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RevSmoke 12-31-2012 01:23 PM

LP - Is it me?
OK, I've been watching the love-fest over the Liga Privada lines - 9 & 52. I have tried a Flying Pig from each. I have had a one or two of the parallel size in each. I have even tried a couple Undercrowns.

The reason I bring this up, and I am not trying to be a "hater," is because everybody's tastes are different. Having said that, it appears I am the only one who isn't on the band wagon with the LP/Undercrown lines.

They all have a great aesthetic appeal, for the are amazing looking sticks. I have even enjoyed the room note that the T52 line produces. I really want to like these cigars. But having said that, I found that I was not impressed with any that I have tried. To me they were strong and one-dimensional, leaving me quickly disinterested. They had some interesting flavors to begin, but I got bored with them fairly quickly.

I fournd them to be strong, and that wasn't a problem, as I love strong, but strong for the sake of strong, without any nuance or complexity, was seriously disappointing. In fact, I put an #9 FP down at the 1/2 way point as I was bored and wanting some flavor and excitement.

[An aside... I thought it might be that I cannot handle strong cigars. But then I considered some things. I love Litto Gomez Diez, I love the LG Small Batch, I love the LFD Coronados, also the LFD Air Benders. I think most of these are fairly full-bodied. But then I do not like the LFD Double Ligero and can only tolerate the LFD Ligero as they are, to my tastes, strong and seriously one dimensional.]

What gets me is that at their prices I am completely and totally underwhelmed by them. I do not get it. Are my tastebuds out of whack? Or am I the only one courageous enough to speak my mind (the emporer is naked)? Or is it simply that my tastes are just not up to this?

Now the Papa Fritas is out and I have been reading the love-fest over this CUT filler cigar. So I'm thinking...
I don't think the LPs are worth the price they get for them.Is a cut filler cigar, from the dropping of cigars I haven't enjoyed, really something to get excited about?
Is any cut filler cigar worth $5.00 (OK, $4.99) a stick?

[Another asided... I do love the MUWAT Bait Fish. I finally tried one of them and really enjoyed it. I will look for some more of those. I haven't tried any other MUWAT sizes, but that may change. Maybe not.]

So, what are your thoughts on the questions I raised? Is it just me? Or does someone have an explanation?

Peace of the Lord be with you.


icehog3 12-31-2012 01:31 PM

Re: LP - Is it me?
Chalk it up to different strokes, Todd.

I am not a huge NC guy anymore, so I have no fear of bashing the "hot" cigar of the week. But I tried my first Undercrown on Christmas Eve, and really liked it. And I had a Baitfish the week before, and thought it sucked. Just the opposite of you. Am I right, and you wrong? Of course's different strokes. Smoke what you like, like what you smoke. :)

RevSmoke 12-31-2012 01:35 PM

Re: LP - Is it me?

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1773824)
Chalk it up to different strokes, Todd.

I am not a huge NC guy anymore, so I have no fear of bashing the "hot" cigar of the week. But I tried my first Undercrown on Christmas Eve, and really liked it. And I had a Baitfish the week before, and thought it sucked. Just the opposite of you. Am I right, and you wrong? Of course's different strokes. Smoke what you like, like what you smoke. :)

I know it is different tastes. I know I don't like everything everbody else likes. I find many CCs I like and some I don't. I also find many NCs I like and some I don't. I also like some NCs more than some CCs and vice versa.

My thing was that with all the love being thrown around, maybe there's something I'm missing.

Taki 12-31-2012 01:36 PM

Re: LP - Is it me?

I got caught up in the craze over these cigars a while back and went on a buying spree buying every Liga I could get my hands on! I loved the construction and the amount of smoke that any DE cigar puts off however after the original rush wore off the only one I enjoyed was the L9 and the T52 Pig other than that I wasn't much of a fan of all the others! It may be because my tastes have changes but I can't agree more that they have the same complexity though out. One thing that drove me nuts and quit honestly alway from the DE line is that everything that comes out is HTF or rare and you have to scavenge the earth looking for it! Anyway...I may go back to the L9 one day but thanks to my neighbor I will gladly grab a CC for the same price and get a much better smoke IMO!

TJarv 12-31-2012 01:37 PM

Re: LP - Is it me?
Have you had the Undercrown corona Todd? I thought that this little stick was quite good for the price (can be had for $5/cigar). To me they seem to have flavor changes.

borndead1 12-31-2012 01:38 PM

Re: LP - Is it me?
It's not just you. I haven't been impressed by any Liga either. The #9 is a decent smoke but doesn't justify the price tag, and the Undercrown to me tastes like it was cured in a can of turpentine. I snagged a bundle of "My Uzi Weighs a Ton" too, and those have been a big "meh" so far.

icehog3 12-31-2012 01:43 PM

Re: LP - Is it me?
Nothing wrong with you Todd, I see the Lil Monster hype, and think they suck. I see Baitfish hype, and think they suck. Then I like a cigar people bash. It's all individual tastes, hype only means something if one lets it mean something. :2

TJarv 12-31-2012 01:47 PM

Re: LP - Is it me?

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1773840)
Nothing wrong with you Todd, I see the Lil Monster hype, and think they suck. I see Baitfish hype, and think they suck. Then I like a cigar people bash. It's all individual tastes, hype only means something if one lets it mean something. :2

I never bought any lil monsters, but I snagged some mummies when they came out. The baitfish was a let down to me, but a lot of people love that little cigar.

Todd just chalk it up as not for you and move on to something you enjoy

RevSmoke 12-31-2012 01:49 PM

Re: LP - Is it me?

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1773840)
Nothing wrong with you Todd, I see the Lil Monster hype, and think they suck. I see Baitfish hype, and think they suck. Then I like a cigar people bash. It's all individual tastes, hype only means something if one lets it mean something. :2

But I usually like stronger cigars.

By the way, "love" the Baitfish might have been strong. I got one at Titletown the other night and let's just say, considering what I think of the other Drew Estates stuff, I was impressed. I didn't expect to like it at all.

RevSmoke 12-31-2012 01:51 PM

Re: LP - Is it me?

Originally Posted by TJarv (Post 1773832)
Have you had the Undercrown corona Todd? I thought that this little stick was quite good for the price (can be had for $5/cigar). To me they seem to have flavor changes.

I had a toro and a robusto of the Undercrown. As I said, I was underwhelmed.

icehog3 12-31-2012 02:16 PM

Re: LP - Is it me?

Originally Posted by RevSmoke (Post 1773847)
I had a toro and a robusto of the Undercrown. As I said, I was underwhelmed.

I hear the Corona Viva is the best by far of the Undercrowns from a few NC lovers, Todd.

RevSmoke 12-31-2012 02:21 PM

Re: LP - Is it me?

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1773856)
I hear the Corona Viva is the best by far of the Undercrowns from a few NC lovers, Todd.

If I find one, I'll give it a try.

cmitch 12-31-2012 02:27 PM

Re: LP - Is it me?
While I think the #9's are okay, I generally don't stock them. I like the T52's better and the FFP. I found the Undercrowns to be so-so at best. I've also noted that the last box of T52's I've bought were just not as good as the older ones. I saved back a couple of older ones when the new ones came in. I smoked an older one last week and I can definitely say the older release is better.

kelmac07 12-31-2012 02:31 PM

Re: LP - Is it me?
I am a HUGE fan of the LP No. 9 :dr!! Now the, the T52...not so much. As for the Undercrown, the only one that I've thoroughly and completely enjoyed was the Corona Viva...and this size WOWED me :dr, the other sizes were "ok" at best.

I, too, am a HUGE fan of a lot of Litto Gomez stuff, but I think the Air Bender is complete garbage. I have smoked 6-7 of them, different sizes (maduro included) and have been, to quote you, "completely and totally underwhelmed by them". I guess it all goes back to the old adage "Smoke what you like, like what you smoke!" :D

shilala 12-31-2012 02:49 PM

Re: LP - Is it me?
If anything, I'd say I've been underwhelmed by all this stuff.
I get real bored with a one-dimensional stick, and these are great at that. The flavor isn't something that grabbed me and made me forget how one-dimensional they were, but they were okay.
When I smoked them, I kept thinking "it doesn't taste like tobacco" for whatever reason. I can't hardly explain it, but they didn't strike me as something I've become used to. They didn't make me want more, either.
Add to that the premium price and it made the whole lineup undesirable to me.

I can easily see why guys would like the cigars, and I can see where the value is in them. They just didn't/don't trip my trigger despite wanting to like them.
I put some away to see how they do with a little time, but I don't expect much. I imagine they'll just mellow, and I feel that they're one of those cigars that's at it's best new.

RobR1205 12-31-2012 02:51 PM

Re: LP - Is it me?
I sometimes find it hard to be objective when judging a cigar that is so hyped up, but I guess that's just human nature sometimes. I do like the Undercrown line a lot, but there have been some Viajes and Tats that I almost forced myself to keep smoking, hoping they would get better. But hey, that's just me!

Ashcan Bill 12-31-2012 02:52 PM

Re: LP - Is it me?
I actually just tried a No. 9 for the first time two nights ago. It seemed to be constructed well, burned great, had a surprisingly loose draw, gave decent enough flavor. All in all it was okay but just didn't wow me. I don't like to judge a cigar after just one try, but I can't see myself rushing out to get more. Not to say I won't try another one or two someday, but right now I wouldn't put them high on my list.

688sonarmen 12-31-2012 02:55 PM

Re: LP - Is it me?
I'm not a fan of the LP stuff. I dropped the coin on a box of T-52 robustos a few years ago. At first they tasted like steak, just a great different cigar. Then after a few months they lost ALL flavor. I happily traded them for some aged CC's. I have tried several from the other LP lines and do not like them for the price. I think they are one trick ponies and would rather smoke something else for the coin. The Undercrowns are ok though but not box worthy IMHO, which is what it all comes down to (an opinion).I do think DE does an excellent job of tapping into the emotional side of marketing and that is where a large part of the sales come from (Again, my opinion).

TJarv 12-31-2012 02:59 PM

Re: LP - Is it me?

Originally Posted by RevSmoke (Post 1773861)
If I find one, I'll give it a try.

Oh really-(P

DaBear 12-31-2012 03:13 PM

Re: LP - Is it me?
The first run of undercrowns were great, nice oily wrappers, great spice to em with a touch of earthiness. Then the second and subsequent runs came in and they all flat out sucked. The coronas are the only ones to maintain any sort of consistency from batch to batch and are a solid smoke, but I could never smoke another of the other sizes and be perfectly happy.

If you didnt like the 9s then steer clear of the papas fritas, theyre a 9 just not as sweet. It all comes down to the old saying, smoke what you like, like what you smoke. There are a number of talked a bout sticks I love, and for every one of those theres one talked about stick I cant stand

Scottw 12-31-2012 03:13 PM

Re: LP - Is it me?
Todd, the first 9 I smoked was amazing IMO, the half dozen I have smoked since where underwhelming. I liked my first Undercrown, disliked the rest. I loved the T52 pig but don't care for the robusto. Who knows. As Tom said and you know.....smoke what you like. I can think of better things than to be in love with a cigar that retails for 12 bucks. I'll stick with my 5 dollar boli pcs.

cmitch 12-31-2012 03:30 PM

Re: LP - Is it me?

Originally Posted by kelmac07 (Post 1773867)
I am a HUGE fan of the LP No. 9 :dr!! Now the, the T52...not so much. As for the Undercrown, the only one that I've thoroughly and completely enjoyed was the Corona Viva...and this size WOWED me :dr, the other sizes were "ok" at best.

I, too, am a HUGE fan of a lot of Litto Gomez stuff, but I think the Air Bender is complete garbage. I have smoked 6-7 of them, different sizes (maduro included) and have been, to quote you, "completely and totally underwhelmed by them". I guess it all goes back to the old adage "Smoke what you like, like what you smoke!" :D

How was the UF-4? As for me, they were not what I expected. Underwhelming is a good term.


Originally Posted by Scottw
Todd, the first 9 I smoked was amazing IMO, the half dozen I have smoked since where underwhelming. I liked my first Undercrown, disliked the rest. I loved the T52 pig but don't care for the robusto. Who knows. As Tom said and you know.....smoke what you like. I can think of better things than to be in love with a cigar that retails for 12 bucks. I'll stick with my 5 dollar boli pcs.

The FFP I think is the best stick of the bunch.

kelmac07 12-31-2012 03:31 PM

Re: LP - Is it me?

Originally Posted by cmitch (Post 1773899)
How was the UF-4? As for me, they were not what I expected. Underwhelming is a good term.

Actually Clayton, I just today moved it into my travel humi to torch within the next few VCM herfs. :D

cmitch 12-31-2012 03:41 PM

Re: LP - Is it me?

Originally Posted by kelmac07 (Post 1773900)
Actually Clayton, I just today moved it into my travel humi to torch within the next few VCM herfs. :D

I have 5 left. Needed age even tho they were released in fall of '11. I hope they get better.

RevSmoke 12-31-2012 04:29 PM

Re: LP - Is it me?

Originally Posted by DaBear (Post 1773892)
The first run of undercrowns were great, nice oily wrappers, great spice to em with a touch of earthiness. Then the second and subsequent runs came in and they all flat out sucked. The coronas are the only ones to maintain any sort of consistency from batch to batch and are a solid smoke, but I could never smoke another of the other sizes and be perfectly happy.

If you didnt like the 9s then steer clear of the papas fritas, theyre a 9 just not as sweet. It all comes down to the old saying, smoke what you like, like what you smoke. There are a number of talked a bout sticks I love, and for every one of those theres one talked about stick I cant stand

That's exactly what I say below. I started the thread to see if I was the only one out there. And, as much to start a conversation as anything else.

RevSmoke 12-31-2012 04:32 PM

Re: LP - Is it me?

Originally Posted by shilala (Post 1773882)
If anything, I'd say I've been underwhelmed by all this stuff.
I get real bored with a one-dimensional stick, and these are great at that. The flavor isn't something that grabbed me and made me forget how one-dimensional they were, but they were okay.
When I smoked them, I kept thinking "it doesn't taste like tobacco" for whatever reason. I can't hardly explain it, but they didn't strike me as something I've become used to. They didn't make me want more, either.
Add to that the premium price and it made the whole lineup undesirable to me.

I can easily see why guys would like the cigars, and I can see where the value is in them. They just didn't/don't trip my trigger despite wanting to like them.
I put some away to see how they do with a little time, but I don't expect much. I imagine they'll just mellow, and I feel that they're one of those cigars that's at it's best new.

I have noticed a number of cigars that get wimpier with age. Some mellow and smooth out. Most lose the sharp edges (if I can say it that way) to their unique flavor profiles.

So Scott, I know you think that Oliva Vs age well, what do you think about the Litto Gomez stuff, especially the LGD and Coronado lines?

Peace of the Lord be with you.

hammondc 12-31-2012 04:40 PM

Re: LP - Is it me?
I agree with you bro. Most of the trendy cigars just do not appeal to me. At lest not for their price points. I feel very strongly about that with regards to Liga/Tat. They are damn good smokes for half their MSRP.

RevSmoke 12-31-2012 04:46 PM

Re: LP - Is it me?

Originally Posted by kelmac07 (Post 1773867)
I am a HUGE fan of the LP No. 9 :dr!! Now the, the T52...not so much. As for the Undercrown, the only one that I've thoroughly and completely enjoyed was the Corona Viva...and this size WOWED me :dr, the other sizes were "ok" at best.

I, too, am a HUGE fan of a lot of Litto Gomez stuff, but I think the Air Bender is complete garbage. I have smoked 6-7 of them, different sizes (maduro included) and have been, to quote you, "completely and totally underwhelmed by them". I guess it all goes back to the old adage "Smoke what you like, like what you smoke!" :D

Interesting view on the Air Bender in comparison. Compared to the LGs, Coronados, and Small Batch, I've only had a couple - in fact just one of each size. I haven't bought any of them yet, only because financed haven't favored me doing so. Maybe I need to revisit them before a box purchase.

T.G 12-31-2012 05:46 PM

Re: LP - Is it me?

Originally Posted by RevSmoke (Post 1773817)
The reason I bring this up, and I am not trying to be a "hater," is because everybody's tastes are different. Having said that, it appears I am the only one who isn't on the band wagon with the LP/Undercrown lines.

They all have a great aesthetic appeal, for the are amazing looking sticks. I have even enjoyed the room note that the T52 line produces. I really want to like these cigars. But having said that, I found that I was not impressed with any that I have tried. To me they were strong and one-dimensional, leaving me quickly disinterested. They had some interesting flavors to begin, but I got bored with them fairly quickly.

I wouldn't worry about it.

Right around when the T-52 was first coming out or maybe even a bit before, Steve Saka and I were having a conversation about the 52, the then upcoming Dirty Rat and a few other projects that they were working on at DE and he made a comment that went something like "Invariably, if you make a cigar that everyone likes, you've made a cigar that no one will love."

The converse is also true, in making a cigar that appeals so strongly to some smoker's tastes that they "love" it, you've made a cigar that is not going to be to everyone's tastes.

So you don't like the Liga Privada line. No big deal, not everyone is going to love it. Maybe someday they will release something that you do like, or, maybe that day will never come. Who knows?

RevSmoke 01-01-2013 11:01 AM

Re: LP - Is it me?

Originally Posted by T.G (Post 1773954)
I wouldn't worry about it.

Right around when the T-52 was first coming out or maybe even a bit before, Steve Saka and I were having a conversation about the 52, the then upcoming Dirty Rat and a few other projects that they were working on at DE and he made a comment that went something like "Invariably, if you make a cigar that everyone likes, you've made a cigar that no one will love."

The converse is also true, in making a cigar that appeals so strongly to some smoker's tastes that they "love" it, you've made a cigar that is not going to be to everyone's tastes.

So you don't like the Liga Privada line. No big deal, not everyone is going to love it. Maybe someday they will release something that you do like, or, maybe that day will never come. Who knows?

I am not exactly "worried" about it. Was simply curious if I was alone in my estimation of the LPs. And, as I said earlier, it was also something of a conversatin starter.

Peace of the Lord be with you.

Gabe215 01-01-2013 07:46 PM

Re: LP - Is it me?
I totally agree with undercrown, have never liked them, find them barely smokeable, have actually been wanting to revisit the ¡Viva! Soon because I always hear praise for it so I will give it a second shot on a night that I am willing to take a chance. T52 were good but not worth the coin, and the L40 was a let down especially since I love the size.... but love 9s, Baitfish, FFP Dirty Rats, A's.

MajorCaptSilly 01-01-2013 08:00 PM

Re: LP - Is it me?
I tried the #9 when it came out. Didn't like it and never tried any of the others. May try them some day but am not in a rush.


dave 01-02-2013 07:18 AM

Re: LP - Is it me?
T52 - First one I tried was best cigar I'd ever had to that point. Ambient enviromment no doubt affected experience. But, all I've had since have been very enjoyable, if never quite approaching initial one.
LP9 - Never had a bad one. Never had one blow me away either. I won't pay retail for them.
Dirty Rat - Always enjoyed; worth retail to try - or on the rare occassion I come across one, but won't seek them out and won't buy any to have around.
Pigs - Meh.
FFP - Had first one yesterday. Great 9 dollar cigar. Unfortunately, I paid $23 for two in CA, and $18 for two here in VA. I won't buy another. Great combo of smooth/sweet/pepper....but not very complex, IMHO.
Undercrown - Like, not love. I like these OK at under $100/box. One of VERY few San Andres wrapped cigars I enjoy. Not one to sit and contemplate, however. Good knockaround cigar to enjoy while doing something else.

Stevez 01-02-2013 03:02 PM

Re: LP - Is it me?

Originally Posted by TJarv (Post 1773832)
Have you had the Undercrown corona Todd? I thought that this little stick was quite good for the price (can be had for $5/cigar). To me they seem to have flavor changes.

I do buy them occassionally and have tried many of them. The FFP was the best in my opinion, but certainly not worth $15/stick. Just bought a 5ver of the Undercrown corona's and have had two and I agree they are very tasty. Great looking cigar, great burn and great flavor. Not sure that my palate is sophisticated enough to notice multiple dimensions to be honest; just know that I liked them. To me the worst one was the T52's.

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