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WaxingMoon 11-18-2012 07:21 PM

Diamonds are Forever
It's been a good couple of days.....

Started yesterday with a bunch of boards... and finished up like this.... Here's the woods.... Top left to bottom right...

Top Row: Bubinga & Wenge / Figured Birch & Bloodwood
2nd Row: Walnut / Northern Cherry & Southern Cherry / Figured Birch & Bloodwood
3rd Row: Butternut & Walnut / Walnut & Zebrawood / Figured Birch & Leopardwood
4th Row: Walnut / Butternut & Walnut / Figured Birch & Sapele / Male & Cherry

Today, the task at hand was diamonds out of 1/4" stock.... which started out as 4/4 stock.... so, needless to say, a lot of milling....

Got the first row glued up on seven of 'em... only six in this picture.... but, I got individual pics following...

The lid panels below will all go in to a box with the corresponding wood (at least two species) above.... I did keep up with which scrap was milled down from which box to try to keep it all consistent. The third species to creat the effect, well... that was mostly scrap that I had and boy, what a great way to use it!!!

I should have listened to my girlfriend a long, long time ago (on so many levels)..... this was her idea and there in, lies the confidence.

First up....

Cherry, Maple & Walnut - goes with the large Maple & Cherry box above in row 4....

Next up..... Figured Birch, Bloodwood & Pink Ivory..... going with the Figured Birch & Bloodwood box in row 2 above. The other Figured Birch & Bloodwood box in row 1 is going to be a keepsake box and will get a totally different treatment.

WaxingMoon 11-18-2012 07:22 PM

Re: Diamonds are Forever
Next up.... Butternut, Walnut & Macassar Ebony.... going with the Butternut & Walnut box in row 3 above.

Next.... Bubinga, Wenge & Cocobolo.... going with the Bubinga & Wenge box in row 1.

Next up.... Sapele, Figured Birch & Honduran Rosewood.... going with the Figured Birch & Sapele box in row 3.

Next up... Walnut, Zebrawood & Macassar Ebony.... going with the Walnut & Zebrawood box in row 3.

And the last one that I got glued up today..... Figured Birch, Leopardwood & Koa (lovin' my scraps).... going with the Figured Birch & Leopardwood box in row 4.

WaxingMoon 11-18-2012 07:22 PM

Re: Diamonds are Forever
That's all I got glued up today..... tomorrow I will get these two started..... Northern Cherry, Southern Cherry & Brazilian Cherry on the left..... Butternut, Walnut & Zebrawood on the right....

Note: the two solid walnut boxes above... are getting different lids altogether...

Stay tuned.... and thanks for looking......

I think I'll go play some tetris now.....

Ogre 11-18-2012 07:58 PM

Re: Diamonds are Forever
All I have to say is DAMN!!!!!!

Angry_Pirate 11-18-2012 08:01 PM

Re: Diamonds are Forever
Very cool Ed!!

never_enough 11-18-2012 08:04 PM

Re: Diamonds are Forever
Another fun project to watch. Awesome

363 11-18-2012 08:06 PM

Re: Diamonds are Forever
that is awesome man!

the jiggler 11-18-2012 09:45 PM

Re: Diamonds are Forever
Very,very cool. One of these days when the four kids are out on their own, I am gonna be giving you a call!

Robulous78 11-18-2012 10:27 PM

Re: Diamonds are Forever
Wow... Looks Amazing... Love the pictures :tu

Eleven 11-19-2012 06:09 AM

Re: Diamonds are Forever
I love the look and the effort you put into those. But you know the only thing that goes through my head when I see that pattern?

Nelenea 11-19-2012 08:59 AM

Re: Diamonds are Forever

WaxingMoon 11-19-2012 07:23 PM

Re: Diamonds are Forever
Round two.... not going to say too much.... my eyes are buggy too! Each lid gets 45 each of the 3 species.... for a total of 135 each... plus a few extras, just in case.... I'm doing 9 of them... so, I spend a great deal of the day... at the table saw....talking to my girl, thinking of about a zillion other things.... than cutting more than 1,215 of these #&%! diamonds..... lol

Managed to get 4 of them glued up and trimmed.... we'll se how tomorrow goes....

I missed a pic of one or three... but, I'll get it up here tomorrow.

Here's what the end of the day looked like today... phew!!!

Figured Birch, Bloodwood & Pink Ivory

Bubinga, Wenge & Cocobolo

Butternut, Walnut & Macassar Ebony

Figured Birch, Leopardwood & Koa

WaxingMoon 11-19-2012 07:24 PM

Re: Diamonds are Forever
Butternut, Walnut & FIgured Birch

North & South - Northern Cherry, Southern Cherry & Brazilian Cherr7

Walnut, Zebrawood & Macassar Ebony

dwoodward 11-19-2012 07:39 PM

Re: Diamonds are Forever
Oh my god! Those look amazing! Keep up the good work Ed!

TJarv 11-19-2012 09:41 PM

Re: Diamonds are Forever
Must resist.....

Boz 11-19-2012 10:39 PM

Re: Diamonds are Forever
Good grief Ed! Simply gorgeous.

WaxingMoon 11-22-2012 05:19 PM

Re: Diamonds are Forever
Coming along nicely.... I made 9 of these, of which 7 will be available for sale.... Rounded turn 3 and hauling a$$ down the back stretch.... should have some good pics in the next couple of days....

Here's the Walnut, Zebrawood & Macassar Ebony humidor as she sits right now.

Still need to do some inlay along the bottom and cove the lid.... But, she's starting to take form....

Thanks for looking....

PCR 11-22-2012 05:46 PM

Re: Diamonds are Forever
Absolute eye candy!

never_enough 11-22-2012 07:09 PM

Re: Diamonds are Forever
Gorgeous! These are going to look amazing!!!!!!

Cigar Mike 11-22-2012 07:59 PM

Re: Diamonds are Forever
Amazing work...good job!

Cville Cigar 11-24-2012 04:15 AM

Re: Diamonds are Forever
That truely, is a work of art. I am impressed at your vision of what you can see in a piece of wood:D

Ubiquitous 11-24-2012 04:24 AM

Re: Diamonds are Forever
Some great wood working skills!

WaxingMoon 11-24-2012 02:14 PM

Re: Diamonds are Forever
Getting down to the home stretch, but still.... a ways to go....

All are available & for sale, all are 17.5" x 10.5" x 6"

Feel free to contact me if you're interested.

Bubinga, Wenge & Cocobolo

Figured Birch, Bloodwood & Pink Ivory

Figured Birch, Leopardwood & Koa

Figured Birch, Sapele & Koa

Butternut, Walnut & Figured Birch

WaxingMoon 11-24-2012 02:15 PM

Re: Diamonds are Forever
Northern Cherry, Southern Cherry & Brazilian Cherry

Walnut, Zebrawood & Macassar Ebony

Bax 11-24-2012 02:44 PM

Re: Diamonds are Forever
Looks amazing!!!:tu

WaxingMoon 11-25-2012 03:12 PM

Re: Diamonds are Forever
Not a bad day today...... :)

never_enough 11-25-2012 03:36 PM

Re: Diamonds are Forever
Holy crap those are amazing looking. Damn I'm starting to think I need one :r

maninblack 11-26-2012 01:44 AM

Re: Diamonds are Forever
Dayuuuum!! Those all look amazing!!!

Robulous78 11-26-2012 01:47 AM

Re: Diamonds are Forever
The diamond work looks like 3D... Like its popping out of the top... :tu

irratebass 11-26-2012 04:21 AM

Re: Diamonds are Forever
Truly a work of art! :tu

Zane 11-26-2012 04:55 AM

Re: Diamonds are Forever
:wo. :dr. Amazing work!

Thrak 11-27-2012 10:38 AM

Re: Diamonds are Forever
Holy cow man thats amazing work!!!

mase 12-02-2012 05:48 AM

Re: Diamonds are Forever
Great work, Ed!

Ubiquitous 12-02-2012 06:44 AM

Re: Diamonds are Forever

bighairlogo 12-02-2012 06:45 AM

Re: Diamonds are Forever
wow those look great!!

the jiggler 12-02-2012 12:53 PM

Re: Diamonds are Forever
In an age where details are routinely sacrificed for cost or expediency, it's really refreshing to see something like this. Good on ya Ed.

WaxingMoon 12-02-2012 01:12 PM

Re: Diamonds are Forever
Thanks everybody.... they're fun to build and bring to fruition....

I've finished 3 of them... six more to go. Here's the final pics....

A couple of 'em are for sale... put over in the retailer section... or, you can see 'em on my site as well...

Thanks again!

Bubinga, Wenge & Cocobolo
17.5" x 10.5" x 6"
150 Count

WaxingMoon 12-02-2012 01:14 PM

Re: Diamonds are Forever
Figured Birch, Leopardwood & Koa
17.5" x 10.5" x 6"
150 Count

WaxingMoon 12-02-2012 01:15 PM

Re: Diamonds are Forever
Figured Birch, Bloodwood & Pink Ivory
17.5" x 10.5" x 6"
150 Count

iaMkcK 12-02-2012 01:21 PM

Re: Diamonds are Forever

Originally Posted by WaxingMoon (Post 1758353)
Figured Birch, Bloodwood & Pink Ivory
17.5" x 10.5" x 6"
150 Count

Insanely gorgeous. Thanks for sharing! :-)

Zane 12-02-2012 10:25 PM

Re: Diamonds are Forever
Always love your work!

ColdCuts 12-03-2012 12:49 AM

Re: Diamonds are Forever

Brlesq 12-03-2012 04:37 AM

Re: Diamonds are Forever
Those look incredible! What craftsmanship!

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