Cigar Asylum Cigar Forum

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poker 07-13-2012 09:03 AM

Did you know...
We had 55 new members sign up within just the last 13 days?

We have 1,670,710 posts as of today? (More than CS had before it sold)

On February 29, 2012 members made 1,533 posts here?

The "Funny Pics" thread alone has 6,779 posts and 405,217 views?

The original "Masshole Banter" thread alone had 8,922 posts?

Icehog3 has the highest post count? (kelmac07 is 2ed)

Most of our senior members joined not even 4 years ago on 10/14/2008?

:tuBig props to everyone for making the Asylum what it is today.:tu

ChicagoWhiteSox 07-13-2012 09:07 AM

Re: Did you know...
Thanks to you Kelly, and the rest of the Team. There is no CA without you guys.

Blak Smyth 07-13-2012 09:07 AM

Re: Did you know...
I wonder how many of the 1,533 posts I made on Feb 29th :r

Congrats to CA and the ToE, great site you have here.
Glad to be a part of it, and thanks for the opportunity to annoy people on a daily basis.

GreekGodX 07-13-2012 09:11 AM

Re: Did you know...
Posts and counts aside, this place is home. I've met some of my closest friends here and a lot of people I hope to keep in my life. I first called many of you "cigar friends", now I consider you many of you a part of my family.

shilala 07-13-2012 09:13 AM

Re: Did you know...
It's going real well. :tu

PCR 07-13-2012 09:15 AM

Re: Did you know...
CA is THE place to be. Many thanks to the team. So much knowledge and fun in one place.

Dave128 07-13-2012 09:25 AM

Re: Did you know...
Thanks to the ToE for making all of this possible!

pnoon 07-13-2012 09:29 AM

Re: Did you know...
When we started this place almost 4 years ago, we thought we would be fortunate if a few hunderd folks joined. Needless to say, this place has fluorished beyond anything we expected. That, in large part, is due to the membership here. The feeling of community and family is not something that can be engineered. It has evolved into something truly special. Thanks to everyone for making CA a truly special place.

Whee 07-13-2012 09:29 AM

Re: Did you know...

CigarNut 07-13-2012 09:42 AM

Re: Did you know...
Very Cool -- the ToE and the CA members -- Our CA Family -- have a lot to be proud of!

:tu :tu :noon

RobR1205 07-13-2012 09:43 AM

Re: Did you know...

Originally Posted by illinoishoosier (Post 1679035)


jdakine 07-13-2012 09:43 AM

Re: Did you know...
Being Part of CA for me, is having an extended family. A perfect example was attending the SoCal III this year. One Big Ohana. Mahalo to all that keep CAnwhatnit is today, Great job TOE!!!!!

elderboy02 07-13-2012 10:20 AM

Re: Did you know...

Originally Posted by ChicagoWhiteSox (Post 1679016)
Thanks to you Kelly, and the rest of the Team. There is no CA without you guys.

+1 :tu

LasciviousXXX 07-13-2012 10:30 AM

Re: Did you know...
Awesome! CA is an amazing place. I love knowing that no matter where I go in the world there is always a CA family member to meet up with and have a good time. It's like having a GIANT extended family :D

massphatness 07-13-2012 10:41 AM

Re: Did you know...

Originally Posted by poker (Post 1679014)
Icehog3 has the highest post count?

That's MR. Icehog :D

No matter how many boards I join, this place will always be home.

Ogre 07-13-2012 10:45 AM

Re: Did you know...
This is one AWESOME place. Its the only forum that I try to hit everyday. Thanks to the ToE and all the other smucks that I call my friends.

EricF 07-13-2012 10:47 AM

Re: Did you know...
CA is the bestest cigar forum on the planet!!!! :noon

Thanks to the ToE!!! :tu

jluck 07-13-2012 10:50 AM

Re: Did you know...
Thanks to all. Fire one up lets celebrate!:noon

WittyUserName 07-13-2012 11:01 AM

Re: Did you know...
Screw Disney World, this is the best place on earth!!!

ArgusP2 07-13-2012 11:44 AM

Re: Did you know...
what has been said and what has yet to be said!

CA has a special place in my heart for the obsession and the sense of family it engenders.

Trace63 07-13-2012 11:51 AM

Re: Did you know...
woot woot

OLS 07-13-2012 11:53 AM

Re: Did you know...

Originally Posted by poker (Post 1679014)
Icehog3 has the highest post count? (kelmac07 is 2ed)

DUH. He's a total post whore, so is that other one.



:r This is a classy board kept classy by people who care enough to foot the
bill and care enough to sort out the riff raff when they get riffraffy. SA-LUTE!
I am proud and humbled to still be allowed to participate here.

ChicagoWhiteSox 07-13-2012 12:03 PM

Re: Did you know...

Originally Posted by OLS (Post 1679148)
DUH. He's a total post whore, so is that other one.



:r This is a classy board kept classy by people who care enough to foot the
bill and care enough to sort out the riff raff when they get riffraffy. SA-LUTE!
I am proud and humbled to still be allowed to participate here.

You are proud and humbled... We, the asylum, are shocked:r:r

irratebass 07-13-2012 12:06 PM

Re: Did you know...
:l Thank you EVERYONE for making this place awesome!!!

sikk50 07-13-2012 12:13 PM

Re: Did you know...
I've made life long friends here. I've learned so much more here than I could ever have at a b&m. I found a home here when CS died, thanks to some sneaky blog posts.

All of this is bc 11 people didn't want to see then end of a tight nitt community. We are all in debt to you. Thank you

Whee 07-13-2012 12:23 PM

Re: Did you know...

Originally Posted by LasciviousXXX (Post 1679084)
Awesome! CA is an amazing place. I love knowing that no matter where I go in the world there is always a CA family member to meet up with and have a good time. It's like having a GIANT extended family :D

This really is the best part and probably the hardest to explain to people. No matter where we go, we can make a post and have dinner and a cigar with someone we've never met in person, but are old friends with nonetheless.

And with all the large herfs, we have more and more opportunities to meet those people face to face.:D

IBQTEE1 07-13-2012 12:24 PM

Re: Did you know...
Very cool post Kelly. I am glad that I joined this group of fabulous cigar smokers. I have met some lifelong friend. Hats off to the ToE.

Steve 07-13-2012 01:00 PM

Re: Did you know...

Silound 07-13-2012 01:58 PM

Re: Did you know...
I"ll drink to this!

drevim 07-13-2012 02:12 PM

Re: Did you know...
Thanks to the 11 for taking a stand and deciding to create a new home for us.

It's hard to believe that it's been almost 4 years (3 months short, I believe). This place has created some of the best friendships I have.

68TriShield 07-13-2012 02:54 PM

Re: Did you know...
That's heavy man...


NeuRon 07-13-2012 02:55 PM

Re: Did you know...
staggering numbers indeed!

props to the fellow members and admins of the best cigar website on the internet.. w00t

kaisersozei 07-13-2012 03:37 PM

Re: Did you know...
Thanks to the ToE & the members for making this a great place. It spoils you for other boards--have not found any forum on any topic that is this hospitable, inviting or brotherly. WTG B/SOTL!

Eleven 07-13-2012 03:42 PM

Re: Did you know...


shark 07-13-2012 04:52 PM

Re: Did you know...

Originally Posted by LasciviousXXX (Post 1679084)
Awesome! CA is an amazing place. I love knowing that no matter where I go in the world there is always a CA family member to meet up with and have a good time. It's like having a GIANT extended family :D

Yep, this is very true. It makes me a little sad to see so many other cigar BB's either go by the wayside, or lose so many members that nobody posting at those places ever gets together anymore, or whatever. This is one of the few left that has actual traffic, and this goes way beyond just sitting in my chair at home and posting on the Internet....I've had a blast at the herfs posted about here...Mike's (357's)Metamora Herfs are always worth going to, and I've met a lot of great people because of Cigar Asylum.

MarkinAZ 07-13-2012 04:54 PM

Re: Did you know...

Originally Posted by poker (Post 1679014)
:tuBig props to everyone for making the Asylum what it is today.:tu

Hey, no problem Kelly. What I want to know is, what in the heck happened to the laundry service on Thursdays? The dirty clothes are piling up in my room! Oh sure, sounds like I need to see the Chaplin huh?;)


Originally Posted by jdakine (Post 1679050)
Being Part of CA for me, is having an extended family. A perfect example was attending the SoCal XIII this year. One Big Ohana. Mahalo to all that keep CAnwhatnit is today, Great job TOE!!!!!

...fixed mi amiego!


Originally Posted by massphatness (Post 1679100)
No matter how many boards I join, this place will always be home...

:confused:...there are other boards Vin???

shark 07-13-2012 04:59 PM

Re: Did you know...

Originally Posted by GreekGodX (Post 1679020)
Posts and counts aside, this place is home. I've met some of my closest friends here and a lot of people I hope to keep in my life. I first called many of you "cigar friends", now I consider you many of you a part of my family.

:banger :tu And that's what this BOTL thing is all about, Christos.

maninblack 07-13-2012 07:54 PM

Re: Did you know...
Never been a part of such a great community of people. Learned so much here and I blame all of you crazy people for my ride down the slippery slope!! I love this place! Thank you ToE!!

markem 07-13-2012 08:03 PM

Re: Did you know...
and to think that we have John C. to thank for all this ;)

it is true, just not pleasant.

G G 07-13-2012 08:26 PM

Re: Did you know...
Awesome in all respects.

Jasonw560 07-13-2012 09:24 PM

Re: Did you know...
I feel like I could say, "Hey, I'll be in (city)" and there'd be someone there to hang out with while I'm there, although I've never met any of you (yet).

icehog3 07-13-2012 10:30 PM

Re: Did you know...

Originally Posted by markem (Post 1679464)
and to think that we have John C. to thank for all this ;)

it is true, just not pleasant.

The answer to the riddle, "What happens when a pufferfish stubs his ToE?"

As a wise man (Da Klugs) once said, the ToE just provided the canvas...the rest of you painted the picture. :)

jledou 07-13-2012 10:42 PM

Re: Did you know...
February 29, 2012 my MIL lost her battle with Cancer - funny how dates picked by someone means something different to others. The help in the way of great discussion/jokes/banter/etc that no one here new they provided on the days leading up to that and since then truly make this the special place it is.
Thanks to everyone for making this a great community.

Steve 07-14-2012 07:41 AM

Re: Did you know...

Originally Posted by Jasonw560 (Post 1679499)
I feel like I could say, "Hey, I'll be in (city)" and there'd be someone there to hang out with while I'm there, although I've never met any of you (yet).

Perodically I travel for work. Earlier in my career I did a lot of traveling, so now that I am older it does not excite me that much to be away from my family. The one thing that I do enjoy about it though is that I get to meet p with my B/SOTL when I do.

RevSmoke 07-14-2012 08:33 AM

Re: Did you know...

Originally Posted by pnoon (Post 1679034)
When we started this place almost 4 years ago, we thought we would be fortunate if a few hunderd folks joined. Needless to say, this place has fluorished beyond anything we expected. That, in large part, is due to the membership here. The feeling of community and family is not something that can be engineered. It has evolved into something truly special. Thanks to everyone for making CA a truly special place.


Peace of the Lord be with you.

SmokeyJoe 07-14-2012 09:18 AM

Re: Did you know...
Much appreciation to you, Kelly, and the rest of the Team of Eleven!

I found the old place in Oct. 2006... and I am grateful for the opportunity I got to be here at Cigar Asylum from day one. The word that has been used repeatedly is "family," and I am grateful for the family I have found here.

It is gratifying to see that CA isn't just surviving, but going strong! This is the best forum, because we have the best mods. You guys rock.

Drez 07-14-2012 09:19 AM

Re: Did you know...
i am glad and blessed that i was directed to this site and to this day CA is my "happy place"

a very big thank you to the ToE but also to all the members on here. be safe my brothers and lets keep this place growing!!!!

Ender 07-14-2012 09:30 AM

Re: Did you know...

Originally Posted by GreekGodX (Post 1679020)
Posts and counts aside, this place is home. I've met some of my closest friends here and a lot of people I hope to keep in my life. I first called many of you "cigar friends", now I consider you many of you a part of my family.

Well said Christos. For this reason I'm very grateful for the ToE.

jjirons69 07-15-2012 08:17 PM

Re: Did you know...

We ARE the Internet!

LasciviousXXX 05-28-2014 03:27 PM

Re: Did you know...
Old thread bumps are best thread bumps :tu

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