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xFreebirdx 11-28-2012 03:53 PM

MasterCard will no longer support the sales of tobacco products online
Personally I don't use Master Card.

Just a heads up!


To our customers,

Please be advised that we have been informed that MasterCard will no longer support the sales of tobacco products online. We encourage our customers using MasterCard for their CigarBoxPA purchases to please begin using a different card if possible. We are accepting Discover, Visa and American Express. We apologize for any inconveniences this may cause and thank you for your cooperation.

Thank you,


Robulous78 11-28-2012 04:05 PM

Re: MasterCard will no longer support the sales of tobacco products on
Just another example of big business/Government thinking they know what is best for you...

I don't have a Mastercard, but this assures that if I were offered one I wouldn't accept it...

never_enough 11-28-2012 04:09 PM

Re: MasterCard will no longer support the sales of tobacco products on
Damn, my debit and credit card are both mastercard. :gary

never_enough 11-28-2012 04:10 PM

Re: MasterCard will no longer support the sales of tobacco products on
If they are going to do this, then they should be "fair" and nix online alcohol sales too. Makes sense to me:sh

cmitch 11-28-2012 04:12 PM

Re: MasterCard will no longer support the sales of tobacco products on
Eventually, there will be a third party payer like poopail, to take care of online tobacco purchases.

T.G 11-28-2012 04:15 PM

Re: MasterCard will no longer support the sales of tobacco products on
Old news. This has been going on since about 2005. From what I recall, it's more about interstate cigarette purchases and their tax enforcement than anything else.

Can't honestly recall hearing of any time that it was enforced against a cigar order.

Robulous78 11-28-2012 04:15 PM

Re: MasterCard will no longer support the sales of tobacco products on

Originally Posted by never_enough (Post 1756319)
If they are going to do this, then they should be "fair" and nix online alcohol sales too. Makes sense to me:sh

Yea but Alcohol is publicly acceptable, even though it causes liver cancer and automobile accidents... :fp

All individuals, that enjoy the freedoms of their own judgement should take offense to ANY institution trying to influence or define what is and is not acceptable for them to partake...

never_enough 11-28-2012 04:23 PM

Re: MasterCard will no longer support the sales of tobacco products on

Originally Posted by Robulous78 (Post 1756325)
Yea but Alcohol is publicly acceptable, even though it causes liver cancer and automobile accidents... :fp

All individuals, that enjoy the freedoms of their own judgement should take offense to ANY institution trying to influence or define what is and is not acceptable for them to partake...

Oh I wasn't saying I want them to nix tobacco and alcohol transactions. Just if they are going to take a stand like this, might as well do both. Freakin bastards.

bvilchez 11-28-2012 04:24 PM

Re: MasterCard will no longer support the sales of tobacco products on

Originally Posted by T.G (Post 1756324)
Old news. This has been going on since about 2005. From what I recall, it's more about interstate cigarette purchases and their tax enforcement than anything else.

Can't honestly recall hearing of any time that it was enforced against a cigar order.

:tpd: 2 of my cards are MC and still have no problem making online purchases with them. Matter of fact I made a cigar purchase with 1 of them 2 weeks ago.


Originally Posted by Robulous78 (Post 1756325)
Yea but Alcohol is publicly acceptable, even though it causes liver cancer and automobile accidents... :fp

I thought it was the idiot behind the wheel that caused the collision. If you drink and drive I'm sorry to say but that is no accident.

xFreebirdx 11-28-2012 04:25 PM

Re: MasterCard will no longer support the sales of tobacco products on
I just got the email from "Cigar Box" today. I guess they mailed it out to all their customers regardless of the card they use. ;)

never_enough 11-28-2012 04:26 PM

Re: MasterCard will no longer support the sales of tobacco products on

Originally Posted by T.G (Post 1756324)
Old news. This has been going on since about 2005. From what I recall, it's more about interstate cigarette purchases and their tax enforcement than anything else.

Can't honestly recall hearing of any time that it was enforced against a cigar order.

Well if thats the case, I have been making purchases all along with them. Thought this was something new. Maybe they just cracked down on this one retailer and more are to follow? Who knows

bvilchez 11-28-2012 04:26 PM

Re: MasterCard will no longer support the sales of tobacco products on
Could it just be vendor specific then?

T.G 11-28-2012 04:29 PM

Re: MasterCard will no longer support the sales of tobacco products on

Originally Posted by never_enough (Post 1756340)
Well if thats the case, I have been making purchases all along with them. Thought this was something new. Maybe they just cracked down on this one retailer and more are to follow? Who knows

That's the point.

They don't enforce it. This one retailer probably just got the memo. Order away brother.

If they had cracked down, we'd have seen emails from the big guys (CI, JR, Holts, Famous, Schmompsons) already.

Robulous78 11-28-2012 04:30 PM

Re: MasterCard will no longer support the sales of tobacco products on

Originally Posted by bvilchez (Post 1756337)

I thought it was the idiot behind the wheel that caused the collision. If you drink and drive I'm sorry to say but that is no accident.

Tu Che... :gary

you are, of course, correct... I was more or less just saying that they are both "bad" in their own respects. The only determinable difference is that one is socially acceptable while the other is not. It comes down to the individual to use their judgement... When you heed your own ability to judge things to the judgement of others or of organizations you do not deserve the "freedom" you are so willing to give up...

hotreds 11-28-2012 04:33 PM

Re: MasterCard will no longer support the sales of tobacco products on

Originally Posted by T.G (Post 1756324)
Old news. This has been going on since about 2005. From what I recall, it's more about interstate cigarette purchases and their tax enforcement than anything else.

Can't honestly recall hearing of any time that it was enforced against a cigar order.


Originally Posted by bvilchez (Post 1756337)
:tpd: 2 of my cards are MC and still have no problem making online purchases with them. Matter of fact I made a cigar purchase with 1 of them 2 weeks ago.

Just made a cigar purchase with my MC yesterday. MC is not going to bite the hand that feeds them.

icehog3 11-28-2012 04:52 PM

Re: MasterCard will no longer support the sales of tobacco products on
This just in! The Earth is round!! :D

kelmac07 11-28-2012 04:53 PM

Re: MasterCard will no longer support the sales of tobacco products on

Originally Posted by hotreds (Post 1756348)
just made a cigar purchase with my mc yesterday. Mc is not going to bite the hand that feeds them.

X2 What Hugh said. :D

Robulous78 11-28-2012 04:54 PM

Re: MasterCard will no longer support the sales of tobacco products on

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1756357)
This just in! The Earth is round!! :D

WHAT? no way!!! I thought if I went far enough east I would end up on Mars... :r

shark 11-28-2012 05:02 PM

Re: MasterCard will no longer support the sales of tobacco products on

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1756357)
This just in! The Earth is round!! :D

No it's NOT!!! it's FLAT! And if you sail too far towards the horizon, you'll fall off and get eaten by huge sea monsters! :gary :D

iaMkcK 11-28-2012 05:27 PM

Re: MasterCard will no longer support the sales of tobacco products on
Meh, if a provider won't let me use a MC, I'll find another that will. Supply and Demand. I demand a steady supply, and if that is opposed, I will do what must be done. Like cry as a baby would :D

xFreebirdx 11-29-2012 05:47 AM

Re: MasterCard will no longer support the sales of tobacco products on
Here is a quote from another cigar site. One of the members did some digging........


I did some searching on this and found this statement: March 2011
Mastercard, at least here in the US, is now requiring any online, phone, or mail order purchase of tobacco products to pay them $1000.00 PER YEAR! I told them to go f themselves." I've heard this from other Vendors who will not accept MC....a lot of places are not going to allow themselves to be abused like this and stopped doing business with MC....
I also feel that all of our customers should be aware of what is going on, so bear with me and read on.

To our customers who have been using MasterCard to purchase tobacco products from us:

MasterCard has informed us that they will no longer allow us to process transactions using MasterCard
unless we register with them. The catch is that they charge a $1,000.00 annual fee to register.

I feel this is excessive, that it is extortion and I have chosen not to meet their demand.

This is yet another effort from the anti-tobacco movement to deny mature adults a simple pleasure in their life.

This leaves you with a choice of using a different credit card or to pay by check or money order. If you use the
check/money order method of payment we must make the decision to either immediately ship the product and hope the
check clears so we get paid, or to delay shipping for a reasonable time to allow the check to clear the bank and then
ship the product.

icehog3 11-29-2012 11:22 AM

Re: MasterCard will no longer support the sales of tobacco products on
Regardless of what his digging uncovered, I continue to use my Master Card to this day without problems.

xFreebirdx 11-29-2012 11:32 AM

Re: MasterCard will no longer support the sales of tobacco products on
Thats nice.........

All I posted was an email I received. Then I posted what a member on another forum found regarding a "fee" that Tobacco retailers had to pay to continue accepting Master Card for online Tobacoo sales.

Luckily, the Earth is still round.


icehog3 11-29-2012 11:45 AM

Re: MasterCard will no longer support the sales of tobacco products on

Originally Posted by xFreebirdx (Post 1756793)
Thats nice.........

All I posted was an email I received. Then I posted what a member on another forum found regarding a "fee" that Tobacco retailers had to pay to continue accepting Master Card for online Tobacoo sales.

Luckily, the Earth is still round.


Lucky for who?

Zane 11-29-2012 11:48 AM

Re: MasterCard will no longer support the sales of tobacco products on

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1756809)
Lucky for who?

For people who try to swim off the edge?

Zane 11-29-2012 11:51 AM

Re: MasterCard will no longer support the sales of tobacco products on
In a serious manner I work with Mastercard daily as the company I work for does servicing for a Mastercard debit card.

Good chance the 1000.00 Fee is probably a scare tactic to deter fraudsters.

People who setup a processing agreement with mastercard, rob people of there money and disappear.

markem 11-29-2012 11:52 AM

Re: MasterCard will no longer support the sales of tobacco products on

Originally Posted by icehog3 (Post 1756809)
Lucky for who?

Tom, as usual, you miss the truth that is on the Internet (TM, R, (c), etc). We live on a special disc that is know, to the Illuminati (TM, R, (c), etc) as Discworld (TM, R, (c), etc).

Discworld, a flat disc balanced on the backs of four elephants which, in turn, stand on the back of a giant turtle, Great A'Tuin.

Zane 11-29-2012 12:08 PM

Re: MasterCard will no longer support the sales of tobacco products on

Originally Posted by markem (Post 1756814)
Tom, as usual, you miss the truth that is on the Internet (TM, R, (c), etc). We live on a special disc that is know, to the Illuminati (TM, R, (c), etc) as Discworld (TM, R, (c), etc).

Discworld, a flat disc balanced on the backs of four elephants which, in turn, stand on the back of a giant turtle, Great A'Tuin.

I seem to respect you more and more every day heh.

loki 11-29-2012 12:14 PM

Re: MasterCard will no longer support the sales of tobacco products on
that's a usaa debit card, which i use for my cigar/backy buys, is a mastercard.

icehog3 11-29-2012 12:21 PM

Re: MasterCard will no longer support the sales of tobacco products on

Originally Posted by markem (Post 1756814)
Tom, as usual, you miss the truth that is on the Internet (TM, R, (c), etc). We live on a special disc that is know, to the Illuminati (TM, R, (c), etc) as Discworld (TM, R, (c), etc).

Discworld, a flat disc balanced on the backs of four elephants which, in turn, stand on the back of a giant turtle, Great A'Tuin.

If only I had known, Mr. Mark. :)


Originally Posted by loki (Post 1756825)
that's a usaa debit card, which i use for my cigar/backy buys, is a mastercard.

Read above, doesn't seem to be enforced by many vendors. ;)

czerbe 11-29-2012 01:31 PM

Re: MasterCard will no longer support the sales of tobacco products on

meatcake 08-02-2013 01:24 PM

Re: MasterCard will no longer support the sales of tobacco products on
This continues to be an issue and has become even more of a hot button for retailers. This doesn't really hurt the consumer but to give you an example. My fav b&m got their credit card account shut down because is this whole master card issue. It took them almost a week to get this resolved and during that time they were not able to accept any credit cards. They were required to pay a fine and sign up for the annual fee to resume business. Just seems like legalized mafia tactics to me. I say screw MasterCard. Glad I don't have one.

awsmith4 08-02-2013 01:29 PM

Re: MasterCard will no longer support the sales of tobacco products on

Originally Posted by T.G (Post 1756324)
Old news. This has been going on since about 2005. From what I recall, it's more about interstate cigarette purchases and their tax enforcement than anything else.

Can't honestly recall hearing of any time that it was enforced against a cigar order.

I have been rejected by my Mastercard trying to order cigars. When I called the bank they told me that Mastercard blocked it because it was a tobacco related purchase

357 08-02-2013 01:39 PM

Re: MasterCard will no longer support the sales of tobacco products on
I bet this has to do with the Feds limiting the amount banks can charge for debit/check card fees. A large percentage of debit cards carry the MC logo, including mine. Bank of America claimed this law cost them $1.7 Billion in 2012. It's currently in court.

meatcake 08-02-2013 01:43 PM

Re: MasterCard will no longer support the sales of tobacco products on
I think anyone that is a tobacco smoker should boycott MasterCard. That way they can feel the effect of their nazi tactics in the place it matters. In their wallets.
Less card holders = less interest gathered = less $$. And stockholders will NOT LIKE THAT.
Continuing to use mc to buy tobacco online just jeopardizes the vendors ability to do biz which in the long run will effect you.

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