prejudices Show?
The thing is, that these "Top 10" lists give the semblance of objectivity to something that is, without doubt, subjective and thus are of no use to anyone, beyond entertainment. I don't read Cigar Aficionado so I don't see the hype or the ads, so I'm not affected by them. I get 99% of my cigar information right here, and if you ask me, we probably have more accumulated cigar knowledge, right here, than all the magazines combined.
Re: Do Our Prejudices Show?
I quit reading their reviews and stopped buying their magazine when I realized finally that
they don't really SAY anything. They tend to re-use the same tired phrases and use a large portion of the already tiny blurb to tell me the wrapper was rumpled or the cigar LOOKED uniform. Who the hell cares how it looks? Its clear they are just trying to fill space in a review that is already woefully short. I liked Treasure Island very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, much. Its about a pirate who owns this island that has some treasure on it. Couple that crap with the whole lifestyle yacht coverage and 10,000 dollar pens and you can take ALL of it and cram it. I don't really care WHAT the factor is that causes them to sell out and say such useless things. I only know they do it. |
Re: Do Our Prejudices Show?
Re: Do Our Prejudices Show?
Tell us how you really feel, Brad!:D
Re: Do Our Prejudices Show?
Nice topic Todd. Might make it fun next herf if we all exchanged a blind stick and did a review.
Re: Do Our Prejudices Show?
Funny thing is, I thought about this earlier - I already have the cigars picked out. I know the cost because I figured out what to buy, shipping to me and then shipping out to others. That cost would get everybody 15 decent cigars. These are all cigars I personally enjoy and would have no problem spending the money to buy them. But, I don't think anybody would want to spend $75 to get in on a blind tast test. Peace of the Lord be with you. |
Re: Do Our Prejudices Show?
Yeah, excellent idea but you're right, I wouldnt spend money on a blind taste test.
Re: Do Our Prejudices Show?
Hmm I'd be interested in paying to participate in the blind taste test.
Re: Do Our Prejudices Show?
Re: Do Our Prejudices Show?
and I wanted to know about cuban cigars. But I wasn't learning too much about cigars from that rag. Your average cigar review is what, 40 words? What is this, cigar-twitter? I know what you are thinking...Brad, why don't YOU try to trim the words down a bit? Nah. What used to get me the maddest was this typical line (from a 'blind' taste test.) "The cigar shows signs of being poorly rolled, in fact, the whole box looks that way." :sh |
Re: Do Our Prejudices Show?
I'd be happy to put together a couple blind review fivers, Todd.
It's been a long time since I've done anything like this, I think the last was with the old value smokes I had put back for a few years. (They didn't fare well.) If you have a list of smokes in mind, pm me. I'll do the best I can to match them up. Even if we just do one reviewer at a time, that'd be fun. If you have a reviewer in mind, that'd be good. I think Jamie would do a good job, Brad would, too. |
Re: Do Our Prejudices Show?
Said before and said it again- I've always been interested in blind reviews/doing one.
Let me know if one comes up and the price, and I'd most likely be in. |
Re: Do Our Prejudices Show?
Blind taste test - for all those that want to give it a whirl, we already have an active thread. It's a lot of fun if you've never tried it.
Blind Taste Test |
Re: Do Our Prejudices Show?
I think what is being proposed is quite a bit different then the blind taste thread above. This is more of a blind review panel. I'm in for a new thread and pay to be a panel reviewer.
Re: Do Our Prejudices Show?
Why so many sticks? we do a blind review on another forum with pipe tobacco and cigars. a fiver out of your personal stash would be enough I think. sending diff. vitolas of the same would be expensive. send him one vitola, get him interested, and he seeks out the others on his own if he enjoys it or just sticks with that one. he would in turn send out five of his own out of his humi. The only real cost to play should be the postage for each send. post everything here on your thread so everyone keeps everyone honest, and keeps interest with constant bumps.pics are always fun.:2
Re: Do Our Prejudices Show?
Jamie, this isn't a replacement for that thread in any way shape or form. |
Re: Do Our Prejudices Show?
Hey, if you don't like the idea, you don't need to play. |
Re: Do Our Prejudices Show?
I can say from being in many blind wine tasting, people are all over the place. There is prejudice at all levels of the experience. Just like people assume color implies certain characteristics. I've always want to drink or smoke with someone who is blind and get a feel for their perspective.
Re: Do Our Prejudices Show?
I like reading CA at the local B & M while having a smoke. Do their ratings count? Not really. It seems that they review many cigar lines that I have never heard of and will never try.
Re: Do Our Prejudices Show?
Re: Do Our Prejudices Show?
If you, or anybody else is interested in getting in on this, look in on the other thread. http://www.cigarasylum.com/vb/showthread.php?t=60169 Peace of The Lord be with you. |
Re: Do Our Prejudices Show?
Great topic! When I first got into cigars I went head first down a cliff. I bought tons of htf and vintage smokes and was enamored with it all. I have since done a complete 180. I only smoke pedestrian smokes as they are a better value than the crapshoot that is vintage, regional, htf, etc etc. I recently have been trying a lot of NC's as well. I do favor Tatuaje as they are a stronger smoke but I have tried a bunch of different other brands. Some I have come to enjoy as well.
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