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JoePa Statue coming down...
Rush to judgement before ALL evidence comes out?...Necessary for true healing and moving forward?...Thoughts...
Re: JoePa Statue coming down...
I agree with it personally. Enough evidence has been presented for me to form a pretty good opinion on the case. In my mind he's guilty until proven innocent.
Re: JoePa Statue coming down...
Sucks for what a legend he was but if he did what they say it's hard to leave it there! I was the biggest supporter of JoPa but I Just wish I knew all the facts
Re: JoePa Statue coming down...
I completely disagree with this. Until ALL the evidence has been brought to the table...stop making judgement. :2
But in the social media crazed world we live in today, I can understand why the university did it. |
Re: JoePa Statue coming down...
What evidence are we waiting for? A statement from Paterno perhaps? Are they planning a seance? One of his coaches raped little boys for 10 years... I can't imagine what you would need beyond that to take the guys statue down and cease all hero worship, but hey that's me.
Re: JoePa Statue coming down...
It was smart in the sense that it will prevent any vandalism of the statue or people taking it down themselves :2
Re: JoePa Statue coming down...
Was it Paterno who raped the boys? No...but here we go again, quick to judge Paterno based on media information. So to make sure I understand your point of view...since Paterno was the head football coach, actions of one his coaches were his fault? Since Sandusky was a pedofiler...Paterno must be involved? Come on man!!! So Paternos 46 year tenure has come to this? IMHO, this is very sad. Not nearly as sad as the abuse the victims were subjected too. But I personally believe the blame cannot be layed on Paterno for the actions of a troubled man. Compelling arguements can me made for both sides on this case. Bottom line up front is that the victims MUST be taken care of and Sandusky must pay for his crimes. In the wake of the aftermath of this tragic event, mudslinging, finger pointing and passing the buck are happening around the clock. While sad, the times we live in show that you can do 1,000 great things...but people will only remember you for the ONE mistake you make (Paterno for not going to the authorities). This being the great nation that it is...everyone is entitled to their own opinion. |
Re: JoePa Statue coming down...
Re: JoePa Statue coming down...
I agree it's sad that all the good Paterno did can be erased by the bad, but if the Freeh report is accurate, then the bad was enough. I really don't have much doubt of his investigative skills, considering he was head of the FBI.
But, if Paterno can somewhat clear his name, I agree with Christos that taking the statue down protects it from vandalism in the mean time. |
Re: JoePa Statue coming down...
Re: JoePa Statue coming down...
I have very strong feelings about this case but also agree with the notion that final judgment - and dissemination of the complete truth - has not yet occurred. While much information is public, and the actions/involvement of many are quite clear, the fact remains that we are all still forming opinions without the complete picture.
HOWEVER, I have to also agree that, while criminal judgment should not be made at this time, enough information has come to light to make a moral judgment on a few things. Specifically, regardless of the details of their actions, the failure by men (and I use that term very lightly) to stand up and stop the rape of children. The right choices in life are NEVER the easy choices but, invetibaly, we all face them and are put to the truest test of who we are. Many knew and collectively worked to hide what happened for a very long time. That man - and yes, the janitors, too - sacrificed his honor and deserves to have all of his life's good works stripped from history. They cemented their legacies. Not the media, not the courts, not those children. They chose to be remembered forever as men who allowed children to be raped when they could have stopped it. Nothing else will ever matter. This is one of those situations that is simply terrible in every possible way. The best we can possibly hope for is that we are all reminded of how important it is to live life with honor and do what is right, especially when the right thing is so hard... |
Re: JoePa Statue coming down...
Re: JoePa Statue coming down...
Re: JoePa Statue coming down...
You can bet that the people that made this decision know a lot more about the events than we do. |
Re: JoePa Statue coming down...
Re: JoePa Statue coming down...
Re: JoePa Statue coming down...
Re: JoePa Statue coming down...
As stated in a previous post, the Freeh report is extremely biased. Paterno reported the action to his boss (athletic director) and the action taken after that was out of his hands (as far as decision making). Agreed, again above, that once he saw the administrators weren't taking action...he should have went to the authorities. Paterno didn't run Penn State University...those decisions should have been made by the Board of Trustees/President. Why are there names not being drug through the mud like Paternos is? |
Re: JoePa Statue coming down...
Re: JoePa Statue coming down...
Re: JoePa Statue coming down...
, |
Re: JoePa Statue coming down...
Re: JoePa Statue coming down...
I am not sure what the mandatory reporting laws are for PA, but in Oregon, I believe this would not be a crime, but instead a violation. Further, in Oregon, report to your boss is not sufficient. It must be reported to a law enforcement official or DHS. I believe this makes the most sense. How can you believe that it is "right" to report this to a "chain of command" type of system instead of directly to DHS or LEO? When he went through the chain of command, it would be delayed and would be influenced by politics.
Also, how is the Fresh report biased? As a outsider I was amazed by the report. This is a internal investigation paid by the school. I was assuming that the report would have cleared the school of wrongdoing. Instead the report completely attacked the department and school admins for what happened. I was shocked and impressed. |
Re: JoePa Statue coming down...
This is one of those situations that is simply terrible in every possible way. The best we can possibly hope for is that we are all reminded of how important it is to live life with honor and do what is right, especially when the right thing is so hard...
Yup- I agree. Hindsight is always 20/20. |
Re: JoePa Statue coming down...
Biased in that it lumps "university" into whole. It clearly stated that Spainer, Curley and Schultz were the administration of PSU, not Paterno. The Freeh Report states that "university" didn't take the appropriate action in accordance with the law, failing to comply with the Clery Act. A federal law that requires reporting of certain crimes on campus. The report clearly tells of findings in what the university did wrong. It aso refers to the university and it's administrations faiures...again, Paterno was not in the decision making process for anything outside of the football program. |
Re: JoePa Statue coming down...
Its a shame it had to end this way. However, the statute needed to come down.
Re: JoePa Statue coming down...
I don't know what more we need to learn about JoePa other than his personal attempt to silence this matter and trying to sweep it under the rug rather than ensuring that Sandusky was reported years ago when he first knew about the acts. His desire was to keep from harming the school/program more so than protecting the innocent kids Sandusky was taking advantage of in the shower and everywhere else.
Re: JoePa Statue coming down...
Re: JoePa Statue coming down...
Calling a convicted pedophile "troubled" is like calling Charles Manson manipulative. It hardly conveys the true nature of their crimes.
Joe Pa did nothing to follow up on his initial "reporting" to the administration. In fact he actively worked to make sure the situation was minimized. He and the administrators were more concerned with the reputation of the university than the health and welfare of the children. How many who were molested chose not to come forward? Where is the Paterno family's concern for the victims? They are talking about funding an "independent" inquiry but have donated nothing towards those who were molested. :2 |
Re: JoePa Statue coming down...
Re: JoePa Statue coming down...
The bottom line is that Sandusky was a monster who preyed on children. Paterno's complicity in the matter makes him just as guilty IMO. His inaction resulted in further children being victimized. May both of them rot in the deepest portions of hell :2
Re: JoePa Statue coming down...
Sorry, I usually don't go "there" on this board, but that POS raped children. Death is too good for him. |
Re: JoePa Statue coming down...
The fact that he should have gone to the authorities and didn't I guess we agree on, I'm not sure if you feel this lack of reporting warrants his statue being removed, but I certainly do. The bottom line that is important to me: He knew children were being raped and did not tirelessly work to put a stop to it using any and all means at his disposal but instead allowed it to continue. Whether he actively tried to cover it up is, once again, unimportant. He knew about it, could have stopped it, and didn't even attempt to do so beyond some pass it off to someone else CYA bullcrap. Unless more evidence comes to light indicating he was on his way to the cops but was hit on the head and developed amnesia causing him to forget Sandusky was a child molester I really know all I need to be happy his statue is coming down. |
Re: JoePa Statue coming down...
Re: JoePa Statue coming down...
The total cost to the University is going to make taking the statue down irrelevant. The fact is he lacked morality in doing what was right in the Christian sense. Yes, he did what was required, but considering heinous nature of what his staff did; it was not enough.
Paterno's actions are not nearly as bad as the Chancellors, for which they should be punished legally. The University is going to lose tens of millions of dollars over this and think of the innocent children who were harmed. When Chancellors from PA’s other Universities heard what Penn did, they were beside themselves and rightly so. Perhaps over time there will be healing and his statue won’t represent something so gross, but for right now; removing it is appropriate. |
Re: JoePa Statue coming down...
Re: JoePa Statue coming down...
Maybe they should bury the statue's head in some sand.
Re: JoePa Statue coming down...
Touché. |
Re: JoePa Statue coming down...
Playing Devil's advocate for a minute.
How do we know that JoPa didn't consider taking it to the authorities, but was told not to, and that the higher-ups would take care of the problem? We may never know. Nonetheless, Sandusky needs to be "accidentally" put in general population. |
Re: JoePa Statue coming down...
http://img23.imageshack.us/img23/3458/eqjuo.png |
Re: JoePa Statue coming down...
Rob is funny, Sarah needs some Midol.
Re: JoePa Statue coming down...
http://www.explosm.net/comics/author/Rob/ /end threadjack |
Re: JoePa Statue coming down...
Did enough years pass by for him to realize no one ever notified the authorities as no action was taken at all? There is simply no excuse for his actions and more importantly, lack thereof. |
Re: JoePa Statue coming down...
Any parent that says the punishment is too harsh really needs to understand exactly what they are saying. |
Re: JoePa Statue coming down...
Guess which side I come down on. |
Re: JoePa Statue coming down...
To me, the people who commit these type of crimes on children vs. those who harbor them is a distinction without a difference. Sandusky is disgusting and so are the people who covered up this mess. :2
Re: JoePa Statue coming down...
It's going to be another 60 million by the time the civil suits against the university are settled.
Re: JoePa Statue coming down...
Re: JoePa Statue coming down...
I wish the child-molester enabling bastard was still alive so he could see his legacy and family name flushed, never to be revered again. He got out easy. His son and the rest of the family just needs to go away. But I am sure they will stay where they are, still worshiped by some morons in that town.
The idiots that still defend him or "the program" should be slapped into reality, hard. The Paterno name is Mudd! |
Re: JoePa Statue coming down...
It's a statue of a football coach, not a monumental world treasure. Leave it up, tear it down, never had it put up in the first place . . . what's the big woof?
I cannot help but recall that Dean Smith was not only the loudest, but nearly the sole, voice of protest when it was first proposed the Smith Center be named for him. He thought he was just a coach, and deserved no big credit, as it was his teams who played the game. The Paterno family needs a bit of this humility, and should put a sock in it. |
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